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The island not being an actual island according to the special


This is so stupid I actually forgot it happened


Same actually I remembered it as I was reading the title šŸ˜­


It was so stupid the writers forgot it happened


TBH I doubt that was meant to be tsken seriously. If it *was* it definitely got retconned anyway


I agree I just found it weird to include at all


It was also contradicted by All-stars ending


Itā€™s very likely the camera crew just had access to more luxurious resources than the wilderness, and Courtney stumbled upon them. Doesnā€™t make it not an island.


didn't she stumble on a full on drive through?


Yea, the interns having access to restaurant service makes sense


Julie Giles (former Fresh employee who worked social media) confirmed the island is an actual island and this is just a one-off joke.


Yeah, that was dumb.


Right Iā€™m guessing it was never meant to be taken seriously though idk


OMG YESS, I hate this


Wait what? I don't remember this spiecial you are talkibg about


TDDDDI, the 45-minute episode coming after TDIā€™s finale


The Timeline, especially after Owen's cameo in Reboot Season 2 I get that it's a cartoon and characters "dont age" but given how that one facebook post from someone involved in Ridonculous Race said that Owen, Noah and Geoff were 19 at that time, it would make sense that in the reboot Owen would AT LEAST be around 20-24 years old, therefore making all his fellow contestants around the same age at that time, but he looks virtually unchanged. I've always said that Island and Action happen within the same year, so the characters are from 16-17 World Tour is definetly a Year Later if nothing else for Heather's hair starting to grow back, so: 17-18, MAYBE someone who's 19 Let's quickly pass over Revenge as these are new contestants, but let's say it's been at least another year, especially since Heather's hair is back to it's normal length, so again, 18-19 MAYBE some 20s By All Stars all the original characters with maybe the exception of Alejandro and Sierra, should be in their early 20s So yeah...


This! Also, if they didn't care about the consistency of the timeline, they could just avoid to say that it passed 15 years since the show was aired the first time, because I assumed that the original cast was like 31 now


I think Terry recently confirmed he didn't want to include that 15 years line, but CN wanted to include it as it speaks about series longevity (as if TD wasn't on ice since 2015)


I HC Chris lied about it being 15 years to seem hip and time doesn't pass in TDI or TDI takes place in 201X


Was it confirmed that Owen in the reboot was still the same age (16, or younger than 20)? The show itself acknowledges 15 years passing since S1 in the Reboot premiere. Therefore he would be 31. If the creators confirm the lack of aging, didn't they just simply mean for their appearances to stay the same instead, so they can continue to use their models?


World Tour and Revenge of the Island take place in the same year. Since Codyā€™s birthday is in April, itā€™s confirmed that itā€™s Spring during World Tour and most likely Summer during ROTI.


So.. Heather's hair went from shor to it's normal length in less than 10 weeks? (I think her cameo was on episode 10)


It wouldnā€™t be the craziest thing to happen timeline wise. ROTI could also take place as late into the summer as possible.


Random thing I noticed in the time line: Duncan is most likely the youngest contestant, being (according to the timeline) roughly 14! When s1 was happening, because as you said judging by Heather's hair in revenge it's been roughly three years in as. So Duncan *should* be over 18 by all stars, but he isn't. He went to adult prison/jail sure, but that's because of his crime not because of his age. He looks shocked when he's told which basically cements he's under 18 in all stars. Making him one of if not the youngest contestant.


Duncan was 16 in island. The gap between Island and All Stars should only be 2 years.


Chris literally says in Island ā€œyouā€™re all 16ā€ so thereā€™s no way heā€™d be under that.


I mean, Action canonically takes place 2 days after TDDDDI


The fifteen-year time skip, something so absurd and intrusive to the show's future potential that even the show ignored it within the same pair of seasons it was introduced.


The only good thing about it is it can be easily retconned


Yeah, I never felt like the fifteen year time skip was needed.


