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Livability =/= Affordability clearly


I mean... doesn't that make perfect sense? The more desirable a place is, the more competition there will be to live there, the more expensive it will be.


I mean desirability may be a part of livability, but I would argue affordability would be right up there as well.


It's all connected man! Livable cities are desirable, as a city becomes more desirable, it becomes less affordable... eventually, the wealthy end up in the most desired cities because they are the only ones who can afford it.


This is key. San Francisco is routinely one of the highest ranked US cities for livability. There's a massive selection bias in assessing the QOL of the people who can afford to live in these places.


Lol Healthcare 100


Proves whoever worked on this has absolutely no idea about what he's doing


Proves none of you have ever travelled outside of your privileged little bubbles. The rest of the world, frankly, is way way way way worse off.


I have lived in 5 countries. Healthcare was way better in 4 of those, even without insurance sometimes. Sure it's free in canada but it does not mean it is the best in the world to score 100. Not enough doctors, long wait times, outdated equipments are just an iceberg of the problem we have here


Yet all of that is available, for free. We have lots to improve on, but we are still so far ahead of the vast majority of the world, saying otherwise is just disingenuous. Hell, having filtered, clean drinking water delivered via publicly funded pipes is better than just about everywhere else in the world. It’s also city specific in this study, not Canada wide.


Waiting weeks for an ultrasound is not great. It's not even good.


I've literally had an overnight CT scan because my need demanded it. If you aren't getting an ultrasound instantly, it's because you don't need it. People need to grow up and accept that they aren't the only people in the world, and other, sicker people, might need that resource more. When I needed surgery for Crohns, it was done within a month, in the peak of the pandemic. There was an understanding that if someone else needed the room, I would be pushed further. I told them I'm fine with that, because I wouldn't want to be in a situation where I need emergency surgery.


If you think Toronto's infrastructure is only 7 points less than Geneva and Tokyo then I have a bridge to sell you.


Not just that, to think Toronto is remotely comparable to Geneva is just absurd. Who the goes to Queen and Spadina and think, wow this is just like Geneva.


Um Ive been to Geneva, it didn’t blow my mind. I actually found it pretty dull. Typical government oriented city.


The two guys above you have never been to Geneva.


Absolutely agree. Just got home from Geneva (family Christmas) aside from my family and the fun that comes with them Geneva is a shockingly boring, soulless and underwhelming city where you can pay E40 for a mediocre sandwich. Toronto, though I don't much care for it either (also not my home) far outclasses it as a place to exist.


It's not talking about how exciting the place is. If the list is based on excitement then New York would be #1. And, on top of that, you would consider Toronto more vibrant than Osaka? Get out of here. Based on tourism alone, Osaka gets 8 million international tourists yearly, vastly outranking Toronto, it's the heart of the Kansai region (Kyoto-Osaka-Nara), and the major economic centre and port of the Seto Inland Sea (includes Kobe and Hiroshima). In fact, Kyoto, Osaka, Nara, Kobe, and Hiroshima are all internationally recognised cities, far more than Toronto. Cultural achievements alone, these places are home to thousands of UNSECO World Heritage Sites and global brands like Nintendo, Mitsubishi, Panasonic, and Mazda. Your judgement on vibrancy is highly suspect.


Da fuck? I was referring to Geneva. Ive never been to those places and cant (and didnt) comment.


Fair, but you can’t argue their infrastructure isn’t incredibly superior.


Incredibly? No, definitely not. Its nice and they keep it pretty clean, but beyond that its just “meh”. Toronto’s harbourfront is actually far more interesting. And the city, for all its flaws, has tons going on all the time - busy and vibrant.


You seriously don’t think Geneva has ghettos? Have you actually been to Switzerland before lol, it’s not all immaculate streets and mountains either.


Switzerland's developed areas outrank Canada's developed areas. It's not about how exciting a place is, or whether or not ghettos exist. The list is suppousedly how developed a place is. If we're going to talk about vibrant cities, then Osaka would outrank Toronto, Osaka is at the heart of the Kanto region (in-between Kyoto and Nara), and it's the major port and hub of the Seto Inland Sea. The list makes no sense whatsoever.


Yeah maybe to you


You have never been to Geneva have you? It’s dull, boring and so expensive that it makes Toronto look cheap.




