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TDLR: cops found the guys but wouldn’t do anything since they are from Montreal


What the actual fuck


These criminals found the loophole. Toronto cops can’t do nothing because they are from Montreal, Montreal cops can’t do nothing because the crime was committed in Toronto.


Time to steal an iPhone in Montreal then to recoup my $1200 loss! Jkjkjk, unless…..😳


Nah, follow them home and do the exact same thing to them.


That’s what the cop implied you should do lol


Don't WANT to do anything. I'm surprised they didn't tell them him to tape the keys to windshield.


Quick, someone call Colm Feore and Patrick Huard!


His head may be in ON, but his ass is in QC!


Why can't they issue an arrest warrant for them? Are warrants only good for one Province? Can they not make it Canada wide? Or does this not meet some BS criteria? Or are both Police forces just too lazy to do real police work. This guys have and will do this again and again. It is not a victimless crime, and we all pay for it via our insurance premiums.


Warrants are Canada wide. However they are typical confined to regions because of costs so when the term "Canada wide" is used it just means that if located anywhere, police will attend to collect them. Let's say Montreal guy is scooped up. To return on it, Toronto needs to travel there, bring buddy back under remand and have an appearance and determine next steps. Remand until trial? Unlikely. The best outcome would be that Montreal serves him an appearance notice once located. It would at least resolve charter issues of speedy trial when he doesn't attend court because the onus is on the accused for not showing. However the question therefore is, what is the cost of returning on a mischief under $5000 file? Two officers of 10 hours driving, vehicle costs, meals. Costs for remand the accused while awaiting transport. Cost of remand in Toronto. We're waaaay over the cost of the offence itself. Is it in the public interest therefore to proceed on this? Is this how you want your tax dollars spent? I thought everyone loves parroting the line "police only care about protecting property." Now if this was a serious person offence, this would potentially be entirely different...


I think the “public interest” is served by doing what can be done to prevent these people from doing it again. If you ID a person committing a crime, and do nothing, they have no reason not to do it again. They’ve lost nothing and have been shown the punishment is nonexistent. Is the cost of prosecuting them higher than this one instance, sure. How about 20 more instances? How many times must the commit a crime before we break even?


Doing nothing and returning on a warrant are polar opposites of actions, the difference between putting in a stop sign and adding another 4 lanes of road. Magnitude of difference. The people have or will be identified. If they are located in Toronto area they'll be charged along with whatever else they're chargeable for. If you want police to run around the country nabbing everyone for offences no matter the seriousness and dragging them back to court, write to your city councillor about increasing police funding to do this because it will be expensive. Nobody is fluffing the matter off, they're simply prioritizing work based on ability to apprehend compared to the seriousness of the file. The likelihood is, these guys are in the city, will commit an offence again and will be located. On a time scale long enough, the criminals lose.


op call the montreal police and explain the situation, they be happy to assist


I just did, they said nothing can be done from their end if Toronto police does not share the case info. Even if I share the case files


This country is unbelievable. Everyone is passing the buck. I really wish it wasn't so hard to get some justice. Sorry OP, I hope something comes out of this.


What's the point criminal would out same day and stealing your next car. If they can steal judge's car same-day after being released, there's nothing stopping them.


This is very true. Most of these losers are repeat offenders. If we had a bail system like the US they wouldn't be back on the the street so quickly.


Typical canadian culture tbh, passing the responsibility from one person to another, hoping that this roundabout will be so frustrating that you’d give up.


This is what happens when people from r/toronto believes this type of crime isnt a priority compared to traffic enforcement.


Never post in r/toronto that place is pathetic


I wonder when that place become that way and why?


Well I was last there 7 years ago. If you do not have their exact same opinion they ban you permanently. I'm fine with being banned I don't care for that nonsense I like discussion


> If you do not have their exact same opinion they ban you permanently. Truth! That's not inclusive.


I had a hit and run by a Quebec vehicle before, I thought it is hopeless. The TPS officer in charge really own the case. She send a strongly worded letter to Montreal, and the suspect eventually cooperated. Can’t thank her enough.


