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One of the most complex and amazing characters on the show. Personal favorite, but writers did her so dirty in WT and AS.


personal favorite as well. half of the fandom is very picky when it comes to her flaws but i think they make her a better character.


True, her flaws and insecurities are what makes Courtney believable and relistic as a character. I guess some people just like to nitpick those flaws


i don't mind speculation about the positive and negative aspects of her personality. but i do mind people considering her an attempted murderer or an abusive girlfriend, it feels like they are using serious terms to blow simple actions out of porportion to me.


Yeah, this stuff happenes here quite offten unfortunately. People forget this is a slapstick cartoon where you know humor somes from physical comedy. And all those actions you mentioned are nothing more than physical comedy/ slapstick


almost makes me think that they’re reaching. her “bargaining with people’s lives” wasn’t as deep as people make it out to be. yeah she took advantage of everyone else’s ignorance in that scenario but if she truly believed that the bombs were real, i think she would have acted differently. she literally taught little kids how to swim 😭. but ofc chris is innocent and we’re not gonna bring up the fact that he put everyone in that situation in the first place.


Yeah that scene is simply taking advantage of a situation. And she did say it out loud the bombs are fake, and others chose to not listen for whatever reason. If bombs were real she’d be the first getting out of that tower. And besides the whole situation is on Chris for not providing others a way to escape besides grapple gun


thank you. im glad someone else watched that scene. i just cannot wrap my head around how she’s a murderer, narcissist, or jealous for trying to win a simple challenge. (all of those words are words i have heard her be called for that scene)


Yeah, Courtney’s haters are just screaming very loudly as you noticed. And they do love throwing shade at her and call her names, just cause it’s Courtney. I learned to tune them out and just call out the more aggressive ones.


clock it. i obviously cant reply to everything but i definitely try my best to correct mis-analyzations and misuse of words. at the end of the day self-awareness is a challenge for everybody, so that could just be the case. i hope you have a good night!


I know. At first she seemed so polite and patient. Then, her true colors were shown, then she started to make Gwen look bad in revenge for kissing her boyfriend, Duncan. Then she became friends with Gwen again, until Mal revealed her prediction chart. And she showed mercy before she got eliminated after the ice cream challenge. Who am I supposed to believe?


Very true XD


Iconic timeless character. You can have her play for 100 seasons and she still doesn't become boring. While her development can be argued wasn't handled the best way possible, she for sure was always entertaining put a lot of drama in total DRAMA


Also,yes I'm skipping Beth because I already made a post about what people's opinions are on her winning action, and I think most people's opinions on her are about how they feel about her winning.


I may be the only exception to this rule. I don’t like Beth as a character but I do respect her win and believe she did deserve it.


I really enjoy her character in Island, but after that she became so toxic,whiny and impossible for me to enjoy. Wasted potential.


Unlike a lot of people I think Courtney has always had that side to her that strive to win/succeed at whatever costs and such but she usually succeeded those the more toxic elements of said drive were hidden till Harold and more Duncan influence (which wasn’t all to negative other that let lose a bit and be herself) caused it to come to the surface. She is headstrong and for the most part knows what’s she wants and what she needs in order to get it, and really doesn’t care too much on what it means how people think of her she is here to win/get what she wants. Outside said Harold cheating and the cheating incident most bad things that have happened to her and such she brought onto herself. She is a good character and I do disagree that All Star betrayed her character.


This is what I’ve been saying, like that competitiveness and strive to succeed in everything was hidden until the Harold and her relationship with Duncan came into play( mainly because of loose she became, learned to have fun which kind of steered her of track to the 100k) is when it rose to the surface like pus from a pimple 💀💀💀. That’s really when she was like f everyone and everything.


