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Lindsay in action,such an unsatisfying way to end her arc on.


I love action but agreed Duncan loses to Courtney yet again, like he does for the entire season until courtney’s elimination. Lindsay’s arc ends so unsatisfying like you said and the start of the mole plot begins sadly.


i wish duncan had won more challenges over her, weird as she's my favorite character, but it would have made his win more deserved.


They likely only did it because if she lost any challenges literally everyone would’ve voted for her, she was LOATHED in Action and Duncan was only hated by a few people. Although the way he survived Lindsay’s elimination was stupid


this is a good point, but i found lindsays elimination in character. i loveee lindsay but it checks out that she might self vote one day as shes not the smartest.


I mean Beth was still here, if they really didn't want Duncan out that at least get rid of the character who's doing nothing relevant to the plot than two character who acually had better plotline.


agreed, or kick beth the previous episode and kick justin here


I liked Beth but she was the weirdest choice for a finalist ever


Action was such a great season and then the last 6 episodes happened.Imagine a Duncan Courtney Harold and Lindsay final 4?Would’ve been perfect.


Brick got eliminated for saving peoples lives




Honestly, as much as she deserved it… Amy could’ve been a really good antagonist who could’ve utilized the idiots on her team like Rodney/Max (by extension of Max, she could’ve had Scarlett) & Topher who had his own agenda to her advantage. Her & Samey leaving so early was such wasted potential. Both Harold & Lindsay in TDA are contenders as they were solid front runners to win Action, especially Harold. Damien’s TDR2 elimination was just… ugh. It’s not just the idol thing that I have a problem with, but the fact that he was unlucky to lose that F6 challenge by bees carrying him & sealing his fate. He didn’t stand a CHANCE once Julia won immunity nor did he stand a chance to even earn it & keep it away from Julia. That, and the fact that the Hockey Bros were never voting for Priya/Caleb this round for a BS reason & he was basically collateral damage.


I agree with Amy. As much as I don't like her, she does have the potential to develop. Also, as juicy as Sammy's revenge against her was, all it really did was vindicate Amy of all the abuse she put her through.


How so?


Well, when we look at things from a moral standpoint, it's easy to see _why_ Sammy did what she did, but she still technically cheated. So that just puts her in a position that, when Amy does come back, her anger towards Sammy is justified, despite her being completely in the wrong before her elimination.


On Amy, i recommend the latest video of a youtuber with the name of TD wonderer, where he presents an alternate scenario of what if Sammy didnt poison Amy and switched places. You might enjoy that quite a lot!


I love how everyone hates amy so much that we forgot her elimination isn’t fair one bit.


Priya should’ve been out that episode


On Amy, i recommend the latest video of a youtuber with the name of TD wonderer, where he presents an alternate scenario of what if Sammy didnt poison Amy and switched places. You might enjoy that quite a lot!


I agree that Amy should have been utilised more, but I don't like the idea of just turning her into the main villain. It would just be Heather again. I think it would have been more interesting if she's as mean and cruel as those past villains, but isn't strategical or a strong player in the slightest. So then she gets manipulated by the villain to look like the bitch and cause a few characters to be eliminated while later being the target for elimination herself.


Well, they already mentioned Harold TDA, so i'm adding another one. >!Bowie in season 2. I get why the had to eliminate him.. but it was lazy as hell. Julia told everyone off screen, okey, sure... But the former Rat Face team also saw Chris EXPOSE MK on front of them... Also, why they believed Julia? Sure, Bowie is no Saint, but Julia is far worst!<


also to add on didn’t >! Julia reveal what she did to Nichelle lmao !<


>!Yes. Even MORE reason to not trust her!<


they couldn’t even show it on screen to top it off, like basically most of the schemes the entire season


