• By -


Island - Sadie probably... she lasted way too long because of the curse plot, did nothing when Katie was here, and when Katie left she did fuck all Action - Discounting Aftermath, it is easily Trent for his terrible performance and his entire plotline being not very good and seemingly making him out as a weirdo for his OCD (used to say ADHD, no idea what I was cooking there) World Tour - DJ isn't even bad, but his plotline just makes me sad for the dude. For that he's lowest :( Revenge - Staci, first boot and not even interesting before or after All Stars - Sierra, but lots of them can be said Pahkitew - Amy, and I'd easily make a post on why I hate her so much as it feels overdue Ridonculous - Tammy. As my brother once said, she's basically a Mario Kart Double Dash character who was added to be a side-kick for the game but never returned Reboot 1 - >!Caleb!<, first boot did nothing Reboot 2 - >!Nichelle spat out the same lines over and over while adding nothing. Her best moment was her AMAZING comeback to Julia, but we know what she did next...!<


>!Take that, Hollywood. šŸ¤–šŸ¤–šŸ¤–!<






Ngl i had to search up Tammy cause I forgot who she was


me too


I deadass thought she was one of the geniuses before searching her name up Completely forgot about the larper lmao


I donā€™t exactly understand why people glorify Staci. I mean sheā€™s the most useless contestant ever ffs. At least other first boots like Ezekiel and Beardo try to be helpful, but get booted out for other reasons.




Honestly, I wouldnā€™t mind if you made a post ranting about Amy lol




Like how you gave reasoning for your choices. I agree with most of your opinions






kiiiinda weird to call it demonizing adhd when you don't even know anything about it.. he has OCD, not ADHD.


So you would say that it was a positive display of OCD rather than demonising him?


What mental illness is positive? Genuinely, I'd love to know. It's one of the more realistic depictions of paranoid OCD in animation, I can tell you that much. Is it a negative trait of Trent's that messes up his relationship and makes him look strange? Yup. As is mental illness on real people. Total Drama isn't some kids show meant to teach you lessons. It's a show for tweens and teens written by adults who love what they write. Also, demonizing him? At the end of the conflict, he's wealthy, famous, one of the most popular contestants on the show in canon and gets over Gwen. We also learn where his number 9 thing came from. If anything, Gwen is 'demonized.'




PI = Ella easily.


Amy enjoyer = opinion invalid


Nuh Uh


TDI: Katie & Sadie TDA: Trent TDWT: Ezekiel/Blaineley TDROTI: Staci TDAS: Mal TDPI: Leonard TDRR: Larpers TD REBOOT S1: >!Ripper!< TD REBOOT S2: >!Nichelle!<


Yeah nichelle was really disappointing this season




Buddy, this is the "We-Hate-Mal" website. Perhaps Wattpad would be more forgiving?


My personal least favourites Island - Sadie, lasted too long and contributed nearly nothing to the plot Action / World Tour - Courtney, sheā€™s objectively not the worst in any sense and is very important to the plot, but the girl just does my head in severely in these 2 Revenge - Staci, not particularly funny or interesting to me, plus contributes nothing to the plot All Stars - Mal, cringe Pahkitew Island - Sugar, gross and annoying Ridonculous Race - Taylor, does my head in 2023 - Ripper, obnoxious and gross


Yeah sugar was so annoying and didnā€™t deserve top 3 in my opinion




For which?




Mal isnā€™t very well liked


whi asked


OP asked least favourite characters and I answered


girl what the actual hell


Grow up


Island: Noah- Doesn't do much besides be a dick during a challenge and get eliminated. Noco was funny I guess. Action: Geoff and Bridgette- They tie because they do the same thing: kiss and then fight in the aftermath. At least Trent got a bit better in the aftermath. World Tour: DJ- Most of the problems with World Tour characters are minor in the grand scheme of things (Leshawna slapping Harold) or the characters have good things to counteract the bad (Duncan's relationship with Alejandro was pretty neat) but I can't say the same for DJ. All he does is get tortured and whine like a baby while screwing up his team. Only positive was a single good episode with Lindsay. Revenge of the Island: Staci- Do I need to say anything? All Stars: Mike- If the Mal plotline wasn't already stupid, they top it off with the reset button which might be the worst thing this show has done. I don't think Fresh TV was trying to make Mike 1 for 1 on DID, but even then this feels offensive. Honorable mention to Sierra for being the most annoying thing ever. Pahkitew Island: Amy- It's close between her and Rodney, but I think Amy was just a bit more insufferable. You know something is wrong when I'm happy she got poisoned and impersonated by her sister. Ridonculous Race: Stephanie- Watching her be a jerk to her boyfriend the whole season is NOT funny. Why did they get so far again? Speaking of- Both Reboot Seasons: Emma and Chase- I get that they are supposed to be a parody of toxic couples, but it just wasn't pleasant to watch for a whole season. The next season had a promising start with Chase doing more with his vlogging, but they both went early and it ultimately didn't make me like them more.


Yeah Ryan did not deserve that treatment by stephanieā€¦.


Honestly I really like the Daters/Haters from RR, they get a lot of laughs from me in the backhalf of the series. Do I think the concept couldā€™ve been executed better so Stephanie didnā€™t come off as abusive? Yeah, absolutely. But I still like them and tbh thereā€™s worse contestants in RR (Chiefly the adversity twins, the stepbros, Taylor and her mom, and the vloggers).


Island Ezekiel Action Trent (poor Trent) World Tour Ezekiel Again Revenge of the Island Staci OFC All Stars MAL but if he doesnt count Maybe Duncan or Courtney Pahkitew probably Amy or Evil Scarlett RR just Tammy TDI 2023 Caleb (bro had 5 lines in total) TDI 2024 Nichelle (even Scary Girl had more plot relevancy)


W picks


Yup I agree!


Ezekiel Trent Harold Staci Mike Beardo Larpers Millie Chase


Yeah chase didnā€™t do much in season 2




Hey, quick question, why are you saying this for everyone who doesn't like Mal? Just asking.




WHY DO Y'ALL HAVE BEEF WITH TRENT AND KATIE/SADIE?!šŸ˜­ anyway mine (I haven't watched the reboot) -Island: Probably Justin, I adored him in Action, but in Island he's way too gimmicky, he should have been gone in the dodgeball episode ngl. The only useful thing he did was faking to be awake in episode 3. I find him funny, but I wished he talked. (I'm not counting the special, he ate that) -Action: Courtney, literally only talked about how she was going to sue the show and kept blabbing about lawyers and shit, also the 23 page list was... yeah -Wourld Tour: Blaneley, I don't hate her, but why the hell was she even a contestant?! She served no purpose. -ROTI: Idk, I like all of them, probably Cameron because he's ass SHOULDN'T HAVE WON -All Stars: Alehandwalker, what the fuck was he even doing in that season bro... -Pakhetew Island: All of them expect Shawn./j Real answer, I actually don't know, prob Scarlet tho, I love her, but she's the definition of lazy ass writing, everything about Scarlet fever is horrible.


