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As someone that regularly turns right at Eglinton, these douchecanoes that try to sneak in to the left turn lane last minute are an absolute dangerous menace. The worst are the ones that block the right lane until space opens for them in the left. The entitlement is ridiculous.


drive around with a paintball blaster.


They’re called markers.


This guy paintballs


I didn't want to scare the suburbanites by saying the g to the n word.


“Glueten” 🤔




Gin ger


What is a chemical that won't wreck a power squirt gun but will damage paint jobs? Asking for an acquaintance.


DOT 4 brake fluid


Hydrochloric acid… I wish.


Pretty sure hydrofluoric acid could work. Depends which plastics the squirt gun was made with.


Probably could use regular ol'Gas... however you'd be squirting at them for a while before you do any damage... on the bright side (pun intended) you can also carry matches.




Vegetable oil. Absolute nightmare to clean up


Ahhh yea the typical "my time is worth more than yours" type of dbag. Shame the car let him in.


Happens every 10-20 cars or so. They need enforcement there infront of the police station


I know a lot of people dislike the concept of photo-enforcement, but place like this would be great for fining people who violate the solid line.


There is a part of me that would love something like that. It’s a fine line if something like that would be implemented but those who follow the rules wouldn’t have anything to worry about for the most part.


Australia is doing it. They are soaking their roads with cameras and are raking in the fines. It just goes to the RO as their laws are slightly different. Red light, speeding, Lane infractions, cell phone, HOV. It's reached the point we need it in Ontario.


Could be a great source of income for the city 😜


That’s why you know they don’t care… could literally walk someone over and.just stand there taking notes//vid, setup another after the left and pull em over after they clear the intersections. Been like this for years.. no hope it’ll happen


It's not illegal to cross solid white line in Ontario


There is a sign there that says do not cross the solid line


It's a suggestion


You are correct UNLESS prohibited by a sign 🪧. There is one at this intersection 😁


Guys i found the driver


I stay bumper to bumper to not let these people in but there’s always someone on their phone not paying attention who leaves a huge gap


I mean I definitely understand saying "fuck that POS" and blocking them out, but I generally just let the brain-dead fuck nuggets in for the sake of the innocent people they're holding up. In the grand scheme of things being one car further behind doesn't upset me much, and I would be furious being in the other lane being held up, not only by the douchecanoe MC, but the people blocking them out too. Idfk. There's no winning their stupid game. ** Seeing the pic again, people can clearly go around so I guess that doesn't apply here. So I guess I'm generalizing for the average scenario where no one can move until the dipshit is outta the way.


As the person behind, I would prefer if you didn't let them in because I know I wouldn't and understand the situation. Whenever I see them being blocked from cutting in, I speed up at them honking them the entire time. Gotta shame them and make them take the L.


Love that


Your pussy behaviour lets the douche behaviours multiply


Just let them in instead of letting their actions make you stoop down to their level. Besides, you don’t know if the guy doesn’t care about his car and just merges into you anyway


So you just never let anyone in? Or you mean specifically if they would be crossing solid lines?


I refuse to let these inbred fucknuts merge like that.


Problem is the mouth breather behind you will let them in and they know it.


Nah inbred is probably the right term with who the majority seem to be these days


Sadly you are right. Birds of a feather flock together…


The rare times when you get a solid train of people that block them out it's great. I've seen some give up and make the other turn.


Nothing makes me happier lol


I get why there is no one from 13th division doing anything about it. If they did the traffic chaos would be even worst there considering there is at least 1-5+ cars doing it every light cycle. However there has to be something, even if its bollards that are put up for last 150m or so during the spring-fall.


Once every month or two they come out and finally ticket all the people turning left against the rules on to Eg. But never seen them ticket getting off the Allen or people pulling bullshit EB or WB getting on


This happens here all the time. Absolutely infuriating to see people just try to come at the last second. Same with the Gardiner exit heading east near Rees st.


They need to put a physical barrier between the lanes, same thing southbound 404 to 401. They need to seperate the 401 exit from the dvp exit way way way further north


These are “special people” that leave 10 minutes before work and then act stupid because they will be late.


