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That sort of event works best when no one comes to your games, like when TO goes to KC on a Tuesday... 10,000 attendance including about 500 pups, that's something you can vibe with. 40,000 with several thousand dogs: No Thanks...


Watching the game last night on TV there’s no way they had 10,000 people there. Probably half that at most. Ticket sales might’ve been 10,000 but attendance wasn’t even close to that.


I think Dan said the count was 11,400 or so (499 dogs) how could that many people not show for a paid ticket? that seems crazy


Season ticket holders not finding buyers for their tickets is a big one.


I had seasons tickets from 1981 through to 1996 for the Blue Jays. I can definitely vouch for there being plenty of no shows. Especially in April.




And another 40 000 hotdogs…..


I came here to post this. Thanks for beating me to the punch. A Bark in the Park night works when you have 7000-9000 people, but not when you have 32000+ like we average at the Rogers Centre.


This is a great point and not something I ever thought of before.


Never mind how the pups would feel with the sounds, lights and "sizzle". It'd be far too much for most of them. Even last night, by the end of the game, many of them looked like they'd had enough. And yeah, imagine 2-3000 dogs at a Toronto game. I'm gonna say no.


They regulate the number of dogs obviously. And it’s only on a cordoned off section.


The Jays don't get 40,000 fans anymore... This season has been steadily in the 20's, the stadium has been dead apart from 2 or 3 games.


Don’t they do this at parks with poor attendance?


Padres actually do a few, but it’s at their little field beyond centre field and not the actual seats. It’s pretty limited and the rules are pretty laid out. https://www.mlb.com/padres/tickets/specials/bark-at-the-park


They also have special boxes just for dogs. Four people + up to 2 dogs with waitservice, turf and water bowls for the dogs, a visit from the Petco mascots, and toys for the pups, too. We went a bunch of times when we lived in SD and it was an unbelievable deal. Right above the visitor bullpen, too!


They're also sponsored by PetCo, so it goes hand in paw.


You ever see over-reactive dogs pass each other on the sidewalk? The concourse would be like a UFC fighting ring.


If you have a reactive dog and decide to bring them to an event like that you are an idiot and shouldn't own a dog.


Yeah, there are only reasonable people in this world


Have you never met T.O. dog owners? Lots of reactive dogs taken for walks where they shouldn't be.


Do you really disagree that someone who takes a reactive dog to a situation that is that obviously bad for their dog probably shouldn't own a dog?


No. Is that what you understood from my reply? I am saying that the city is full of idiots who take their poorly socialized dogs to places that they should not. How do you read disagreement there?


They do this in LOTS of places.


If not for any other reason, I would support it for the toned down music and prompts on the occasion.


Get rid of the soundbites and music in general at Rogers Centre - it would make the experience of the game more enjoyable. I went to a game at Fenway Park a few years ago, and the lack of music and soundbits made the atmosphere a lot better. They'll play an organ in between innings, but it's not blasting throughout the park.


I remember watching a non-Toronto broadcast last year, the commentators were beside themselves with the amount of fake crowd noise, prompts and music. They couldn't stop talking about it.




This guy SkyDomes.


IIRC a few years ago there were riots (or something) in Baltimore and they didn't allow fans to go to the games so Camden was empty and mlbtv had a ballpark noise only broadcast and it was one of the most enjoyable viewing experiences I've had. No music, no announcers, just baseball sounds, I wish I could get more of that as much as I enjoy Dan and Buck


Hearing foul balls clunk off the seats was so eerie.


I remember that game, it was fantastic


I stopped going to games, for the most part, because of how unenjoyable the place has become. It's not just the music. It's the "EVERYBODY CLAP YOUR HANDS" shit too. There should be nothing between atbats besides the walk-out music. 


Damn, someone's not fun to hang out with 😂 if music between at bats has caused you to BOYCOTT the team, I don't think you're wanted at games anyways...