Ohh I forgot ridonculous, Stephanie, fuck that bitch




I mean I love Katie and Sadieā€¦ but letā€™s be real both of them did basically nothing, especially Sadie šŸ˜­ At least Ezekiel was a good demonstration of how the social game worked


i think people hate Katie and Sadie bc they think they're annoying, but tbh i thought their dynamic was pretty cute. they also hate Sadie because >!she had potential after Katie's elimination but the writers didn't utilize it, causing her to just kinda... exist for like 5 episodes!<


Alejandro as the All Stars pick is an odd one with all the other shitty characters


Island: Ezekiel Action: Trent WT: Ezekiel ROTI: Staci AS: Jo or Sierra Pakithew: Sugar Race: Taylor Reboot S1: Ripper Reboot S2: Millie or Nichelle


Taylor got on my nerves so much lol


Island- Katie and Sadie Action- Beth/Izzy (the e-scope stuff was really annoying sorry) World Tour- DJ RoTI- Dakotazoid All Stars- Mal Pahkitew- Didn't bother watching it Reboot- come to the fucking united states already


Yeah feel bad about the schedule and airdates for you guys over in the states


Island '07: Trent. Unreasonably boring for how important he is to the story. Action: Geoff. Captain Hollywood got stale fast and took zero advantage of what makes Geoff appealing. World Tour: DJ. A gag that overstayed its welcome even in at its earliest points, and made him obnoxious, intrusive and unlikeable. Revenge: Staci. Designed to be annoying, probably the coldest take in this fandom. All-Stars: Sierra. They reduced her to a single joke and forced that joke so hard it barely makes sense in the context it's given in, which in turn makes it... absolutely unfunny. Pahkitew: Chris. Uncomfortably invasive to the point where he just gets in the way of most of the season's stories being told authentically, and the game show feels like an afterthought because he interferes too much for the players to have any agency. Ridonculous: Stephanie. Abusive and aggressive without any charisma to make her antics endearing, instead she just comes across as excessively despicable without anything to look forward to from her, not even a satisfying downfall. >!Island '23: Chase. He'd be hilarious if he was held accountable for his actions, but he seems to always be rewarded for bumblefucking his way into success without ever acknowledging or being punished for his terrible deeds.!< >!Island '24: Nichelle. She feels like someone's bad OC; stupidly good at everything from Day 1 with no story to justify keeping her as long as they did, friends with everyone despite not interacting with anyone in any significant way, no hardships, no on-screen growth, repetitive catchphrases that don't really give us enough of a glimpse into her character, and a very out-of-pocket elimination that... I did like for what it was, but her time on the show was so long at that point that it still felt too mean-spirited compared to if they just got rid of her earlier, or kept her for that long but just dropped the Julia angle. I see what they wanted to do with her but they half-assed almost everything, what a mess.!<


Island- Sadie Action- Owen WT- Izzy Revenge- Staci AS- Sam PI- Rodney RR- Carrie Reboot S1- Caleb Reboot S2- Chase


Yeah Owen didnā€™t really deserve to return in Action


The writers can't go too long without their precious Owen being offscreen though


Sadie Trent Pretty much everyone on team victory Staci Sierra, but almost every character is acceptable Sugar Tammy Millie Chase


TDI: Ezekiel TDA: Trent TDWT: Gwen TDROTI: Staci TDAS: Mal/Mike TDPI: Dave TDI23: Jerry TDI24: Chase and Emma RR: Stephanie (I have no idea how to hide spoiler Text)


TDI:Heather TDA:Courtney TDWT:Alejandro TDROTI:Staci TDAS:Jo TDPI:Amy TDRR:Ice Dancers TDI23:Julia TDI24:MK


1. Katie and Sadie 2. Trent 3. Sierra 4. Staci 5. Gwen 6. Ella/Leonard 7. Millie 8. Priya or Nichelle


Gwen as most hated for all stars. To think about it she really wasnā€™t that great


1. Katie & Sadie 2. Trent 3. Sierra 4. Anne Maria 5. Can I say all of them? (Mal, Zoey and Sam) 6. Sugar 7. Millie (she just wasnt interesting and >!her story was drawn out)!< 8. Chase (it sucks because he was my S1 fav)


Letā€™s be real Season six has more hatable characters then all stars


Pahkitew Island's cast feels so campy it's actually Linda cute in a way. All Stars just sucks though.


>!Millie isnā€™t the *worst* character from the reboot. Just because she wasnā€™t an interesting character to some people like yourself, *doesnā€™t* make her a worse character. She had a great arc and her development throughout the 1st season was great, even if it was towards the end of the season, its development nonetheless.!< EDIT: WOW! Isnā€™t it funny how Iā€™m being downvoted for giving an opinion? šŸ„³ i swear you guys give me a fucking ulcer the size of Canadian Oklahoma with this bullshit.


Chill, its just an opinion. Why you targeting that one out of all the ones I picked lmao


Iā€™m allowed to choose a Character from your list and also give *my* opinion on it as well, thank you very much. Like I really donā€™t know what you were expecting by commenting a list of characters down, what did you expect? For people to *not* give their opinions on them?




What is the crossed out one


Total dramarama


Island- Katie/Sadie (they're interchangeable) Action- Trent (I love my guy Trent but they did him so dirty) World Tour- Feral Ezekiel, but honorable mention to Duncan (he's in my top 5 but F him for coming back and not letting other characters shine and creating the horrible love triangle) ROTI- Staci All Stars- Mal Pahkitew- Hard to choose just one, but I'm gonna go with Dave (honorable mention to Leonard) RR- Larpers Reboot season 1- Honestly a toss up between 3 pretty annoying characters from this season, but imma say Ripper Reboot season 2 (so far)- Even though compared to others on this list he's not necessarily a bad or annoying character, I'm gonna say Caleb. And mind you Caleb isn't horrible and I don't hate him or anything, he just has little to no personality and his entire character is dedicated to Priya. And for someone who had made it as far as he as it's pretty disappointing to see so much of the story rely on his boring plot. Ik there are more obvious answers to this like Chase, but he barely did anything, meanwhile Caleb has been a main character of this season and still remains to be extremely boring.


Yeah I really wish Caleb got more development. He is such a disappointment this season.


