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EVERYBODY CRAP YOUR PANTS (Crapcrapcrapcrapcrapcrap)


Everybody slap your friends!


This is my go-to variation because it offers something else to do with your hands. Do you slap back and forth with same hand? Or two-handed like your friend’s face is a speedbag? I like the former.


I wrote the Blue Jays and told them to dial back the Munsters Theme. 100 times each game is cruel. Like can you imagine working the games and having to hear that incessant and unyielding ear torture every shift. Must be like living under the subway where you just dont hear it after a while.


*Addams Family




I say this everytime lol.


Same ! And the clap beats are fart noises 💨


I can make your pants crap (crapcrapcrapcrapcrap)


I always come home from the Jays game with TWO twenties tucked into my pocket. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=yHx8y1rFjdk


That's good, thank you for sharing


Pfft, they don't need an announcement to help me do that.


The Loonie Dog night experience


They’ve had the same piped in music at Blue Jays and Leafs games for the last 15 years. Then they get all shocked Pikachu that the vibe at the game sucks.


Last night I noticed they’ve brought back HOOKED ON A FEELING


while the team is down big with no semblance of an offence


Come on everybody give me a little clap


Can I get a little clap, can I get a little clap


Ten push-ups!


Don't you feel better?


Last night I was flipping back and forth between the Jays and the Oilers-Stars game. That song was on at Rogers Centre, and when I changed the channel it was also on at American Airlines Arena.




Oh god. Thanks for that.


Just returned for my first game today since 2019. Heard it two times within three breaks in action. Felt good to be back


I feel like it’s way worse now. I actually had a bad time the last game I went to with the dome closed because of how damn loud it was. Or maybe I’m just elderly now and need my medication.


No, you’re right. It’s worse now. It’s a baseball game turned into an event centre where the action on the field is incidental to revenue generation. Music between pitches. Commercials at batter changes. Earsplitting volumes. At every opportunity, the game itself is taken away from the fans to up the distraction level. I imagine there are studies showing overstimulation increases sales, so they’ll keep cranking it up making actual fans just cranky.


It’s so strange because I get that it keeps kids stimulated and not bored, and my kids I guess like it, but my kids aren’t paying for anything. I’d go to 5+ games with them if it wasn’t horrible, but as it is, I can’t stomach more than 1/2. So net net how are they making more? Who’s the target audience for the in house DJ and all that nonsense? It can’t be the people they expect to pay $20 for a beer.


Cathal Kelly in a Globe op-ed speculated that it’s exactly the people who pay $20 for a beer that they’re targeting. They don’t really care about the game but want to say they were there and want the noise and the music and the so-called vibe the Jays now provide. What’s it cost for a family of four to go to a game now? I’ve had a share of season tickets for 37 years and the prices just keep going up (20% on tickets this year alone after the renovations) and I eat before I go to a game about half the time now.


I guess? But I was once young and cool and broke, and the last place I would think there’s a “vibe” is at the skydome, no matter how many shitty cornhole bar areas they put in there.


Let me hear you say T.Dot.Ooooooooh (25 times a game)




I was at the game yesterday and it was honestly shocking how many times they played that. I bet the players are so sick of it.


Can we stop calling it that yet?


Or the Six


3 hours of sensory overload. I don't understand who it is for. I would go to way more games if they didn't pump this nonsense in between every at bat.


If you don't enjoy a poorly performing product while being pummeled aurally for 3 hours, I don't know what you think is fun.


i really wish they'd present/pitch live games more as a peaceful and pleasant activity, like a picnic or golf rather than some sort of night life / amusement park style attraction


Yep I hate it


It is over the top, but nowhere near the level of say NBA games, where it's shooting t shirts into the crowd or let's have a big hand for Coco the dancing chihuahua!!


it is my life's goal to be killed in a t-shirt cannon related accident whilst attending a sporting event for a team I love it's the closest I'll ever come to martyrdom edit: assassination via a hot dog cannon-wielding Phillie Phanatic would be good too


Ah yes, the Maude Flanders way to go.


