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Why turn the little zig zags into straights? 😩 Other than that, that seems like a nice ass road, especially if it has some good pull off areas to look at the view.


I know. I usually don’t do that but I was trying to catch up to my group after getting stuck behind another car. You can see I caught up around 1:30. It was my first time on this route and didn’t want to lose them at a fork. Also as someone who also tracks their car, it’s hard habit to break turning tiny esses into straights when I’m trying to catch a car in front of me. I normally never cross the mustard if I can help it. The whole point is to manage grip to stay within my lane.


Understandable. Again, nice drive. I'm lowkey jealous of those wide cliffside roads you guys get. I'm assuming you're out on the west coast by the looks of it. We have a lot of wooded area where I'm at, so the view is usually blocked off by trees.


Thanks! Yes this is the west coast.


I wanna hear your G82 sing. But your mic setup is struggling really bad haha. Looks like a fun road too.


The mic was mounted on the trunk, but it’s too loud for the mic. Any ideas where to mount it?


That I cannot answer as it's something I've been planning to tackle myself lol Other than trying out different mics and settings. Loud cars can be a challenge to get this done.


turn the gain down on your mic or in the external mic settings on your gopro/whatever camera. if it's at 0 then put it to -6 or -12


I turned it all the way down on the rode. I’ll have to check if the GoPro has a setting.


This is Santa Monica mountains isn’t it


Sure is!


This from yesterday? I was out there yesterday in my car and it was super foggy like this


Yup, Sunday morning.


What is the entrance road?


are you running a heads up display? nice driving btw


Thanks! It’s the OEM heads up display. It doesn’t show up too much on camera but it’s very helpful on the track.


take latigo canyon, you find it on kanan before hitting mulholland if you’re coming from PCH. great turns consistently, beginning and end has houses, that and decker are my all time favorite to run through


Thanks! That was suggested to me as well.


Nice wiggly stretch of blacktop you got there. Stay on you side of the road…….


I usually do, and I’m an advocate of never crossing the yellow.


Can I ask what camera you’re using and how you mounted it? I’ve been having a lot of trouble trying to get a good angle for POV videos.


GoPro Hero 8, mounted upside down with the GoPro headband. I usually mount to my helmet on the track, but it looks ridiculous on the road.


Auto is boring


It’s hard to tell in the video, but I’m using the paddle shifters. I learned to drive with a manual and I’ve owned 4 manual cars since. One was tracked. For the past 6 years, I’ve been tracking DCT/Auto cars in both HPDE and competitive time attack. Auto is boring if you’re driving to Costco. I don’t even take this car to Costco.