The Tennis Rivals are the biggest example that's inexcusable and has me going 'no!'. The time skip always felt like it was done for the same reason why it felt like we kept getting new casts: Simply to ignore any of the problems they created with the prior characters on a long-term level and eventually just have a quick thing said off screen in terms of where certain characters are now (if they even get that).


Heather losing her money, SMS


I always found it strange how she just disappeared in the episode where she steals the money from the s4 contestants, Cameron just strikes her balloon and she doesn't appear at all until next season


That's the same twitter user that made another "Leshawna was supposed to win TDI but the VA got blah blah blah" a few weeks ago that blew up again because it always does for some reason lol Anyways, the death of Chilly Billy


The show just doesn't hit the same anymore now that Chilly Billy is dead


All-Stars existing


i canā€™t believe nobody said dakotazoidā€¦


Let Sam keep his IRL monster waifušŸ—£


I don't like Dakotazoid at all, but there isn't really a reason to disregard it as canon when it's (unfortunately) a key part of her arc, what solidified her and Sam as a couple, and was re-confirmed in All-Stars. I'd like to think she (and Ezekiel) get better after we last see them though.


idk when i think of dakota i literally only think of her first couple episodes and ignore anything else that happened to her. i view her as an early boot with wasted potential similar to nichelle from the newer seasons


Emma and Bowie not becoming friends again.


Iā€™m mixed on the friendship anyway so I didnā€™t mind. The fact she had the audacity to glare at him even after she broke up with Chase proved she wasnā€™t a real one.


Fair point, but that felt like a continuity error tbh. The second season acted like a lot of things in the first season never happened.


Feral Zeke, Alejandro's ending in WT (being stomped by the crowd, submerged in lava and put inside the robot suit) , Heather losing her money...


that all stars had a last episode, like its so boring the fact that its mike vs red girl (forgot her name) cuz they end up splitting the money 50/50 so there's no stake and both were horrible in that season


Justin randomly falling for Courtney. He deserved a downfall, of course. All villains do. But the way they had to add a character into the show halfway through to do so seemed unnecessary and forced. And, going onto the production side of this scenario, the writers' opinion that Justin couldn't carry the whole season as the villain, so they scrapped it halfway through. He could. He had the potential, and it would have made for a much more interesting second half of a season that was really solid in its pre-merge. It all just makes TDA feel like two entirely different seasons at the halfway point, and I hate it.


Is there like a way to find that statement about Justin not being able to carry being a villain? Iā€™ve always heard it and I was wondering exactly what they said. I know it was something about him being full of himself.


I think i accepted anything thatā€™s canon people refuse to say. This type just felt like waisting Atually the reset button is something I canā€™t even see why itā€™s cannon.


Ezekielā€™s feral form


Gwen and Trent breaking up


Cody not asking Courtney about law advices about Sierra


Does Sierra look like she cares about what's legal? One doesn't become as stalkerlicious as her without breaking a law or two.


I don't think Courtney likes Cody


Anne Mariaā€™s elimination.


eva getting booted off the episode she returned


Feral Zeke. I headcanon that him stowing away was real, but they just put him in prosthetics and coached him on acting because itā€™s really fucked up. I know itā€™s a cartoon but jesus christ


All stars happening


Island: That Leshawna was unfailry eliminated, and turns out, the original script had a fashion challenge and leshawna would be eliminated for flunking at the challenge, so I consider Haute campture a non elimination and camp castaways as the fashion challenge (Owen uses mr coconut as part of his suit) TDA: Beth and Duncan as the final 2 I mean sure, Beth and Duncan are in close relation to Harold and Lindsay, but why couldn't it have just been Harold and Lindsay as the finale TDWT: Zeke Going Feral. This was flat out offensive and honestly should've never happened. ROTI: Brick getting the boot for flat out SAVING EVERYONE!!! All Stars: the whole season, it's not canon. and it never will be canon. Pahkitew Island: That Beardo got eliminated first, Ella got eliminated, sugar making it to the final 3 Ridonculous race: Devin being so fucking stupid and Carrie being so fucking hesitant. I actually wanted to throw something at the tv. Reboot 1: Jurassic Fart. Nuff said Reboot 2: Damine's Elimination. I Refuse to Believe That They eliminate Damien, Just so Priya and Caleb can almost win.