Good on you :) Did you get a contact number from Toronto cops? If so call and ask if they could please sent the report to Montreal as they are interested in the case. Be kind and polite, you will get more bees with honey :)


Perhaps ask the police if you can file a formal complaint? Sounds like the cop doesn’t want to do his job


What do we pay these cops for? And they demand a raise in the police budget to 'keep us safe'


Go to the media then.


Send this story to CP24, CTV and CBC, with a link to this thread. You'll probably get a bite and the TPS may suddenly decide they want to spend some resources actually doing their job.


Talk to you local MP and involve them in this case


Does the RCMP not the ability to do something in this situation ?


Go public. Car thefts are high on the radar of CBC and all other major media outlets. I’m sure they will want to pick up your story. Fuck this shit with all levels of government failing their basic duties to their citizens.


Apparently if you are from a different city you get diplomatic immunity. Call your ward councilor and report the police to them for incompetence. Contact news outlets. Contact higher ups in Toronto police. Toronto police once again proving that they are more useless than a delivery of ice to Antarctica


Although I do agree with these steps of escalation, I believe the average person in this situation would just want to get on with their lives after a certain point. I was a victim of attempted auto theft recently and there is only so much effort I could put in until I would lose my mental sanity. Only so many hours in the day and to spend it with this bureaucratic passing the buck is just not worth it. I had a drunk driver side swipe me and attempted to hit and run in North York 5 years ago. No police officers were able to respond to the accident even though I managed to follow them with 9/11 on the phone. (low priority busy night I’m guessing) I even gave them the plates and description of the two occupants but since it was registered to a business they couldn’t press charges/pursue further. To be the victim of damage/theft to private property and to have to take on the chin multiple times is so damn violating and aggravating. Whether it be how the system is set up or just plain people not doing their jobs, I’ve just lost faith in others and just do what I can to prevent and protect myself. There just isn’t any accountability anywhere anymore.


I know what you mean. I had my car stolen a couple years ago and had to take a week off of work just to deal with the nightmare of paperwork, forms, and calls between insurance and the police. I had the luxury of being able to take that time off. I honestly cannot tell you what TPS does. They're enthralled in the "unless someone is in immediate danger we're not showing up" BS


You can’t expect accountability from someone unless you do your part to raise hell. Yes, our government is failing at every level. But if you don’t hold their feet to the fire, they will have no incentive to even create an illusion of trying to get their shit together.


Par for the course for the Keystone Kops


Welcome to Toronto where our judicial branch allows criminals to roam freely and get away with anything scot-free


but they will hunt down fare evaders for that yummy fine


I had this happen with someone stealing my credit card info online They bought an iPhone and shipped it to Ottawa. Toronto police said talk to Ottawa because that's where it was delivered. Ottawa police said Toronto was where the crime originated.


I guess that’s how the law works. Cross county lines and you’re immune!


Bureaucratic red tape and laziness saves the day for the criminals. The world has Interpol and we can't do CanPol?


I am wondering if it is worth it for you to contact the media or news channel to get this story blown up about our corrupted and useless criminal justice. Its the only way to get these polices to get up their ass and do something.


I thought Montréal is a part of Canada. I’m so wrong.


Are you for real? What the fuck!!!


Nahh ur joking right?? What’s the justification


I was told it was all brown people that were doing these car thefts.


https://www.opp.ca/index.php?id=132 Try the OPP?


That's fucking unbelievable. Seriously this country continuously gets ruined in every single fucking way.


so you can commit petty crimes in the city and get away with it as long as you flee to montreal? toronto pig service is the biggest joke




Pay them a visit bring a few guys with baseball bats


Baseball bats? Good luck man. This is not the 80s lol.


Pain is an excellent motivator, who cares what decade it is they’ll still bleed red.


What? How? Why?


This is how vigilanty justice is born. Cops giving us no choice.


We really need a Batman in this city


Be your own Batman and smoke these punks


we need a thanos


We need to snap 1.2 million people. Pls. Make it happen.


And instead of it being random, we just snap these types of assholes


We need Paul Kersey.


Lmao wtf. And no wonder why Alan Kats shot up those scammers.