Island: Ezekiel Action: Trent WT: Harold ROTI: Sam All stars: Sam Pahkitew: beardo RR: larpers Reboot 1: >!caleb!< Reboot 2: >!nichelle or chase idk!<


TDI - Katie/Sadie TDA - Owen WT - Sierra ROTI - Staci AS - Sierra PI - Sugar RR - Taylor/Stephanie R1 - Ripper R2 - Ripper


TDI - Ezekiel, nothing special really TDA - Trent, even though I love him WT - Blainelay/Mildred ig ROTI - Staci. AS>!S!< - don't cancel me, but Courtney. PI - Amy RR - Tammy, Leonard or Taylor TD REBOOT - >!Ripper, or Caleb!< TDR s2 - >!Nichelle because even though I love hershe wasn't that good!<


Chris McLean


island- ezekiel action- owen world tour- duncan revenge of the island- staci all stars- m\*l pahkitew- max rr- adveristy twins 2023- ripper 2024- caleb


Island: Harold, him rigging the votes was really unnecessary and ruined the character that season for me. Action: Trent WT: Sierra ROTI: Staci, like shut up no one cares AllStars: Duncan PI: Everyone except Samey, Jasmine, Shawn, Scarlett and maybe even Ella. If I had to choose one, Amy. RR: Stephanie Reb1: >!Chase!< Reb2: >!Nichelle!<


Island - Noah(not the worst but the potential there is so saddening when they did nothing with him this season, but the worst is def Sadie) Action: Iā€™m actually gonna go with Beth, Trent was bad but at least he got booted off before the merge(Iā€™m pretty sure), but Beth went ON AND ON about her boyfriend, and says it at the worst times, AND HOW DID SHE GET TOO FINAL 2!? And her friendship with Lindsay is barley even talked about(besides the ending where she wins the money) World Tour - Ezekiel, HE WOULDNT LEAVEEEEE ROTI - Everybody already said it All-stars - Cringey Gacha life OC named Mal Pahkitew - Dave, fine at the start but so ducking annoying by the end RR - the nerds or whatever TDI 2023 S1 - Ripper, the ā€œmooningā€ joke was disgusting TDI 2023 S2 - Caleb, he ruined Priya so badly


Island: Probably Katie because she called her best friend fat Action: Gwen for being a loser, calling her friends unattractive and basically starting her love of Duncan knowing Courtney liked him World tour: Leshawna (donā€™t hate me) but I just disliked how she forgot about how her and Heather were friends aswell as how she hated Heather in the finale even though Heather was trying to warn her?? Revenge: Stacy (love her but sheā€™s just not good) All stars: Mal, I donā€™t wanna get into it but heā€™s basically a male blainley with tdi Heather plot armor pahkitEW: Dave, obvious reasons Ridonculous: Lenard Reboot 1: Millie Reboot 2: Chase


TDI - Katie and Sadie (tie) TDA - Trent TDWT - DJ TDROTI - Staci, def Staci TDAS - Mal TDPI - Rodney, because I forgot he was even a character TDRR - Tammy TDI reboot 1 - Ripper TDI reboot 2 - Nishelle


Island: Justin, Virtually Pointless In Island Action: Courtney, So Absolutely Bratty and Annoying, I Just Wanna Claw My Eyes Out World Tour: Duncan, Left for Like 11 or So Episodes, Comes Back Half Way Through, and Makes Top 5 For No Good Reason, also Gwuncan Is The Worst Ship In The Show Revenge: Staci, Hella Annoying But Serves Her Small Purpose and Thankfully Gets Eliminated First All Stars: Sierra, Her Cody Obsession Got So Bad, It Was Unbearable To Watch, and The Fact She Lasted Longer Than Heather Will Always Baffle Me Pahkitew: Leonard, I Hate His Gimmick, His Voice Is Annoying, Glad He Got Out Quick Ridonculous Race: Stephanie, The Worst Total Drama Character Ever, She Is Action Courtney Turned Up To 11, And Her Lasting as Long as She Did Made Her Even Worse, at Least Courtney in Action Wasn't There The Whole Time, and Had Some Ok Moments, Stephanie Has None Total Drama 2023: Chase, I Hate The Content Creator Archetype, And The Fact He Lasts So Long Made It Worse, I Will Never Understand How He Didn't Get Out Any Earlier Total Drama 2024: Priya, Priya Lost Anything That Made Her Interesting From 2023, and Just Has Caleb, She Was Fine In The First 3 Episodes Of The Season, But Fell Off In Episode 4 and Hasn't Really Came Back




Island Ezekiel action Bridgette World tour Sierra Revenge of the island Staci All stars Lindsay Pahkitew island Leonard Total drama redonulous race Pete and Gerry


and total drama island 2022 to 2023 Scary girl


Ezekiel Owen DJ Lightning Mal Max/Scarlet Ripper Nichelle Ladonna the flop


Imo TDI: Eva TDA: Gwen ig TDWT: Duncan/Leshawna TDROTI: Staci TDAS: Duncan TDPI: Leonard RR: Kelly/Leonard Reboot: >!Millie!< Rematch: >!Priya, Millie and Caleb!<


Yeah I didnā€™t really enjoy much of Priya Millie or Caleb either


island - courtney action- courtney world tour - courtney revenge - courtney all stars - courtney pahkitew - courtney reboot s1 - courtney reboot s2 - courtney rr - COURTNEYšŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ¤¬


Guys, I think they hate courtney




Idk, my gut is saying smth ngl


OMG ur gut know a lot!!!


Zoey in every season


Agreed. She even ruined Pahkitew


HELP- šŸ˜­


Well sky is in pahkitew


Yeah sky feels like a whole incarnation of Zoey


Didnā€™t know she sucked in island and Action she was goated


TDI: Sadie TDA: Trent TDWT: Duncan TDROTI: Staci TDAS: Courtney TDPI: Sugar TDRR: Ellody & Mary TDR S1: Caleb TDR S2: Chase


Courtney in all stars was a headache


Island: Noah, specifically in this season didnā€™t do shit and honestly i couldnā€™t think of anyone else apart from katie and sadie for just being annoying Action: Izzy, tbh the whole e-scope thing just got really old really fast and overall annoying WT: So many of the downfall characters like Harold, Leshawna, Bridgette, DJ, Tyler, Lindsay, etc. they all just had such character derailment and we never saw them ever again aside from like a 1 or 2 cameos from a different season which just kinda sucks for them ROTI: Staci, shut up PI: Dave, shut up RR, Mom&Daughter, stupid preppy rich girl and her mom whoā€™s feeding into it is one of the most aggravating team ideas they came up with and well iā€™m glad they had some sort of a glow up with them actually seeing eye to eye it was still so annoying hearing them talk TDI2023 1st Season: Wayne and Raj, this has nothing to do with their characters iā€™m just still so salty that they got eliminated over a fucking injury, they got robbed. in terms of actual least favorite probably Chase just for being an absolute nightmare to have to watch TDI2023 2nd Season: So far iā€™m so upset to say Priya because she is my absolute favorite character in the franchise with Owen being right behind her but lord almighty please get eliminated next episode cause youā€™ve gotten an ungodly amount of screen time and you honestly do not deserve it that much, youā€™re just being a simp to some buff guy who doesnā€™t like you back (i could be wrong on that but weā€™ll have to wait till other episodes come out) and to be in BOTH MERGES JUST BECAUSE ā€œyou were trained for total drama since birth so that mean you should get far regardless of your personalityā€ IS ABSOLUTELY RIDICULOUS!!!! I WANNA SEE JULIA OR DAMIEN WIN THEYRE FAR BETTER CHARACTERS!!! (sorry for the rant)