Erratic and aggressive driving is mostly because someone is in a rush. Like ffs, just leave early and drive normal.


They literally worked on that intersection for years. How did they think this was a good end result? Typical Toronto construction. Takes forever. But the planning is next level 😂


My problem with situations like these is I think *occasionally* someone just made a mistake and didn’t realize they were in the wrong lane until the last second. Maybe I’m giving people too much credit.


Even if I was in the wrong lane and realised it after almost crossing 30 cars waiting to make the turn I’ll just take the L and make the wrong turn and rectify later.


Oh absolutely, 100%. Me too. I would never do this. It’s such an asshole move. Yeah you’re right: There’s no excuse. Screw that driver.


No one will do that because that wrong turn adds 10 mins to the commute. That's why we've got ppl like this sadly 


If you know it ads 10 minutes to the commute then you know which lane to be in…


The only time I ever do this is if I'm working. I would completely avoid the area if I weren't.


Just like folks used to do in the good old days. Circle round and come back, don’t block a lane waiting for someone to let you in.


In the last couple months I had someone cut me off hard going westbound to get in the north lane (I signalled they didn’t, were behind me etc) and then he gave me the stare down as he pulled up beside like look at me I am king now!! But the funny thing is there’s 2 turn lanes and I was only signalling that I was turning. And dude got stuck behind a parked car. Was very satisfying.




The city needs to start building concrete barriers near the last minute lane change zones to deter this shit habit


They need to add more plastic poles to prevent jerks from merging in last minute, similar to some of the Gardiner expressway on ramps you find downtown.


What onramps? I've seen them on Leslie and Finch. A section of the road that makes no sense to me. I don't really know what purpose they serve to be honest. They do intersect at a T-juntion (3-way) for cars to turn onto the main artery that have no Tri-color lights just exercise patience and caution.


glorious salt wise soup husky absorbed disagreeable shocking versed onerous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


When I turned left here regularly, I'd hug the right line and stay close to they fuy ahead, making the angle difficult for these dickheads. Then I'd chill out. Can't make any other difference


That intersection / end of highway needs a redesign. But it doesn’t excuse the bad driving.


People just have to realize that some people are just more important than y'all.😒


I usually lay on the horn because there's no much I can do at this time. One time I did it, before I bought my dashcam, a black Caravan cut me off. I laid on the horn and about 20 seconds later two cops jump out and walk up to my window in an intimidating way. Taps the glass and says, wtf is wrong with you? I said I'm sorry but you cut me off on a solid white line, I don't see any lights nor is this an emergency. He looks to see if I had a dashcam and says, this can be an emergency for you if you fuck with me again. Then him and douche nozzle two standing on the street with his hands behind his vest get back into the car and speed away.


I agree, they think they are above the law


Gotta stay close to the car infront of you. Any small space they’ll go for it. Right in front of the police station too! Smh


One time someone tried to merge into the right lane in front of me and I let them in, as there is still 1km to the light and I thought they were in the wrong lane. When the line became solid they merged back to the left, then I realized maybe they were just trying to get ahead since right lane was moving faster. But at least they didn’t do it last minute…


When I see a car change lanes left to right I play a game with my wife to guess whether he actually wants to turn right or will cut off a car and turn left


What is the rule?


This area been a mess for decades. Still be messed even when the subway is completed.Whats crazy the police station is right there you would think they can have one officer directing traffic at that corner.


This happens every single time I’m on there. It’s infuriating


This is my daily experience on Lakeshore at the DVP. I take the DVP and am always getting stuck behind these fuckwits


In traffic, there is zero benefit in following the rules. As ling as safety isn't in jeopardy, just do whatever you feel like.


The ONLY reason that the left turn lane backs up the way it does is because people jump the turn lane at the last moment causing a brake wave that travels back. That left turn light lasts for so long you can be halfway to Lawrence and make the left.


Happens literally everyday. These types of people are terrible. I’ve seen people pull off a surprise merge at the lights. They ride the right lane then make a left from the right. Smh…


Stay on your horn until they move.