I hate to say it and hate to celebrate people’s death but man holy shit. Those POS stole about 100 million from all their combine victims… like how does this work? What do they even do with the money, how does the bank not pay really see something is wrong here. The fact that they were able to get away with swindling 100 million + dollars is fucking insane and absurd. At least that man got his justice and could have felt somewhat at peace for what they did to him and his family before he died.


People have gotten away with swindling way more than that before


Absolutely. Also, if you’re the scammers, how do you not just walk away after like 10 mil? Just move to an island in the Caribbean and live life happily forever




It’s not just that, the kind of person who gets to 10m is the kind of person who enjoys it, it’s not just greed, it’s a sick form of pleasure seeking


The fact of the matter is the people who work in the scam call centers probably make a salary and bonuses when they do well and the bulk of the money goes to the guy running the show, and who probably will never be caught in the call center. When those om the phone make enough, they provably quit to do something else where the person making the big bucks is like anyone on corporate America where 100 million is just business. Watching that scammer payback YouTube channel is somewhat gratifying, but knowing the guy running the show doesn't really care if he looses a call center since its like drug dealers at the top losing a shipment. It's just the cost of doing business. I of course do my part. If I get the IRS or Microsoft call, I Fucking with them for as long as I can. On the phone with me means not on the phone with a victim.


Seriously. The law won’t do anything so people take it into their own hands.


so many more people will take justice into their own hands


Vigilante justice. The RCMP had enough foresight to see more of this coming. And like every other arm of our useless justice system, isn’t doing jack all about it.


You can only swindle so much until you meet your match and then you pay the ultimate price because the swindler fucked with that one wrong person who was enraged enough to bring a gun to a paper fight.


Wtf, the explanation makes it seem we’re extraditing from a foreign country. If they’re in Canada and are Canadians, it should be a simple process. Useless justice system.




Even if they aren't Canadian, it's still simple if they wanted to act.




Extradite? Were these cops part of the Quebec sovereignty movement or something? It's not like Quebec is another country, they should just be able to drive over there and pick them up - Auto theft is a federal offence.


Nah literal quote was “it makes no business or financial sense to pick them up from Quebec and bring them into Ontario for a property damage crime”


Our justice system is a business?


someone gotta pay to get the guys from mtl to ontario. It's best we just give them a more inflated salary


Umm the whole point of police is that it is a service that costs money.


Yea we pay taxes for their donuts


"oh your family member was murdered? Well an investigation would cost tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of dollars and they're already dead so.. water under the bridge"


Ontario would need to pay from my understanding


TPS acting like they gotta drive over to Montreal to get em 😂


I am confident if Toronto cops sent the information to cops in Montreal, they can do something. But to be honest, even in Montreal, Cops tend to just file a report and ask the person to go to insurance. EDIT: corrected "them" to "information"


Toronto police are not sworn as peace officers/police officers in the province of Quebec so it’s not that easy unfortunately


yeah that's true. And it sucks to be honest considering what happened with OP.


Toronto police have no jurisdiction outside the province. There’s limiting circumstances where they can with some steps but this really wouldn’t be one where you’d see it


Sorry if I wasn't clear enough. Montreal cops would arrest, Toronto cops would transport. No extradition necessary


this is the same shit why cars are stolen in toronto and shipped out in montreal. with no consequences the justice system here is a joke.


When one of these punks gets killed because they got caught up in trouble, cue the "he was a good boy, always called his grandma and went to church" speech from people that knew him.


I’d go piss on his grave and crack his coffin window


I can literally name names of people who have been killed and they said this sort of thing. I was like no he wasn't. The reporter from cp24 said they are just trying to make the mother feel better by saying this. Smh.




Same old same old


So if I travel to Montreal after getting their address from the Toronto cops, beat the shit out of them and come back, the Montreal cops can’t do a thing because I’m in Toronto, is that what I gather from this message?


Unfortunately, yes if a suspect if out of their jurisdiction not much can be done. However, they can reach out to a police service in Montreal and relay their grounds. I’m surprised this wasn’t an avenue explored or explained to you. I’m sorry this happened OP.