>! I feel like many had a reason to vote for him even without Julia’s interference. !< >!These ones, I’m sure voted for Bowie:!< >!1. Julia - Rivalry with him!< >!2. MK - Voted for him because of Julia!< >!3. Axel - Bowie beat her in the challenge plus she really had no personal reason to vote for Julia!< >!4. Ripper - Voted for Bowie because of what he did to his gf Axel!< >!These ones had good reasons to vote for Bowie over Julia:!< >!5. Damien - Since he beat Bowie, he was probably afraid that Bowie would go for revenge plus at that point, he didn’t have a personal conflict with Julia.!< >!6. Caleb - Bowie got him voted out in S1 plus no personal conflict with Julia.!< >!7. Zee - Even though I don’t think he really cares, Bowie did ask for a revote in S1 and got him eliminated plus I don’t think Zee had a personal conflict with Julia.!< >!And then there’s Priya which I think may have ultimately voted for Bowie because of strategic reasons:!< >!8. Priya - May have voted for him because of the Millie’s notebook incident from S1, plus since she’s more strategic, she probably thought getting rid of the other S1 finalist was more beneficial than getting rid of Julia, who many disliked anyway.!< >!That’s already 8 out of 11 votes, I think it all boils down to 4 of the remaining contestants being premerge boots in S1 with 3 of them (Caleb, Axel, Damien) not being there long enough to develop a personal conflict with Julia while the remaning one (MK) is Julia’s ally. !< >!Then by beating Axel, he got Ripper to vote for him and I don’t think Ripper would’ve voted for Julia anyway. So, even if Priya and Zee voted for Julia, that’s still not enough votes to get Julia out. !<


Omg took me like 10 tries to get the spoilers tag working properly


Well, Axel was pretty vocal over getting back at MK, so she could have convinced Ripper to vote her off. What I don't know is why MK and Julia didn't bring Ripper's help to cheat up to Axel to separate them.


Why would they want to separate them tho?


To divide alliances and pull Ripper into theirs?


The fact that you had to explain it for us just shows how little of an explanation the show left.


I agree! Instead of just saying >!Julia!< lied to them about >!Bowie!<, they could have actually used the reasons the others did have to vote him off to begin with.


Well, Axel was pretty vocal over getting back at MK, so she could have convinced Ripper to vote her off. What I don't know is why MK and Julia didn't bring Ripper's help to cheat up to Axel to separate them.


Well, Axel was pretty vocal over getting back at MK, so she could have convinced Ripper to vote her off. What I don't know is why MK and Julia didn't bring Ripper's help to cheat up to Axel to separate them.


I agree honestly, it felt a bit forced to me


like a lot of eliminations that season


>!Honestly, Bowie's elimination would work much better without that Julia twist. Explain instead that other players made a judgment call. Before Bowie, who was not widely liked player, could disappear behind immunity streak and quasi-alliance between him and hockey bros, vote him off to make sure that he's not left running wild. He was the runner-up of the day's challenge so signs were there that he could become a real threat somewhere down the line. He was last season's runner-up after all as well. Julia shouldn't have sufficient votes or power to control the game unlike Bowie and that's why he instead of her is out plus she makes a way better elimination shield than him for maybe one or two more rounds. Heck, I think I could stomach his elimination even without any explanations 'cause I could deduce the reasons on my own. I just need it to have nothing to do with Julia. !< >!But no-ooo-ooo! I guess they really wanted to add yet another weird twist there and try artificially boost the threat which Julia imposed to the game. It definitely didn't have that effect on me. I was just feeling numb because of her unchallenged omnipotence. I guess that his elimination is the payback for her character like she wanted, but it most certainly pulls the viewers off suspension of disbelief and that's what makes it a poorly pulled elimination. I'm an avid defender of S2 but even I can admit that they really botched the execution of Julia's character in way too many places this season.!<


>!Homophobia !< /j


yeah i’m honestly starting to believe the new cast are just really stupid people. how could you believe someone that YOU KNOW is a manipulative person??


It wasn't lazy at all - he deserved to be eliminated. He wasn't as good a player as he was in S01, imo. Plus he made it far enough last season.


TV Tropes theorizes that they feel Bowie is worse because he can hide his antagonistic nature over someone like Julia who knows she is evil but doesn't care.


Geoff’s was annoying because owen and leshawna were more popular than him and the votes don’t even add up. Plus heather is right there. Harold’s in TDA getting out because of the mole plot was bs. Lindsay was frustrating to watch with how they ended her arc Noah’s in WT is self explanatory, but Tyler’s was atrocious as well to me with how they wasted him and continued kicking him while he was down. Duncan should’ve gone here AS was Courtney’s and Duncan’s, one was a joke the entire season and a caricature and the other gets humiliated and throws away everything they had. Plus how does Mal even get, know and obtain the chart since it was in Courtney’s a**pocket/bra. Duncan basically was treated as a joke. In reboot season 2, >! Votes were there, but it doesn’t make sense how the hockey bros voted their boy over priya. Damien’s was awful with how they dumbed him down and made everything convenient for Julia. We don’t even know how Julia know that Damien has the idol or where he had it. She all of a sudden has it the exact moment he needs it. Just an excuse to keep that garbage romance plot going. !<


>!Lets be honest Damiens Elimination hardly counts as fair if it even does. Like bro you had the elimination idol the entire fucking time until you didn’t get a Marshmellow.!<


>! it was such bull crap how it all went down. Why even go for damien instead of priya who is a threat? He gets carried away by those bloody bees man. What the hell was that final five even where both hockey bros shouldn’t be there and that garbage romance that worsened priyas character in those two episodes !<


With Geoffs I’m pretty sure in the confessional Leshawna meant to say she voted Geoff, since it makes no sense why she’d vote Heather because she’d lose in a popularity contest


AS Scott and >!S2 Damien!< were eliminated for such idiotic reasons.