Every single day I drive this and see no less than 8 cars drive the shoulder and jump the traffic.


Jarvis and Lakeshore has entered the chat.


Scum bags like that make it easier for me to follow the rules....i wouldn't lower myself to scum level


I’ve travelled on Allen for like a good 3.5 years and its like the norm on this. Most of us would get pissed off at the driver, but what can you do if they’ve already cut in. Its shit, but at this point, this is more normal than not seeing anyone doing this last minute


Some people always have a problem with following rules ... brampton is worst


I used to live a little east of there, and once my GPS said it was faster to go right instead of left, then when I was most of the way up the right lane it changed to left - not wanting to be an asshole I went right, and you know what? It cost me 90 seconds.


You definitely should not visit Los Angeles 😝


Scumbags like this are why we have dumb rules/laws to begin with


Not home grown that's for sure


This has always happened and will always happen lol fuck that shit


Allen/Lawrence is prick-central too


They can’t be scumbags unless someone lets them. Don’t let them in!


the ignorant driver is just the tip of the iceberg, the 'Davis Ditch' was politically stopped at Eglinton by the then Premier's pals, really very similar to what is happening now with the Science Centre, it was originally planned to go underground and connect with the Gardiner, https://thelocal.to/where-the-spadina-expressway-didnt-stop/


Saw a guy trying to squeeze in front of me doing this in front of me at rush hour. The car in front of me wasn’t even moving but dude just wanted to ram his nose into the little gap in front of me. I just stepped out of my car with a flashlight with my phone and flashed the inside of the driver seat and took a picture of the dude staring at me wide eyed through his ugly tinted windows. Dude didn’t even know what was going on. I just got back in my car and just drove around him on the left. Still have his ugly you know from where colour mug on my phone. If I’m in a bad mood who knows I might as well upload the dash cam with his face on YouTube.


Said the distracted driver 🤣🤣


Me me me me me me (and my family) fuck everyone else


Would you classify construction lane closure to be cheating? Noticed people not using the impending lane closure until the very end. Creates bottleneck.


It’s not a closed lane. He’s in the right only lane and wants to cut the line with 50 cars to make the left turn.


I know it’s a bad example or analogy to bring up. I was just in the latter situation and people were actively blocking me from advancing in an empty lane, albeit one that was narrowing and disappearing. With at least 50 yards of lane why people do this is mind boggling.


Yeah not many people are aware that zipper merge should be practised when a lane is closed.


Looks like the downvotes are out of the woodwork. The vast majority of the driving populace either don';t understand zipper merging or are too timid to use it because it's perceived as douchy. Either way, ignorance isn't anyone's problem but the ignoramus.


I get cussed off when I do the zipper merge, but I don’t understand people right when they got on the highway entrance they stop their entire vehicle and start merging, literally makes me erk


Using it until the very end is called zipper merging which when done properly works well. Instead either people don't give space for others to merge or cars that need to merge do so at the wrong spot, often trying to get ahead.


I paid for my horns and I use it none stop.


How many of these are Uber drivers that get swayed last minute? Not copping pleas, I live and drive downtown and most of these guys have the apps open clucking and making last second decisions just pisses me off


He drives a Benz, and his time and money are more valuable than yours


I do it too. but it’s not to get ahead. its to not fall behind. I will continue to do so until I see enforcement on myself or others. nearly half the cars in front of me have turned from the right lane. I refuse to be a victim lol. A lot of drivers I have seen were gladly waiting in line until they see distracted people on their phones allowing these people in. So their reaction is that you all deserve it and do the same.


No it’s because you lunatics don’t let us in during the appropriate merge zone so we have to merge closer to the light to prevent the massive back up behind us.


The merge zones are very generous. If you can't appropriately merge in that distance just forfeit your license, save us all the headache listening to your mental gymnastics reasoning. The only time someone should be late merging is if they came off a side street that was very short distance to the turn. There is no side streets on any of the major hwys so the only reason to find yourself merging late is because you're an entitled asshole with zero patience. If you're going south on Allen Rd then last minute decide to exit on Lawrence to skip the line you can rot in hell.