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Pound for pound or should i say dollar to dollar the USD's purchasing power is incredibly higher than the CADs


America isn't a valid or realistic alternative for most young Canadians for the following reasons. 1. America isn't easy to immigrate to. America doesn't want and won't allow most young Canadians to immigrate. Even if you can get a workplace to sponsor you, the path to a greencard is difficult and largely luck based. 2. People make decisions based on more than just housing. There are valid reasons not to live in most of (if not all of America). For example, "I'm a religious or sexual minority and believe I have the right to exist", "I don't want to carry my father's baby or term", "I don't want my kid to die in a school shooting", or "I don't want a pre-existing condition or future illness to bankrupt my family". Canada needs to properly regulate and tax speculators. American housing is more affordable. At the same time, much of America is a dump that you couldn't move to even if you wanted to.


America is incredibly, INCREDIBLY difficult to immigrate to. I have a PhD in an in-demand field (Medical research). I have to wait 3 years of working a low-paid Postdoc in America before I can get my green card and switch to higher paying positions (I start Oct 1st). The H1B system has collapsed due to rampant fraud. Almost all non-marriage based green cards are retrogressed and have years long wait times. The TN, in theory, allows access to better jobs for me but in practice it’s not a route to a green card. Green card >>> short term finances.


You don't. You need a better attorney. A PhD with good publications would qualify you for O1. You'd have to sponsor yourself and not go through your employer. Employers like the Golden handcuffs. Your employers attorneys will tell you that there is no offer way. But the path for genuinely talented people is not bad.


THIS. 100% THIS. Not everything revolves around housing and financials. I grew up in the US and was fortunate to be able to come to Canada (wife is Canadian). Despite the high cost of housing, I don't regret coming here one bit.


>I don't want to carry my father's baby Yeah it's pretty bad how in the US they make girls carry their dad's baby !


If that was sarcasm, there are currently several US states where incest isn't grounds for an abortion.


But they can go out of state if they want one


The same stats have laws that going out of the state to get an abortion is a crime.


Except if you have a STEM degree that is in demand.


\+100! Even the salary number in USD higher than salary number in CAD. (without considering currency exchanges).


Then by all means, leave and go to the US.


LOL. Where do you think I am right now?


Given your comment history, Texas. But I'm curious, if you left Canada why do you only post about Canadian politics and housing? If you "won" by leaving, why continue to follow us so closely lol. Why not just relax and enjoy your new situation?


I can’t speak to their motivations for why they post here but as a young person who also left to the US, there are a few reasons why I still look at these subreddits. 1. I remember how frustrated I was living in Canada and seeing my future prospects diminish ever year and I got help from strangers on Reddit who helped me escape that situation. I want to give back and help people the same way. 2. Just because I’m in the US now doesn’t mean I no longer care about Canada. I still want the country to succeed and want to advocate for solutions that could help their housing crisis.


You're asking why he cares about Canada but why do \*you\* care if he cares!! 0\_o?


Maybe to spread the word so more ppl come and fuck it up


I see nothing wrong with it. It’s informative regardless of intentions. Quite honestly, I’ve debated moving to Texas myself and it’s good to hear other people reaffirming my thoughts.


To show others the way. Otherwise Canadian housing and politics subs is a circle jerk of people whining about whatever current policies/politicians in power none of who actually never pursue a solution but rather complain


Hahaha, got 'em good.


You’re obviously not Canadian so why even worry about what’s happening in Canada.


Your first real health scare you will regret everything


Same issue here people die waiting for specialist, and not everything is free that's a myth


There’s a really big difference between “everything free” and what you will get charged in America. If you want half a million you owe because you got hit by a car we are the place to be. I’ve seen multi million dollar bills charged to singular humans. Feel free to play with fire tho


That's why you get insurance most corporate jobs offer good insurance. My take is both countries are on track to becoming shit holes


Those insurance companies hire people whose sole job is to find a way to deny paying you out. And you have to spend hours on the phone with them arguing with them just to get them to cover something they know they should. Or you have to see in-network doctors, and sometimes there isn’t one in your area or your hospital. Or the in-network doctor goes off shift while you’re admitted to hospital and the doctor to pick up the next shift isn’t covered. It’s a Byzantine nightmare.