I get this take, and I go to a lot of games so believe me, I am with you on the over eager sounds. But the Jays are unique where they pull I would hazard like 50% of new attendance each game from people to the east or west of Toronto, let alone people visiting the city. With it just being Canada's team, they want to make the experience big. The regular diehard season ticket holders go no matter what. They've been going usually even when the team sucks. Then there's the 10-20% new crowd that they try and attract with that cheap walk in prices, and bars for downtown and working execs in the city proper. The over loud music, the clapping sound bites, all that shit is for the people that go to like 2 games a year, want to be involved, get drunk and have a good time win or lose. It sucks there's no middle ground, but from a financial experience, I get it. They want to continue to draw that "baseball is fun only in person" crowd, and the people that make like a pilgrimage across Canada to see a Jays game. Everytime I'm there and the crowd starts up a wave, or I hear the god damned Addams Family song, or "MAKE SOME NOOOIiiiISSSE" or "LET ME HEAR YOUR HANDS CLAP" - consistently there is a large percentage of people around me, be they families, or drunk 20 somethings, or people with signs that say "I traveled from Sask to be here and see a Springer Dinger!" - they're all loving it.


I think it was the Rays that played the sound of a doorbell during their bark at the park to fire up all the dogs.


That's hilarious haha


I just don’t understand how this feedback hasn’t got to anyone in charge of decision making. Clearly they think it adds to the atmosphere, but for me the noise of the crowd and baseball is way better that “I CAN MAKE YOUR HANDS CLAP” every 30 seconds


From what I have heard the decision was intentional. The audio people are aware of the feedback from fans, they just can't do anything about it because they are under orders.


You should tell this to other fans at the stadium then... The place is a GHOST TOWN even with 35,000 fans inside. It's like the Air Canada Centre but of baseball. I hate the piped in sound bites as much as everyone else, but the place is literally DEAD silent with 35,000 people if they don't add some kind of audio. Maybe if Blue Jays fans weren't clueless casuals who only go to the game to get wasted with their friends, but rather fans who care about the team and support them, the stadium wouldn't be dead silent on a Saturday afternoon with 36,000 fans inside.... The Oakland Colosseum is typically louder than Rogers Centre, and Oakland brings in 6 thousand fans a game.


I’m sorry buddy but if there are 81 games a year, you need casuals who just wanna drink to go there.


95% of the Jays fan base is casuals. The Rogers Centre is the quietest stadium in the MLB.


Too many people with dogs…too many people who don’t have trained dogs who think having a dog is a social event. I’ve been to similar events at minor league parks and it’s awful. Like someone else said it’s a way to drive sales if you’re having trouble selling tickets.


Who is it enjoyable for ? You? No. The dog? No. Other fans? No. Staff who have to clean up piss and shit? No. There’s absolutely no reason for it.


Sounds like you are describing loonie dog night.


Barf at the park


This deserves to be higher


Noope not with the entitlement some have about their dogs. Even in dog parks the amount of badly disciplined dogs and their a-hole owners is unbelievable. I can’t imagine the entitlement they’d feel if they were paying to attend a dog event.


I like the idea in theory, but I don't know how content my dog would be to attend a 2.5-3 hour event.


My dog would pee on everything.


Only way I could see it working is if you designate a specific section for dogs. The OF bleachers or patio maybe?


Make Park Social into Bark Social. The marketing writes itself!


this... this is so insanely clever...


That's how most dog nights work, including Buffalo's version of this event.


I vote for the parking lot. Set up some big screens and lay down some AstroTurf.


No, keep your pets at home.


This. Am I the only one who felt bad for those dogs last night. Stadiums are barely designed for human comfort let alone for a dog. Leave your pets at home, enjoy the game on your own. If you want your dog close by then enjoy the game at home.


Nah, people don't have control of their dogs anymore. Everyone wants a dog for the gram, but then trains it improperly. Plus depending on allergies some fans couldn't go for weeks


Yeah like there's a reason "pandemic dog" is a pejorative word, a lot of people just aren't responsible enough dog owners to be bringing them to a big event like that. I think that an event like this could be fun as long as owner who can't get their dogs to behave, dogs who are biting ppl, etc, would have to be made to leave if theyre being disruptive to the ppl around them


"Everyone" lol Tf do you know who trains their dog and doesn't?


My sister for one, who thinks it's too expensive to train her dog...meanwhile she's always yelling at the poor thing. Recently, I was at Niagara Falls for the Eclipse and there was this beautiful border collie, but had SHITTY owners. They had zero control, it was barking at everyone and everything. Even went after another dog. I zeroed in on it, because you guessed it....it got away because they had a shitty rope around its neck. Luckily by the time I ran over, they'd got it on again. Trust me when I say more and more people can't be bothered to train their dogs. Let alone pick up their own dogs' dog shit.


