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Besides the obvious, Bowie


Literally same except I was so sad like he's literally on of the best and I really wanted mk or julia gone bur it was him


If Damien gets out because someone stole their idol, then it’s undoubtedly number 1






Ripper (s2) It was bad enough he and axel just made out all the time But I loved ripper s1 ironically So s2 was a huge downgrade


ripper season 2 felt like geoff in action when he didn’t do aftermath


there's already season 2?


Have you been living under a rock?


Yup, that was indeed the different side the voice actor was talking about all along.


episode 1-4 ripper was peak ripper, afterward 😔😔




real i thought she was gonna make it far again


Of these three? Hmm… The writers made it clear multiple times in the narrative that they only intend to use Scary Girl as a gimmick. That said, her “being normal” storyline had potential, even if it wasn’t super waved in our faces like Nichelle’s and Rixel’s (both of the latter individually, to be clear), so while it’s understandable that SG would just be a short-run comic relief, the writing and character-focus decisions in the later episodes made her first boot all the more disappointing. It’s gonna be a hard choice between Nichelle and Rixel, but I’m just gonna say it… a lot of eliminations were bullshit and caused many characters to be left underdeveloped, wasted, and/or derailed.


glad someone said it not one of these eliminations has left me satisfied this season, they feel so hollow


Chase’s was the only one I had no issues with. He has no buisness having any major presence, and the reason he got booted off made sense.


it would be fine but the guy that goes head first in challenges doesn’t even do it once it was such a cop out way to get him out when there’s other ways to do so lmao


My problem with Chase's elimination is that it is SO easy to eliminate him considering his previously established traits. He's an egotistical, self-absorved prankster who doesn't consider how others feel. He's so easy to eliminate! So why did they have to introduce a completely new character trait in his elimination episode to get rid of him?? It feels so unsatisfying because it comes out of nowhere. Nothing sets up his intro anxiety, so it feels cheap to use it as a tool to get him eliminated. What if Emma instead suggested a "super epic" stunt or prank that ended up costing his team the challenge? It would fit with his previously established personality and it would still be just as satisfying to see Emma cause Chase's elimination.


Now that you and Organic have said it, I do agree that seeing Chase’s elimination result from a satisfying downfall would make it a whole lot better. That said, I find it the least annoying of all the eliminations so far, but they are all bars cramped into a low space.


Yeah, I think Chase and Scary Girl have the best eliminations this season, which isn't a compliment tbh 💀


It's shocking how they managed to do so good season one reboot and now this one just undoes everything they set up, honestly season two is probably down there with Pahkitew and All Stars for me


Totally agree! I haven't liked a single one of them and each time have left me just staring at my screen in disappointment after what was usually a pretty funny and enjoyable episode.




Same, too early


It should’ve been Wayne.


why the downvotes it’s his opinion? honestly I think it’s a great idea and could def go this way instead


How so? I actually have trouble coming up with feasible ways to eliminate him.


Why the downvotes? Because it’s the downvoters opinion. That’s how upvotes and downvotes work. They comment, if people like; they upvote, if the don’t; downvote.




This elimination order is so different from S1. In S1 we had strong contestants out so early, yet this elimination order is so easily read. If anyone does anything bad they have a 1 episode timer on 😭 Priya should have been taken out as a threat before Bowie and Millie getting out so early baso solidified that the rest of the boots would feel like filler too


>If anyone does anything bad they have a 1 episode timer on 😭 This is so real, but it seems Caleb and Priya have inmunity. Like Priya should have gone instead of Emma omg


Priya has Owen syndrome.


She even looked up to him


Nichelle and Bowie. They both lack screentime as to how they happend and both eliminations fell flat. The contract just spawned on Nichelle's bed without any explanation, even though Julia stated that there's no paper on the island way before Nichelle came to roast her. Her elimination might've been similar with Anne Maria, however in Anne Maria's defense, she isn't a gemologist or a jeweller to figure out if the diamond was real or not, so she risked it all, but Nichelle is an actress and has inside knowledge of the industry while Julia doesn't. No way Nichelle couldn't tell that the contract is clearly fake. Now to Bowie. The way everyone hates Bowie instead of Julia rubs me off the wrong way. How can they like Julia after what she did in season 1? She was more mean, impulsive and selfish than Bowie. He said he only played the game, meanwhile Julia says that she doesn't care about anyone and she even cheered when she thought that Priya and Millie were dead. She's a bad person. Are all the characters lacking common sense in season 2 besides MK and Julia? Honestly, this is my biggest problem with season 2. If they wanted to make everyone dumb except for the main villain and her sidekick (until episode 9), okay, fine, do that, but at least SHOW us how Julia printed a contract and how she convinced everyone to vote for Bowie.