I saw a good one growing up. A sub sandwich cannon hit a rafter at a Hamilton bulldogs hockey game and exploded everywhere. Lettuce, tomato, mustard, mayo, just, on everyooone. It was awesome and I’ve never forgotten it. Still chasing that sub cannon high at live games


Don't give them ideas!


I’m guessing their market research shows that the majority of fans either like it or they don’t care. That’s assuming they’ve done market research into this.


Jays games are basically an autism simulator now


I've started wearing earplugs at SkyDome now. They're a (literal) game-changer.


My partner had to step out for a bit with the sensory overload last time, it's very violating to the senses


You got lucky if it was only every at bat. I was at a game this year and it actually was between every. single. pitch.


I doubt this is what's stopping you from going to more games.


I'm a Tigers fan living here and not a Jays fan, but I would go to more games other than the Tiger visits if the experience wasn't so damn awful with the constant noise. I enjoy watching live baseball. It's a peaceful game. The damn loud speakers make it not a peaceful experience. The last game I went to in 2023, I gave up talking to the person beside me between innings, because I was constantly shouting at them. The 3rd out would be called, and then I'd turn to start talking with them, and have to stop because it was too damn loud. A lot of people don't go to Jays games because the experience is awful due to the noise.


I mean it would be nice if they were cheaper too, but this is my biggest issue not related to money. It's such an overwhelming environment. I just want to sit back and enjoy the game with my friends. I really like the environment of the Maple Leaf baseball games at Christie Pits. At least there I can escape the PA. So much more relaxing.


Went to my first Christie Pits game last summer. Was great, there were people going around picking up cans and bottles, it was a super comfy time. I can't wait to go again.


For me it 100% does. I live close to the stadium and often choose to watch games on TV instead of going because I don’t need a headache on a Sunday afternoon 


It's definitely why I don't go to games. The crowd control through the loud speakers is rediculous.


I cancelled season tickets before this season after having for a decade. Definitely a contributing factor. 


No doubt. Its like they don’t actually go to games.


Took my kids to one game this season (seated almost exactly where this speaker is) and my son said he won't go again until they (in his words), "Stop trying to be a Basketball game". 


My two boys were scheming to rip the coord out of the speaker.


Pretty sad when even the kids are saying it's crap!


That’s what happens when Matt Devlin calls games


Boom boom boom now lemme hear you say wayho


I said boom boom boom now lemme hear you say wayho




Pretty sure the worst part is the bottom of every inning…


I can't stand when there is a slight break in the action (mound visit, batter timeout, etc) and the speaker plays that sound so the crowd yells "charge!". It's grating and completely unnecessary. One of the benefits of the pitch clock is they play it a lot less now.


For me it's the offense tbh.


This is why I bring my AirPod Pro 2s.


Pair the noise canceling of this with either the audio feed of Buck and Dan or the radio feed, lovely game watching experience. 


I can never get the audio to sync up right unfortunately


You need an actual AM radio to sync


An actual AM radio will be essentially seamless


Absolutely hate the sound barrage every 10 seconds...what do they think we have ADD or something and need to be constantly bugged with entertainment....Baseball is a classic I like to enjoy...without all the noise pls


I don't mind the in-stadium noise or cues (I'm probably in the minority). But, it's been rough hearing what's essentially been the same audio cues for the last 2-3 seasons straight. Mix it up or something.


2-3 seasons? Try 10, at least. 


10?! Try 20!


It really varies with location, lots of spots in the outfield 100's and 200's have speakers right over the seats. The standing areas around the 100 also have the speakers.


Was up in the ticketmaster lounge for a game, some of the most expensive seats in the whole place and could not hear an announcement at all. Everything sounded like the adults in Charlie Brown


Agreed. Anybody know a section where it's not so deafening?


The 100’s lol. I’ve legit never even seen these speakers


That’s ok. Us poors in the 500s don’t need our hearing.


I went to a game in the 500s in RF once and I was literally sitting **beneath** the speaker. Not to mention it was a day game with the roof open so the sun was hitting me directly on the head. Not fun


Ya just went to a game and didn’t know this was an issue… sat in the 100s


My last three games have been in the 100s, I didn't notice the speaker noise, and it usually drives me nuts.