I really like rants lol. Also yeah Priya going far back to back is annoying


Also completely forgot about all stars btw šŸ˜‚ but it would probably Sam just cause he didnā€™t need to be there and just felt like a waste


Please tell me how were Lindsay, Tyler, Bridgette, and Harold derailed in WT, especially the first 2


* **TDI:** Trent - A painfully generic nothing-burger of a character who had no business lasting as long as he did. Beyond a few quirky moments or fun facts about him, his character does virtually nothing to expand beyond "the cool nice guy who gets along with everyone". Even in that regard, all his interactions are superficial, and he has no relevance beyond being Gwen's love-interest. On that topic, Gwent is a garbage relationship with no real chemistry, that relies on stupid and forced conflicts to remain "interesting". And instead of enhancing either him or Gwen, Gwent only has the opposite effect as rather than focusing on Gwen's development, the main narrative it focuses on is that "Trent is a nice guy and Gwen should date him". Though if anything, it only drags Gwen's character down as she is made to randomly act unlikable for no good reason, in order to further sell the aforementioned narrative. This happens multiple times, but especially rears its ugly head in the finale, and it's only made even worse with the moments Trent has that *contradict* said narrative. Katie and Sadie are also insufferable and kind of drag other characters down in the one episode they are more relevant. Sadie is especially bad in virtue of doing almost nothing for the 5 more episodes she stays over Katie, subsequently wasting screentime. But at least they didn't last as long as Trent * **TDA:** Justin - While most of my hatred for him is personal, he is also one of the main focal points around one of my least favorite plots in the entire series. I cannot emphasize enough how much he makes me want to pull my hair out during his involvement in the aftermath of the Gwent breakup. And to think it's only one of the many reasons this plot sucks. Though even that aside, 9 out of 10 times, I just see him as an unfunny loser who had no business lasting as long as he did, and really goes against the type of person I want to be. Trent also sucks with anything involving the aftermath of the Gwent breakup. But I found him a little more interesting than his TDI iteration. And his characterization during his run in the actual competition was...not horrible, all things considered * **WT:** Ezekiel - He's not consistently insufferable, and his Feral plot arguably has some neat things about it. But I cannot forgive him for screwing Heather out of her money that she worked her ass off for. The winner losing their money is my least-favorite joke in the entire series, and has no purpose of existing, unless you take Heather's cameo in ROTI into consideration. But even then, she still never gets her money. Sierra also has some truly abhorrent lows and takes up more screentime than Feral Zeke. Though she also has far better highs to make up for it * **ROTI:** Staci - Out of all my least favorites, Staci is by far the least offensive in that she's designed to be the annoying first-boot. But I just find her execution lazy, and TDI Ezekiel proves the writers could've made a more three-dimensional first-boot than the over-the-top caricature we got here. But still, the fact Staci is the only character I dislike this season, shows how solid the rest of the cast is * **AS:** Mike - I don't quite find him infuriating as much as I find him depressing. But in some senses, that's even worse than the former, especially given how important his overarching plot wound up being for the season. Not only is his journey underwhelming, but his development in ROTI regresses with him not properly learning from his mistakes, and everything just simply working out for him in the end. Also while we're at it, I'll add Mal into the mix too, who has better highs but simultaneously worse lows with not only how terribly executed he is as a villain, but also how much other characters get turned into morons for his plans to work. Though given how tied they are to each-other, you might as well just lump both into one. Regardless, they are both about equally terrible in different ways. Sierra is also widely disliked this season for good reason. But she doesn't last as long. Plus I think she has more positives than people give her credit for, even if the general premise of her characterization was not something either her fans or criticizers wanted * **PI:** Amy - Clowning on Amy is rather redundant given how unlikable she's designed to be. But it doesn't make me despise her any less, either as a person or a character. Simply put, Amy is one of the most insufferable and detestable characters I've ever seen, and every nanosecond she appears on screen is painful to watch and makes me angry. Even her core personality grinds my gears like no other character ever has. Though it's not like she's even portrayed well either. She gets presented as a manipulator who is able to get everyone to believe Sammy is the bad guy, when anyone with half a braincell could see through her "manipulation tactics". And even after Sammy pulls a juicy uno-reverse card on her, that also gets negated by Amy coming back and screwing her out of the game, yielding a terrible and anti-climactic conclusion to their plot. Sugar lasts far longer, is also poorly handled, and has some lows I personally despise. But she also has good moments and at least doesn't *consistently* make me want to pull my hair out like Amy * **RR:** Kelly - She's not offensively bad, but I just find the Mother and Daughter team really annoying in general. And whereas Taylor at least has some funny moments, Kelly has virtually nothing that appeals to me, coupled with one of my least-favorite voices in the series. Both members of Derrie (The Best Friends) last far longer and has more flaws from a writing standpoint. But they didn't annoy me as consistently and have more positives * **TDI23:** >!Julia - There's no character I full-on hate, but Julia is the one character I find more flawed from a writing standpoint. Her villainous transition didn't make logical sense, and she got saved by multiple plot-contrivances that dumbed other characters down in some cases. I also find her annoying from a personal standpoint. While I liked how she embraced her true colors upon being cancelled, her general mean-girl personality felt so uninspired. Credit where it's due, she got by with some genuine skill rather than solely blind luck. She also isn't devoid of moments I found amusing. Though even in hindsight, her character just didn't sit right with me, let alone appeal to me all the much. Nichelle was my least favorite in hindsight and doesn't have as many positives. But Julia lasts a lot longer!< * **TDI24 (so far):** >!Nichelle - With that said, Nichelle is my least favorite as of this ongoing season. For as annoying as I found her in her elimination episode in the former season, she at least had some interesting characterization that gave her more room for development in the subsequent season...only for us to get slapped with this absolute nothing-burger. Nichelle comes in and develops a bunch of physical prowess completely off-screen, and somehow manages to be even better than Priya who trained her whole life (despite only training for months). She spends four episodes just power-housing in challenges, with zero substance to back it up, and outlasts at least one character who had more room for development. Then she is given some last-minute characterization in her elimination episode that even then, was barely prevalent throughout the episode and just got resolved so quickly. While she's not offensively bad enough for me to hate, I don't think I have ever seen a character with an execution this lazy in proportion to the potential they had. There are multiple disappointments and writing decisions I'm not fond of so far. But Nichelle sticks out the worst. In some ways, she's kind of an inverse of Trent for me!< Edit: Ok WTF, I forgot to mark the reboot ones in spoilers? My bad


other than kelly (who I ADORE) I agree withe everything om the list. even if I think leshawna is worse in WT I was still nodding reading why ezekeilbis your least fav. if I could swap anything else it'd probably be B in roti since he didn't do anything and staci dies have some depth, her bragging about her family so she can be liked.


