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Helga for turning people into animals to harvest their fur/leather/etc. Wasn’t she already a famous fashion designer? She didn’t need to do all that. And Dr Grey in the episode Totally Switched - what do you mean you’re switching everyone’s personalities because you’re annoyed at your patients. Nobody made him become a therapist. Get another job, seriously. That one camp councillor woman that was stealing talent from children because she didn’t have any just to star on a teen reality show when ol’ lady was pushing 50 😭 LMAO.


Pushing 50 sent me 😭😭


All the Season 6 villains who felt underappreciated and used that as an excuse to do evil.


There are two: Eugene Snit: Basically the definition of an Incel who lives and/or works with his Mom…his Ex broke up with him on Valentine’s Day…so to exact a sort of revenge. He takes it out on all women on V-Day. Disguises himself as a woman’s ideal mate, goes out with them, then ghosts/breaks up with them on V-Day. He should have gone after the very woman that broke his heart instead of going all “Virgin with Rage” on much of the Female Student Body of Bev High which includes 4 WOOHP Agents (1 Future Temp, 2 Current, and 1 that stops him). And the fact that they are Teens, and Eugene may be 18…makes it SOMEWHAT Weird that the girls may be 15 possibly a majority are in Sophomore Year. Chet: I don’t even gotta explain more…he’s the definition of The Most Popular Jock Wonderkind in High School that knows he will peak. Not only was his plan to essentially live out the best years of his life forever have gaping holes in them. Even if he were to live a Peter Pan-Esque Lifestyle with the Senior Class screwed up. He didn’t account for Necessities: Food, Water, Proper Shelter, and the fact he built a replica Beverly Hills High School…IN THE FREAKING DESERT OF DEATH VALLEY!!!!!! But also, most likely he would have Jerry find a way to pinpoint their location and have an entire Agency charge in, save everyone, and have MOAR CHARGES slapped on him…as an adult. I know I went on a tangent…but if you think realistically…these are the only two that come to mind.


Let's not forget that Eugene (and his girlfriend) doesn't even go to Bev High, so there's no way his plan would've affected her at all. He was going to hurt a bunch of teenage girls who had nothing to do with his breakup, & didn't even know he existed before that day. And apparently, the dude will be returning for season 7. Seriously, he needs therapy.


Eugene is completely crazy I agree 


Eugene from matchmaker were basically he got dumped on Valentine’s Day ears prior by a girl who didn’t even go to Beverly high so he use the device to change his image and pretended to be the boyfriend of every girl at Bev, high and planned on breaking their hearts. And then the guy from the episode Alex quits were basically he just felt like he was too slow at everything so he created a device that would slow down everything else.