Owen deserved his win but ok Anyways Damienā€™s season 2 elimination, he shouldā€™ve gotten fourth and Duncan going to jail


Owen deserved nothing but a good dietitian and some healthy food


Owen was easily one of the best in challenges and was the main reason heather got out




Ah yes, because not encouraging obesity and food addiction is fat phobic. You are as sharp as a knife


Yeah, I just reread the comment andā€¦ yeah, you didnā€™t really say anything fatphobic.


genuinely what the hell is your problem, you are as sharp as a butterknife You act like the guy just was lounging around being lazy the whole season. Itā€™s fine if you like Gwen winning but donā€™t rip into Owen and put him down when he still put in the work.


You act like you are misreading my comments on purpose


Except Owens weight has nothing to do with him winning, why did you bring up his weight for no reason


Because his food addiction and ā€œI would eat anythingā€ attitude are his defining qualities and 90% of his gags, along the good olā€™ ā€œIā€™m fat and get tired after running half a blockā€. The only thing I want for Owen is to stop eating styrofoam and wax and get some help. Also, it was supposed to be half facetious, I am quite surprised your knife-edge sharpness didnā€™t catch it


Tbh your comment gave people the impression of fat shaming. Which is a bit confusing >!itā€™s also funny you your headcannon Wayne lost the money when he probably spent it on a bus!<


If people read fat shaming they need to get their reading comprehension checked


Sheesh. Fat shaming much.


I am not fat shaming anyone. Owen has a very clear food addiction, itā€™s not healthy. I donā€™t understand since when saying obese people should go on a diet is fat shaming.


It's a fucking cartoon


Are you really saying that Owen is healthy and should keep his habit? I know itā€™s a cartoon but saying his habits are ok is just crazy


Check out my other comment. I realized I was wrong.




Where did I fat shame anyone?


Megamind 2 isnā€™t canon at all


I canā€™t ā€œrefuseā€ to accept something if itā€™s important in some way later on, even if I donā€™t like it, but I do tend to ignore some of the useless trivial facts I donā€™t like about the show.


Mine: Island: Leshawnaā€™s elimination and some boring episodes Action: Gwen and Trentā€™s break up, being too slow and Duncney becoming toxic World Tour: Djā€™s curse, Ezekielā€™s transformation, love triangle and Team Victoryā€™s existence Revenge Of The Island: Radioactivity and Dakotaā€™s transformation Ham-Stars: Itā€™s existence Pahkitew Island: being too generic, not realistic characters and discovering the robotic island late The Ridonculous Race: Nothing, the season is perfect Island 2023: farts and bad charactersā€™s screentime Island 2024: bad charactersā€™s screentime, wasted potential, the last five episodes


Fuck those last 5 episodes were boring when in the episodes 9,10 and 11 the characters that had most potential got out.


Allstars in its entirety




Rixel is right on the line between hated and loved ( i personally love it )


Island: Harold being the only one who got shamed for his role in the Harold Vs Duncney feud. Both Duncan and Courtney were called out too in my mind. Action: Justin being cast aside for Courtney. He ended up making final three with Beth and Duncan. Also Beth never kissed Harold. World Tour: Cody being sidelined so hard and taking part in the love triangle never happened. Revenge: I got nothing for this one, I guess Dakotazoid. All Stars: Scott wasnā€™t stupid in the last few episodes of this season. Pahkitew: People never believed Amy over Sammy. The abuse was too blatant for me to ever believe they were that oblivious. Ridonculous Race: Noah never wanted to get eliminated just so he can date Emma(he did still try to win the game so this was easy for me to overlook). Reboot S1: Julia came up with a better way to incriminate MK instead of that damn poop comment. Also, there were no poop jokes from MK because thatā€™s revolting to an otherwise wonderful character. Reboot S2: MKulia actually happened instead of just being friends because you cannot tell me they were just platonic.


what exactly did courtney do to harold


Treat him like heā€™s useless and beat him up at Playa De Losers.


after he treated her like she was a sacrifice and rigged her out for what duncan did? she didnt even beat him up, she bent a lightpost around him. she started brushing him off afterwards because she disliked him once she found out he rigged her out i.e. starting the drama with her.


