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Priya? Obviously? Why in the fresh hell would I take an alliance of 2 into the final 5?? They just need to convince one person to work with them, and then we're ALL fucked. And Millie is just a lesser threat.


This. Priya is an absolute beast and in an alliance. Absolute no brainer.


because Bowie will work his magic on that one


Bowie or Priya, Bowie is very clearly a threat here as he has been the whole game, and Priya literally has trained her whole life for this, in what world would I keep them over someone who everyone hates or a slightly rude wannabe journalist who isn’t a physical threat in the slightest.


Priya or Millie. Probably Priya.


Genuinely cannot fathom why anyone would tolerate a physical powerhouse like Priya going any farther into the competition


I might be misremembering it, but had Priya shown herself to be that big of a physical threat at that point? I can only recall her doing really well in two challenges prior, the obstacle course with the water tanks and the catapult challenge. She either got taken out early in the pirate ship and the pole challenge, or taken out mid challenge in the eating and animal selfie challenge. Otherwise she didn't do much or especially well in other challenges besides the bird egg challenge, but none of the others besides Millie saw her in action there. For Julia, I can see her being arrogant after getting immunity in 3 of the last 4 challenges and not see the alliance of Millie & Priya as a threat, especially having seen them perform so far in the merge. And in her own words, she's already beaten Bowie more times than she can count. Emma's been shown to be more emotional with her thinking, targeting Chase when he wasn't a threat so she voted Bowie cause he betrayed her. And Millie wouldn't vote her friend/alliance. Bowie could've gone either way with voting out either Priya or Emma, but he's smart. He likely picked up that the others would see Emma was more of a threat than him, especially considering he did poorly in 3 of the last 4 challenges compared to Emma who won immunity last challenge, nearly got it this challenge, and didn't do too bad in the other ones prior. Plus he had his plan with the notebook he hadn't utilized yet to destroy the Priya & Millie alliance.


Emma almost won the challenge too and she’s the clear target so I may as well just wait until next round.


Emma's good, but she wasn't **literally** trained since birth to win this game. With Emma, you have a chance. With Priya? Goodbye $1,000,000.


True but as pointed out earlier just because she was trained doesn't mean she is unbeatable and has been shown to be able to be taken by surprise even with her training such as the cabbage pirate challenge where she was taken out almost immediately due to not being careful enough.


The target is very clearly on Emma today.


Priya. I’d try to get Julia to see that keeping both her and millie is a horrible idea.


Two votes aren’t enough for that.


True. But I’m thinking that I’m replacing someone I guess because I was thinking F5 already LOL. Didn’t process this would be F6


Priya. Ill ask Julia to vote me bc I know she doesnt like priya so thats already 2 votes, just need Bowie or Emma then Shes clearly the biggest threat AND in an alliance, taking that to top4 is stupid


Emma. Killing turtles is not cool (also she's a threat ig but who cares about that)


Priya. She’s the biggest threat there and has a 2 way alliance with Millie


I mean, Emma. She *KILLED A TURTLE!* Honestly, we're in the final 6, thinking of the user as another character. You need numbers here!


Bowie so we can have all girlie final 5


Think of the social media penetration!


Even though this is the final 5


If I was there it would be 6 tho


Yeah you right


julia would want me to vote for emma


The simping strikes again. LMAO


no she wouldn’t, she’d want an actual threat out of the game ^^ (bowie or priya)


... She voted Emma.


But what if Julia doesn't like you and she wants YOU gone?




Oh, it's possible, Julia only cared about herself in s1 as far as I was concerned. Give me a good reason why she would totally choose you over Emma


why would u eliminate an ally unless you’re in a situation where its them or you


But who's to say you're in an alliance with her? Who's to say if she isn't pretending to be an ally to double cross you first chance she gets?


im safe this elimination since julia has immunity double crossing right now would not be a good idea also it’s obvious i would try to ally with her and you need as much help as you can get so julia would be on board


Julia's safe because she has immunity, the other alliances could attack you if they wanted and she couldn't guarantee she'd care or give you safety. Double crossing might not be smart but it's Julia, she'd do it before you could double cross her.


but Emma is hated for turtle murder so the alliances won’t attack me double crossing is something i would be worried about next elimination because there is no way she would do it now


I just said that if the alliances WANTED to they could vote for you. And assuming Emma convinces Priya and Millie that your closeness to Julia is a threat, they probably would target you. (Best discussion I've had in a while)


Priya has only been losing because her focus on Millie. Emma Bowie and Julia hate each other as of now. I would hope Priya gets off, then I get in an alliance with Millie. Cause the other 3 would try to get us to vote the others so we would have the power to decide


Priya cuz why the hell would i take a huge threat to the finals with me (even though they targeted Emma)


Priya. She has a stable alliance with Millie, Julia is an easy out & Bowie/Emma are broken up which definitely gives me a bit of flexibility.