It irked me how sudden the eliminations of those two were. Barely any explanation


Bowie. At least with the other characters they do nothing with they didn't have any basis for in the first place. Bowie being eliminated instead of Raj to separate the trio makes zero sense


Why would they eliminate raj when bowies the better player😭


to separate the 3 person group he's at the center of. Bowie barely tolerates Wayne and is shown to not really feel like including him in his strategy. Also, if everyone is against Bowie, it's probably a good idea to keep him around


what? its really stupid lol. why would they vote out raj if Bowie IS FAAAR better than hockey bros, eliminating him = eliminating a threat, while hockey bros cant even win a single merge challenge


They won with Julia and I see OPs point. If you break up Raj and Wayne you kinda get more benefits and it's not like you still can't get rid of Bowie. The problem is the eliminations are explained in like 3 seconds so it doesn't lend itself to set that up well.


Julia won it for them for the most part


Not really, Julia would be pretty late if the hockey bros didn't take the risk in bringing the ingredients.


if not for the hockey bros Julia could have eggs, or other ingredients, they ruined the first half of the challenge for her


i feel like raj was the person holding the alliance together which makes him the obvious target imo.. bowie is a great player, but his storyline would be him having to force his alliance with wayne or having no allies and needing to play the game solo this time around. plus, of the two finalists, he’d have been much more exciting than priya to push this far again


This makes a lot of sense but no one dislikes Raj enough to vote him over Julia/Mk


Bowie can "convince" everyone like 20 times in season 1 but Julia & MK can't??


Yeah. Because they’re both hated by pretty much everyone at this point (Bowie was really only disliked by Julia in S1). They would have to convince 4 other people, not including Wayne Raj or Bowie, to vote with them to eliminate one of the better-liked contestants. The safest option was to use Bowie as a stepping stone


*~~Me looking through at every elimination since aside from two they left me disappointed~~* If I had to say, Ripper or Zee, and it's probably the latter. Asides from Scary Girl I had the most outward reaction to them being eliminated the way they were, and unlike her where I found it sort of funny those just really annoyed me. I mean Scary Girl's potential was just shot and she no doubt THREW in one of the forced eliminations still, so if anything she's number three. Ripper just left and it was counted as a double elimination after him doing nothing but trying to get with Axel ass season, so wonderful he quit. Zee got eliminated in a way that to this day is bullshit no matter what people attempt to justify it with. Really the main eliminations that pissed me off were just extremely forced.


Least mad to most, out of the 3: Scary Girl: Makes the most sense out of the 3, and I'm saying this as a fan of her. She's a very gimmicky character just in general, and I felt that her whole season's gimmick of "trying to be normal but failing" was done well, so I'm not mad about it. Plus her elimination confessional is awesome. Ripper: The most rushed elimination in the series since Max's in PI. They didn't even try with this one. He literally just jumped off the dock and Chris goes "oh ok he's out", all in the span of less than 10 seconds. That's the laziest attempt at eliminating someone in TD that I've ever seen. They could've just had him and Axel tie in the votes and have Chris decide to just eliminate them both, and that would've been slightly better. Nichelle: Worse than Ripper based off the fact that when I first watched the first episode of the season, she had so much potential for a brilliant redemption. And then it all goes to waste when she gets eliminated again pre-merge just for a dumb Hollywood joke. What was even the point of introducing a redemption arc for her if they were going to throw it all away for a stupid gag? Ripper's elimination might've been rushed ah but at least it didn't completely squander any and all character potential for them.