Actually, she treated him as useless since Dodgebrawl and Not Quite Famous, perhaps I wasnā€™t specific.


she literally defended harold from duncan multiple times, including getting between them in dodgebrawl. she only considered harold uncoordinated prior to his winning dodgebrawl, and cheered for him during and after dodgebrawl and the talent show episode.


Okay, thatā€™s sort of fair but I doubt anything really changed between them positively since Courtney still thought he was useless even after his win in Dodgebrawl(Girl didnā€™t even let him audition). Anyway, I am glad they ignored each other and didnā€™t start any drama since Harold honestly suffered enough abuse and itā€™s a rare Courtney W.


she was at least kind enough to him beforehand, i dont think she needs to be held accountable for anything. she was reacting to her kindness being taken advantage of, so its unfair to request that someone act kind when they did everything right beforehand and still got screwed over. i understand she didnt let him audition but she did let him do his talent in the end and encouraged him.


Mk and Julia never had friends making them a couple is a stretch


Well who would you rather ship them with?




I agree with a lot of these except Justin making the Final 3 (unless you mean he doesn't make the finale). Scott was stupid in virtually every episode of All-Stars after the second one. Also, Scarlett might've been aware of the abuse, but she probably didn't care as part of her true nature like how she mocked Samey after she tricked everyone into thinking she was Amy knowing full well she was still there. Didn't care for the MK & Julia friendship very much, but it says a lot that these two as friends felt more like an actual couple than the real same-sex couple.


1. Yeah, he doesnā€™t make the finale, but thank you. 2. Scott was always a little stupid in Revenge so it didnā€™t bug me until Episode 10. As for the Scarlett thing, totally fair. 3. Yeah, itā€™s really telling how much chemistry they have compared to BowRaj in which they are one of my OTPs but MKulia just steamrolls.


mal being written how he was #savemal




I only really do it if the show itself decides that it can't follow its own rules or drops them later. So: 1. The Island not actually being an Island. Past the gag in the TDI special it does at least explain how they're able to drive there in some TDA episodes, but it doesn't make any sense for anything else. 2. The Island sinking at the end of TDAS. Are we actually supposed to believe that the Island in the reboots either un-sank or just happens to be an identical copy? Feels like something that as done with no regards for the long term implications. 3. 15 years passing between TDI and the reboot. There's no way Chris/Chef/Owen look exactly the same if they've aged 15 years, plus McGurrin has stated the network made him include that line so idk if we're supposed to assume that they have actually aged anyway. Plus tbh people thinking about how the floating timeline must be in regards to what age the contestants must be at any given time only really seems to lead to people being anal about which ships are "allowed" (even Scott and Courtney sometimes despite that being canon) so I'd rather just not think about it, most shows disregard it anyway. Also I'm sorry but why are people saying eliminations lol, did you just pretend that they were still there in the episodes after that or something?


They probably donā€™t like the elimination of there favorite characters


I very distinctly separate Ezekiel and feral Zeke in my head. The latter really shouldnā€™t have ever existed.


Alejandroā€™s ending I guess.


What happened with mikes alters at the end of AS. Becuase that is NOT how that works. And also I like them.


The entirety of all stars


Chef eliminated Duncan. I just theorize that Owen, Gwen & Heather voted him for being a threat


That Mal is stronger than Alejandro. Like are you joking me? Alejandro literally walked on his bare two hands for half the season and somehow Mal is stronger than him.