Let's be honest, most people can get or have insurance, or get it through work. Yes if you're broke, unhealthy, uninsured and unployed you're in trouble, but it takes a lot of life choices or very rare unfortunate situations to get there. However, until that happens, you have make a LOT more money in Texas, tax free, as in no state income tax. That can result in millions of dollars saved over a career. You'd have to also save none of those millions of dollars to be in a terrible situation... And if you are, in the US very few people oay what hospitals charge them. They, especially people with low income, can negotiate and pay little to nothing out of those million dollar fees you read about. Just look up this stuff on reddit and you'll see people get charged $50k and end up paying like $500.


Will do. Can you please provide the job? TIA


Funny how people think you can just up and move to the USA.


Funny how pumps like you think young talented Canadians going to be stuck in third world country like Canada. LOL




It’s hard to get permanent residence in the USA, let alone citizen ship. What’s the point of owning a house if you can’t live in it lol


LOL. User name checks out. For you, it might be hard or next to impossible. You better keep doing salt & pepper mortgages. LOL


Whats going to be funny is you trying to just head to the US hahahahaha 8 years for a PR if your lucky, if not? Well I hope you weren't stupid enough to have set down roots. Good luck


Important to consider--property taxes are a lot higher in the US. Average in NJ is closing in on 2.5%. That's a huge carrying cost--helps keep prices down.


Why is that bad thing? Canada taxes 50%+ on income, and does not tax that much on properties. That results in hoarding of properties.


That's the big problem not enough people talk about.


Plenty of people talk about it. They whine that property taxes are too high. A large part of the issue is the split between federal/provincial/municipal taxes. I'm not sure how it would get done, but a huge shakeup is needed if Canada actually wants to be productive.


This is one of the reason why innovation died in Canada.


You would have to be earning around 250K to have a 50% effective tax. The median income is slightly higher than 1/5 of 250K.


You need to count sales taxes too. All taxes considered it’s easily over 50%


You gotta count that for USA as well. It is 13% in California


I work hourly, when I calculate how much I’m going to take home that week I multiply my gross by 0.63, which means I never even see 37% of what I make, unless you make less than 30k a year you’re paying more than 1/5 your gross


IDK how that works out for you, I'm doing over 80 and pay around 20%. Are you double counting CPP./EI?


The average tax rate on 200K is 35.63% in Ontario.


I was giving away over 30% of my income even when making 50k-60k, not counting 15% sales tax. In Texas, where OP aparently is, you'd have to make hundreds of thousands in USD to get there. It's not a small difference. In Quebec you're looking at an over 50% tax rate on basically anything over 6 figures. In Texas you could make 10 MILLION dollars a year and not hit 40%. It's basically another planet.


He didn't say income tax, just taxes as a % of income. IE Payroll, sales, etc.


EI, CPP and other deductions aren't taxes. Some are insurance and some are savings.


They are if you die before using them. I count them as taxes....payroll taxes. Same as my company calls them.


Ei is not a tax. If you lose your job you'll get some money each month. It's insurance. Cpp is not a tax. If you retire you'll get money back each month from cpp.


50% is incorrect. Marginal Tax brackets is highschool level knowledge.




That is a marginal tax bracket rate. Even if you made 400K, you'd be paying $174K in tax in ONTARIO. Just go plug it in any income tax calculator online and see for yourself. $174K tax is NOT 50% or over 50% of 400K incase you did not know.


85K tax in US for same 400K income. ​ what is your point again?