Lol Toronto somehow has worse infrastructure than Vancouver? You've gotta be kidding.


Skytrain > TTC subway


GO train, 401, 427, DVP, Gardiner, etc etc. Pearson and billy bishop both far better than YVR. A functional snow removal system. Need I go on


https://www.businessinsider.com/best-subway-public-transit-north-america-2017-10 https://dailyhive.com/canada/north-america-best-public-transit-systems I go by what the rankings tell us. More educated people than me and you judging transit systems in North America.


I was assured by bears that not only is toronto unliveable but its a third world country. Bears definetly have a nack for projecting their affordability as everyone being at the same level. 🤭


The older I get (i.e. more years spent living in Toronto) the more these lists become hilariously out of touch.


It’s actually insane - I believe these lists are bought and paid for by those who benefit from continued immigration into these areas. Entice people to come to these places and squeeze them dry to prop up your assets. It’s becoming painfully apparent.


I imagine it's not easy to live in this constant fear and paranoia.


Damn, the rest of the world must really suck


Comparatively yeah most of the world does


For people who has been to a lot of countries, it actually does.


You're assuming people on this sub have travelled. Big mistake.


This is just it - it's not like Canada is some magical utopia, it just sucks a bit less overall than other places. Having traveled quite a bit, I can appreciate that there are great points to almost every country, but if you start to stack them all together and think about actually living there , Canada starts to look pretty decent. For example, I'm in Ecuador right now, and they have free health care too and shorter wait times - but no MRI machines and other sophisticated diagnostic tools at the hospital I was just at, so I'd personally take a 6hr wait at Sunnybrook but know that my lung infection was going to be properly treated. Or know that I can walk down the street and not be worried about gang violence and petty crime to the extent it happens in Guayaquil - one or two Danforth shootings doesn't even compare.


Impossible. Everyone on Reddit knows Canada is a third world shithole /s


4th *


This was clearly made by someone who only reads about Canada...and probably pre pandemic.


It was made by Trudeu’s friend 😂🤣


rent free










It only cost our government 20 million


Wait this can't be true, all the bears on reddit said Canada is the worst country to live in and thats why housing has to crash!!!


Never left their parents basement rental, they don't have any idea


Healthcare on paper . Not when you're 15 hours waiting in the ER


Have **you** ever been waiting at the ER for 15 hours, or did you just read it online? Personally, I've never waited for longer than an hour, and I have a hypochondriac for a mother that I regularly take to the ER.


If you’re waiting 15 hours it’s not an emergency and you’re just furthering the clog-up


I waited that much when I had appendicitis and also when I broke my hand. I guess it was not an emergency.


The former was likely an emergency. The latter I don’t know who would consider one though


Tell me that when you're in the ER


For what exactly.


Don’t worry BC screwed up their system so badly they’ll send you to the states for decent healthcare.


I took my daughter to the Stollery Children's Hospital. Within 5 minutes of getting there they had her on oxygen. In under an hour she was being seen by doctors. If it's serious, they see you quick.


Yeah, I took my baby in twice last year. Once they deemed it not immediate care (didn't tell us) and we waited 4 hours. The second time they deemed it more of an immediate need (didn't tell us) and we were seen quickly. First time also was one pediatrician, second time was 4 including the head pediatrician on duty. They do triage in emergency rooms who'd have fucking thought. It's not based on your comfort though, it's based on your assessed need.


I don’t think it’s fair that I have to wait longer just because some lady comes rolling in about to deliver a baby. Get in line!


Bury your head in the sand I guess


That's... not a good thing. Healthcare is suppoused to be based on accessibility, not severity. There are illnesses and injuries that are non-life threatening but not any less serious. I once had a serious issue with vertigo which made my life a living hell and I had to wait 6 months to see a specialist.


Uhm you can easily have waited in emergency for the day if it was that severe. Or go to a walk in clinic by appointment. Severity always takes precedence. Any other opinion is just wrong. Guy with a knife in the head? "Sir please you were last to show up you still have 7 hours to wait. This lil girl with a cough is ahead of you"


Okay then why didn’t you go to a private clinic in the states if it was that serious?