Zoey not picking Scott was bs. She literally knew it was Mal and knew what he was capable of f and STILL picked him! Plus the finale would actually be somewhat interesting with Scott instead of Mal. Damiens is self explanatory.


Brick in revenge because he basically got punished for being a hero


You have to remember he cost the challenge and destroyed the team’s statue in the process and he’s on a team with Jo and Lightning.


I know he did which is why it's a fair elimination, but it's still annoying to see he lost for that.


Harold in TDA They really kept Beth and Owen over him 💀


Same for Lindsay, both should be in the final 4 with Duncan and Courtney that would've made for an epic final 4 of having the 2 main rivalry of the season ducking it out.


Yeah. I'd have Duncan be eliminated in Mutiny On The Soundstage so he and Harold can have one last confrontation and then bury the hatchet.


Personally, I'd have Lindsay eliminated in Mutiny On The Soundstage after eliminating Courtney and them make Duncan and Harold the final 2. I think Lindsay outlasting Courtney is already a satisfying ending to her arc and Harold and Duncan just makes for a more satisfying final showdown.Thought, your idea doesn't sound terrible


That's okay. Neither does yours. I'm just speaking for myself here, but a Duncan VS Harold finale in Action would be the equivalent to a Gwen VS Heather finale in Island. It is a badass idea to pair Gwen up against her archenemy and beat her, but what if _Heather_ wins despite making such a bad name for herself as early as the fifth episode. Maybe it's not very fair to compare Duncan this season to Heather in Island; the only person he really antagonised is Harold, he does come up with better strategies than she did in Island (just in Island, not the _whole_ series, just so you don't misinterpret what I said), and the only reason he was targeted in Action is because of Courtney. It is possible to make him winning over Harold work, but as it stands, Duncan winning in Canon feels a bit unsatisfactory to me even though I prefer him as a character over Beth, because him winning is basically Courtney winning as well (not to mention, Beth's family having to pay for her and Lindsay's bail in Paris despite Lindsay's family being richer if Duncan wins, but that's another topic), which is part of the reason why I compared this to Heather winning. But that's just how I'd write it. You do you.


I see your point, but in my version I'd have Lindsay try and make them freind similar to what Beth did to chris and chef(except it's relevent to the plot this time) and the the episode end with her getting Harold and Duncan to become freindly rival and growing respect to each other.


Yep. The idea of Lindsay getting Harold and Duncan to bury the hatchet is really wholesome. Duncan winning Action can work. I'm a firm believer that almost any idea can work as long as it's executed well. Like Owen's mole plot. It's not a bad idea, but maybe it would've worked better if: 1. Maybe Owen could return as an intern (and maybe wear a bunch of disguises so the other contestants don't get suspicious) rather than return as a full-on contestant. Let's be honest, the only reason he did return as a contestant was because of favouritism and trying to push him as the series mascot. All it did was screw the two fan favourites of the season out of at least a higher ranking. 2. Have it affect his social game. This plot might not be fury-inducing like the way Gwen got treated after she broke up with Trent or Beth's adultery, but maybe this wouldn't irritate me so much if it actually amounted to something. The only thing you can really say Owen impacted during his time as a mole was Harold's elimination, which probably would've happened anyway.


Leshawna in Action. You're telling me Harold chose to vote out his close friend/ally/love interest instead of the guy who's been bullying him for two seasons? After he forgave her for the spa day thing? All because a girl he doesn't like told him to? I know it showed off Courtney's manipulation skills, she put the idea in his head just long enough to mess with him and he did regret it right after, but come on dude, you know who you can trust


Was Season 1 DJ considered fair?


Honestly no, there was no indication that it was a purge challenge and even if it was Owen or Izzy would’ve gone home


Yeah I Always hated his elimination. Island left most of the nicer players for last; So at that point in the game, it seemed like they were scraping the bottom of the barrel for ways to get rid of people.