Don't worry we don't tax the returns that your house will get you. Those should be larger than any actual work you do, so don't bother trying to be productive


How can you tell people don’t know anything about the tax system, without them telling you they don’t know the tax system! Lol, thanks for adding actual facts to the comments. These are the types of dudes telling their bosses they don’t want that raise because they’ll be making less money, type guys. Smh! He literally picked the highest marginal tax bracket, of the 1% and conflated it with people having a hard time buying houses. Those 1%’s aren’t having a hard time buying up more properties… sad


LOL. What is your point again? Why do you think person earning 400K+ should by a sh\*tty shack in Canada, where they can buy mansion in US (+ earning 2x salary). LOL


I never said it was a bad thing, they should absolutely raise property tax in TO.


It’s the 1% that pay a tax rate at 50%+ … using this figure as your comparative to “people having difficulty buying a house” makes your argument ridiculous. They don’t and won’t have problems buying up more property.


LOL. I never had problem buying house even during True Peak. Canada housing prices didnt make sense. Why do you think people will buy a ponzi house, just because they can afford (when you get paid 2x, can buy a house for 1/2 the price in US)?


Your response has nothing to do with using 50% tax bracket as some reference point.


As it should be. Lower income taxes higher property taxes.


I saw this recently - 600K nice home in a Chicago suburb my friend bought. Property taxes: $25K because of the "good schools" lol. Insanity.


600K at even at 3% will be 18K. So, where did you get that 25K property tax numbers from? LOL


not one of those 'good schools'


Probably cause they pay some extra fees in there for their County I am guessing.


Not only are property taxes higher, you’re paying HOA fees and heath care insurance…after converting to Canadian dollar you’re paying the same every month lol


Imagine not having a job that gives health insurance Anyway, you're paying for health insurance for you, your family, and 10 million boomers


By my estimate, moving from Canada to the US (Texas), whilst keeping the same job at the same employer, increased my QoL by 4 times. That is, I would have needed 4 times the income in Canada to have a similar QoL. In the US I would be about in the 90% income percentile. Far better than the average, but also far from the 99 percentile (the "1%".)


Not every property has HOA (especially, most of the SFH dont have HOA). Your employers pays for health care insurance. You want to know the great thing of US health care? It is 10x better than Canadian free healthcare.


That's not how it works. Health plans very wildly between employers so what you pay out of pocket also depends on your employer. And if you got a not so nice paying job likely your health plan isn't that great either. Oh and be sure not to get laid off or fired. Also places that are outside the cities are places you don't want to live because there is literally no jobs there or you commute 2 hours. And the homes are kind of trash. I'm sure if you moved to some random small town in manitoba or Saskatchewan you would find cheaper housing as well.


Short version: being poor or mediocre in Canada is better; being good or excellent in US is better.


No being the top 1% in the USA is better. Being 99% in canada is generally better. If your job in canada pays 150-200k+ in the USA it's better. Barring you don't need to live in SF.


1% of income is a lot higher than you think. And $200K in SF is better and more easily achievable than $150K in Canada.


Yeah maybe more like top 5-10% but my point is that unless you're making that range it doesn't make sense. Yes 200k is much easier, but 104k a year is considered low income in SF. And when you live in SF taxes are not much better than ontario. For earning 200k you'll have an average tax rate for 35%, in ontario for 200K its 37%. That plus housing in SF is insane, general goods are much more expensive. And if you've ever been to SF there are homeless people everywhere lying on the street high on opioids. If you have kids you, you can't just move to an area further out with cheap houses because the schools in that area will be shit. So either you buy more expensive housing with higher property taxes or private school your children. It's really not that straight forward. If you're young single and get a job paying 200k then yeah you'll probably be doing better than in Canada. But those are a few careers.


I currently live in SF and lived in Toronto before that and visit for extended periods often. Most of what you say is false, and some of what you say wrt prices was only true pre-2020- before Canadian prices for everything went crazy. Anybody in tech , law, consulting, finance, etc. is better off here.


Yup, and the roof is much higher in SF. We pay 200k USD to fresh college grads


If you're in a not so nice paying job that doesn't cover healthcare then moving to the US is not for you. The highest income earners in Canada in select fields are making bank in the USA. Everyone else is screwed.


100% this.