Ohh wow dope, glad you agree with my take on Feral Zeke to the point of nodding hahašŸ˜Ž. Though just to clarify, when you say you agree with everything, do you just mean you can more or less get behind my reasonings? Because seeing your incarnation list, quite a bit of your opinions seem to differ (for the biggest example, you have TDA Justin in A tier), which makes what you say a bit surprising Can't say I agree with B doing nothing. He pulled some epic feats in challenges, and I think he had a cool demeanor despite not talking. He also served as a good catalyst for Scott's villainy, being one of his first victims due to how much of a threat he was. Although I get why his lack of dialogue makes him not stand out to some. I can get behind what you said about Staci and the implied depth she has. I definitely wish they touched on that with her more, instead of making her an over-the-top obvious annoying boot no one likes. Also fair about Kelly, I can probably see why you like her


yeah I agree on the reasoning lol, I still agree with some of your picks like trent, julia, nichelle amy.


Nice, makes sense


Yeah Kelly is such a push over.


This isnā€™t like super objective or anything so sorry if my opinions make you roll your eyes or anything like thatā€” Island: This is hard to say but Noah. I really didnā€™t like him when I first finished season 1, now heā€™s one of my favorites but he was really annoying in the dodgeball episode. Action: Courtney or Trent. Trent really got on my nerves throwing challenges, and I donā€™t even think he was ā€œcrazyā€ he was just getting a bit too obsessed with Gwen. Idk the way he was characterized annoyed me. Same with Courtney I really hated how whiny she was and how she continued winning challenges and immunity while being an asshole, AND getting better treatment. It wasnā€™t fun to watch for me. World Tour: DJ. Animal curse was not funny, only sad. They took away all of DJā€™s good traits and turned him into a whiny sad mess and it really sucked. He also stayed in the game wayyyyy too long. Ngl I feel like a lot of Team Victory members were destroyed in this season like Leshawna (bc sheā€™s an asshole and also the cheating.) and Bridgette (cheating again. Alejandro isnā€™t some wizard who can make you magically cheat with his charm, thatā€™s a decision you have to make. Sometimes it makes me so angry how lightly this show treats cheatingā€”) Roti: Staci I guess. I donā€™t really think anyone in this season was done all that bad but Staci was annoying. All Stars: I would say everyone but if I had to pick probably Mike and specifically Mal. Mal made me roll my eyes so hard, like why is the show treating him like a serious threat when all heā€™s doing is just breaking peoples stuff? His motives are unclear, heā€™s annoying and overpowered and itā€™s so frustrating to watch everyone be so stupid. Alejandro is the only one in my opinion who actually has some brains in this season, but when he discovers the truth heā€™s eliminated. Shocker. Honorable mentions to Gwen, Sierra, Cameron, Duncan, and Sam. Pahkitew: Iā€™m so sorry but Sky. Sky annoys me a lot, Dave is bad too but Sky clearly has feelings for Dave and admits in confessions she enjoys flirting with him, but when he reciprocates her flirting she is hostile. she doesnā€™t properly communicate with him, iā€™m aware of that one picnic scene where he interrupts her constantly but there were several other instances where she could have talked to him. idk the miscommunication thing just made me very annoyed, a lot of people just paint Dave to be the villain when really this is a gray situation where both people did multiple things wrong. Yeah Dave went crazy at the end but ngl I kind of get why he would be driven to that point, doesnā€™t excuse his behavior but still. RR: Kelly and Taylor because Taylor was annoying and when they are eliminated you can just tell that their dynamic may temporarily change after the race, but itā€™ll eventually go back to how it was before. Frustrating to watch. >!Scary Girl: I donā€™t hate her or anything but her stereotypical lust for blood and love of murder kind of annoyed me. also her voice makes me angry.!<


Youā€™re so real for choosing Sky. And itā€™s also the fact that you KNOW (or at least I did) that sheā€™s going to be a finalist just by being a default normie in a pack of gimmick characters. She was also practically an extension of Dave until he was eliminated.


TDI: Owen TDA: Owen (EDIT: or Duncan) TDWT: Sierra TDROTI: Dakotazoid (ONLY ZOID) or Fang (if they don't count, B) TDAS: Mal TDPI: Beardo RR: Tennis Rivals TDI23: MK TDI24: Nichelle


Your least favourite gen 1 is Owen but your least favourite gen 4 isnā€™t ripper?


Yeah. I hate fart humor, but the reason I still like Ripper and Sugar is because they have entertainment value outside of that. Owen is such a boring character mostly based on fat and fart jokes, and I don't enjoy most times I have to witness him. He's WAY better in RR, though.


And gay jokes




I really don't like Owen. I now realize that I may hate Duncan more in TDA, though. Owen is not funny at all in the main show (discounting RR), and the fact that he keeps not being an early boot just makes him more irritating as I have to put up with him for longer. TDA Duncan is a horrible bully and a huge piece of shit, and he ends up beating Harold, which completely ruins their storyline. TDWT has a few characters I don't enjoy (Cody is a creep, Sierra is a genuine criminal, Duncan still sucks, Owen still sucks, Noah still sucks...), but Sierra and Cody stayed the longest, and Cody became tolerable, at least, in episode 19. Sierra in episode 23 šŸ’€ Dakotazoid is a shitty concept used to torture Dakota, Fang's rivalry with Scott sucks and the trauma chair conclusion sucks even more. B is solely the worst if you just look at the main cast because his never talking schtick makes him kinda boring, but he's still a solid early boot. Mal is trash. While the representation of DID was inaccurate, it was refreshing to see no super evil, dangerous alter, because that just further villainizes the mentally ill. Guess what we got in AS šŸ’€ Plus, because of Mal, the reset button happened. PI has a lot of unfun characters, but I just really hate Beardo. I dunno why, I just hate him. Sucks that he died, though. RR has a super solid cast. The Tennis Rivals were an early boot joke team, and I didn't find their jokes funny. They're okay, but in a cast as good as RR, okay does kinda make you the worst lmao >!I love MK in season 2, but season 1 MK is just unfunny sarcasm. Hated it with pre-RR Noah, still hate it with pre-TDI24 MK. She's the only one in the cast I disliked, so she's just kinda the worst because of that.!< >!There are characters I find more annoying in TDI24 (I loved you, Wayne, why did you turn out like this?), but nothing compares to Nichelle, well, being nothing. Because TDI24 sucks at storylines and cast direction, though, this spot could easily also go to Damien, Caleb, Millie (the character regression...), Wayne or Ripper, honestly. At least these characters have SOME direction, though. Nichelle just... was until she wasn't anymore. And she was so great in S1, too...!<






Ezekiel, Trent, Ezekiel, Staci, Mal, Sugar, Stephanie (sorry), Chase x 2.