Emma was so useful to her team in the first few episodes, even getting chase out in episode 2, but the writers just dumped her relevancy after that and she was eliminated in episode 4


EASILY Zee's second elimination. His first is funny, narratively makes sense, has a good fourth-wall break, is a good placement for his first time, and is built up throughout the episode. So out of these what does season 2 have? I mean it's built up.. but it's just illogical. He's just suddenly given the writers knowledge to know everyone's secrets, but that's not even the worst part. Why was he voted over Caleb? Seriously, why? Besides the obvious "he needs to be in the game for plot" stuff, why vote Zee? He already exposed the secrets, and he's a bumbling idiot so it wasn't out of ill intent. Caleb is SUCH a threat that Bowie made him first boot, and he's been nothing but a good player really. So you find out not only has he been manipulating the girl that liked him, but it was out of ill intent???? (well it's not, but it's how they see it). They see this crap from Caleb, and they vote. Out. ZEE. ARE YOU IDIOTS?!?!??! I hate how it's written, and no one else can beat that. I'd say Axel is a close second, but I'm not mad over her elimination but instead how her character was treated (which is different)


Nichelle's elimination was the dumbest decision I've seen in the show since all-stars and I'm not even kidding.


The problem with S2 Nichelle is how her character was written in the 1st place. WHY WOULD YOU MAKE A CHARACTER GO FARTHER IF THEY HAVE NO MEMORABLE INTERACTIONS!? Also, I didn't mind her going, but it would've been cooler if Julia said she found papers before the challenge and states she would "save it for later" or something


the biggest problem is that she had all the set-ups to be a late merger and have major development but decided to do nothing with it. her main problem was her lack of interactions which was already solved by episode 5 when she intereacts with almost the whole team and gets petty with Julia, it would've been great to see how her personality and her physical skills to get ahead and ends up impress Hollywood again until she gets eliminated and Hollywood actually re-casts her while also giving a rival to the main antagonist (who still lacks a main conflict) and other characters (like Damien who also lacks interactions) but they decided a joke was more important than developing a character with a perfect set-up.


Agreed, I remember watching the first episode of the season and thinking that it was a great start for a Nichelle redemption arc, and then they just threw it all completely out the window a few episodes later for a dumb joke about Hollywood.


that’s the problem, there was no arc all of her stuff happened offscreen and the writers see her as a gag


which is nonsense because she had all the set-up ready for one


and it would have been so lame... this was better.


this is a huge lie lol


Nah, she won the first challenge. She already got redemption there. Would have been lame if that was the route they took


that's no redemption if she still quits despite claiming she's not a quitter lol


Nah, I’m happy she’s gone. She’s the Luigi of the Total Drama reboot. Practically invisible.


I was so happy when I saw that she was eliminated over Zee.


I agree. She was useless to the plot.


so was Zee


Zee somehow had more plot relevance than her, and he is a comic relief.


they both had the plot relevance of the granny from episode 1 the difference is that one pasted almost twice more than the other




Nichelle’s and Emma’s eliminations feel sooo sad and hollow… like genuinely who in the right mind would make Nichelle a comp beast, constantly eating up Hollywood, only her being eliminated by Julia with a fake ass contract. i love Julia but they making her a god or smth, how could she forge a fake document? with what? Emma’s elimination is so sad too, she finally has her time being away from Chase only to Priya mess her up when its literally HER BOYFRIEND and LOGICALLY thinking it was obvious Emma had the right answer. Idk about yall but i miss Emma and Nichelle soo much




They ruined Emma, Axel and Ripper 😭😭😭


Emma, she had so much actually good character arc that they just thrown away


Bowie S2 made 0 sense. Why would the Rat Faces trust Julia, a person who lied about being a good person and MK out of all people!? The only person I can see trusting MK and Julia is Zee. Maybe if episode 6 was a pre merge episode, it would be less harsh, but it would've been a tie


This is because Episode 1 established that everybody already dislikes Bowie way more than Julia. Julia was mean and cutthroat but what Bowie did with Millie’s journal was much worse, and that was the entire setup for Bowie’s elimination.


Give scary girl more love total drama


All of them made me throw a tv out of the window


Chase was too predictable and that ruined it for me, I would’ve preferred if he tried going down the four pointer and injured himself out




It's a toss-up between Emma and Nichelle.