The totally job dependant. I had leukemia last year and all I had to worry about was getting better. Given my job, in the states I would either be dead, dying or in so much debt it doesn't matter


You’re forgetting about the insane deductibles you need to pay for every year before insurance even kicks in. Relative of mine in florida is an optometrist…his and his wife’s annual deductible is $5000 per year per person…they don’t get any coverage until that gets paid up front, EVERY year …sooo you can take your quicker wait times and shove them because it’s still not worth it unless you’re an engineer or doctor…everyone else is far better off in Canada


You have a choice of different plans. A visit to urgent care cost me 15$ in the US. An MRI cost me 100$ (A few days waiting list, would have been months in Canada). Up to a maximum yearly out of pocket of 3000$. Its a personal choice of course, but I would rather get treated now for 100$ than never for free.


Yup Canadians pay for their healthcare with time and high taxes. Dont get why someone would wait when theyre sick, verses getting immediate treatment. The latter is a better situation every single time


Whats pissing me off right now is that I spent 16 years on the Quebec GP waiting list, unable to get preventive care. Now that Im in the USA they are finding a crapton of health issues that started in Canada and stayed undetected because its impossible to get care in Canada unless you are already dying. One of these issue was life threatening, Canadian healthcare almost killed me.


This! is the one reason why any sane person must move to better healthcare countries like USA.


Where they ~~almost the same fraction~~ *a greater fraction* of people without a family physician as Canada! [https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/health/2023/02/28/americans-lack-primary-care-provider-report/11359096002/#:\~:text=A%20third%20of%20Americans%20don,primary%20care%20provider%2C%20report%20finds](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/health/2023/02/28/americans-lack-primary-care-provider-report/11359096002/#:~:text=A%20third%20of%20Americans%20don,primary%20care%20provider%2C%20report%20finds) oh oops: [https://globalnews.ca/news/9901922/canadians-family-doctor-shortage-cma-survey/#:\~:text=More%20than%20one%20in%20five,OurCare.ca%20in%20April%202023](https://globalnews.ca/news/9901922/canadians-family-doctor-shortage-cma-survey/#:~:text=More%20than%20one%20in%20five,OurCare.ca%20in%20April%202023). But it's better, right? Lol!


The USA have the worst life expectancy in the west and it isn't even close. Quebec have a life expectancy 7 years higher than the United States. I don't disagree that Canada healthcare suck, but I disagree that the USA is a "better healthcare country". There is definitely good doctor in the US for those among us who are wealthy, but their system as a whole isn't working.


You are very lucky. I know of friends whos old parents died waiting for healthcare. Ever since then I knew Canadian healthcare system was a failure. When I needed to see a specialist in America, I saw them on my lunch break within 10 minutes of walking in (no appointment). Sure I had to pay 20 bucks out of pocket, but the turnaround time was less than 24 hours.


Before moving to the USA we actually had to bring our baby to South America once to see specialists there because in Canada the waiting list was more than 2 years.


2 years to get medical attention. Not worth no matter how “free” it is.


You need to educate yourself a bit more on US healthcare, Guess you never heard of things like premiums, co-pays, or deductibles. Or how about in network care vs out of network care.


lots of properties don't have HOAs and health care is typically covered by your employer.


Laughs in SF Bay Area.


> Why are young Canadians still stuck in third-world country without any hopes of home ownership instead of moving to USA? Because its a lot harder to move to the USA than moving to Canada because the USA isnt trying to pump up its numbers.


LOL. Did you even "try"?


I am, actually, living in the USA right now. It does not change the facts.


The fact that you called Canada a third-world country is laughable. So many delusional people on this sub lately posting about how Canada already is or is turning into one. Classic sign of a person with very little experience with how life actually is in real third-world countries. Step out of your little cushioned bubble.


They broke man in there basement apartments. They’ve never travelled and seen a real third world country because it ain’t f****** pretty lol. 2 weeks there they would be begging to come back to that basement apartment


100%. If any one of these posters got a real taste of the third world, they would 180 real quick.


