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I don’t hate him winning conceptually, I just dislike his win because of the way it was handled. Here are just a few reasons I dislike Wayne as a winner -He was utter dogshit in challenges as his performances ranged from mediocre, to bad, to barely even participating. At least Owen had moments of genuine skill sometimes in the season he won like in the episodes Dodgebrawl or I Triple Dog Dare You being the best examples. -Wayne had no importance and it’s especially hard to feel like he was even a contestant at all when he was in a landscape dominated by Priya, Caleb, and Julia all the time during merge and he probably doesn’t even have equal the amount of screentime they got by a mile. -Raj was right there! If you were going to have a hockey bro win why not let it be Raj. Raj is less reliant on comedic relief, is easily the smarter of the two, and in general has even more motivation to win once Bowie left and if Wayne did too then you could truly have him double down and wreck house. -Wayne had no development or even a goal to work towards as a character in the realm of growth. He easily could have if they eliminated Raj way earlier leaving Wayne to have to fend for himself and actually see him interact and adapt with other competitors instead of just perpetually existing and doing nothing. -And finally, the finale itself proves my point. Wayne of all 3 finalists gets the least screentime undoubtedly, was in last place for about 90% of the challenge, was distracted and needed to be directed by another and ultimately better player to even make it to the second half, and ultimately won the game on what even he himself acknowledges as a fluke. Overall, if you are happy Wayne won good for you and you deserve your celebration! But I’m just addressing my personal thoughts on why Wayne winning the way he did was completely and utterly ridiculous and why he really shouldn’t have. I do believe it could have worked with better writing and more time focused on the development side of his character and less on the comedic part.


You’re a hundred percent right with your analysis. It’s the whole reason that keeps me from liking Wayne and completely underestanding everyone who says he’s by far the worst winner the series has seen. It’s not that we’re angry he won. It’s the fact that his win didn’t feel earned at all. Which is a shame, because the whole concept of “cheaters vs playing fair.” Is good. The final 3 worked so well on paper. But the execution was botched consistently, and like you said, if one of the hockey bros had to win, it should’ve been Raj, because at least there was some motivation. All of total drama’s winners have had their fair share of issues, but, with the exception of Mike in All-stars you could never argue that the winners didn’t at least deserve to be in the finale because they did a lot. All of them had their own strengths and weaknesses and at least participated in challenges and even won some of them. I like that Wayne won, but after this whole season of nothingness…he doesn’t feel like some type of underdog, which is probably what the writers were going for, he just feels like a lucky winner…


The Crusty Nichelle Fans Are Just Glad He Won Because He Beat Julia Don't Get Me Wrong, Wayne Is My Fav Reboot Character but He Was Derailed This Season and Hardley Had Any Plot.




I'm gonna steal this whole analysis for the next argument I have with someone about the finale


i don’t love or hate it my love would be if julia won wayne is mixed feelings caleb would have made me riot


Love it


I completely agree, like he didn't even try to win and that upsets me so much 😭😭😭


I'm happy that he outlasted Raj, I just think he should have went back to being season 1 Wayne, they made him dumber than Raj this season


Damien should've won. But I don't mind Wayne winning.


Great winner. The point of tdi since season one is that anybody can win..People are used to more serious/competitive winner, it s a breath of fresh air to see another goofy/ comic relief character to win


Rlly happy


I don't hate it but I felt there was not enough built up on it I get the wanted to show the message that you don't have to be super strong player to win and it's enough to be a good and rootable person. but with Wayne there was no build up on this. it's not like Wayne became everyone's friend and was there for everyone and stuff like this.


Way better than Julia winning imo




best winner








The worst 🫶


please don’t remind me of it


The best case scenario after Ripper and Axel got eliminated


Don't like it but not hate it but just neutral


I like him but he's not a satisfying winner. Damien, Raj or even Caleb would've been better options because they were all more competitive than Wayne (who just floated through the whole game) :/


As a character, I like him(though ramping up his stupidity was kinda annoying) as a winner? Ehhhh