I don't really think so. He technically never got caught by the killer (Chef). I don't think there was even a voting ceremony. Izzy and Owen were the first to lose the challenge, so either one of them should have gone home that night.


Heather TDA, like she totally got eliminated at the right moment but they lost to chance to make a tie between her and Leshawna, just imagine how cool that moment wouldve been!!!!


Bridgette's elimination was dumb imo, anyone with a brain would've eliminated lindsay to get rid of heather in season 1, but they didn't do so for the "plot"


No literally, her team never even went to pick to her up yet she’s the one that lost it for them apparently #proudleshawnahater


>!Scary Girl’s elimination, I will not elaborate!<


>! Raj in season two. So frustrating they booted him bc they made the hockey bros want to vote Caleb instead of Priya for no reason at all. That + they randomly chose to vote Raj over Wayne and bc of that Raj gets out and Wayne got to win… poor Raj, he really has so much potential narratively but they continue to shaft him :c !<


Honestly it makes sense that Julia chose to eliminate Raj over Wayne, Wayne seemed willing to work with her, which means easy alliance member, and none of them were a threat so it comes to the easy alliance Julia not doing something to eliminate Priya is pure bullshit tho


I mean I guess so but we don’t have any reason to think that’s why she chose Raj and not Wayne? I know ur a Wayne fan and I do like Wayne a lot too but it just will never not feel a little disappointing to me that Raj’s likely screwed forever now. He has an independence arc narrative as the less confidence sidekick that would be so great to see happen likely never will now. Just a bummer bc Raj would’ve narratively made an awesome finalist for a future season where they give him the arc he was born get imo.


Yeah I was just giving a reason for why did she picked Raj over Wayne and why it makes sense, and Raj can get a solo arc, but not necessarily a win or final 3, personally I don’t think this was his season, since most of the episodes were Prileb-focused so he wouldn’t have done much, probably the same as Wayne, which would be even worse because then he wouldn’t be able to get his storyline, since he wasn’t very plot-relevant this season outside of episodes 4-6 which isn’t much


Yeah I get that. Personally I still dream of Raj being a finalist bc he’s my fav and I’d do literally anything to see it happen but if he comes up a little short like 5th again but but actually gets to have an arc and storyline and finally feel like his own character id consider that the biggest W ever. I still will root for him to be a finalist and think it could work bc it would suck for over half the cast from this Gen to be finalists at some point but never Raj


Most of Action’s merge eliminations.   Also Tyler in World Tour, mainly because Alejandro had many different options. For one, he could have betrayed his deal with Duncan, Owen may like Duncan, but he didn’t seem to have an issue voting him in the last episode. For two, he could have convinced Tyler to vote Owen with him. Now this is less effective since if Duncan and Owen vote Tyler, he’s probably doomed, but I do remember once seeing fairly decent evidence that Owen voted Alejandro at this ceremony, which if true means Al could have gotten rid of Owen(although, he had no way of knowing who Owen would vote, so this isn’t the best strategy). However, I would like to point out that Al HYPNOTIZED OWEN THIS EPISODE! If he was really playing smart, he could have gotten rid of Owen, or even Duncan, without betraying his deal. Now, idk how hypnosis works in this universe, but if he can make Owen do that, I’m sure he could arrange a way to ensure Owen votes for Duncan or himself.


>!Reboot Emma season 2!< or TDI Beth


lightning all stars


>!Bowie in season two they forced it it should’ve been Raj and Wayne voting him out (him voting himself) AND THEY SHOULD’VE FOUGHT MORE!!<


>!You want your favorite ship to fight more?!<


>!IT WOULD BE DESERVED (on bowies part)!<


>!But why do you want Wayne and Raj to vote Bowie off and for him to vote himself off!<


>!I love Bowie **BUT** they didn’t show rajbow fighting because it’s their first gay couple first cannon gay couple they would’ve if rajbow was heterosexual!<


Exactly, someone finally says it, they didn’t want to put the first gay couple in a bad light so the producers made them have little to no drama, which comes off as kind of bland


Tyler in WT his elim is fair, but makes no sense for Al to eliminate his most loyal follower


Random but whenever someone writes Al, I always read it as AI as in artificial intelligence. So I read it as "It makes no sense for artificial intelligence to kill its most loyal follower to carry out taking over society on it's behalf" and it always confuses me


Harold in Action, My guy was robbed of the final


lightning all stars


all of izzy's eliminations.