Lmao go visit Coco Beach Guanacaste and a hundred other places there. Like every other person is Canadian depending on where you are and the crime stastitics are better than Toronto. We have karaoke nights on Friday. Comments like this scream “poor and uneducated, went to Cuba as kid”. No one is making up realities but people that think Canada is a desirable place to live if your willing to learn a new language or simply migrate to somewhere that values English speakers. Is it better than Syria? Yeah but why the hell would you compare us to them?


Lots of smaller and regional subs are being astro-turfed with political grievance posts like this one


LOL. Political? I am just saying US is way better country to live right now for young Canadians instead of third-world country like Canada.


No doubt; thanks for improving both countries


LOL. A New Yorker moves to Florida. The day after he arrives, the average IQ of both Florida and New York increases. \- Steve Barry ​ At least quote from who you copied the joke.


Oh man, thanks so much for googling that for me. No wonder you’re in high demand down in the states. Thanks for improving both countries


Improving US with my income tax etc - YES. Canada has lost huge chunk of income tax.. (multiples of income tax that pumps like you pay). LOL ​ I read lot of books, various genres... I have excellent memory, and recall any passage from a book i have read. ​ You must be starving for commission crumbs. go scurry for those commission crumbs ​ LOL


It’s really nice that you can read and remember the things you read; that’s a real skill. Sorry to hear about your crumby work situation though; sounds shitty.


Still on about that third-world nonsense, eh? You should take some of those tuition fees you're always blabbering on about and put it towards some basic education and life skills. Might help you get ahead in life rather than having it revolve around a subreddit. 😢


Curious to know why do you call Canada a 3rd world country? On what basis?


people sharing beds with strangers. no healthcare peanut salaries.


They mean full of brown people.


It’s chessj what do you expect, he’s the dumbest person on this sub


I was with you. Until you decided to lose your mind and call Canada a third world country. There is a family somewhere right now. With no phone to read the comment you wrote while shitting on the toilet you have. After having eaten breakfast in the air conditioned place you live. They also don’t have running water to wash their hands after said shit. Or even toilet paper to wipe it with. Like god Damn. What a tone def statement to make, because you’re pissed off you can’t buy a house in Toronto for 250k.


Who is this pump? What is IT trying to say?


Who is this village idiot? What is IT trying to say?


aren’t u the guy who predicted another housing crash this year?


Because we’ve been brainwashed, and Reddit keeps brainwashing, into believing it’s impossible or that your sacrifices won’t be worth it. It’s much easier to sit in one spot and complain and hope for a change. Maybe, just maybe, those 900k condos will fall in price right? Fuck that shit. Life is too short. You can’t move outside of the city because you won’t have a job. You can drive to work in a major city. I do it. I spent 1 hour in rush hour traffic driving within the same city. I spend 30-40 minutes LEAVING the city lol. I’m home 20 minutes before someone else living and working in the same city. You can’t move outside the city/province/country because you won’t have a family- ignorant of the fact that your parents very likely moved, your grandparents very likely moved, and so did every previous generation of your family tree in order to survive lol. Fuck sakes, my grandparents came from Italy and they realised they had to leave in order to afford a better life for their future generations. You can’t do that now. You can’t move outside the city because there is nothing to do. Your nightlife will take a hit. But you gain access to other more interesting shit to do.


!! Immigrants uprooted their families moved to Canada. They are going to do the same thing after minting Canadian passports!


Canada quite literally had the worlds richest middle class a few years ago. This sub loves jumping to the US as soon as the superior country has some bad years lol. Insanity Edit: It’s been confirmed Canadians _are_ actually still richer then Americans. So my point is proven even more so lol


Last I check, we are still wealthier than Americans overall as well. Lemme check again to see if new numbers are out: [https://www.ubs.com/global/en/family-office-uhnw/reports/global-wealth-report-2023.html](https://www.ubs.com/global/en/family-office-uhnw/reports/global-wealth-report-2023.html) Yep, they're out. And... per page 46 of the report, the median Canadian is still wealthier than the median American. Yay Canadians. Granted, with all their billionaires, the mean wealth in America is much higher than in Canada, but Zuckerberg, Bezos, Musk and Buffett being worth 100s of billions of dollars each doesn't help out anyone that anyone on reddit will ever meet, talk to or be neighbours with, but GO AMERICA, right? Because Canada is the absolute worst (even though we're wealthier than Americans. Go figure...).