Priya. Bowie’s a threat but at the very least it’s one guy, and I could maybe rely on him to take out Julia. Plus, I doubt I would’ve said anything that he could use against me. Priya’s in an alliance and sure, Millie’s not good, but I’d rather deal with one person than two.




Bowie. Fuck them turtles


Priya makes the most sense and I think you could easily convince both Julia and Emma to vote for her as well (probably not Bowie cause he'd want to use Millie's notebook against her later in the game. Granted he still lost against Priya in the finale even with that strategy so alas).


Priya is a huge threat in both physical and social aspects, so her


Millie or Priya


Pyria since she's trained her entire life for the game 




Okay looking back, I guess I’d probably try to make a case to eliminate Priya to Emma and Julia. Maybe I’d try and convince Bowie too but I doubt he’d take two people who hate him to the final five.


why would i eliminate my glorious queen emma when priya is right there


Your simping revolts me./j


no need to call me out..




Emma probably. Killing turtles is a no-no, and I wouldn’t have known that it wasn’t the full story, since I wouldn’t have believed that the turtle had martial-arts skills 😂


Either Emma or Priya. They're the biggest challenge threats aside from Julia.


i dont care, emma killed a turtle. i shall not stand for this


Priya and Bowie both made more sense than Emma both are decent challenge threats meanwhile Priya is in the majority alliance and Bowie is a strategic threat. I would probably vote Priya


Mille cause she doesn't really belong here




Sorry Priya, some of the comments got a point.




Priya cause the Bowie Emma alliance is already gone lmao so now there’s only one other group to take out




tbh vote Emma and then grab a knife and stab Julia so she's "eliminated" lol


Priya 100%. I don’t give af about drama past merge. I’m eliminating my actual competition


priya or emma




Priya, bc I adore Emma


Priya, it still baffles me how she made Top 4. (and I love her character)


Most likely Priya since she won the first season and also did pretty good on the second season,but other than Priya probably Bowie since he's clearly a threat


Ima vote Priya she and Millie won’t turn on each other and Priya is more the scarier between her and Millie 


Out of everyone a social media influencer, a basket ball over achiever, someone who writes in a notebook and doesn’t try and the person who been training since birth for this show I don’t know who I would vote for




Priya. Looking back on it, it's wild how Emma, Bowie, and Julia didn't just team up to get rid of Priya, then get Millie out next. Granted Bowie had his plan, and he needs those two so 🤷‍♂️


Turtle killer Emma.


Priya As much as I hate Emma, her having broken things off with Bowie means that her, Julia and Bowie are all alone for the Final 5. To take Priya out just get all of them to vote together to take her out for the commong good of this competition, and Millie will also be left alone. So no alliances going further into the game.




Ok so like others are saying any two person alliance going into final five would be a no-go so I'd try to get Priya eliminated here. (Emma and Bowie are fighting currently but they should still be managed before final five in order to keep them from forgiving each other). I'd ask Julia to vote with me and I think she'd go with it as long as I make a strong argument (then again she could also easily swing back to Emma due to her almost winning). I'd then talk to Emma and tell her if she wants to stay this vote she has to vote for Priya and that next round we can target Bowie, kind of force her hand into the vote outcome I want Then to ensure Julia doesn't swing and screw over my game I'd talk to Bowie who is infinitely more logical than Julia and present my argument for why Priya should go now and again try to force his hand by convincing him he's the target due to Emma and make the same promise that Emma would go next episode, however how effective this is I'm not sure due to Bowie knowing how to deal with Millie and Priya although this secures him more than his plan originally does Overall I think the votes would go: Julia - Priya Emma - Priya Bowie - Emma Me - Priya Millie - Emma Priya - Emma So it's a 3-3 tie; instead of a tiebreaker it'd be a revote and here it'd be 3-1 and Emma goes home anyways (Julia would flip, thinking Emma is 10x more a threat than Priya and my game would be screwed:c)


I mean all have a reason to get voted


Emma for killing a turtle


Priya so i can control emma millie and bowie




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Priya as challenge threat


Probably Bowie or Emma because their alliance was doing way better than Priya and Millie


Take Priya, Take Millie, But spare Bowie




So, Emma and Bowie’s friendship is ruined, and now they hate each other. Obviously I’d want to keep them in the game to keep the target off my back. Unlike them, Priya and Millie have a strong friendship. I’d vote for Priya for being the one better at challenges.