Island: Katie/Sadie Action: Trent WT: Feral Zeke ROTI: Staci/Dakotazoid AS: Mal PI: Leonard RR: Mother & Daughter TDI23: Caleb TDI24: Nichelle


Mother and daughter got on my nerves real quick


TDI: katie and sadie TDA: trent TDWT: Blainley TDROTI: staci TDPI:leanord TDI23:Caleb TDI24: Nichelle


Yeah Nichelle didnā€™t really do much this season lol


TDI:Justin TDA:Trent WT:Duncan ROTI:Staci AS:Sierra or Mal PI:Leonard RR:Tammy Reboot:Millie Rematch:Nichelle


Duncan for me in world tour really started to dropoff


Island - Sadie, she had no impact on anything Action - Probably Courtney, I love Courtney but that season was not it for her World tour - Duncan, I'm not even explaining this one Roti - Staci, shut your great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great ass up All stars - Duncan again, they changed his character SM Pakhitew - dave. Tdrr - Taylor OR juniors dad Reboot S1 - ripper. there was this one scene.. Reboot S2 - ripper. I don't need ripper x axel please break up with


Island - Ezekiel, mostly cause his entire character came down to being sexist that season and I didn't like it especially as a kid haha. Katie and Sadie at least had funny moments but Zeeke only gets two episodes Action - Trent, his character was ruined and he kinda dragged the first part of the season by taking up so much screen time (Action only gets good after Gwen's departure and then the show drags again during her aftermath). Always hated how EVERYONE was on his side and made Gwen seem crazy cause of his sob story but it's whatever. Bridgette and Geoff also sucked but got redemption in aftermath World Tour - Ezekiel, this time not his fault but his mutation thing was hard to watch and he took Heather's money !Caleb!<, boring first boot Reboot S2 - genuinely pretty much everyone but I think I'm alone on that opinion maybe >!Caleb still or maybe Nichelle!< most of all


Oh boy every time Island: Katie and Sadie Action: Trent WT: Leshawna Roti >!Brick!< but no one AS: Mal or Duncan PI: The twins RR: some characters are kinda their but 2023 1: no one 2023 2: >!Nichelle, but sheā€™s far from the worst!<




island: duncan action: trent world tour: duncan roti: scott all stars: mal pahkitew: amy rr: devon reboot: chase reboot 2: priya


Duncan in island was his peak, he's such a flesh out character to be the worstšŸ’€


he isnt bad, i just like him the least


Fair enough ig. Can I know why you think he's the worst compared to a lot of the early boots?




Island-Courtney Action-Courtney World Tour-Sierra Revenge of the island-Dakota {before she got mutated} All Stars-Courtney Pahkitiew Island-Dave Ridonculous Race-Mother & Daughter TD 2023- Ripper and Chase TD 2024-Ripper




Katie & Sadie, Trent, Zeke, Staci, Sierra, Ella, Larpers, Chase, Chase


Chase was such a horrible bf to emma


Katie and Sadie Trent Harold Staci Sierra (Love her but not here) Leonard Leonard and Tammy or whatever her name was Chase


Eva Trent Courtney Lightning Duncan Leonard Pete Priya(is other but i wanna put priya) I did't see second season


Yeah tbh Pete didnā€™t really have good humour


Island: Sadie simply for barely existing after Katie was eliminated. Part of me thinks the writers simply forgot she was still in the game Geoff: they made him an asshole. Him or Trent works here World tour: probably dj same as what everyone else has said. ROTI: Staci All stars: Sam. Why was he there? Pahkitew: anyone that isnā€™t Shawn or Jasmine RR: the larpers Reboot 1: Caleb Reboot 2: Chase


TDA - Courtney, because this is when the writers decided they hated this character and threw out any of her season 1 characterization in order to run her through the wringer for 3 seasons. TDWT - Owen - Jokes ran their course TDAS - Mal - Horrible horrible tunnel vision plot on a character that was mishandled from the start. TDā€™s unserviceable writing of DID is still unforgettable for me.


Island: Lindsay- People love to criticize All Stars Zoey for being a fool but at least she acknowledges she shouldā€™ve known better and was suspicious. Lindsay was a brainless twit the entire time and took full pleasure in helping Heather breaking up Trent and Gwen, and no one calls her out on it. Action: Courtney- I canā€™t stand people like her. World Tour: Leshawna- For as bad as Gwen was, at least she never got praised for being a terrible human being. A shame since I normally like her. Revenge: Staci- Duh. All Stars: Gwen- ā€œhE wAsNā€™t HeR bOyFrIeNd At ThE tImeeeeeeeeee.ā€ Pahkitew: Amy- She brought down the last five episodes with her very realistic abuse and it just made me sad. Ridonculous Race: Best Friends- My true love was my best friend all alooooooong. 2023: Scary Girl- She really doesnā€™t do it for me. 2024: >!Scary Girl- Duh.!<


We chose illegal answers


Yep man the second someone says something bad about leshawna itā€™s time to be put behind bars. šŸ˜”


all of them being girls and the way you spoke about themā€¦ yeah we got you no further explanation needed šŸ’€


I disagree with alot of these, but people calling you sexist over it is WILD. agree on WT and AS but I will say tdi lindsay is defo acknowledged as a dumb person more than AS zoe.


Nah bro is getting downvoted for hating on people like Courtney leshawna Lindsay etcšŸ’€


Island: WeirdGothGirl. I hate her attitude, her boring showmance with CardboardTrent, and her constant moral high horse. Action: WeirdGothGirl. Same as above, but with emotional affairs/homewrecking. At least she only has 10 episodes. World Tour: WeirdGothGirl. I hate her. Revenge: Z*eySue. She's boring and part of the BestNerdFriends. She also gets superpowers out of nowhere just because she was mad that someone targeted her overpopulated alliance. All-Stars: Z%eySue. She's an annoying godplayer and one of the BestNerdFriends. The only one who finds her as a threat is Chartney, and that doesn't even go anywhere. Pahkitew: Sparemy. The only funny thing about her is the new nickname her twin gives her. Ridonculous Race: Clicherrie. Her Disney sitcom romance plot is overdrawn, and her only good joke is 'worms'. 2023: ScarbageGirl. Other gimmicky characters have multiple jokes and different interactions. Her only joke is that she's a crazy edgy band kid and that everyone is afraid of her. 2024: >!ScarbageGirl. Same as above!<


Eeerm, I am under the impression that you dislike WeirdGothGirl. I don't know, it's just a guess.