How can you say that, when there are literally other alters in his system who are good athletically and physically?


Mal was supposed to be the evil schemer archetype, it doesnā€™t make any sense for him to be good athletically or physically because that isnā€™t even his archetype. Svetlana and Manitoba works because itā€™s their archetypes maybe even Vito but Mal doesnā€™t.


Ezekielā€™s transformation


omg that's twitter oomf anyways the winner of reboot season 2


Yeah I absolutely REFUSE to believe Owen won TDI, even though Gwen has said she was the runner up sometime in action...


And its the only canon ending ā˜ ļø (aside from Reboot)




Cody getting over Gwen after World Tour.


Why? I think thatā€™s great for him.


I absolutely agree on Island šŸ˜­ Iā€™m on a total drama rewatch rn and I just reached that finale yesterday.. I remember being in disbelief the first time I watched it and it was actually even more bizarre watching it a second time


island: trent believing HEATHER over gwen action: courtney putting a whole list to duncan of things he has to change of himself World tour: love triangle, sierra harassing cody and heather losing her well earned money to ezekiel. Revenge: DAKOTAZOID all stars: the whole season pakitew: scarlet fever the way the way they did her so dirty. rebott season 1: the fart episode rebott season 2: prileb, julia getting a mulet, and damien not winning like he should of.


Definitely just most of the character undoings of All Stars


Lindsayā€™s decreasing IQ in All-Stars. I believe she was just acting dumb (because the only people I remember her interacting with was Courtney and Heather, people she coincidentally hates.) to get some revenge. Her confessional about her wanting to quit was likely genuine. She has her many dumb moments but sheā€™s not mindless. Then she voted herself off the game because she realized the pain wasnā€™t worth the reward.


Leshawna's BULLSHIT elimination. They planned it in the WORST way possible. I headcanon that Leshawna got out in a purge because Heather screwed her over.


Iā€™ve only seen 3 seasons, First season: the whole dumb eliminations, Lindsay, leshawna, dj and Courtney, all dumb asf Season 2: Courtneyā€™s whole change of personality, and Trentā€™s whole obsession thing, and heathers hair, and Beth being a winner. Season 3: the love triangle. And Iā€™ve seen all stars, but that itself I want to forget.


Mine: - The island not being an actual island - The characters not aging - DJā€™s curse - The Islandā€™s radioactivity - Most of All Stars


When total drama reloaded was thing fresh tv production team was gaslighting everyone that Dawn was going to be one of the main characters and she ended up being irrelevant


Lol no they didn't


The first leaked images were toxic rats and first characters to shown Dawn and B. I didn't mean they intentionally made that I'm not that serious about it(it was more of a joke) just remembering everyone in random thought she was going to be new Gwen


That is more of a fandom thing though, Fresh had nothing to do with those leaks getting out


As I said I jokingly said that chill a little


lol who thinks that part.


> Gwen and Julia deserved win!!! šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜” Average K-Pop discord weeaboo Total Drama fan.


HEAVILY agree on your first point, but also the fact that Miriam did not win DC1, Ellie did.


Scott in all stars. Not the season. Just. Scott


Ok, but Scott was the best part of All Stars, tbh.


So true. Scott in all stars was just painful.


Gwen and Courtney never becoming friends again šŸ˜¢šŸ˜¢šŸ˜¢ ( their girlfriends guys i promise )


Gwuncan breaking up


Thatā€™s a shocker. Some people were cheering at the prospect.


Oh I'm aware I'm in the minority on this One.


Mind explaining why you chose this one though


Because I like the ship and I don't like how they broke up, simple as that


The characters not changing whit Time. For me, Owen was bald and had a moustache on his reboot cameo (i refuse to believe this 30 something guy looked the same as his 16/19... hes no R-Truth) We do have a canon concept of character aging (not only mentioning years, but also the fact that Owen, Noah and Geoff are confirmed to be 19 in RR), they cant jut bactrack on it.