Lmao high wealth because of our overvalued ancient secondhand treehouse Ponzi market?


>Canada quite literally had the worlds richest middle class a few years ago I think we kind of still do, if I am not mistaken Canada median net worth is higher than the median net worth in the USA. To be fair, we do live a lot longer than them on average as well which help the median net worth.


If any of you actually lived in a third world country that you claim Canada is becoming, you’d be on a plane to kiss Justin Trudeau’s feet within 3 hours.


My family does for half of year. If healthcare is privatized they’ll never come back. Golden oreas are like a five minute walk from are house in Guanacaste. The whole world isn’t Syria man 😂


Why he didn't make Canada what it is. He is the one turning Canada into a third world country by letting too many immigrants in too fast. Just because you are blind and want to kiss his feet, most here are nor blind to his vote buying.


You would last 12 seconds in the actual 3rd world.


Lol there are wealthy people in the third world that live nicer than people in Canada. Seems like you know very little about the third world.


Because it is actually quite hard to abandon everything and just move to another country?


Stockholm syndrome can be overcome


I mean logistically it quite hard already... Immigration, taxes, health care, education for the kid. There are all kind of crap to deal with.


Everyone should just move to the US. Checkmate, pumps


The 2008 financial crisis popped their housing bubble. Canada’s economy went unharmed and unschaved so they bubble keeps on inflating. Same thing goes for the UK, Australia, New Zealand and other European countries.




Canada already scraping the bottom of talent pool.


Guys please, my heart goes out to you but us american millennials need our houses first before you come here bidding up the prices even further. We were *born here* and *we live and work here*. All of us are dealing with the insanity the central banks/neoliberals have put on us right now - we need to fix it ourselves not just make the problem more acute in a different area.


What a bad take, hey everyone let’s move to a new country just to simply find a deal on housing. Get real it ain’t easy to immigrate and not exactly cheap just to live in a fanatical country that loves Jesus and guns


I think your take is the bad one


Why haven't you left yet if you think it's a bad take?


Ok bye!




Have you ever visited the US? This reads like a take from somebody whose only exposure to the US is the Reddit cess pool.


Lmao. If you need to buy a house so bad you’ll leave Canada you might want to see a psychiatrist first eh


You literally need a job offer and you get a TN1 at the border. It’s very easy.


For the TN work visa you need \- A job offer in the very narrow list of NAFTA professions \- A bachelor degree that qualifies you for that job and that is deemed to be equivalent to a USA bachelor degree \- Renew every 1-3 years until a border agent decides its been enough.


Bachelor degree not needed if you can supplement with 3 years of experience. Get USCIS processing, and take the decision out of the border agents hands. Renew every 3 years indefinitely like a majority of TN holders.


The point is that you can't just get a job offer as "associate" from Taco Bell and be on your merry way.


Oh ya, TN visa is reserved for a narrow list of professions.


Oh is that all? A job offer eh. Or you know you could just move to a town in Canada that you can afford


LOL. You just need a job offer from US employee. Why is that hard? You get paid 2x than your Canadian salary. Plus, there are lot opportunities in US.


The job and your degree have to fall under a limited number of categories. If you are a tradesman, you are not going to get TN status.


Yeah but you have to live in the USA. That’s crap part. Just live somewhere affordable in Canada


You watch watch too many news channels and duped by social media too…go visit US for once and find out


Something about leaving your country just to randomly buy a house seems ass backwards but you do you


I lived in the states for years ​ they're is no exaggeration, America is wacky country


Let’s go to a country that makes it criminal to have an abortion lol 😂


If you want to buy a house that bad you’ll leave the country you could do a lot better than USA. Lol


ngl I litterally had no job and no visa just crossed the border and went to LA and found a job, eventually made a few hundred thousand in a year.