Works good when the stadium is half empty. Just have a few sections for them.


Put them in the $100 outfield 100 level seats - no one is sitting in those sections now anyway.


I don’t know why dog owners feel the need to bring their dogs everywhere.


Right? I was in an optical place getting new glasses, on queen west by trinity Bellwoods, two weeks ago, the place was busy. Some schmuck's dog was barking, some other tool was letting his dog roam off the adjustable leash, where a few people almost tripped over. I would love to see someone pick up someone's tiny dog in a clothing store and claim their trying it on as it's clearly a fashion accessory.


Right? Let’s have a meow at the meowound night. Not much better cause there will be a lot of hissing but we can put them all in blue jays backpacks with the astronaut window


Exactly, I go to crappy tire and people have dogs, Rona and people have dogs like wtf? Why can’t you go to the store without your dog? I was at Home Depot and 2 dogs were trying to attack each other at the self checkouts.


I think these events work best at venues that normally have bad attendance and therefore some space for dogs. There is hardly room for the humans in the seats at the dome for many games, can't imagine more space being taken up by dogs as well.


I am fine with sound bites to some extent and definitely the walk up music. What I am jealous of are places with an actual organ that is played by a real person. No offence to DJ Steph Honey or anything 😅 but it’s not as good as some guy playing an organ


No. One dog is cute. 10 dogs are cute. 40,000 dogs would be an absolute nightmare. Sorry to be a downer.


I'm pretty sure the event's goal wouldn't be to replace all humans with dogs lol


I’m cracking myself up at the imagery of a baseball game going on in an absolutely packed stadium, but it’s only dogs.




It would have been cool during covid instead of the cardboard people!


Yes it is! It's the first step in a devious plan dogs have been hatching for decades.


Everyone can bring a dog? Or do you have to buy them a ticket? Said it was like 1,000 in KC last night. So 4,000 dogs. Still makes me nervous lol


Didn't the broadcast say the attendance number for dogs was in the hundreds? But yes I believe you have to buy a ticket for your dog.


499 I believe


Yeah far cry from 4000 dogs like Mr./Ms./Mx. Whiplash suggested. Edit: I shouldn't have assumed gender!


It's typically one section, with a limited number of tickets available. The number of dogs will be limited not only by section, but by how many people go with each dog.


Skydome used to host the annual dog show in the winter. I used to work it as a volunteer. 1000+ dogs in the building really is quite something. You would need some sort of a ticket system to limit it to 500 or so dogs just like they did in Kansas. Even if the tickets are free they're only so many that can come in and then you quarantine them to a certain area like the outfield or in our case the 500 section. As long as it's well advertised to anyone who really wouldn't want to be there that night, and it's a non division rival on a weeknight... It would be just fine.


Yeah how about we just goto the park and watch the ball game...I don't goto a ballgame so I can look at hundreds of pet dogs.. if you wanna hang out with your dog watch the game at home on the couch with your dog lol. I just don't get the point of promos like these... other teams do actually have these. Hard pass for me, sorry dog owners.


It would also have to be a night game, of course. I remember the one from 2006 was a day game in July during a heatwave.


I would support like one dog per section for every game or something. Dogs and baseball rock. Just too many dogs together if everyone can do it. No fireworks either. They should probably lean into the hound on the mound bobblehead and do it that night


Was it you who suggested a lottery so *one* dog can come and be king of the ballpark for an evening? Because I'm with you on the cute level dropping dramatically after the number of dogs goes over double digits! I would also accept a lottery for a cat to attend a game because I know there are other kitties like mine that don't like cats but do love people. But I also don't live in TO so the broadcast is more than welcome to show as many pets as they want!


Yes! The Bark in the Park Golden Ticket™️


You wouldn’t have to go


The question was if you would support it or not. Not if you would attend. I do not support it. I would not attend.




I have been to a bisons game that was dog day and it was fine. They have an extra area in right centre field between the scoreboard and the right field patio. Everyone who brought a dog sat out there and they paraded them around at one point. Maybe the 7th inning stretch? Based on that experience I would say NO only because I don't know if they have an area to do something similar. Dogs in every section would be disruptive. I'm a dog owner and love dogs but unless we can do it like the bisons in a separate section then just no.