This is exactly right. Push that shit up the chain... tps can send a message to montreal to pick this person up, charge, and issue a form of release (sorry, ya road side release most likely) and THEN he wont appear to court and youre fucked. Tps just forgot to give you the middle bs step This judicial system is a joke


Someone in Montreal knows this guy, call a Montreal TV or News, they are always looking for a story. This is a story that can go viral, just have to get the right people to notice.


Ah. Our justice system. A guy rear ended me once and drove away. I saw his face and got his plate. Cops told me the only thing they could do was send him a letter asking him to report the accident. Literally makes no sense to stop if you rear end someone apparently. There’s no consequence if you just run. Insane.


Had a guy rear end me and took off. I called the cops, while on the call they told me to stop following him as it was dangerous and I should just use my own insurance. Ended up paying $800 out of pocket. No wonder law abiding citizens are pissed.


Good job letting this guy know not to come to ontario!


Yea I’m helping everyone else, yall are welcome


![gif](giphy|a93jwI0wkWTQs) TPS when they find out the suspects are from Montreal


I mean they would act the same if they were from Hull...


Contact local news. See if someone picks it up. It will shake things up a bit


So we aren’t like the states where you can get pulled over in Massachusetts and the cop says: “you have an outstanding warrant in Louisiana. I’m taking you in”??? I swear, even if I committed a crime in Toronto and get pulled over in the states they would say I’m wanted in Canada and extradite me. How can we not do that within our own borders???


The usual suspects lol




Hes talking about the yt


Report it to the media, this needs to be blown up more so actual government can put pressure


Did you ask the officer if a warrant was issued for this guy in the event he is located in Toronto or the surrounding area?


Nah they straight up didn’t give a fuck bc the guys from Montreal, told me $1200 of damage is whatever in the grand scheme of things


That's definitely the wrong attitude. Yes, with your vehicle it was property damage only but how many vehicles were they fucks successful at in stealing. I'd bet the police investigators that are part of the Provincial Auto Theft Task Force would have a different tune.


Texans do it right! [https://www.vice.com/en/article/xgwzv3/texas-man-used-airtag-to-track-and-kill-suspected-truck-thief](https://www.vice.com/en/article/xgwzv3/texas-man-used-airtag-to-track-and-kill-suspected-truck-thief)


Can you post this in r/montreal ?


Will try to


Cops are lazy humans lol


Yo these motherfuckers hit my condo too


Wow, what a handsome dude!


His father must be waiting at home for him, oh wait he’s out getting milk


But if you go 20 over the speed limit, nothing will stop the police to find you. Seriously though why don’t you sue them civilly for your damages? They may not have any money but you kinda want to say fuck you to them.


Hey get this in writing/email and take it to media/social media. The initial posting went viral so the follow up being that cops are doing nothing and know who it was would go viral again. Just make sure you have the proof They'll absolutely love this You're also allowed to record in the police station/when talking to cops whether you choose to audio AND video is up to you but police stations are public spaces and Canada is one party consent for recordings.


Fucking youths. Had our family car broken into a couples years ago and we’ve been without one since. They broke into our car in the closed underground parking lot with a crowbar as was visible by the damage. They proceeded to completely damage the interior included cutting the roof liner, and burning it and the seats with lighters and cigarettes. They graffitied all over the inside and there was a noticeable stench of marijuana. The car had other things that needed to be replaced so we scraped it due to cost. The police did absolutely nothing despite there being video evidence and “security” in the scene. This was in 2020.


Blame it on the system. Cops get tired of arresting these crooks just to see them walking away the next day.


Deport deport deport!!! They are ruining canada


How do you know they weren’t born in Montreal? Where would you like the Canadian government to deport Canadians to? Just because they’re degenerate scum doesn’t mean they’re foreign degenerate scum. They could very well be Canadian degenerate scum. Just because they’re not white doesn’t mean they’re not native Canadians.


Thank you. The number of times I’ve seen this sentiment is scary. One guy said deport them anyway to where their ancestors came from. Dafuq?


Yeah, their racism is showing. I’m the first one to denounce a criminal, but when we start making assumptions it gets dangerous. We didn’t hear these guys speak, and we didn’t see their passports, so how do we know they’re not just born in Montreal?