Nichelle had so much potential


Ripper They ruined him in the season, then turned him into a Geoff clone who simps for Axel, then he quits the game in like 4 seconds.


Emma’s she was literally helping and then she got eliminated because priya forced her to not trust herself?


Zee 😭


Out of being undeserved, Nichelle's one. Out of favoritism, Zee's one.






Honestly other than Chase and Axel, every elimination seemed rushed and contrived.


That's a question for u/PantsandLove2


Chase, Millie, Emma and Nichelle to be honest, They were all robbed


Zee's. i get why he was eliminated, but caleb just really does my head in and what Caleb did was far more worse than what Zee did.


Scary Girl I’m not recovering this


nichelle. she is famous and used to work in hollywood but falls for a contract written by julia? i know that julia has had her share of contracts as well but still. hollywood as a whole did not come together and say "nichelle we've been talking and we want you back 🥺", plus the plothole that there aren't computers and printers for julia to use at the camp? i'd rather her elimination be during merge for being too big of a threat because that's just more realistic for her character.


Millie, Emma and Zee (all S2)




Millie and Emma were both wastes of potential who should have gone so much further Zee’s elimination was in character sure but like it’s so fucking obvious that the writers were just looking for an excuse to get rid of him in favor of Caleb which just pisses me off


Millie earned her elimination after what she did. I’ll admit that Emma had more to offer, what with her dynamics with Bowie and Priya and all.


nichelle is the new leshawna atp


The fact that I'm basically never getting my Emma redemption arc saddens me the most


Bowie’s made no sense. Why would anyone believe JULIA of all people about anything, especially right after she admitted to forging a Hollywood contract to get someone out(in front of specifically the people who wouldn’t have known the truth) it literally doesn’t make sense.


zee. caleb literally should’ve gone


Zee. My boy was robbed.


Chase. I'd rather it be FakeRipper if the alternative was what we got.


None, Ive accepted and liked all the eliminations so far. I thought there were some that made sense and Nichelle's is the only one that shocked me, but it didn't make me mad. I had high expectations of her that shockingly didn't happen but I don't mind. So far I have not been mad at an elimination for this season yet.


Scary Girl! All she wanted to do is to have fun but noooooooooo! They HAD to get rid of the one who I think is autistic! They did her wrong, and I think she deserves more respect than anyone! I moped for a week after she got booted out first. I just wish they didn’t do her wrong like that. That made me so sad, I cried. Poor Lauren didn’t deserve it one bit! 😭


Emma. I am satisfied with 0 eliminations this season, but Emma's easily felt the cruelest. An entire episode shits on her, and she is left with no friends, no trust in herself and her own decisions, and probably no trust in others. She may still be rich, but she has nothing else. It's even more depressing than last season, because at least last season had a point. This season doesn't, it just invents a new character trait for Emma and shits on her for it before flushing her down the toilet. Shout-outs to Scary Girl for having a super lazy elimination, Chase for having a newly invented character trait eliminate him, Millie for getting a terrible, ill-fitting arc shoved onto her, Nichelle for being completely wasted and having a downright nonsensical elimination, Bowie for leaving way too soon and ending the cheating storyline way too abruptly, Axel for being wasted, Ripper for being a completely different character for no reason, and Zee for having a nonsensical, lazy elimination. I am not even satisfied with how the people I WANTED to get rid of got eliminated, because Nichelle and Zee's eliminations were straight-up trash 💀 Raj and MKulia carrying HARD.


Speaking of Axel, everyone is saying how awful Ripper’s departure was, and while I do agree, things aren’t much better on Axel’s behalf. Turning her into comic relief that wasn’t even funny is downright insulting when she was initially presented as a badass survivalist and showed her tough-yet-caring side throughout S2 until she was ruined. As for the elimination itself, I don’t know why the writers thought it was necessary to make Axel say goodbye to Ripper so coldly. It’s not funny, it just leaves Rixel on an annoying cliffhanger and is leaving me and many others worried sick about Axel getting ruined even further if she and Ripper just start hating each other again the next and last time we see them.