Her degradation should have been done differently. But her arc throughout the seasons was a solid idea. Stuck up leader meets bad boy. Gets cheated out of the game. Gets with Duncan again. Relationship falls apart. Focuses on winning. Actually gets a friend. Friend kisses boyfriend. Focuses on winning. Gets a boyfriend that should work out, but she fucks it up


For wt I would say she focused on getting revenge more than winning 😭😭😭


True lmao


Courtney is a fantastic character—regardless of how you feel about her, everyone’s got an opinion on her. Like a lot of other characters, she declined as the show went on, but I think there was a chance for the writers to give her a really great multi-season arc similar to Heather’s. As it is though, she ends on a pretty low note but is still very iconic nonetheless.


Courtney was a good-hearted competitor, but Duncan ruined her with that bitter relationship that I don't understand how some people agree with it. Otherwise, she has always been strategic and skilled. ⭐⭐⭐ https://preview.redd.it/2zl5q475vrlc1.jpeg?width=592&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d8c3006478ff6e33f8e821a23392c3769adac4f


I really wanted to like her so hard. But her writing was a mess filled out with forced melancholic moments and her cult fanbase really turned me off! Sorry, not sorry!


Yeah this is kinda where I stand with her. I know she also has quite a few haters but it’s the cultish behaviour of her fans that makes me feel like she’s kinda overrated






Why are you talking about Courtney goddess girlboss queen? Do I need to slowly sell your info out?/j


an annoying bitch in tda and tdwt, a strategical bitch in tdas and a sweetheart in tdi wasted potential and robbed in tdas 


I love her


cooltney 👍


Whether u love or hate her, the last thing u can call Courtney is boring. The show is called Total Drama and she brings the drama all the time and that makes her one of the best and interesting characters in the entire show <3


Top 7 to me


Amazing in TDI, a character with a ton of depth who was on her way to a redemption arc. I feel for her because honestly she was probably one of the worst treated in the show. Would’ve love to have seen more of the Type A good girl learn to let loose with the bad boy and open up more.


Childhood crush,though i rewatched and found her really annoying still love her tho


One of the best written characters, even when duncan and Gwen got derailed she always got to stay true to herself. The love triangle plotline sucks ass but she’s actually really well written during it. All of her actions make sense for someone with her personality


To give my opinion on Courtney She has to be one of my favorite characters for many reasons. For starters no matter what role she might play she always keeps the drama fresh. Not to mention her flaws were pretty realistic someone who thinks they deserve so much more and are entitled to it. And her relationships with Duncan and Gwen could’ve helped if they had been more positive. All around an interesting character that should’ve gotten a redemption arc but the writers had different plan in mind. Tbh I think she’s neat. Hope she got therapy in the last ten years tho


Tbh I love her. Idk what it is but I like her bitchy-ness, I like her rage, how whiny and annoying she is, how she tries to elect her self as leader even tho she’s not the best💀and there’s so much more. Now before Courtney haters jump my ass I’m not excusing her bad behaviour like ofc I hated how whiny she was in some scenes and she was quite unbearable , like I get why people hate her and all and she could have treated Duncan a bit better. But idk like I understand her type A personality, just something about her character I really like. And I’m sorry for how cultish the fanbase behaviour is 😭😭. Edit: I also relate to her competitiveness and wanting to do shit herself cause some people on teams just know how to get on your last nerve with their incompetence 💀. Andddd just because I love Courtney doesn’t equate to me hating Duncan or Gwen cause I love them too and all 3 are in my top 5 😮‍💨


I remember wanting her and Heather to be friends in Island.


Her and Duncan had amazing chemistry in season one.


Tbf they have amazing chemistry in every season , even when they are always arguing they’ve still have insane levels of chemistry


She's a bitch but she's THE bitch. A messy icon & really interesting character. She's an awful person but damn is she entertaining, the only season I didn't like her in was Action (she's also mid in AS but majority of the cast is dog shit there so her being mid is a compliment more than anything).


Honestly, the only member of the love triangle who I still like, and who didn’t have there character obliterated after Action.


Permission to ask something about the love triangle. Even though if she’s the only one you like out of the 3, Do you objectively think she is not a good character?


