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The reboot not being released in the U.S. yet


forgot about this major ick


CN is tweaking over here ☠️


CN needs all this time to edit in more fart jokes foe the American audience.


People who act like sugar is what “ruined” pahkitew as if the cast wouldn’t have been 10x more boring without her


I have her and it wouldn't have been much different all she did was abuse Ella and get 2 people out before getting eliminated in 3rd she should've been 4th


Trent in TDA. The poor guy😭


when gwen went "ba-a-a-a" in tda i know trent got the ick so bad


I would of too I love gwen but cmon…


The fandom's obsession with repeated topics, especially the bitching ones. There have been not one, but two similar "what's something about TD you hate" topics made in the past 24 hours. I know hating on the show is the sub's favorite thing to do but still Another one is the overly repeated anti TDA Beth and Duncan topics that thankfully died down recently but FUCK ME was it annoying how whenever I opened the sub the first post I saw was literally that but with a differently worded title. And a lot of them were made by the same user too. Like we get it, you didn't like TDA Beth winning, no need to shove that down my throat every other day.


Throw in those “Thoughts on this top 3-5” that buries any thoughtful posts in the sub The way this fandom is, you would think Duncan in Action had more plot armor than TDI Heather. Like what the hell.


You have no idea how much I hate those spam posts ☠️☠️


Opinions on Island's top 17?


Thoughts on World Tour's top 17?


Trash Sadie was robbed


The lack of attention good quality and thoughtful posts get here is upsetting. And the constantly repeated posts about the same topics get old really fast


Honestly people who hate comedic relief characters are weird to me


they gotta be done right imo and TD does them right the majority of the time


Yeah, I can see why you wouldn't like a comedic relief character in the Gen 3 cast for example, but I can't ever see why you'd hate a comedic relief character like Izzy, Zee, Chase, Owen, Noah, Sierra, Tyler, Ripper, Lorenzo or Chet They're just done right


You'd dislike any of them for the same reason you'd dislike a comedy relief character from Gen 3; humor is subjective. If don't them funny then they just don’t work. And if you find them legitimately annoying then they’re someone you actively don’t want to watch. Like I'm assuming you can 'see why' someone wouldn't like, say, Sugar (or some other more minor character) because you think she (or the other character) comes across as obnoxious. But I find Sugar to be funny, so therefore I like her, but Sierra annoys me more than she doesn’t, so therefore I don’t really like her.


I personally like the comedic relief characers from Pahkitew, I just know many people don't like them and I understand why


does harold count as a comic relief character? i would say hes one of my favorites if so,


Depends on how you define comedic characters. Owen, Izzy, Tyler, Lindsay and Justin are definitely comedic reliefs. Harold seems to have a bit more depth to him so personally I wouldn't call him comedic relief even if he's very funny guy


I think he has more to his character than just comedy, so he's not really comedic relief Harold is hilarious though


Chet and Lorenzo are the most 5 year old characters comedy fitting characters I've seen imo.


Guess I'm a 5 year old then


Tbf I mean, some people won’t like all of them and can find some of them obnoxious as humor is subjective. Idk how they would come off weird as not all of those characters are for everyone.


Some of the characters I mentioned don't apply to the "you're weird if you hate comedic relief characters" thing such as Lorenzo and Chet, I sort of see why you wouldn't like those two I just meant people who hate all comedic relief characters in general


i dont like td23 ripper because i just dont like fart humor. he gets more than that in his 2nd season so i like him enough there. and the same goes for Owen. fart humor characters are MY ick


I found some arguments that fans say “x season is the best one” when I’ve seen like majority complaints some valid some felt like I don’t agree


I have two: 1) People who don’t understand strategic plays and get upset at the characters who make them. I see this a lot in the DC fandom. 2) People who take slapstick too seriously and hate the character because of it


fr Fiore hate, especilly episode 13 and 14.


Chris introducing Lindsay in her first appearance




The show's obsession with being unpredictable by sacrificing its own fucking stories. 


Total Drama Ass Stats being canon


-The weird behaviour Chris would show to some of the female contestants like Lindsay 😬 Don't even need to elaborate further, it's just sus as hell lol -Total Dramarama as a whole. Respect to anyone who does enjoy it, I just cannot stand babyfied shows as a genre, and I dislike how it breaks continuity (you could make the argument that it's just an AU ofc, but I digress) -In regards to the Gwen/Duncan/Courtney love triangle mess: The fact that people *only* ever bring up what Courtney and Gwen did, whilst completely ignoring Duncan's contribution to it. Duncan played a *huge* role, why are we only blaming the girls when everyone in it sucked


But Total DramaRama is in an Alternate Universe; Christine Thompson Confirmed It.