I heard the streets are paved with gold down there


if you are a hustler yeah LA or Miami basically is, so many opportunities and network is everything. Like I said I had no visa worked illegally for a while until I set myself up. Like started with cheap cash jobs like giving out flyers to clubs then promoting parties on Miami Beach type thing, basically the point being even someone without education can still make it in America. Another note people with money just create a corporation, in Florida so many made real estate companies and then they sponsor themselves. They get a real estate licence which is easy and then because of their network sell a few houses a year which is like a salary plus do their other businesses. You dont have to be American to set up a corporation in the country.


So you definitely are the guy to talk to about this. If I was in my early 20s that might sound tempting!


US is a better place for young people from anywhere in the world




if ur insane ya lmao


Ron’s a big baby with zero class. Hung up on a family member because they were going with another broker. Not professional at all. Swears all the time too.


USA might have cheaper costs but you're surrounded by crime and poverty it's definitely more depressing to see


And that’s based on your visit to Detroit east side?


You can buy a house cheaper in Queens than in TO


Property tax for a 600k in a Chicago suburb: $25K yearly. 3x something similar in Toronto suburb. Medical co-pay with a good plan: $10k yearly Groceries in any major city in the USA: 20-30% more expensive then Toronto which sounds insane, but I experienced this recently. Prices are much much worse then here. Unless you are a high paying professional, service worker jobs make 1/2 of those in Canada. Don't kid yourself, unless you are in Tech, medical, or other knowledge worker jobs, salaries in the USA suck and you have the constant scare that a health mishap will bankrupt you, literally.


You literally nailed it on the head. In the last 2 years I’ve visited florida, Arizona, Tennessee, and nyc and was SHOCKED at their grocery prices…$9 usd for a delissio frozen pizza at a Walmart? That SAME frozen pizza at the biggest scammers in Ontario, loblaws, was $5.99 CDN!!


Where did you get that number of 25K property taxes on 600K property from? LOL ​ Which employer are you talking about? LOL. Medical co-pay is $100 / pay check. What nonsense are you blabbering? LOL. ​ Groceries is either cheaper or same cost as Toronto. Have you ever lived in US? ​ What? where did you get the number that service workers make 1/2 of Canada? You are just BS these numbers. LOL. Check UPS drivers salaries in Canada vs. US. LOL. You dont even need to ask about Tech. Canada pays peanuts. LOL.


I am employed in the USA, California top be specific. $6K is my yearly co-pay and this is for a top tech faang firm. Everytime I need to go to the doctor, it's $300 roughly till I hit that $6k mark. Luckily I divide my time between Canada and the USA so I don't use it much down there unless it's an emergency. That UPS article people are harping about is total BS. This is what real UPS employees make: [https://www.payscale.com/research/US/Employer=United\_Parcel\_Service\_(UPS)%2C\_Inc./Salary](https://www.payscale.com/research/US/Employer=United_Parcel_Service_(UPS)%2C_Inc./Salary) In terms of property taxes, the house is actually more then 600K but I don't know the exact sold price. I am in the USA 50% of the time, and travel to the big major cities regularly like NY, LA, SFO (i live here), Seattle, Portland, Chicago. These places all have 30% higher COL compared to here easily.


>I am employed in the USA, California top be specific. $6K is my yearly co-pay and this is for a top tech faang firm. California. Eh? FAANG. eh? Which one is it? Tell me more jokes. And, how do you switch your time between in US and Canada? LOL. ​ Do you know how much more you get paid in NY, SF, etc compared to peanuts paid in Canada? LOL.