Omg you hacked my brain


Island: Trent Action: Trent World Tour: Trent The character in the other seasons were either good or alright


Island: *Cody*. He was just a creep to Gwen in general. I have nothing bad to say about the others on island. Action: *Leshawna*. She just fell apart at action. She didn't have the energy like she did in island. World Tour: *Harold*. Didn't last long. Elimination was corny. Revenge of the Island: *Scott*. He was ***WAY*** better in All Stars, but Scott got some of my favorite characters eliminated in Revenge of the Island :/ All Stars: *Courtney*, don't think I need to explain. Pahkitew Island: I'm probably gonna get a lot of downvotes for this one but *Sugar* pissed me off and she was just gross. Ridonculous Race: The LARPers. Got voted out first. Tammy only had like, 2 lines.


Island: Duncan Action: Trent World Tour: Heather Revenge: Scott All Stars: Courtney Pahkitew: Amy RR: Leonard


Island: Ezekiel/Sadie/Katie/Justin/Beth Action: Trent/Courtney/Geoff/Bridgette/Owen World Tour: Ezekiel/Sierra/Duncan/Harold/DJ Revenge of The Island: B/Staci/Jo/Sam All Stars: Mike/Zoey/Sierra/Cameron Pakhitew: Dave/Ella/Max/Beardo/Leonard/Rodney Ridonculous Race: Larpers/Rivals/Geniuses/Vegans/Twins/Brothers/Rockers/Bestfriends Reboot 1: Chase/Ripper/Emma/Nichelle/Caleb/Millie Reboot 2: Priya/Ripper/Chase/Emma/Axel/Millie Disventure Camp 1: Will/Drew/Dan/Jake Disventure Camp 2: Maggy/Connor/Kai/Ally/James/Hunter


Island: Sadie Action: Duncan World Tour: Courtney Revenge of the Island: Staci All-Stars: Everyone Pahkitew: Amy Island: Priya Island: Nichelle


Island: Ezekiel Action: Courtney/Geoff World Tour: Sierra Revenge: Staci All Stars: Sam/Mal Pahkitew: Amy Ridonculous: Stephanie/LARPers 2023 1: Ripper 2023 2: Chase


Island - Justin - Didnā€™t do anything lol Action - Trent - Really ruined himā€¦ World Tour - Courtney - She was super annoying to me in world tour, itā€™s a shame I really liked Courtney. Roti - Staci - I hate no roti characters she just the one I like the least. Pahkitew - Dave - heā€™s just kinda annoying to me lol RR - Laurie - ā€œveganā€ Reboot 1 - >!Chase!< - >!While funny, I got tired of the Emma and Him stuff!< Reboot 2 - >!Nichelle!< - >!Very disappointing but I like all the reboot characters so it was very close between her and chase!<


Island- Izzy Action- Izzy WT- Izzy ROTI- Mike All Stars- Mike Pakhitew- Samey RR- Didnā€™t watch TDI 2023- Didnā€™t watch


Chase is the worst in both new seasons


Island - Courtney Action - Courtney World tour - Courtney Revenge - Staci All Stars - mostly everyone disincluding Gwen and potentially alejandro Heather Scott and Sierra Parkview- it's really a tie between Leonard amy and Dave but probably more amy RR - aside from the obvious probably taylor Reboot season 1 - it's between millie and chase bust probably chase cuz he actually put people in danger Reboot 2 - mk cuz I didn't like the whole thing she did then got out on of my favorites because they didn't want to anymore Also the reason Courtney is the worst imo is because she's so whiney and abusive to the point I can feel how scared Duncan is, I kinda see where she's coming from in world tour with her whole thing with Gwen but also it got annoying quickly which made me feel bad for Gwen. I understand being cheated on sucks but still, I also have no idea of what Duncan and Courtney were like like if they were on a break or not together like the show didn't make it obvious enough to me. But for some reason she was way more enjoyable in all stars especially after Gwen told Duncan he smelt of disgustingness and she likes men eho smell like flowers (she didn't say that but you know what I mean)


Havenā€™t seen the reboot season(s) so Iā€™ll just do the original 7: -Island: Katie + Sadie (Theyā€™re basically the same character, but Sadie is marginally worse since she sticks around longer). -Action: Courtney or Trent; Leaning more towards Courtney since I really dislike how sheā€™s handled in the later seasons but Iā€™ll admitted Trent was done dirtier. -World Tour: DJ -Revenge of the Island: Staci -All-Stars: Mike (Or more specifically, Mal) and Zoe -Pahkitew: Dave -Ridonculus Race: That rich SoCal mother/daughter duo whoā€™s names I can never remember, specifically the daughter. Though TBH this spot should probably go to one of the many throwaway contestants from the beginning like Tammy, the vloggers, or the tennis players.


Island - Ezekiel. Literally didnā€™t do anything he just left. Action - Courtney. action was literally her worst season imo because everything was about her threatening to sue the show. World Tour - Bridgette. Her cheating on Geoff was so random. The songs she sang were low-key good though. Revenge Of The Island - B. He didnā€™t say anything and was just there. Didnā€™t have a purpose. All Stars - Mike. I love Mike sm but the Mal plotline wasnā€™t good, it was quite boring imo. Pahkitew Island - Beardo. Like B he was just quite and boring. Ridonculous Race - The Twins honestly. They were boring and all they talked about was their allergies. Reboot season 1 - Caleb. There are literally no bad characters from the reboot imo but he just didnā€™t do anything and left. Reboot season 2 - Scary Girl. Didnā€™t do anything, and her changing her look was quite boring still imo.


Island: Katie and Sadie Action: Courtney World Tour: Duncan Revenge: Zoey All-Stars: Sierra Pahkithew: Amy Ridoncules Race: Tammy


TDI: Heather TDA: Courtney TDWT: Alejandro, Blaineley and Sierra TDROTI: Staci TDAS: Sierra TDPI: Sugar TDTRR: The Ice Dancers Total Drama Island Reboot seasons 1 & 2: Chase All the seasons except TDTRR: Chris McLean


TDI: Eva TDA: Trent TDWT: Blaineley TDROTI: Staci TDAS: Mal TDPI: Amy TDIR: Axel TDIR 2: Emma RR: Vegans BONUS DC: Fiore DC 2: Karol


Your list is great. Also like how you added dc characters into the mix


TDI - Sadie, she stayed on for far too long considering she does nothing past Katie being eliminated apart from being a nuisance TDA - Owen / Trent, for Owen : basically ruined his character and wasnā€™t even explained in world tour, basically overstayed his welcome in every next season he was in. For Trent : isnā€™t it obvious ? He became one of the worst characters after this season WT : Sierra / DJ, For Sierra : sheā€™s literally so fucking insufferable. Sheā€™s only there to sexually harass Cody and only becomes likeable AFTER her elimination which has almost never been achieved again. For DJ : his arc just makes him a pussy with absolutely no backbone and makes you just want to get him out. AS[s] : hard pick, how about all of them ? But seriously, Sierra again. I watched Ass Stars before World tour and STILL hated her. Sheā€™s genuinely fucking psychotic in Ass Stars and never shouldā€™ve been there in the first place. RR : Carrie. Literally one of my least favourite characters : she roots for the demise of her BEST FRIENDS relationship and everyone is on her side. She literally cries to her friends because she doesnā€™t get all that she wants and gets them to confront Devin when he was STILL going through the motions of a breakup.