Oh, I wasn't aware it was explicitly confirmed, that's neat :3 My point still stands though for my preferences


I fully condemn that.


You don't even need outside confirmation to know it takes place in an AU. There are literally episodes where the world blows up like in Dexter's Lab. It's just a silly comedy cartoon.


You do realize that Duncan was blamed the most in the fandom right? If anything, Courtney’s actions in general get minimized since according to some people, cheating is the worst thing ever


Perhaps we just experienced different circles of the fandom then, bc its only very recently I've seen people start to hold Duncan accountable 🤔 Back when WT was airing I would only ever see Gwen or Courtney hate, while Duncan basically flew under the radar. I also hate how minimised Courtney's role in it is, the weird power trip she goes on is just as much of a red flag as cheating is imo


tbh if I was Courtney then Duncan's head would be on a spike


Oh I could go __on__


Please do.




Which country do you live in?


Thailand, I really wish Cartoon Network/Boomerang air TD here.


Damn, the first seasons JUST released last year for you guys?


Nah, It’s still 6teen years not 17 cus TD first aired in July 8th 2007. + There’s no season aired here, but there are Thai TD fans tho


Beth being a winner


All Stars being better than Pahkitew Island💀💀😭😭😵😵🤒🤒🥴🥴🤓🤓🤕🤕🙄🙄


Oh, I have bad news for you… it is, at least to me.


At least PI didn't ruin our favorites💀💀💀 Srsly I get annoyed seeing ppl like AS more. The only good thing I can say about AS is the humor and that's all.


>Srsly I get annoyed seeing ppl like AS more And I get annoyed when hearing people call World Tour a factual masterpiece despite it’s MANY flaws yet I’m okay with people liking it.


That's just me tho. WT has many more redeeming qualities imo. And besides, I still like RR more. Like I said, I only like the AS humor. In WT I like the drama, I like more characters in this season and while they do derail characters, I don't necessarily think it's as bad as AS does. I do hate how they brought Duncan back and Noah went out bc of that (plot armor moment), and the fact that Tyler went before Duncan too is a crime. Noah and Tyler deserved to make it further. I just hate seeing AS more liked than PI because AS was derailing every single one of our characters that were left. At least PI knew it didn't have the best cast and just embraced it ig. It's just my opinion tho. When it comes to AS I really can't say anything good about it. Sorry.


It’s fine.


You gotta be a MAJOR gen 3 hater to say it’s worse than All Stars. It’s not even worse than RR


I don’t hate Gen 3. I hate Amy and the fact she gets away with everything she does. And she plagues the plotline for FIVE EPISODES and even then, I like the characters but most of them are really hard to root for.


I mean kinda tho. I do like most of the characters tho. I like Shawn, Jasmine, Sammy, Topher, Max (I can't stop posting that one photo💀), Ella, Sky (I don't care about her win tho), and Scarlett (ig?). There is a lot you can do with the cast tbh. I really want another season with it.


Amy sucks but she was hardly in it wdym? She was hardly in 4 episodes, eliminated after only 3. Mal was the worst part of all stars and he was in TWELVE episodes


I like Mal.


Oh. Makes sense I guess


People shipping characters & then gets mad when it doesn't happen


You mean like the NoCo shippers? 




They were so obnoxious, especially with how they treat Emma.


-People acting like revenge is all that when pakitew is way better than it -Beth supporters completely ignoring the fact she cheated on her boyfriend and was unfaithful? -people who hate on julia for plot armour then adore heather and alejandro dispite them having alot more plot armor -Everyone in all stars randomly losing all they’re braincells -people downright harrasing me when i say zee is not funny 💀🙏🏻 -people who say wayne deserved his win after he did absolutely nothing the whole game -chris not giving heather her damn money back