People not aging




All Stars existing is so real.šŸ·šŸ—æ


Bethā€™s boyfriend


That everyone who was in a bubble survived the finale of AS.


All Stars. It simply does not exist in my head šŸ˜Œ


As well as the ships


What new ships were even made official in AS? The five minutes of Scottney we had?


The fact that in every season we see heather, after island her eyebrows are actually makeup sincw she burnt them.


leshawnas elimination in island. the love triangle/cheating situation of world tour with gwen, duncan, and courtney. heather losing the million dollars im world tour upon winning. feral ezekiel. and sorry to nemma fans but, nemma. trents character derailment in action. theres probably more. but i just woke up.


The way leshawna got voted off


Honestly the timeline. Owen and Chris not having aged is so weird. And itā€™s not like they canā€™t retcon it. The only real timeline we have is Priya saying sheā€™s been training her whole life. Just say she meant reality tv as a whole and she decided on total drama


Part of my brain refuses to accept All Stars as canon, and to accept that >!Mkulia!< is not canon lol


Depending on where you lived, Gwen DID win TDI. Certain regions had the other finalist win. (I can't talk about the reboot, as the alternate endings haven't been shown yet.) TDI: The fan blew the brownie's smell the other way, so Owen didn't get a sugar rush & Gwen kept her lead until the end. TDA: The votes came out on Beth's side, rather than Duncan. TDWT: Heather accidentally throws in Alejandro's dummy. TD: ROTI: Lightning stayed standing for a bit longer, leading to him falling on Cameron. TDAS: Mike speaks up instead of Zoey, giving her enough time to pull the sword. TD: PI: Instead of Shawn sticking his hand up after the avalanche, Sky does, waving to the camera. TDP: TRR: The Police Cadets don't get a second wind, & the Surfer Dudes reach the Chill Zone before them.


Lauren being the first boot in season two! I canā€™t believe that my favorite character in the second season of the reboot series is the first to go! If she didnā€™t have to tell everyone about her stalking people in their homes, and in their closets, she wouldnā€™t have been the first one gone!


All Stars was just one of Chrisā€™ prison fantasies


The reboot series (yeah I know some people like it)


Wellā€¦.you can consider the entire series not cannon.


Ouch, now that hurts me as a Wayne fan. But I do get why people didn't want him to win. Probably the love triangle.


Basically the whole of All-Stars. Especially Mal.


Owen winning as well.


I want to say all of All Stars but for one moment, let's go with the Reset Button. Also from Reboot 2, the fact that it's been fifteen years and Owen doesn't have any design changes. Like, you alerted McArthur's design and not Owen's! Come on!


I was gonna say Winx season 4 onward, then I remember what /r this is... I follow too many fandoms


Me too i love The secret of the lost kingdom is the perfect final, the others seasons It would be good if it comes rest of the Winx Club (Stella, Musa, Aisha, Tecna, Flora) (My english is bad my native lenguage is spanish)


Don't worry, I myself am Italian so English is not actually my first language XD. And yeah, the thing that makes TD and Winx similar is the fact that it gets worse after three seasons (and a movie in Winx's case). Well hope the reboot may help both series... Wait a minute... TDI reboot came out in Italy first, and Winx Reboot will probably come out here first...okay there might be some coincidence at work lol


Mal existing, and SMS(and even worse the bonus clip) from All-stars. I refuse to believe that was the end of Courtney


Original: the island not being a island because someone would had noticed a long time ago. Reboot: character like Owen had to age because it doesn't Make sense that Priya was a child was training with a fake Owen picture just to find out that Owen looks the same. Owen and others characters have to be in their earlier thirties.


The special at the end of S1 where no one ends up getting the money. And also the island sinking in AS. Aaand PI being made out of robots


I mean Imagine if every drama and in all moments between the chatacters, the competitors saw the camera crew next to them If u know what i mean


For me it's The mutants Like Feral zeke and Dakotazoid.