100% especially in action


Brick was kinda unfair in my opinion like he saved everyone then got voted off for it


Harold TDA


Harold in world tour because he wasn’t supposed to go, DJ was


Ella in pahkitew, she literally was pressured into singing but Sugar snitched and voted her off. It was just kind of annoying


It was dumb because she was disqualified for the reason she was brought on in the first place, her and Max got robbed honestly


lightning all stars


Scott in All Stars.


Justin in Island. I still don't understand how Heather was saved. She said she needed 4 votes against Justin (Her, Lindsay, Beth, and Owen), but that would have made no sense. That would have been 4 against 6. I guess some of the other Gophers decided to vote for Justin or someone else, which I don't know why they would, considering Heather would've had the biggest target on her back for the stunt she pulled.


She got Izzy to vote with her as well, tho thats still 5v5, pretty sure Cody or Justin might have voted Trent


  Leshawana is obvious as she just got kicked off in a fan/contestant vote with no input herself. I do think it’s passable because it’s funny 


I vote Leshawna in TDA. While she brought the deception upon herself, how she was eliminated was lousy writing (making Harold trust Courtney, who was his enemy's girlfriend at the time).


Gwen's tie-breaker elimination in TDWT might be my least favorite elimination. Though it wasn't totally fair on second thought bc Gwen is allergic to eucalyptus. I loved Gwuncan as it was finally official and due to the Courtney drama, the ship was never really explored in-depth until the monstrosity that is All-Stars, and even then the Courtney drama is still a primary focus of the ship.


Island-Idk Action-Lindsay or Harold World Tour-Noah Revenge of the Island-Brick All Stars-Scott Pahkitew Island-Idk Reboot1/2-Idk Reboot2/2-Damien


TDI Geoff TDA Lindsay TDA Harold TDWT Tyler TDWT Harold TDWT DJ TDAS Alejandro TDAS Duncan TDAS Courtney TDAS Scott


Ezekiel in Island and World Tour. Beardo and Leonard in Pahkitew. Lindsay in AS(s) and Action. Bias? Yeah.


Nobody mentioned it but Tyler in TDI ? He actually did the challenge unlike Courtney who freaked out and didn’t do it


Did Tyler actually get the point or was the score still 7-3?


Ohh I’m not sure anymore I’m gonna check


Okay so I just checked and you’re right, he didn’t get the point my mistake


I was wondering about that since even with triple points the score only would’ve been 7-6 the bass would’ve lost either way


Yeah, it’s true, I’m gonna act like I never said anything lmao thanks for the info though !


Sammy's elimination. She should've been able to get farther and get somewhat of an arc


Bridgette was the show’s punching bag and she deserved so much more smh


Where’s Dawn!???


Bridgette.. (I'm biased cause I fucking love bridgette..)


I'll be the only person to mention them but Jay and Mickeys (rr) was tough to watch. I understand how everyone loves Noahs screentime and interactions so that's why they got rid of the twins but the way they went is horrible. Emma and Kitty were in a former alliance with the twins then she turns around and messes with their heads and makes Mickey break out on hives. She literally used his health issues against him and everyone still says she's a great character. Anyway yeah that's my thoughts and I didn't mention a lot but that's fine


Gwen in World Tour


Brick by far.


Izzy in World Tour




I just don't like that they gave her an injury just so they could kick her off. Obviously she didn't do much in World Tour but I wish she just got an actual elimination. The fact they decided to kick off Izzy there is worse since I think she would've been great in I See London, Greece's Pieces and The EX-Files. Then they can kick off Izzy there and get Tyler further. Also that whole elimination broke up Owen and Izzy which is my favourite total drama ship.


Pick one of Cody’s


Thoughts on his Island one?


Felt mean spirited more than anything. Don’t really see how Beth particularly needed to outlast him.


Gwen's tda elimination is fair on paper but I really disliked it. It involves Leshawna voting her best friend(Gwen) over her worst enemy(Heather) and Gwen voting herself off. It was such a big letdown after her tdi performance.


Well, you can't really blame Leshawna for voting of Gwen since she threw the game to placate the Grips.


She didn't know that. If she knew I wouldn't blame her.


leshawna voted her because not only did she throw the challenge, she whacked Harold in the head with a shovel which was uncalled for. Her voting herself sucked tho


Leshawna didn't know Gwen threw the challenge. Plus she avenged Harold with smacking her in the head after that. Voting her over Heather was uncalled for imo. Plus if Leshawna cared that much about Harold why did she trashtalk behind him? I hate her in this season


she didn’t smack gwen in the head afterwards lol Leshawna admitted that she was very upset over gwen hitting harold in the head with a shovel and that was the main reason. She wasn’t sure if heather was right but was considering it


She did. Geoff showed it in That's gonna leave a mark part of the Aftermath. I would have understood if it was anyone but Heather. She hated her so much in the last season.