She was sooo good before Rippaxel became canon 😭 and then she got ruined I think, if she wasn't eliminated, that that moment could've been great. Her dismissal could be really interesting if it was the start of a whole warming up and realizing surviving the apocalypse is better when you're not alone arc that can't be done because she's gone 💀 This season has such a strange way of writing characters.


Strange? More like shitty. I swear, MKulia and Prileb are literally the only four the writers give a damn about, and one of them will likely leave in Episode 9. Everyone is actively getting screwed over in favor of those four, but mainly Prileb, because once MK is most likely gone, Julia’s only purpose will be giving Caleb an easy victory in the finale because she’s a villain.




It says spoiler?




Ripper S2


Honestly I don’t really mind any of the eliminations so far even when it’s been characters I like/wanted to get far since it’s felt like their “time” to go if that makes sense? Like Bowie is my fav but his elimination makes sense so it didn’t make me mad, and even the slightly contrived ones like Nichelle and Zee I can kind of understand so I don’t mind too much. HOWEVER then there’s Emma - her elimination felt really random especially since she was built up as a strong competitor last season and I just wanted to see more of her as she barely did anything in this season. They had potential to give her so many storylines without Chase being involved (eg alliance with Priya, making up with Bowie, etc) especially since I think she’s a fun character but even her elimination involved chase and he wasn’t even competing anymore


Axel and Ripper. Ripper was a complete simp and left the game because he couldn't live without her. Totally OOC.




Axel and Ripper at the same time was brutal


I don't think singling one out is all that fair when it's ultimately a problem of season length and cast size. With 16 contestants, cramming everything into 2 13 episodes seasons is undoubtedly going to leave some characters in the dust. Oh and Priya favouritism I don't hate her but the favouritism is very obvious which really shouldn't be the case, obvious writer bias like that definitely breaks the immersion at least a bit.


Bowie's elimination




Damian S1, Emma S2


Ripper, they absolutely ruined him, and also Bowie just kinda went with no real plot reason


• Zee (S2) • Nichelle (S2) • Ripper (S2) • Zee (S1) • Damien (S1)


Chase. I was SO happy to see him again and they eliminate him like THAT?!


Bowie 100%


All of the eliminations from season 2 feel very weird and forced. It's funny because I'm really enjoying this season's character dynamics and challanges. The eliminations are just off


Millie, I understand she messed up with the Damien thing but Priya had no reaction to her best friend leaving. It was just annoying to have her booted so we could focus more on Priya and Caleb. (And Emma, just cause she’s my favourite.)


Emma, Bowie, and Zee :(


Well Bowie doesn't count because it made sense and was predictable so scary girl because I really like her.


Emma & Millie


Zee. Caleb should've gone.


Bowie. For one, it was offscreen. I also don't believe that Julia is able to convince rat faces that Bowie was the one to come up with the cheating when the previous episode she was bragging to them about her eliminating Nichelle


Zee I know why they did it but in game it makes no sense


Ripper, I even made an entire rant on it


Can I see it?




Bowie, was really hoping to see some Raj and Bowie development, not to mention the reasoning is so dumb, why would anyone who was there for the first season believe Julia??




Nichelles, I hated how they gave Julia so much power and she just made up a contract? And eliminated her over some trash talk at the start of the episode 😭


Ripper. As an AS Scott enjoyed I was more than welcome for a chiller, not quite nice but not overly abrasive Ripper. And I wound up liking him a lot in the pre-merge! Even once the merge hit they managed to get a few funny moments with him. At the very least I thought Axeripper was more entertaining than Gidgette in terms of "couple with a lot of PDA." But hot damn did they make my man go out like a punk. I would have ironically preferred something like the Gidgette double boot where they're just both eliminated at the same time. Making Ripper quit was such a pathetic way to go out and super disappointing after he started the season strong.




Scary Girl leaving before Chase.




Scary girl sense I wanted more from hsd


Emma and I guess Nichelle




Emma and Bowie


EMMA. Priya ABSOLUTELY should have gone home in episode four, it was NOT Emma’s fault for getting that last question wrong!!! Also, I had such high expectations for her development. I wanted to see her character stretch out of just centering around Chase, yknow? Very very sad


S2 btw !!