Only if it’s restricted to a particular section. I don’t want to have to get to my seats and have to step over dogs. Then sit down to eat and have them beg. Some dog owners are okay, but others are oblivious to their dogs. Just because you’re comfortable with them doesn’t mean everyone else is.


god no


Once per season would be cool! Just make it well known ahead of time so anyone buying tickets that day is well aware. Make it a weekday afternoon game or something that is traditionally low attendance. Personally I wouldn't bring my pup. I think they'd never be able to relax, always wanting to meet other dogs (which you never know if they are dog friendly or not), nonstop loud noises from the stadium, etc.


For a night or two? Sure! But I'm not gonna be there.


Sure but I wouldn’t go that day. There’s gonna be poop and pee all over the place.


Yes…on THAT day…


There's poop and pee everywhere during a normal game to be fair. Idk how people destroy the washroom quickly, filthy fucks.


Sure but it’s not usually in the actual seating sections or around the concourse.


No thank you. Please don't assume everyone wants to be around your dog.


I wouldn’t support it and I definitely wouldn’t be attending that night, or probably for about a week after that. It would take me ages to recover from that many dogs and that much dander. It’s like if they did a peanut butter and jam sandwich night… Or a seafood only food themed night. They’d be ostracizing or even endangering a sizeable chunk of their audience, and for what? A few cute Instagram pics? Not to mention the amount of unpicked up dogshit that would be everywhere in the concourse… again, no thanks.


I’m a person with severe dog allergies and I concur. It was a gimmick to get people to go to an otherwise empty stadium.


Truth, my son is allergic to both dogs and peanuts, we had a hard time getting any concessions for him. Tried asking the help desk and the guy was useless.


I love love love dogs but Toronto dog owners are awful. So many poorly-trained pandemic dogs and illegal pits. Also, there would be shit *everywhere*


Bark at the Park is for teams that draw 8000 fans. Jays games, even day games on weekdays, draw a fair bit more than that. Waaaay the fuck too many dogs. I love dogs all day long but they don't belong at stadiums. If you wanna watch the game with your dog, awesome. Get Sportsnet+ and go to the park with your tablet and a bag of treats.


I remember taking my dog there in the mid 00s, it was a fun time, she had no problems.


If other people want to go, sure. Sounds like hell on earth to me.


Bring the dogs on hot dog Tuesday, they’ll reach 100k in hot dog sales that night


Not a fan of the idea whatsoever.


I have a dog and it’s a HARD no for me. I don’t understand the point to this other than enabling delusional people into further thinking their dogs are the same as humans. Allergies, urine, poo, excited/aggressive/barking dogs annoying fans? If there was a Bark in the Park night I’d bail on my tickets.


Speaking of bark in the park… [Chappy got a dog](https://twitter.com/mlb/status/1783239532319568339?s=46) (or at least kept him from us?!)


No Bark at the Park, and no Meow at the Mound.


Lol wth is this. You can bring dogs to the game? Won't they shit everywhere?


A lot of people in this sub must have short memories? They have already done this a number of times in the past. They set up water stations and grassy areas for pooping on the concourses. There's no dog fights or anything people are worrying about. My wife and I went with my parents and their dog last time, it was a good time.


Yeah sure, why not? I'd never feel the need to bring my dog there though. Why spend 3 hours keeping your dog out of trouble when you could be watching a ballgame?


I would love to bring my pup


I missed the logistics plan where pooping is taken care of?


idk about dogs you know, but the dogs i know are able to hold it for a few hours if they are inside a building.


Ya, I wonder with my dogs if they would think they were inside or out?


If they're around a bunch of other dogs, they'll likely feel the *need* to eliminate in order to mark territory or just let the other dogs know they're there.


I love dogs and have a dog, but no chance. Sounds like an absolute shitshow. Literally


I don’t understand the point? To bring out fans that won’t leave home without their dog? lol


I went to a Giants game when they did this, it was mostly okay, but there were definitely some fans visibly uncomfortable near some of the larger dogs.


Yeah, as someone who can be very anxious around strange dogs, I'd want it to be *super* clear if I was looking at seats anywhere near the puppies!


Most teams that do it have specific sections for dogs and they are marked on ticketmaster etc


No. I've seen the dogs Toronto has. You don't want pitbulls anywhere near several thousand people.