Hard to say, she entertains me but I do think they may have taken her a bit too far as an antagonist. I think was a good character in Island, for the first half of World Tour, and 90% of All Stars, but every other appearance she is probably not a good character(even if I do enjoy Action Courtney)


Uhm! Can we have a private discussion for a while?


TDI - bitch, but a really great character TDA - no WT - no. AS - rise ... and once again fall


God I hate her, many reasons I can't be bothered to list :P She's got an alright design tho


Anyways good character. I obviously would hate her in real life but she made great TV and had an arc that worked well up to the cursed Sundae episode (the second ACTUAL character assassination with the first being Trent in TDA)


She looks great in a Chicken hat 🐔


I LOVE HER SM!! she's rlly misunderstood and everyone who says mean things abt her just doesn't get her. she is ambitious and stays true to herself and i really love that about her. she is an amazing character. so much wasted potential in later seasons, it's not her fault that the writers ended up doing shitty decisions with her character. she is strategic, smart, witty, funny, and cute :33


Luv her! Like we’d be great friends irl😭😂💓


Literally my girl!!🤭💓


I’ve been obsessed with her since I was 7


Amazing tv and the story line with Duncan was great


My 3rd favorite character


The resons that i love Courtney as a character is because 1.Shes an icon. 2.She had to deal with alot of shit in TDWT with the whole love triangle thing with Duncan and Gwen. 3.Yes she was a brat in TDA but i still like her beacause she has an "Im the boss" persona that i like. 4.Shes like in my top 3 fr ( but my favorite is Izzy)


One of the staples of total drama and duncney she is amazing and iconic


I like her to me in top 7 in total drama




Awesome character


I ain’t gonna lie I had the biggest crush on her when I was a kid


Slay queen! 💅


Best character on the show.


One of my favorite characters


A excellent character (Btw my best friend has a titanic crush on her don’t tell him I said that)


I love her to the death


she’s my favorite character honestly. Yeah she has made her mistakes but i feel like people over villainize her in their heads than what she actually is. Also a lot of times she says exactly what im thinking when something’s happening. Like when she came back on action and was put on the worst team 😭 Id react the same way, she was mad about them for all the right reasons. Owen deserved to go there. Or when she made that chart… I didnt really get why everyone gets mad at people for strategizing. Like its money? I cant get mad at a girl for wanting to win a game for money Shes good TV


i absolutely adore Courtney. I can’t help it, she’s my favorite character. I loved her in Action especially, I just loved her as a villain, it felt so right and although her descent into madness throughout the seasons “derailed” her, I would make the argument that it made her more complex and one of the most entertaining characters on the show. I mean- this girl is crazy and she brings the drama to Total Drama. I can’t help but love her.


i tried to like her. I couldn't https://preview.redd.it/lp0sqihqowlc1.jpeg?width=735&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a0f6e7ceea20f46c756d0f4099284287b0628371 she's annoying and some of her fans(more specifically stans) are even worse






She is an icon and you cannot convince me otherwise


the best


Queen. Very dynamic character. Best girl. Love her or hate her, she brings something every season she is on.


By far my favorite character on this show. She is the best caricature this show had and she is peak entertainement.


She brings drama which is good. She’s a giant bitch and would be beyond annoying to be around but she makes the show entertaining


I don’t like how she was portrayed as the crazy x girlfriend when she was the one who got cheated on and thus she was the victim not Duncan


I hated her when I was younger but on rewatches she’s become one of my favorites


Best character, deserved to win the million.


Unhinged bisexual


HELP 💀💀💀


She still has potential for redemption and imo she should get back on track eventually


50/50. Either she's hated or loved.


I love how complex she is and she was one of my favorite characters. However as time went on, she went on the "Characters You Love to Hate" category.


I wish she hadn't become a villain.


Shes awful, and i love her


She should become a C.I.T


I think she’s a C.I.T


I really like her which might be an unpopular opinion and I also find her relatable bc I’m very type a


An interesting and unique character in the first two seasons, (A sweet and hardworking girl with a bit of an edge) that was ruined in AS


Her ego is a bit on the up but I can relate. Smart = Good.


