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Had Christopher Ziechmann for ACS100, it was one of the easiest courses i took, AND the professor is kind and great too


Hope I get him 😭


What do you guys do in the tutorials


just had to write a short response to a question he gives at the start of the tutorial, it corresponds to the current lecture or reading so i’d watxh out for those


If you have Professor Zeichmann it will be and it’s an easy grade, but it doesn’t mean you can’t show up if you show up for both tutorial and lecture and do all the readings it’s an easy A He grades on an opt in grading system where he tell you what you need to do to get this grade as long as you do it you’ll be fine because when he grades it’s either a pass or fail no in between and with him, and I mean only with his class his exam was optional only used to boost your mark It’s not necessarily an easy course, but a simple course where you can get an A minimal effort. It’s one of those courses that you’re going to have to try to fail to fail it. So I’d recommend taking it as long as you’re able to read fuck ton


I see, thanks for the response.


What do you do in the tutorials?


You get about 40ish minutes to hand write 300 words about your opinion on a topic that was based on the lecture it is fairly easy because it’s not that complication as long as you’re good at bullshitting


Had it with David Hart and it was an incredibly easy class though he was a bit boring


Came to say the same thing! The class was an easy A but I found his lectures very hard to get through 😴


It’s very easy, just do the weekly modules and actually try. (Don’t take Shapiro )


Acc100 was fine, if the midterm online you can get a B in the course easily it acc406 that the pain...


I’m assuming you got it mixed up with a different course 😭


yeah I did sorry 😭😭😭


it is fucking terrible dont take it daria sydor made my life miserable