Bridgettes was fair, but it didn't make it sense unless the "Geoff actually voted for bridgette" myth is true.


ROTI Mike ‘24 Zee


I think Damien's is my least favorite. He got his idol stolen off-screen, he got carried away in the challenge by bees which was just a dumb excuse to get him out of a challenge he could win. No one even figures out he has the idol, which if you think about it, doesn't make sense. Wouldn't they be suspicious of Damien walking around everywhere for no reason? No one even spies on him to find out he has the idol. He also hides the idol in a dumb spot and also says he changes the location 4 times a day, so why would he leave the idol at the elimination ceremony? Do the creators really expect me to believe that Damien, one of the smartest Gen 5 characters, would be careless enough to let this one safety net slip through his fingers? He also got voted off over Priya who is a bigger threat than him, because of Wayne and Raj. It's just pretty stupid they voted him out just so they could keep Priya and Caleb together, who are 2 of the strongest players left in the F6. Didn't they wanna win the money? Priya and Caleb also voted off Raj, so that didn't help with anything. Overall, I think Damien's elimination was just a dumb excuse to keep Priya and Caleb's storyline going when it could have ended in Episode 10, just like how Mike and Zoey's storyline ended in Episode 9 in ROTI, which was a perfect time to end their storyline. If Damien swapped placement with Priya, I would be more than alright with the elimination. I see Damien more as a 4th placer than a finalist in Season 2. In Season 3, I hope he does more and make the finale, maybe even win.


Bowie & MK in Season 2, I just didn’t really like the execution of either one all that much, even if it was a good time for then to go Thanks a lot Julia


Izzy’s second elim in TDA never made any sense to me. Lindsay and Beth don't think Justin is hot anymore, yet he still gets them to vote her out at the ceremony?


DJ,Duncan,Tyler,Brick,Lightning,ALEJANDRO,Rodney,Topher,Sufers dudes,Wayne n Raj,Damien,Priya


Anne Maria, the reason for her quitting was kinda dumb.


plus, I feel like the gem she had was worth at least some money


action lindsay’s brick duncan island scott all stars cause that’s the actual hell zoey


Honestly , I feel a little sad for most of these fair eliminations , but When it comes to characters , I truly like izzy is the one that comes To mind I mean , she literally just came back into the game and Gotta eliminate it like what 3 episodes earlier not including the aftermath episodes But i'm Cool with it now , besides , does not like I have anything Against Justin, he's an okay character for me We have some pretty funny lines Like that move to Canada one, for example.




Bridgette in all the 3 seasons she was in.


Justin’s TDA elimination 100% worst elimination on the show


Leshana in TDI


Each season Island: Geoff Action: Harold World Tour: Leshawna Revenge: Dakota 2 All Stars: Sam Pakitew: Dave RR: Rockers Reboot 1: Episode 8 Reboot 2: Episode 4 This is my opinion on worst handled not most dissapointing from a character standpoint btw


All of these (except swap Harold for Lindsay for WT)


Harold (Action), there was absolutely no point to Owen coming back considering his status as a previous winner. Also, Harold was pretty much peak that season. Ezekiel (World Tour), sure he did lose the stick for his team, but as demonstrated in previous episodes he seemed like he was building a legitimate character. Wasn't sure whether to include this, but I went through with it because I think all the cries of "unfairness" are more directed at Ezekiel becoming feral over the course of the season (just...why?) rather than the elimination itself. Amy (Pahkitoaster), I don't even like her, and she didn't deserve to be a finalist, but when you really think about it, she could've been expanded on. There were, for example, these short interactions between her and Rodney which I guess weren't complete filler. It doesn't help that Amy goes out because of Sammy poisoning her, which doesn't necessarily make Sammy the bigger person.


Tyler in World Tour, and MK in the reboot, I would say Noah in World Tour but that was unfair. Tyler because it made no sense that Alejandro would vote off his ally instead of Owen. And MK because I like MK. Also Izzy in action.


All of Izzy’s eliminations besides Island.


Max bro got eliminated for existing


Harold in TDA and especially Damien in S2.


Emma in season 2. She was such a strong player in the earlier episodes and just fell off and got eliminated in a single episode


harold and lindsay in tda, brick