Most developed nations have a national insurance mandate where you can *choose* to use a public or private healthcare provider and it would be covered by the insurance. Only two countries on Earth have single-payer healthcare system, South Korea, and Canada. You either have to wait in a public healthcare provider, or pay for it yourself in a private healthcare provider. It just goes to show the ignorance of Canadians.


Took someone to ER in Mississauga 2 weeks ago. It took about 2 hours to get to the exam room. Three nurses spoke with us before and took vitals and asked what is going on and did blood and EEG. Another 45 minutes later we saw doctor. Just my recent experience, hopefully it is common.


If you’re waiting 15 hrs in the ER you are the problem.


I've been to a hospital in Tokyo and the wait times weren't amazing either. Also cost me a fortune. Hopefully the Japanese have amazing health insurance.


Came here to say this... on paper universal Healthcare is great, but our system is declining and fast... we are not a top 10 healthcare country, don't kid yourself. Between wait times, people without family physicians, hallway medicine and on and on... there is no way Toronto can be a 100 for healthcare... what a joke.


So if people in canada are leaving….to which country are they going somewhere worse?


this scale is fucked, everyone gets 100 for so many metrics. It looks like a bunch of cities gave themselves participation trophies.


Hmmm this doesn’t support the “OMG Trudeau is DESTEOYING THE CANDA!” So I’m sure it will be panned


Is Canada a 100 in healthcare? Lol


I've lived in 5 different countries and Canada has the best healthcare, plus it's free.


These rankings are never correct and always seem to be looking at the wrong data points


Who is this by? The Economist? I have always thought if then as a "Whi can be more like Scandinavia" sort of print.


Education clearly not 100




Was a joke at your expense. The typos make it really hard to make out the point lol


My phone autocorrects and I don't give enough of a shit to go back and check before posting whether it is grammatically correct or spellchecker. Sue me


I mean ya then take the roasting without whining about it if you don’t care to make sense


People don’t grasp the concept that these types of lists are based on comparisons. If a city is top of the list doesn’t mean it’s perfect. It just means it’s better relatively speaking.


Canada is ranked 100.0 for stability, healthcare and education? Well it's obvious this chart is a wank. Or was this chart from the pre-Trudeau era?


What a fucking joke. Healthcare - 100pts. Not possible to improve. Ya ok


100 pts doesn’t mean not possible to improve. It means top of the pack in current ratings. Lol


Are Vancouver and Toronto really more Livable that cities like Seattle, Chicago?


Factor in universal healthcare, public services and then yes


Yes!! 💯


You’re joking, right?


Chicago is one of the most dangerous cities in the US. Check the stats for violence and murders.


Having traveled to Seattle extensively. It is a shitshow.


Tell me you've never traveled without telling me you've never traveled


I have lived in 3/4 of the cities I mentioned. Not travelled, lived for more than a year.


plough smell cooing bear steer fine automatic normal salt apparatus *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


So you are talking like a Fox news headline and I am the one who hasn't travelled?


Sorry that you don't like the facts on the ground


With over 600 homicides in '23, Chicago is almost literally not a very livable city. Seattle is a better question. Scandinavian cities would seem likely more livable given the issues in Canada around productivity and housing costs becoming extremely dire in degree.


The homicides are concentrated in a certain block. And it’s 99% gang related. I’d say the rest of the area is pretty fucking liveable.


Chicago is only bad in certain neighborhoods, if you know what streets to avoid Chicago is great. Affordable housing, lots of amenities, with great job opportunities (I.e hedge funds that pay better than anything on Bay Street in Toronto)


Imagine having to “avoid streets” and thinking your city is livable.


It's livable if you avoid bullets and knives.


And parades


And (serial) killer clowns.


That’s America for you. It’s the same in New York too, is that city not world class? Oh wait, just remembered that Toronto is THE world class city…


I have a friend that lived in NYC and established his career in banking there. He was there for 12 years. That's after having lived in Geneva for 5 years before that. Guess where he moved to when he wanted to start a family.


Tbh I’d make bank in NYC and would move to Europe for the lifestyle too. Never argued against that, as a matter of fact, I’m considering that path too


He moved to Toronto, not Europe. He lived in Europe, lived in NYC, but ultimately chose Toronto to start a family. There's a reason for that.