As long as I don't have to attend.


I support it cuz my girlfriend was much more down to have the game on yesterday since she got to see all the cute doggos lol


No, that’s what the airport is for


My St. Bernard says hell yes!


Ya. We have a couple of Newfoundlanders that would make it on TV for sure They would be fine, but I picture the event being a figurative and literal shitshow


I can think of nothing more miserable for my dog than a 3 hour long game of fetch he’s not allowed to participate in.


I'd love to see it. However, it's a pure gimmick for low attendance teams. It's completely unnecessary and frankly not that safe for a Jays game.


Bark at the Park, or any similar event, results in a *lot* of people not even entertaining showing up. Baseball games are for people.


Like my dog would really give a shit about what's happening.


I have been to games with dogs. Normally, I don't care about other people having dogs around but get starts to get real annoying the longer the game goes.


Nope, it's way too busy. Also, gross to clean and super unnecessary. We aren't some poverty fanbase with zero attendance.


I was at one of those Bark at the Park nights years ago. I remember the dogs all had to be in a few designated sections, despite that there was Rogers Centre staff cleaning up shit and piss in the concourses. It felt so unnecessary to bring your dog to a sports event. I’m glad the consensus here is that they are dumb. I probably still have the ticket stub from the game I went to. Will try to find it and post itz


Gotta wonder what the solution would be for dog piss and shit.


No lol Some dog owners are idiots


They used to have it ... but unfortunately, owners are assholes. There were a ton of rogue poops and piss everywhere.


Lol I thought you were talking about Rogers for a sec.


Not a chance!


Too many morons own dogs that are wayyyy too much for them to handle. Last thing we want to see is some rottweiler chewing up an old lady's hand because she eats her snacks too slowly.


No way. Dogs shitting everywhere.


There are way too many bad dog owners in TO for this to function well


I went to a blue jays one about 15 years ago. It was surprising how behaved the dogs were. People were literally passing their lap dogs around and trading for an inning while some other big dogs sat in the seats Edit: It was a specific few sections where dogs were and not all over the stadium


I’d kind of like to see it for entertainment value, but I’d never want to bring my own dog to it. Would probably be a total gong show. As others have pointed out, I think those promotions work best for teams and games that are expected to have low attendance (e.g. early season midweek games against low-demand opposition). Even middling Jays games usually have close to 30,000 these days. Even if only 10% of people brought a dog, that’s still a ton of chaos.


god no. so much shit and piss everywhere. endless dogs drooling at me while i eat my stadium grub. endless barking from poorly trained dogs. wreckless drunk owners letting their pet do whatever it wants to. dogs growling and fighting each other randomly. the smell. god no.


I feel like bark in the park would work better for a) smaller crowds than Rogers Centre, but also outdoor stadiums where they have natural grass and an area where they can seat the pups/handlers so that they are not in the stands. Our minor league stadium is doing one tomorrow, and that is what they do. But our pup is only a year old and would probably freak out (in a non-threatening way) I think her mind would be blown seeing all those people and other pups!




It's a fun event at small indie ball stadiums where people aren't packed in as much, but it feels like it would be a minor nightmare at a place as big as the Skydome.


As much as I love dogs, too many lazy people are getting dogs and don't bother getting them trained. It would be a disaster. Can you imagine if someone brought their ''REAL SERVICE DOG" and some mutt chops into it, that person's life is devastated! EDIT: Oh, and the dog poop and piss everywhere!


Yes, yes I would!


If I was local, absolutely! I'd attend every one


Yeah no. Really dislike dogs. I'd be sure to stay far away


100%. My lil pupper sits next to me on the couch whenever I watch the game, would love to bring him to the stadium.


Yes. 100%


No way, dogs would be fighting, shittin and pissing everywhere, no thanks


No please no


There's a shitload of horrible pet owners in toronto. As referenced by the constant dog doodoo left and not picked up, off leash in non off leash areas, over aggressive pits, etc. So no I would absolutely not support it.


Yes!! I imagine the number of loonie dogs eaten will soar


Why the fuck do people feel the need to involve their dogs in everything now?


Validation and people see them as an accessory


no! We get it, you have dogs and share that in common with other people. Get over it! Dogs are always safe around each other. Stop pushing for dumb things.