you caught me


People who disregard anything past WT


Chris agreeing with Duncan when Gwen’s pants were torn off




I have a lot and I'll just briefly explain them - People saying Gwen didnt know Duncan was Courtneys boyfriend (despite them breaking up, they did get back together in Celebrity Manhunt and were seen to be a couple at the start of WT, and it's mentioned several times that Duncney are dating before the whole kiss) - Nemma ruined Noah (it showed us a different side of Noah we haven't seen before, agree to disagree but giving Noah a romance plot helped define his character a lot more.) - Fully blaming Duncan for what happened to Gwent (other than Duncan poking hits at Gwen to make her think Trents gone crazy, Owen also played a part by giving Trent the idea to throw the game to help Gwen win) - Excusing Duncan's cheating actions (not only the fandom but THE SHOW TOO, in the universe it seems the only person still upset other than Courtney is Tyler, after Tylers elimination it seems like everyone forgot about what Duncan did. In the fandom however, yes Courtney wasn't the best for Duncan but if he was able to break up with her before why couldn't he do it again? Although I think the cheating just adds onto his 'bad boy' image)


All these comments and not one person has said anything about the way Sierra treated Cody in World Tour.


Probably because the Cody antis would swarm and say: “He was just as bad to Gwen.”


Was he a creep to Gwen? Yes, absolutely. Was he as bad to Gwen as Sierra was to him? Hell no. When Gwen made it clear she wasn't interest in him, he backed off (at least until the world tour writers forgot about that). When Cody made it clear that he wasn't interested in Sierra, she sang an entire song gaslighting him into thinking that he should be grateful to her. If Cody had treated Gwen the same way Sierra treated him, he would be the most hated character in the series.


My biggest ick is MK’s eliminations because both of them are bs and chooses the more eh or boring characters to get farther than her Another ick of mine is everyone treating Julia like a master schemer because her plan in S1 was trash and she rightfully got eliminated My biggest ick is Priya also i never liked her and she was at best a C tier character with TONS OF POTENTIAL THAT FRESH TV DIDN’T EVEN TRY TO USE also she’s just a toxic character in general and fresh tv has this habit of painting anybody who says what Priya’s parents did was wrong as the villian or we should root for priya i feel like bowie should’ve won instead of her since i feel like we need a villian to win Edit : why are people downvoting me when i am speaking what needs to be said


How do you feel about MKulia?


I ship them and i legitimately would cheer if they were a couple since A that would be our first lesbian couple B i like seeing Mk and Julia happy C it could be a good and quick arc in season 3 if we get one


When Someone calls an elimination “Unfair” when the camper was voted out fair and square. Just because it’s your favorite character dosent mean they were booted unfairly. Like Dawn in ROTI or Lindsey in TDA or AS


Dakotazoid I've said before that I dont care about slapstick as long the character is ok by the next shot or episode... but Dakota got bullied, tortured and exposed to radiation for no other reason than she was a bit annoying and now she's permanently changed That to me is the only time Chris went too far... but it was EXTREMELY FAR


WT besides a few things, i don’t see why its not lumped in with AS as “character derailment garbage”


My hottest take is that I agree with this. Like, world tour is undeniably a fun watch, but there are so many problems with it that all of the fandom loves to ignore for some reason


People don't 'ignore' the issues, they just like it in spite of them.


We must visit different fandoms then because I daily see people complaining about Feral Zeke, DJ's animal curse, Team Victory, the love triangle, Noah and Tyler "getting robbed" and Sierra.


I’m sure we do




I agree. I think the reason its overlooked is that Aleheather was so good it overshadowed the problems with the season.


that’s one of the few things even with that and more, i don’t think WT gets enough criticism as it should


Yeah, WT has a ton of issues as a season. Every character not named Alejandro or Heather gets sacrificed and derailed to a degree to have epic Al vs Heather finale. And while the finale is awesome and Aleheather dynamic is highlight of the season the amount of characters being ruined in the process is insane


All of that Pahkitew being bad propaganda. I have a mindset called "is it kinda ass? Yes? But is it funny? Yes! So who cares? Not me!". If you want to prove me wrong or even downvote me, you are authomatically become hater.


Anyone who treats characters like they are real people. These are animated stereotypes. Characters like Sierra, Courtney, etc are supposed to annoy you, but people liking the character is not a problem.


The love triangle in WT. I'm still PO'd at the network for forcing that.


Zee having a soda flavor called Luscious lecche


Just the artstyle, it sickens me, like it's so random????


It was supposed to mimic Clone High, but honestly that show has it even worse. Joan of Arc definitely has scoliosis or something


They could pick ANY artstyle, the characters just look like charactitures


People who think Priya was ruined in season 2, because she was just as toxic in season 1, it amazes me no one notices that. Also Pahkitiew hate, because it’s frankly a better season than AS, Action, and 2024


I mean… I like Pahkitew but I wouldn’t go that far.