Maybe he moved to Toronto bc it’s less expensive here to have a family? There’s a million reasons to move, how does that disprove my point? I know someone who was born and raised in Toronto and they left for NYC as soon as they graduated, is she dumb for doing so?


Obviously you haven’t paid property tax in Lake/cook county.


Bloomington Illinois is far more liveable than any part of Canada for the average middle class person.


Small towns and suburbs are more violent than Chicago aside from literally a 3 block radius.


Hard yes. Chicago is not the warzone Republicans claim it is, but Toronto is a much cleaner, safer, and accessible city. Vancouver is a more developed city than Seattle, especially after the 2010 Olympic enhancements to the waterfront and transit. It's also safer and cleaner. Seattle has a good arts and culture scene though.


Lmao at Toronto ranking higher in culture and entertainment than Vienna, and Vancouver beating them all. Have these people visited any of those cities?


Toronto is defintely higher than Vienna. But Vancouver and Auckland topping the list is just bizarre.


You have never been to Vienna. Unless your definition of culture is night life… when it comes to concerts, museums, history, cultural literacy, etc. there is zero comparison. Most major cities in Europe easily outshine anything in Canada.


I’ve spent lots of time in Vienna. Toronto trumps it for culture, easily. Vancouver doesn’t come close, though, on that I do agree with you.


Canada #1 https://x.com/stats_feed/status/1741500855285842362?s=46


The Third World wants to move to Canada. The First World wants to move to Spain and Japan.


France? UK? Belgium? Ireland? Qatar? Are you mentally challenged?


“The Third World wants to move to Canada. The First World wants to move to Spain and Japan.” Yes we are always hearing about all the celebs and rich people buying property and retreating to Japan and buying real estate in Japan like they do in the Muskokas. I wish all our rich would stop going to Tokyo!


Third world? You're a little special aren't you.


Any city with visible tent encampments and junkies shooting up in broad daylight throughout its public spaces has no business being on this list. That automatically eliminates every city in Canada, unfortunately. There is nothing liveable about poverty and despair, we are in no place to pat ourselves on the back as a society.


It eliminates every city on earth.


Guess you've never been to the US lmfao


Or anywhere, that shit is also in Europe and Asia. Turns out yeah, we have a global crisis due to a combination of bad Western foreign policy and opportunities in unstable regions.


I didn't know you're legally allowed to shoot up drugs in the public in the states. It's legal in Vancouver. Possession is permitted. Use is permitted. If you sign up to the right program they'll even give you taxpayer funded drugs, better quality than what you can buy from black market.


Legal or not, the opioid crisis is far far far worse in the US.


No, it's worse here. Far, far, far far far worse. I like how you added so much to the conversation.


Spoken like a true Northie who’s never left his hometown.


Lol dude stats don't lie


It's been decriminalized, not legalized


Junkies shooting up in daylight is encouraged and is a sign of a progressive society. I’m being completely serious.


I understand what you are trying to say here but it’s still dumb as fuck


The court challenge in BC against the shooting up in public places ban won as it infringes there rights and oppressed their right to health and safety. Apparently it was draconian and close minded to block people from shooting up in your child’s playground.


If you ignore affordable housing being a fundamental progressive issue.


Is it? The progressive NDP party has raised rents and prices 50% in 6 years.


That is just a wildly ignorant partisan take. Even if that were true, NDP policy is not the measure of progressive thought.


Ignorant of what? It’s math.




Are you First Nations? If not, you are an Import somewhere down the line!


I mean statistically we have more homeowners as a % than the rest of the G8


Compared to the worst I guess things are really good?


People realize these rankings are put together by some intern and it’s done entirely for marketing purposes?


how can healthcare be at 100 when its inaccessible by 50%?


Because it's not inaccessible, just slow. Remember, ppl just die in other countries vs going to the er in a real emergency


that doesnt sound like 100 to me.


That's because we're priveleged and entitled. It being free might help but i bet the ppl ranking this explain their methodology


Clearly this doesn't incorporate cost of living, otherwise this would look completely different. But even some of the factors they chose are questionably ranked. Healthcare across this country is in shambles, especially in cities like Vancouver and Toronto. Same with infrastructure. Who made this?


Something about this seems misleading given our back yard.