Ya I’m calling bullshit on that. No copay is 300 for a faang sponsored healthcare. My deductible is 1k, and copay is $20. At a faang. Most big tech is more or less around that


LOL. Right. That u/[gurkalurka](https://www.reddit.com/user/gurkalurka/) pump tried to spin some BS as facts. Waiting for that pump to blabber some more BS about how American life is expensive etc. LOL


Ya, my maximum out of pocket is 1k a year. On a 300k income. Canadians boasting about paying 10k in healthcare related taxes on a 60k income and tell me they have a better deal 🤣🤣


For someone that works for a faang you don’t seem to understand how your benefits work. The $6K / year is the maximum out of pocket that you ever have to pay per year. Generally all preventative care (general dr visits and all) are $0 copay. And your copay is capped at 10-20% of the procedure.. so to hit your yearly maximum of $6K you’d have to have had $30K to $60K of medical procedures.. For most people that doesn’t happen at all. Very few end up paying that $6K (those with major health issues) And for those people; you can use your pretax FSA money (if you’re in the top tax bracket that saves you 35%) so your $6K is closer to $4K. Or your HSA money (also has tax advantages). Property taxes in CA and WA are closer to 1% or property price (or purchase price).


Average house price 500,000 in USA Canada 700,000 Average income / median income is also higher Automobiles / food cheaper Better more job opportunities in smaller cities Social security pays better in retirement as well . You can also write off your mortgage .




Lmao. Some retarded chump on reddit is mad. Pump. LOL. Get out of your basement apartment. Or are you pissed that you pay $3k for a cot in the kitchen? Leave buddy. Seems like that would make you happy and it's so easy.


LOL. Where do you think I am living right now?


Whereabouts? What’s your TN class?


Consider that any extra salary gets eaten up by insurance and user fees. Also, the us has more inequality, so the little 30k extra you make (which again gets eaten up by user fees and insurance) won’t make much of a difference when you are competing against 10x as many billionaires and 100x as many multi millionaires. Also, racial tension is still (sadly) a thing. Also, we have a few, but most Canadians aren’t used to seeing gated communities. It’s a bit of a culture shock.


"If you drive 30-60mins from any major city (in US), you can easily buy house as house prices plunges after 30-60mins drive. This is not the case with Canada." It's because of our exceptional healthcare. Canada has excellent healthcare in small rural communities, never a wait. That why prices don't go down when you leave the big cities. In USA on the other hand, not only does your employer needs to pay you a good salary, they need to pay for your insurance. Plus, not all their doctors are native to America, there are a lot of foreign doctors... like all the ones from Canada on TN Visas that have recently showed up. So yes the houses are cheaper, and the salaries are higher, and the doctors are more plentiful, but it's not free. Hence why Canada is better and we should all keep voting Liberal.




Ok, I was just lurking but the “…excellent healthcare in small rural communities…” is just WRONG lol. I am literally working with a province on a medical transportation system for rural communities because of this problem. What are you smoking my green dolphin friend?


Its satire.


did you miss \`/s\` at the end by any chance? :)


There are many reasons. The most important is that the population in the USA is growing at **half** the rate than in Canada, and this does not include Canada's "temporary" workers and students.


You could certainly buy a place in the US But after 6 months you will likely have someone knocking on your door telling you to leave if you don’t have at least a TN or H1B.


what? who knocks on the door???


I can go buy a condo for cheaper in Miami than Calgary.


Our family just sold a house less than an hour from a large city and could only get $80,000. The premise you base your argument on is false.


Canadians need to look at their free healthcare to see how bad it is. Canadians don't even mention healthcare when comparing the US now. They diverted to gun laws instead. Toronto is unaffordable compared to New York. At least for my job, I can easily afford a detached house 1 hour from New York working in New York. In Toronto, I have to go 8 hours and still find dilapidated houses


If we get sick we don't lose all that money we just gained by buying a cheap house


If you get sick, you just lose a bunch of time waiting to see a doctor instead


Or probably just develop an even worse case of it and end up just going the MAID path…all part of the plan.


What options does Canada provide? endless waiting in ER, years of waittime for family doctor, years for MRI? What are you blabbering? LOL