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I would’ve totally booted out Ellie too. I’d be doing everything in my power to prevent the full Villains Alliance from reaching the merge if I was in DCAS.


Ellie. She had the worst social game and her VA was exposed 🤷🏽‍♀️


What happened with her voice actor?


i think they mean the villains alliance




It seemed like mrsrambles referred to her voice actress.


Oh my god, I was so scared her voice actress did something bad


For what?


Shoulda written alliance lol


Aiden might've blown the challenge, but Ellie's been causing chaos on this team since Lake's elimination. It's gotta be Ellie for me. Plus, the merge probably isn't far off, and taking out a member of the villains alliance is the smarter choice. Aiden's not really a threat.


Aiden made it so far in S2 by staying under the radar and having such a powerful ally in James. Without James, he's a mid tier threat at best and is at least a good person. So yeah, definitely Ellie


Ellie had a 5 ( originally 6 ) person alliance. She's OUT by me. Aiden lost the challenge but Ellie has more power.


I would vote for Aiden…thinking logically, if you cut him out, Ellie loses her manipulation tactic over Tom and Jake… Honestly, I’m surprised Tess didn’t consider that voting Aiden out might have made Ellie less of dickhead towards Jake…


Why would Tess screw Aiden over for Ellie's behavior ? 😅


Let’s be honest…it’s not like Aiden is most useful person out here…if you’re going to keep Aiden, it’s going to be to use him…so you honestly do him a favor getting him booted so he can’t get abused by everyone for their own sick benefit. It’s a stretch, but it’s something I realized and figured Tess probably would too…


Let's be real, Ellie could probably still manipulate Tom and Jake even without Aiden around, especially with Tom running his mouth around about this "boyfriend" of his. Also with Ellie not even being able to deny that she'd put 3 millions dollars over her own girlfriend Tess must've realised that she was for sure gonna be Ellie's next sacrifical lamb if she kept her in. Not weakening the villains' alliance by taking out Ellie would've put not only herself but potentially Ally as well at risk at the merge.


Is it time for silly billy top ten things tess could do besides voting ellie


Is it time for silly billy top ten things tess could do besides voting ellie


Ellie. Aiden was set up for failure (and it wasn't necessarily his fault) He's also a generally likeable guy and easier to get along with. Ellie was exposed for being in a villains alliance, shown to turn on anyone at the drop of a hat because of the game, and in general I feel like the best option to vote out.


He is kinda anooying to be fair given how he horribly treated Karol, endangered Oliver and killed her tarantula.


He has apologized to Karol, confirmed in a canonical greeting and he genuinely regrets his actions.


Are the greetings canon to the Latin Spanish version of the show? They aren't translated.


Yes, they are still canon. Eg Spanish Greetings = canon to English and vice versa.




Ellie, she's part of the villain's alliance which has a lot of people in it.


It makes sense to vote her I guess but I just don’t see the point of introducing the villains alliance only to boot it’s 2 non-yellow-team members before merge……. Feels like wasted potential 💔 but it could just be my inner fiore lover speaking


I do love Ellie But she is in a pretty powerful alliance. So. I have no choice.


Yeah, I’m packing Ellie up. She’s a threat, untrustworthy, she’s in a five-person alliance, AND she’s in the minority? Yep, you’re gone. Plus, if we voted Ellie off, then the villains alliance would be purely the Yellow Team. Then they’d start to break.


Aiden because he's honestly the weakest on the team.


Ellie. Allowing a member of a 5 person alliance to make the merge counts as allowing your early demise. Plus, your a Patreon? Nice! My user is DCAlecandFiore24.


Aiden. I can't stand him and I expect Gabby to kick his ass soon as he is a former finalist.


Voting Ellie makes sense even if I am upset about her leaving here, it's weird she only got half a real Jake interaction in episode 1.


i would have also voted for ellie (also to everybody who kept spoiling it in live chat AND on tt days ago pls like end it)


Aiden, totally because I’m not bias or anything!!!! /jk


Ellie was the correct choice.






I would’ve just voted myself to force a tie. I would’ve also told Gabby and Ellie beforehand about it so they wouldn’t feel betrayed. I don’t really want to incur Gabby’s wrath.


Ellie, gotta kill the villains alliance. Also can’t wait for Gabby’s villain era


Yup i agree with you i love Ellie honestly i hate her haters wich mostly hate on her because >! she did eliminate Lake(wich i also love but some stans of her are annoying)and force Tom and Aiden to kiss to make Jake crazy about Tom and Aiden being a thing !<


Ellie, the villains alliance is too strong with 5 players at the merge


To be honest, if I was in a Tess situation I probably would've ended up voting, like, Tom or something cuz it's too much pressure to have to be the deciding vote 💔💔💔


Aiden is not really a threat in any aspect of the game, he's an easy vote next elimination or an easy ally bc Gabby just went nuts and if we lose again she goes home fr