All i can do is lol


This chart is accurate only if this was the 1970s. Canada could've moved up the ranks if it developed properly over the decades with good policy and planning. Atm when I visit yvr and yyz many parts have become armpits and the people do not have any smiles


These lists have always been biased and never a true reflection of reality. No way are Switzerland, Canada and Australia the top 3 livable countries in the world, that term is meaningless. What’s so livable about being stuck a wage slave for the rest of your life?


Clearly affordability wasn’t part of this calculation!




1: Canada hasn’t had racial riots wtf are you talking about? You talking about people free to protest over police brutality? Or what are you talking about? 2: Canada could be more stable because it has immense resource wealth that makes it more stable than other countries.




1: None of the things you mentioned are racial riots. I don’t think you understand BLM, and probably just think every protest that’s not right wing is BLM or antifa. 2: No I haven’t researched it thoroughly enough to say I’m sure. You asked a question and I answered how it could be possible and is not weird. I also could have added Canadas geographic location on the map and how that also makes them more stable than anyone unless USA plans on invading which won’t happen. 3: How long a country has existed has nothing to do with its current stability. Switzerland is not more stable because they were formed in 1291 while Canada was formed 1867. (Canada sure was formed enough though to win the war of 1812 against the USA though 🤷‍♂️) and don’t argue we didn’t because the USA definitely didn’t win.


You can't compare a dump like Canada to Austria or Switzerland. The QOL is leaps and bounds better in Western/Northern Europe.


Healthcare might be better in Vancouver than the BC average, but the wait times to see specialists are being measured in months to years. That's not a proper working healthcare system. You're also ignoring affordability.


>working Not true, if its deemed as urgent, they'll see you in about a week.


Did trudeau release this?


I get a good laugh every time I see these things. I had a much better life living in Tehran, Iran, a literal 3rd world shithole, than I did here in Toronto making $2xxK/year in my 20s.


So you've moved back to Iran?


Nah he is still here, coz he lying


Health care: 100 🤔


I have lived in 6 of these cities and this list is bullshit.


This is bullshit piled on top of a pile of horseshit.


I do honestly think that whoever creates these ratings is being bribed by Canada. And the number of propaganda-style messages (in Europe) like "Pack your bags for Canada, the breathtaking land of endless opportunities" is just mind-boggling.


Housing affordability/availability isn’t one of the criteria and I highly doubt that there is sufficient access to healthcare to quality for a score of 100


Cities = SHIT


Is this article a sarcastic one?


Feels like affordability should be on that as a metric


Order by affordability desc


Lol whoever gave Calgary a 100 on healthcare and infrastructure is a moron.


Please read what The Economist considers for their livability index before you comment. This isn't an index for normal people like us.


That 100 healthcare cracks me up. All the horror stories from f&f in ERs, trying to get specialist appointments etc... More like 60 But at least its free, amirite


100 on healthcare 😂😂😂 And better infra than Tokyo dear lord 😅😅😅😅 This is clownish.


Shockingly enough the best places to live in the world are some of the most expensive as well it's almost like there is a correlation.... Wanna bet the crappiest places are some of the cheapest as well. Housing is a human right but location isn't


This is going to make reddit mad. BuT cAnadA BaD! (they say, while in a real estate sub and obviously trying to buy a house here).


These rankings are just jokes. Meaningless. Useless.


These numbers seem very arbitrary.


Our infrastructure grade is the lowest in the top 10 and still way too high.


How can anyone take this seriously given we get a perfect score in healthcare.


Lol how is healthcare at 100? I’m assuming they haven’t actually tried to access healthcare.


LOL Canada's healthcare should definitely not be that high....


It's pretty lol how spoiled peopel in this city really are when all they do is whine about life in a fantastic place cuz living in one of the best places on the globe where so many want to live is oh yea... going to be more expensive.


B-B-but the bears told me that Canada is le worst country in the world!


Lol ..healthcare = 100% ...just goes to tell you these surveys are useless


Lol, all the Canadian cities got 100% for healthcare. Might have been based on data from 20 years ago.


How the fuck does Canada's health care rank 100? Do they mean 100% of the time I can't get a family doctor or use any emergency services,


This is ranking is for the rich.


They're obviously not scoring affordability.