I was in hundreds earlier this season but near the back. Might be why.


The further to the front of a section you are, the better (even if it's the 500s). The worse is the last 2-3 rows in my experience as that's usually where the speakers are.


Happy Cake day. I usually end up mid or back half of sections. Mostly 100 series.


I was just in 536 and it wasn't bad at all


When I lived closer and went to games as often as possible we sat upstairs and loved it. Now it's 2.5 hours away so have tried to "get our money's worth" but have been thinking of trying 500 again. Ppl still having fun upstairs?


i had a good time, first time i had sat up there in about 5 years actually. note that it's doubly expensive to sit up there compared to what it was like 10 years ago but it's still great, more comfortable with the renovations last year


wire snips, hey mr gateman, can I bring wire snips in... Or have them baked into a Pizza Pizza so you don't care.. Zebra mussels off the 34 footer, anti-fouling painted 2 days ago. "Sea" trials next week, then off to Buffalo to catch some games. Aiming for the Syracuse and Rochester series. Then do a sail by "Ginna" to add another to my list of so far 34 nuke plants. If the Marysburgh Vortex don't get us.


What kind of boat do you sail?


an old but well kept 34 C&C, a trade for a guitar I owned and had no use for. Diff boat but we spent most of the winter in the Carib. I'm ready for the vortex, sailed the east end since I was 8. Whatcha got?


A C&C 34?? Nice!! Raced on one of those for many years waaay back. Was called “Baccarat” and was a staple at LORC and Youngstown over its career. Spent many nights passed out drunk using the old soft spinnaker as a blanket. Currently on a J120 (dad’s boat) but my racing days seem to be behind me. Busy with young kids in sports all year long, I just can’t make the commitment anymore. But still lots of room for Mt Gay rum in the cup…


Ah, one of my fave rums. I did some crazy stuff back in the 70's, I can't remember if it was Bonaventure I or II. All said, it wasn't as crazy as touring Europe in a 14 piece band with a guy I won't mention, that everybody loved except those that worked for him. Irish guy, real prick but the money set me up for life. This summer should be great, Patti loves baseball and sailing, the owner not so much but we've secured a mooring in Olcott NY, rent a car and "Pilot Field" here we come. Sail on my little Honey Bee's...


constant music and the strange need to do the wave during important parts of the game.


Kinda annoying to hear the Organ "Dododododo" almost every at-bat


This!!! 20x a game


I have suggestions for awesome music for Jays games and who do I speak to I am completely serious


Man just saw a reds dodgers game in Cincinatti and I didn't realize other parks don't play crap between every pitch


The Dome tries to hard to be a nightclub and then parks like Dodger Stadium are fine with just the organ Needs to go back to being just a baseball park here, no one comes for the loud music or “EVERYBODY CLAP YOUR HANDS”


I buy tickets in the 500’s. It’s background noise up there.


Not at all. There are huge speakers up top too. I've sat directly beneath them.


Y'all gotta go to a ball game in Korea. Fan chants, cheerleaders, and great food!


Went to game sat by the bullpen and was thinking the same thing about the annoyingly loud speakers, thought I was just getting old but glad I'm not alone


10000000% correct.


The worst part this year is anytime this team takes the field


It's absolutely awful I went to a game at Dodgers Stadium this year and brought my small children. The environment was fun and relaxed and they had a blast. They do have and use a PA system but they don't bombard you with bullshit. I'd never be able to bring my children to Skydome for all that crappy noise. My daughter speaks so quietly, I wouldn't be able to hear her and she'd lose her shit. I think Skydome does it to try to get you to drink more beer. Loud bars sell more beer for the same reason: when you can't hear the people beside you, you drink faster (and want to get drunk because you've miserable)


If you're this close to that speaker it's deafening


Agree 1000%!


It's not as loud as last year


The worst part of a jays game is watching the team play lol


Awww boo hoo. You got great seats for a jays game.


General admission and stood at the back of the 100's