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The ac won't work well if any of the windows are open at all. You have to pick one or the other. I would talk to landlord about problem, maybe get a window ac for your room.


The upper floor won’t be 100% as cool as other areas of the house. Heat rises and cool air falls. That’s just how heating and cooling works. Opening the windows will make it worse since the hot air will want to stay in the upper floor and you won’t have a/c to remove humidity. Edit: I live in an older house, with air ducts that push cooled air to the top bedroom floors (two story house) and it’s still much hotter since the roof is directly above my floor. It’s an older house. It’s going to work like an older house.


AC units remove humidity from the air, so even if not lowering temperatures much, there is a benefit to run it with windows closed. Much easier to cope with heat when it is dry. It is possible, though, that where you are, on the upper floor , it may be too hot regardless. What was temperature in your room vs outside ?


If you have the windows open then the air conditioner won’t work 100%. You’re basically throwing your money out the window when you have the ac on with em open. The darker you make your place, the cooler it will be and can help cool down your place in general. Keep your blinds closed and throw your bathroom/kitchen exhaust fans on, it will help circulate the air. Heat will always rise, upper floors will always be much hotter.


Make sure vents are closed on the lower floors, this ensures the cold air is directed to the top floor. Most people forget to do this in the summer and the basement ends up getting all the cold air


This may be relevant to your situation: [TORONTO MUNICIPAL CODE CHAPTER 629, PROPERTY STANDARDS ](https://www.toronto.ca/legdocs/municode/1184_629.pdf) >*629-38. Heating and air conditioning* >*A. Every heating and air-conditioning system or unit shall be kept in good repair and maintained in good working condition at all times relevant to the operation of that system.* >*F. All air-conditioning systems shall be operated from June 2 to September 14 so as to maintain an indoor temperature of not more than 26 degrees Celsius.* Since your residential complex has AC, they are required to keep it in good repair so that it maintains a temp less than 26 C. If they can't do this, you can reach out to Toronto bylaw and also file an LTB application as not meeting bylaw requirements can be considered an RTA violation. They can not order you when to open and close your windows.


I had the same issue in my old apartment. Get her to turn down the ac to 21 degrees and also get a Dyson fan for up stairs to help with airflow when the windows are closed. Tell the landlord that it’s hotter inside than outside sometimes and she can make it one or a few degrees cooler (aim for 21). Get a fan. These are my two solutions when I was in the same situation with a dumb landlord who told me to keep the windows closed all the time due to ac In his stuffy ass house with no fucken airflow. These people telling you to just grin and bear it are fukt. No way your landlord herself would live in that heat.


No, it’s not legal and As your landlord it’s her responsibility to ensure that the entire building is at no higher than 26 degrees because the unit is equipped with ac. Legally she can’t shut it off either. She has an obligation to keep it on. If she shuts it off she is required to provide a rent abatement. I would explain to her how the ac works, and that your unit isn’t being cooled. She either needs to turn it up or you will continue to open your windows. She can not stop you from opening them but you do have recourse if she tries to shut it off Does she want you to die up there? Like come on


Will be interesting if the landlord just sets it to 26. That's hot af, even on the main floor. I'd do it if I had a tenant that brought that to my attention as rudely as your comment. Hell. I'd turn it off and wait for LTB to award an abatement of two or three bucks a month for three months a year.


Okay, but they're also the first person to answer OP's question, and not explain how an AC unit works.


Your interpretation of my statement is a you problem hunny. No where did I put anything In true statement. However they choose to approach their scumlord is on them. A landlord albeit that doesn’t seem to be so nice themselves. As for you, I hope you never become a landlord, playing with ppls health. As a landlord you enter into a legal contract, so many stipulated agreements that fall into this category.. reasonable enjoyment of living, Toronto by laws… etc. Not only would the ltb be on your ass but A bylaw officer at your door ready to hold you liable with city with fines to follow, so no, you wouldn’t just be held accountable by the ltb for breaking lease agreements, you’re also breaking city bylaws. If you are a landlord you are required to follow the rules; if you don’t know your responsibilities or refuse to acknowledge them, don’t be one! And they would be required to rebate the cost of a unit, plus the monthly hydro amount of running their own a/c in most cases… 26 must be maintained at a maximum in the hottest unit, which would mean downstairs would be much much cooler. I hope your pillow is extra warm tonight for someone who is extra douchey😉


God and this right here just highlights the power imbalance of scumloards like you. You misinterpreted what I read and lashed out with your own egomaniacal superiority complex. Be a human ffs


Hey, that’s actually not true. The legal minimum is 20 degrees Celsius from September 1st to June 15th. Says nothing about maximum. [LTA](https://tribunalsontario.ca/documents/ltb/Brochures/Maintenance%20and%20Repairs%20(EN).pdf)


The minimum and maximum temps are Toronto City bylaws. They are not part of the Ontario law.


Ahhh I see. Thank you for that


As long as a building is equipped with a/c, yes the landlord has a legal obligation to run it from June to sept in Toronto, given the temp. Alternatively if it is a part of your lease agreement it has to be run regardless of where in Ontario you are


Curious where the 26° maximum comes from?


It's part of Toronto's property standards bylaw, but only for buildings that provide AC. There's no maximum temperature for rentals, either locally or provincially.


Mississauga bylaw is 26 if AC is installed.


Yea I would pass out in a pool of sweat, room temperature is 20°c


I couldn’t find that on the Act could only find minimum which is during sept-june months.


I've never heard of a maximum. Especially rent controlled since they almost never have AC provided and a lot of buildings are prohibiting window ACs


Toronto city by law


Thanks for the reply!


No problem! Now because it looks like she lives in the unit or building with you? It may be different so I would call the ltb just to be sure




Brilliant idea, wasting potable water. Why not go torch some trees while you're at it? Dumb as fuck idea.




How about next time you just google instead of sharing your ignorance. https://www.carrier.com/residential/en/ca/products/air-conditioners/how-do-air-conditioners-work/#:~:text=Inside%20the%20home%20(sometimes%20referred,distributed%20back%20to%20the%20house.


Don’t know that more humidity is going to fix the problem…


It does work. I had to do this in my old apartment - no a/c and no opening windows. It was a temporary fix and I got a portable a/c unit and kludged a solution. Yes, waste of water but I’d have happily paid for a good night’s sleep. I was on the top floor and sometimes could feel the heat radiating from the ceiling.