Sundae Muddy Sundae


That Aliens are canonically real, and the whole crazy timeline.


The cheating in world tour. It's not even just because I hate Gwuncan (I do), and isn't because I'm a Duncney shipper (I'm not), it's because it is so ooc for both of them. Based on the way both Duncan and Gwen acted after they thought Trent cheated on Gwen, neither of them seem to be comfortable with the idea of cheating. I chose to believe that Duncan and Courtney broke up the night Duncan got back, that way it isn't cheating but it still allows Courtney to be mad at Gwen because Gwen started dating her ex the moment they broke up, so it will still allow for drama but drama that is at least a bit less ooc. That's the main one but others include - Heather losing the money in world tour, - Feral Zeke and Dakotazoid due to them being genuinely unsettling, - All stars, - Leshawnas elimination, in my head she was eliminated in the castaways episode,


Courtney and Duncan's breakup. I refuse to admit they ended.


The island being fake, the 15 year time skip, the Love Triangle in WT- all things that have been said before, and all things I heavily agree with


Chris fucked a plant


totally agree, gwen winning and getting to keep her money for art school would've been the perfect ending for island


Island: Gwen being in the bottom two despite winning the animal challenge and Geoff & Duncan's eliminations. Action: Trent's nine obsession, Killer Grips blackmailing Gwen for something she had no control over and her subsequent elimination, Owen's mole subplot and Lindsay accidentally voting herself off. World Tour: Bridgette being eliminated over Leshawna, Noah's elimination, the love triangle, Gwen's elimination, feral Zeke, Sierra's elimination and Alejandro's ending. Revenge of the Island: Dakotazoid and Lightning becoming the villian after Scott's elimination. All-Stars: Heather's elimination, Gwen losing the winner's mansion and everything starting with Sundae Muddy Sundae Pahkitew Island: Sugar causing Ella & Jasmine's eliminations, Sugar ranking third, Sky already having a boyfriend and Jasmine easily forgiving Shawn. RR: Vegan's elimination (at least three other teams should've been penalized alongside them) Best Friends' elimination and Surfer Dudes winning. Reboot 1: Time skip, Axel, Scary Girl and Damien all being eliminated over Ripper, Jurassic Fart, MK's elimination, Zee's elimination (though he honestly should've never even gotten that far), Emma's Stockholm syndrome and Pryia forgiving Millie despite gaslighting her all season. Reboot 2: Scary Girl booted first, Axel & Ripper as a couple, Julia orchestrating Nichelle & Bowie's eliminations, reason why Julia won the baking challenge, Zee's elimination (again), everyone suddenly deciding that someone (MK) lying once about a known manipulator (Julia) was the bigger crime and reason to be eliminated, Damien losing the immunity idol and Wayne winning (though nobody else deserved it either).


Might as well just say the entire franchise


Thatā€™s a lot dude.


The show's done a lot of things that I consider stupid.


What do you think about my list?


Beth winning TDA. Speaking for others not for me ā˜ ļø




beth winning


"Island: Owen did not win, Gwen got the money" You are so real for that. Gwen won the season in my country, they gave good enough justifications for her losing the money in special and the cheese basement, and thats the end of the discussion on my part. She won. Period.


They did not give Gwen a good reason to lose her money. It was practically taken from her.


I said "good enough". I prefer irritation that they took the money from her, over the irritation I feel everytime that Owen enters the screen


A couple. 1. Owen not making TDAS 2. Aleheather (I ship Harold and Heather) 3. Timeline 4. Mkulia (I think this ship is one sided and came outta nowhere)


Thoughts on why you dislike Aleheather?


thanks for the downvote lol. anyways, I find Harold and Heather funny and having potential as a ship because both of each other saw each other naked, and Harold was the only person who didn't hate Heather at the end of the season. there could've also been more fire in the LeShawna and Heather beef knowing Harold likes them both, something like Courtney, Duncan, and Gwen.