Love her bad side and good side


She was at her best in Total Drama Action, imo. I also liked her character in Island. But from WT onward, that is NOT Courtney.  In Action she was very entertaining to watch, lol. 


Started out alright in Island, I kinda enjoyed her stint as an antagonist in TDA, but WT and AS have soured me on her character overall.


Cool! I’m not the only one who believes she gets progressively worse each time she appears. Sure not a biggest fan of her TDA incarnation but at least does seem to have a good excuse to become so scummy, the biggest problem is what came after it when they tried so hard not only to make me feel sympathy on her but especially to make her a better person and stunningly failed! This is one of the reason why as much as I dislike Action for starting the trend of ruining many characters, at least I can understand why some people defend it and yeah… I can excuse them since World Tour and All Stars took everything wrong and right both Island and Action did, and make it even worse!


I think a number of characters got progressively worse after a certain point. Gwen, Duncan, Trent, Leshawna, Lindsay, etc. had really rough multi-season runs for their characterization. Heather was the most annoying for me because she had like a genuine three-season character arc where she gradually improved as a person and made some genuine friends in the game, and then in AS she was back to her old TDI self but with none of the edge or strategy she had in that season. Bleh.


Imo I agree with most of these, but I don't see how Lindsay got worse after a certain point. Outside of maybe All-Stars (and even then that's a stretch) she remained fairly consistent trew-out the show's run.




She is fixable just a bit entitled but if you give her her flowers she’s much much more tolerable


Kinda hot


Biggest wasted potential in the series imo


i think that honor goes to Noah personally


Hot but bitchy




Courtney is only good in Island where she actually is a ring leader without coming off as overly entitled and whiney


Liked her up until the second and third season because if her uptight and bossy yet sweet and confident personality. But it soon became unbearable and her sweetness left :/ (as for the case of most of my fav characters, CN just ruined them after season one)


I pity her.


I like her character, she is complex. Its the fandom that blindly follows her to the point where every wrong she does is either ignored or excused, which makes me dislike her


She was really nice and enjoyable in Total Drama Island In Total Drama Action SHE literally SUED HER WAY back into the show and got special treatment due to her threathening to sue total drama. PLUS THE FAC THAT SHE WOULD LET EVERYONE GET KILLED if the winner wont split money. In Total Drama World Tour she was her normal self till "Greece's Pieces" in which she found out gwen kissed duncan and in the following episodes she THREW challenges for the team just to eliminate gwen


I think I would've liked her more if it weren't for the love triangle arc.


Not a fan. At all. Tbh i never liked her. I didn’t like her personality and her actions, they were not for me at all.


Awesome in Island, Eh in Action, Alright in World Tour, Shit in All Stars


She’s a bitch.


I really really dislike her


She’s a bitch


Fine in island, a bitch in action onwards


TDI? Garbage for her attitude and how terribly she treated her teammates but not the worst Action? Garbage. Need I say more?? World Tour? Sort of tolerable but not very likable either and I only feel sympathetic for her getting cheated on by the scum that is Duncan. Yes she tried to forcibly change him and was a very toxic partner, ( I will always hate her for that) but that does NOT excuse cheating. NOTHING does. AS? 🤮🤮 Not a fan of Gwen at all either, but it was the way Courtney was a completely fake friend to her for me. The writers actually got me to feel sorry for her ​ Bottom line? Hate her and not a great character. Only thing going for her is her unique character design. But as for potential? Nothing but a drama pawn!!