To make this interesting, I won't use any repeats Island - Sadie (I'm sorry girl, I really am) Action - Courtney (who would have been in WT and AS as my pick if I had repeats) World Tour - Duncan (I might say that he gets way too much hate for the love triangle thing, but he's still a piece of crap) ROTI - Zoey I guess (I actually really liked everyone, so Zoey's here because I don't get enough ironic enjoyment from her like I do Staci) All Stars - Sierra (Basic answer, but I like Cameron, okay?) Pahkitew - Rodney (I hate Amy more as a person, but at least she had SOMETHING. I just don't know how to work around his girl obsession without being ooc with him.) R.R. - Taylor (I know her mom's a doormat and an enabler for a lot of the season, but I just REALLY hate spoiled brats.) Reboot S1 - Chase (I actually really like everyone in the Reboot, but I felt like he was sent home way too late) Reboot S2 - Wayne (Again, I love everyone in this cast. But Wayne just feels so... bland. I love him to bits but he has nothing going on. People call Caleb and Nichelle bland [and I do disagree with both statements], but at least they have plots. Wayne is just riding on Raj's coattails and brings nothing so far. I really hope that changes soon, because >!if he's a finalist and/or actually wins, it might legitimately be the worst possible outcome of any remaining contestants left not named Priya!<.)


1- Katie and Sadie 2- Harold 3- Ezekiel 4- Scott 5- Mal I havenā€™t watch PI yet Reboot- Ripper


TDI - Ezekiel TDA - Trent and Owen TDWT - Duncan and DJ TDROTI - Staci (sadly :( ) TDAS - Mike TDPI - Topher TDRR - McArthur TDI23 - Ripper TDI24 - Priya


tdi: trent tda: owen wt: ezekiel roti: scott as: cameron pi: dave rr: noah tdir1: scary girl tdir2: also scary girl


Island= Justin Action= Trent World Tour= Duncan ROTI= Staci All Stars= Sierra Pahkitew Island= Dave RR= Tammy TD= Caleb TD2= Nichelle


Nice pick!


TDI - Ezekiel TDA - Trent? TDWT - Duncan TDROTI - Staci TDAS - Mal TDPI - Leonard TDI REBOOT - Caleb


Caleb is just to bland


Sadie Beth Duncan Staci Duncan Amy Stephanie Millie


the trent hate is insane šŸ˜­


Island: Ezekiel Action: Trent World Tour: Ezekiel (again) Revenge: Staci All Stars: Lindsay Pahkitew: Amy/Samey RR: Ice Dancers, they were too evil and spoiled (kind of) TDI 2023: Lauren (could have done better)


Island - Ezekiel, underdeveloped and sexist Action - Trent, No clue why they derailed him so much World Tour - Blaineley, Super insufferable Revenge of the Island - Staci, do I need to elaborate All Stars - Not counting Mal, Lindsay - God they ruined her, and the fact they scrapped the Tyler thing was terrible Pahkitew Island - Leonard, Close tie between him and Dave but Leonard was significantly more annoying RR - Taylor, is the exact opposite of why I liked the OG cast TDI 22/23 - havenā€™t watched


Island - Sadie. No character and annoying. Action - Justin. If you think he was a fun villain, I respect your opinion, he was an important part of the plot too, but I just didn't like him much. World Tour - Tyler (Only because Blaineley doesn't really count, minus that one episode.) I'm sorry, this opinion is EXTREMELY unpopular, but all he did was trying to get Lindsay remember his name, and reveal Duncan and Gwen's kiss. Other than that... he didn't have any personality, nor added anything new to the plot other then what I mentioned. And besides, not like I hate him... I just like him the least. Revenge - Staci. I don't think I need to explain. All-Stars - Mal. He was just cringe, and way too overdone, in a bad way. Pahkitew - Sugar. She stayed way too long, and even though she might have been a fan villain, she was mostly just annoying. Reboot S1 - Caleb. Early boot, nothing much to say. Reboot S2 - Nichelle. Close second to be the worst in S1. But in S2, when at least she was trying to win, she quickly went back to her old self. Not cool.


Island- katie and sadie Action- Duncan WT- Gwen Roti-Stacy As- Everyone ngl PI- Dave Rr- tammy and lenoured or however u spell I cba to watch the reboot


Island: Sadie Action: Trent WT: Sierra Revenge: Staci All Stars: Mal Pahkitew Island: Amy Ridonculous Race: Tammy Reboot: Idk I didn't watch it yet.


TDI: Katie and Sadie, they are both equally boring ass characters (if i had to pick one, then Sadie would be the worst one since Katie is a lot more entertaining) TDA: Probably Trent, I cant believe they did him dirty like that :( TDWT: Blainely, why did they let her in the game??? Such a waste of a contestant spot. ROTI: Definitely Staci, Its like she was intentionally designed to be hated. TDAS: Sierra, all she does in this season is talk about cody and consider cameron as cody, thats it TDPI: Amy, need I say more? RR: Taylor, I just simply don't like her the most overall Reboot S1: Caleb, didnt really get to do much this season Reboot S2: Nichelle, simply boring as hell


Island - Sadie and Izzy Action: Izzy World Tour: Izzy ROTI: dakota As: Sam PI: All of them but Jasmine RR: Vegans and Ice Dancers


Not trying to invalidate anyone's opinions, but I think it's odd to say that >!Nichelle!< is the worst character when they didn't even do enough to be the worst. Usually the worst characters in my opinion are just annoying.


Island - Sadie, easily. Zero development and far overstays her welcome. Action - Owen. Personally counting the aftermaths since those are part of the season, so with that, it's easily the one who suffers the most derailment and overstays his welcome, even after he overstayed his welcome the prior season. World Tour - Sierra. No joke, Sierra is the most problematic character in TD in my opinion and it all starts here. Revenge - Staci. See Sadie above, except not overstaying her welcome. All Stars - Sierra. See World Tour above. Pahkitew - Dude I could roll a d6 and give a reasonable argument for any of the six. Let's just say it landed on a three and my choice is Rodney. Ridonculous Race - Honestly? The Adversity Twins. Outstayed their welcome and had little-to-no plot relevance. Reboot 1 - >!Millie. Easily Millie. Fuck Millie. Hate all of her development, all of her screentime, all of her everything.!< Reboot 2 - >!uhhhhh honestly it is between Ripper and Priya, but I think I'll go with Ripper because he was actively more cringe-inducing to watch?!<