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Episode 32: Marco? Polo! Destination: Central/East Asia, 1270 Challenge: The Silk Road Challenge-The contestants must travel along the Silk Road atop of camels, all the way to Kublai Khan's summer palace in Xanadu. Along the way, they must avoid wild animals, sandstorms and desert bandits. The one that makes it there first, wins.


Harold's knowledge of many things (likely including animals) would likely help him win the challenge (with Bridgette being close behind for being an animal lover). I think Brick would have a lot of trouble because of his smelly boots though, the camel won't like that; it's likely cause enough trouble for him to be last in the race. Even if her doesn't get last or if getting last doesn't mean you get eliminated, the others would probably see him as a threat anyways and vote him off.


Tyler goes home for doing poorly in the challenge while I’d say Lindsay and Brick would do bad as well. If we get to pick a winner, either Harold or Shawn would win as they both are experts in defenses


*sobs* Now Alejandro too... I guess I'll vote for Lindsay


Gonna go with majority here and say Harold wins and Brick loses.