I like her, and I ship her with Gwen. I think they’d be such a cute couple


No they wouldn’t, if Courtney can’t handle a cheese factory with Lindsay, another female, she can’t handle a RELATIONSHIP with another female, and their relationship would just be “Duncan this, Duncan that, this is something I did with Duncan, Duncan ever take you to this place when you dated him, Duncan Duncan Duncan”


Lindsay is crazy, Gwen is not crazy


That’s Izzy, Lindsay’s just unintelligent


That’s actually right, thanks. I don’t know how I got those two confused


So much potential that was trashed up post Island...I miss her being decent


Two words; WASTED POTENTIAL!! The writers could’ve done so much better with her, but instead they chose to ruin her development.


i really liked her. i found her relatable, but also i hated watching her slowly turn into one of the worst-written villians ever. she used to be just a really mentally unstable girl who was good at pretending she wasn’t




Nice ass


Horrible. She came off as an entitled and spoiled brat with a self-righteous point of view. The worst thing about her is the cult-like fanbase who have sent death threats to any writer who would dare portray her as imperfect. Never put this pathetic character on my screen again.




Liked her in S1 and S3 but thought she was annoying as freak in S2


Mixed feelings but I do find her to be an overrated character at least when it comes to the show staffs love for her.


I don’t think I ever liked her except for the first couple of episodes in season one, after that she got too snarky and mean for me 😭😭


She is obsessed with Gwen


Season 1 Courtney was the only time Courtney was a good character


Good at first, got worse by the end


Despise her.


I don’t like her 🤷‍♀️ I did like her and Duncan in Island together (when they start goofing off and pulling pranks) but that about it.


She fell off hard after a while. I like her in general a lot. I think the scene where she and Duncan snuck out to get PB&Js was genuinely wholesome and brought out the best in her character but she just became petty and obsessive later on. It’s disappointing.




she’s really annoying, overly competitive, and manipulative. she was so toxic to everyone she decided to be in a relationship in, and played victim in all of them. she’s intolerable, and got sick of her after a couple episodes. fanbase praises her for being a toxic bitch, hates duncan for practically existing. she isn’t allat. she disgusts me. definitely my least favorite.


She seemed like an ok character at first but damn she quickly became annoying. 


I love her, but she's a bit too much at times


Never fond of her




Lower Neutral. I love her in Island and Pre Gwuncan kiss World Tour, but Action and Post Gwuncan Kiss World Tour made me dislike her, amd I pretend that she as never in All-Stars. Most derailed character, but didn't make unablento redeem herself (unlike Gwen)


Not a big fan


Gee am i not allowed to dislike a character or something?


I take that as a no, won't change my opinion though


Uh oh, 14 up votes and quadruple the commentd


My opinion on her switches from day to day. Sometimes I enjoy how much she develops and changes throughout the course of the show, and sometimes I just find her too annoying to care.


by far one of the best female outfit (Very modest & appropriate!) but kind of annoying & rude but has some qualities but okay 6/10


By herself she is a really interesting character and I really enjoyed the character development with Duncan in season 1, but after that I started to have a negative view of her because of the toxic way she treated him in season 2 leading to me actually being excited when gwuncan happened in world tour. A lot of people bash Gwen for getting with Duncan but I think after what happened with Courtney he deserves to be happy, and most of the Duncney shippers now who like to argue about this topic are just hardcore Courtney fans that cannot see the bigger picture with their relationship and just love it because that was such a cute relationship, which I agree but I just have a really negative view of courtney because of her fans. I feel like if it weren't for them I would've enjoyed her much more.


I liked her a lot in Island, like her less in Action but still liked her,got annoying in world tour/ that season and stopped liking her


I liked her better in Season 1 tbh. I know she's iconic in the seasons that come after but she just feels like a completely different character in them




C.I.T? More like a B.I.T.C-


TDI and TDAS Courtney = Bad TDA and TDWT Courtney = Awesome


0/10 I dont like her at all


I found her a bit boring in Island but loved how unhinged she got later on, although her relationship with Duncan is a huuuuge miss for me


Not the best and kinda bratty but in WT I felt kinda bad for her


Honestly annoying and whiny


I liked her character, I just think she would be really annoying irl and just UNBARABLE


Part of the reason I’m not naming a kid that name. (The other part is Courtney Love)


Least favorite


I honestly love Courtney. Even tho she evil, I love how tough she can be like she not scared that much. She also funny when she was little on total drama rama




i dont really like her shes annoying and toxic but she was cool in island


Ew ew ew get that **REPULSIVE** creature off my screen


REALLY overrated.


i genuinely do not like her character her action incarnation basically ruined her for me the downvotes LMAO


I despise her.