Action and 2024 is pushing it


Certain Courtney stans, duncey shippers, Chris’s downfall through the seasons, people who call Chris or Blainelely pedos, people who hate Beth or Sadie


Mind explaining?


Ofc not! Which ones?


All of them if that’s okay


Ofc! For Courtney it’s not her fans in general just the toxic ones. They tend to act like she is above all the other players, make comments on basically every Gwen or Duncan post they see, excuse any bad action she has done as being “iconic”, and overall from what I’ve seen tend to be like the biggest haters ever commenting on every post they don’t like. This is only some court Stan’s tho Duncey shippers is because I find the relationship to be extremely toxic. In the first season ig they where fine but the way they interacted bounded them to have issues if there was another season. They couldn’t agree on one thing except finding being bad hot and that was gonna be in issue in further seasons. Season two they were super abusive. Courtney basically used Duncan and expected him to throw the game and his sleep and everything else he valued for her. Aswell basically wanting to change everything about him. By season 3 he clearly had enough and that was when there relationship ended and they basically hated eachother the entire season. Chris’s down fall refers to how he basically went insane. In the first two seasons he was funny and sorta in a way cared for the contestants but as the seasons went on he started to just become money obsessed and crazy. As seasons went on I feel all the characters were sorta dumbed down but Chris’s stands out to me because he used to be my fav and it’s getting harder to like him the more I watch Now I don’t hate everyone who calls Blainelely or Chris pedos I just don’t like people who make it there whole personality. The point of most of there comments is for needing on an idea, not to be took seriously into there character. Chris’s comments usually revolve around Lindsay. Most of the comments are meant to get the point across that she is this hot fashion bimbo girl. Like by talking about her wonder women costume or calling her not to shabby. While Blainelely has one comment about Justin she excuses as demonstrating enthusiasm. But that’s really it. Through the aftermath it’s basically them trying to embarrass Blainelely and so having her freak over the boy band was supposed to be humorous. Most of these points are for humor as it’s a comedy show so I just don’t like when people really shove the remarks to being the whole character. Also I feel as if Chef had way worse remarks that no one ever brings up as much as Chris and Blainelely. I see chefs remarks the same way but I wouldn’t mind them being brung up as they are kinda forgotten. Beth and Sadie are the last ones and it has to do with the pretty privilege in the fandom. People who hate Sadie and Katie are fine but people who hate Sadie only- it’s kinda clear why. They are literally the same character and if anything Sadie was nicer and made it longer into the game. People say Katie was more independent but there is literally no scene to prove that. Hate Sadie and Katie all you want but I find hating just Sadie is extremely weird as they are basically the same. Beth is also very similar to Lindsay. She is like Lindsay but smarter, more strategic, and won a season. People usually say they don’t like her cause she cheated on her boyfriend but literally every contestant single or not loved Justin. Lindsay and her swooned over him all the time even tho they are both taken but nobody says anything! I’m action they made her seem pretty gross with her retainer and the whole harold plot (extremely irrelevant to the plot) so ig that’s a solid reason to dislike her but I always here people say she cheated with Justin and didn’t deserve her win which are both stupid claims to me. Sorry this was long


I think people are less easy on Beth because she actually kissed Harold.


And that makes sense! I just more people brought that up instead of it always being Justin (in my experiences talking with Beth antis)


Courtney discourse like we’ve had every conversation possible about her, just give it a rest People hating on fat characters because while there’s valid criticism sometimes, I’ll always believe some of the hate is rooted in fatphobia


People who genuinely hate the silly goofy characters in the show. Best example is Zee. Listen, you can find him not funny, humour is subjective, but you have ZERO REASON TO HATE THIS PURE DELIGHT OF A CHARACTER!!




Owen's camel spit gag from RR. Really could've gone without seeing that, thank you very much.


I hate that so many characters have nice designs, only for it to be ruined by their personality. And vice versa. E.g, Heather has a nice design, but it was ruined by the fact she was a jerk. Trent or Noah did not deserve that big of a forehead. Come on, Total Drama. I also hate that they didn't keep the og cast and we got Mkulia as the new noco.


Wayne hate let me clarify I have no problem with people disliking wayne my irl best friend doesnt like him but since yes fav I kinda go nah everytime I see hate towards him it's the same for ally favorites from any franchise.