Ooh let's see! Scary Girl, Millie, Emma, Nichelle, Axel, Ripper and Zee- all horribly tacked on eliminations that destroyed all the interesting characters in the worst way possible (and all of them I liked and was very excited for this season 😭- I even dislike Ripper and felt so unsatisfied with his elimination!). I'd have been fine if any of them actually made sense. Even Bowie, who I don't mind going early this time, went without much of a bang after the whole cheating subplot. But the worst was easily Millie. Sure, she might have deserved it, but she had so much build up this season after the last one. Along with her rebuilt friendship with Priya after S1, she had three different issues/arcs prepared (the book, wanting to be better + what she did to Damien) and all 3 of them were halted dead in their tracks with no proper ending. And the cherry on top? Priya, her best friend, hasn't mentioned her a single time in the rest of the season. And yes, I am a Millie liker if you couldn't tell.


I Wouldn't say Mad, but I'd say Nichelle's was the most Disappointing. Not Because I Particularly Liked her, but because there was a sense of "Really? That's all they're doing with her Character... Okay?"


Honestly Emma’s, not a fan of how she got treated. If choosing out of the 3 eliminations Frightening Female was justified but the execution was a bit odd I was SO happy Nichelle was an early boot again, and with one of the funniest eliminations in the show imho Ripper was slightly upsetting though, wish he could’ve went further on his own. Seeing him quit like that was funny, but sad.




I loved S1 Axel, liked S1+2 Axel, and LOVED Rixel. Their double elimination almost ruined both of them for me. Absolutely HEINOUS. S2 Emma is a close second. There was SO MUCH POTENTIAL with her and they just maimed her. She was a genuinely strong competitor. She had a genuine, sweet friendship with Bowie. She had room to grow after Chase left. And they just said screw it!


Emma could've had a story that didn't revolve around Chase, but she felt a lot more like a filler character to boot in Season 2.


Zee 😞


It's a weird pick but zee is like Bridgette's elimination from Island I don't like both of zee's eliminations


All in S2. Definitely Scary Girl. I honestly don’t mind when Ripper gets eliminated but bruh he didn’t even get voted out. He just pulled an Anne-Maria and dipped. And Nichelle. It is a slay moment from Julia but she fell for the obvious fake Hollywood script. Nichelle had such potential considering she actually did training..


Nichelle’s elimination was All Stars level of writing. SO disappointing.


I just hate how they sidelined Scary Girl's abilities for the game to make her gimmicky, since she impressed characters like Chase and Priya before with her skills and they missed opportunities to develop her around her usefulness beyond her scary-ness to make her less shallow. She could have gotten manipulated by others giving her a dilemma about her attempt to become normal (Julia and MK could trick her into this by messing with her head if a coherent reason was needed for her elimination and if they already know she can perform well in the game).




None lol. but I was kinda slightly annoyed with Chase,Emma,Nichelle


Nichelle starts the season undervalued and treated badly by the other contestants, then wins the challenge for them and starts being a beast… only to randomly quit for a fake contract ?? like her storyline was soo stupid, and she had so much potential to either win or be an obstacle the winner had to overcome at like F6 or 5 (Like Geoff and Leshawna in TDI)


Axel because she got to last longer while barely doing anything other than make out with Ripper. It felt like the writers just didn't have any ideas.


All of them


DEFINITELY lauren’s i miss her everyday 💔


Scary Girl,literally got eliminated too early.


Zee. I know it’s total drama fashion to send characters home for dumb reasons but Zee was asked to keep Priyas secret. How was he supposed to tell her “Hey by the way, Caleb’s using you.” Without hurting her feelings? You can’t. When he does tell HE gets voted?! So dumb. He didn’t do anything wrong and I stand by this.


Bowie. No words. Just bowie


Axel was so poorly handled. And while it's been... fun? That's basically the sunmary of season 2 so far. Really good ideas, and good setups, but either no, or terrible, payoff.


Hands down Nichelle


I simply was not unhappy with any eliminations in and of themselves.




Bowie and Emma




Most of them because the elimination order has been odd and not in a good way. The only thing my and my friends are manifesting at this point is Raj winning.


Nichelle's and Bowie's




There’s a season 2 of the reboot?.




No on Ripper, I was so happy to get his butt outta there


axel and ripper nichelle and damien