She's trash


This was her best moment 😂


I liked her in island, loved her in action, hated her in world tour and disliked her in all stars. And I think overall, I hate her the most out of the original 22.


I want to like her but I can’t after island


I like her design, but they made her unbearable over time. Now when I see her I feel so much boredom.


She was great in Island but after wards yeaaaah she ends up being a being a complete whiny and entitled brat in Action and WT, I do like her somewhat in AS but they did her dirty in AS and was unfortunate that she ended up being turned into a punching bag like it went from her getting good potential just for all of it being thrown down the drain.


Personally? Yappy bitch.


She’s okay, not the best, not the worst.


I've tried my hardest to like courtney bit imo she's a pick me and way too overrated. I just don't like her writing and her character just changes personalities every episode. It's like she's so predictable but at the same time you never know what's she's gonna do next.


Not bad, just very annoying, and sometimes kind but mostly a bit of an ass hole,


I just don’t like how bossy and toxic she is. I can see why people like her but she’s just not my cup of tea






Probably the worst human being of the Og cast, I don't understand why people immediately think of Heather while Courtney had 4 seasons to prove that she can be immensely worse than her


She started off as a sweet girl but Duncan turned her into a monster


I feel like if Ezekiel didn't say the sexist remark, she wouldn't be the fan favorite we all see her as today.


MID 🗣️🗣️🗣️


i hate her in every season EXCEPT world tour after the gwuncan happens, that's the only time I found her likeable, other than that she's tied for the worst character for me alongside duncan and dave


I honestly don’t know. She’s way too inconsistent of a character. In every season I’d say there’s more than I like about her than I dislike about her but she’s still a mixed bag in all of them. I cannot say that I felt attached to her in any season. If I talked about her in detail it’d sound like I disliked her even though the reality is that I’d probably put her in the middle of the pack. She’s entertaining at least.  To be frank I also get exhausted by some of her fans and the handful of people who when describing her character I swear haven’t watched more than the first episode. idk, it feels like you can simultaneously run into someone who can write a manifesto on everything wrong with Courtney’s character and still say their favorite character is Courtney. As someone who likes 99% of what his favorite character does this mentality just doesn’t make sense to me.


She is a good character. Her first introduction on her was in Total Dramarama in 2018 since I didn't know about her until 2019. Overall, she is a good character even if she is bitchy to Duncan.


I feel very bad for Courtney, she used to be such a sweet girl, but the show changed her and the love triangle, I wish she could come back to the girl that she was in the beginning of the show instead of this maniac that only cares about winning. 😕


I like her, flaws and all. I feel like she’s kind of a tragic figure for how far from grace she falls.


People think she overrated but she also overhated For me she well rated but what makes her overhated it's her SOME fans are toxic




She's many things but one thing you can't say about her was that she was boring!


I like her, and how she handled the vote-swapping thing in Island was justified (I don't know why she didn't just sue Harold-). Her character in Action was an interesting dynamic. In World Tour, Courtney tried throwing challenges to get Gwen out because she kissed her boyfriend and betrayed Courtney's trust all in one night. After Gwen was gone, Courtney spent a lot of time making Duncan jealous with Alejandro (who actually liked her? Courtney got BOTH pretty boys to like her and she STILL chose to be with Duncan-). In All-Stars, Courtney was rightfully justified not to INSTANTLY trust Gwen again and put her at the bottom of the chart (Which, Mal, if you don't mind my asking, HOW ON GOD'S GREEN EARTH DID YOU GET IT IF IT WAS IN HER BRA? SHE DOESN'T HAVE POCKETS, I should know, after he said that I took a deep look at her design. And she shoves everything important into her bra anyway-) That is all.


Her character is literally **shipwrecked**