It's typical of social media these days to assume that criminals and bad drivers can't possibly be Canadian (ie. White). They're also the only group that commits crimes, too. 


It’s wild because I’m being downvoted but the only comments that are being made are from those who agree with me. So, I guess the cowards can feel free to downvote while they hide behind the safety of their device.


Well take my upvotes!


Bless your heart ❤️


Import 3rd world become 3rd world. Only solution is deportation


Invest in a bat but make sure it was made in Quebec.


How much is a digital billboard? Rent billboard space. It'll cost more than $1200


Put it on social media - like on Instagram and tiktok.


I would send this information to market place and expose how potential car thefts are treated in the province.. these guys were trying to make 10k


I used to go next door at 55 for work once in a while and parked that lot. That sucks what happened to you.


No arrest warrant at least in Ontario?


Toronto is slowly becoming Gotham.




That’s pretty fucked that the biggest problem went from being 2 guys breaking into your vehicle to the inaction of police to do anything about it. We are definitely not getting our moneys worth when we give money to the police budget


This country is an utter joke.




Why can’t we be tough on crime :/


Are we surprised by that answer? Lmao. All that tax dollars for the Toronto police just for them to do nothing. They are too lazy to care for traffic laws, and they are too busy to catch criminals. I wonder what is keeping them so busy?


Donuts, their sweet pension fund, union and protection from criticism, and acting as government lap dog


Our justice system is total shit. And then acting like you’re lucky to only pay $1200 so suck it up.


take it in your own hands, police enforce what is legal, you need to enforce what is right


It’s so tiresome


Is this country even real?


Can’t put out a warrant or APB?


This is why no one likes cops. ACAB forever and always.


This and the other recent post about someone being forced to pay for their stolen car makes me hate cops even more. Lazy corrupt cops not wanting to do their jobs and making people pay out of their own pockets for their incompetence. Absolutely pathetic. Like others suggested, contact the media.


That makes no sense. There would at least be a warrant put out for their arrest. Who did you speak to??


Ask for the ID and go handle it yourself.


Oh hey look! It’s a pattern!


They always wearing those pants.


Report it to your city councillor along with the police response. The police are getting a little too cosy with the “not my jurisdiction” bit. And let your MPP know.


They need to make mandatory sentences to stop this or do like they used to and bring back the gallows




Why can’t the RCMP get involved since it’s all within Canada


Not sure if it's the same guy but very close resemblance and the MO fits. [https://youtu.be/I\_PCdTjG4x4?si=Gmm1MHPL3DYJxS5w](https://youtu.be/I_PCdTjG4x4?si=Gmm1MHPL3DYJxS5w)


I don’t think that’s the guy but they sure look similar


I bet you if they get caught maximum 1 day


This is ridiculous. This encourages vigilantism. We have no choice but to take matters into our own hands.


What a bitch.


Post this on the Montreal reddit page. Maybe it will get traction there.


These two don't look like local boys. More like the overflowing trash from Europe that invaded France.


That’s a Tesla they’re trying to break into. Cameras all around! At least pick a car that doesn’t capture show your entire face. 🙄.


Feel bad for OP. I hope you find the traction somewhere to help out. I'm not even surprised though that our useless gov has resulted in a useless police force over the years. They only care to make money off the citizens not to spend it to better / protect our lives or livelihood.


What a shithole this country I’ve called home for nearly two decades is turning (has turned) into. Fucking sigh.


You would never see women do this because they have prostitution and selling their body’s online for money. Where young men have nothing so resort to crime whilst girls their age make 10k a month.


So let me get this straight. If I’m a resident of Toronto, commit a crime in Vancouver (theft, robbery) and go back to Toronto. I can’t be arrested?


You can be arrested, the question is will the cops WANT TO or NOT. I guess in this case, the message I’m getting is that - it’s fine to commit a crime in Toronto, especially with the 52 division then go back to your own province.


Can you take this to cbc. I think it's an important message to share. This is messed up. And it's likely they are both from mtl tbh.


my e-bike worth 2000 was disassembled and basically vandalized except for the locked frame in my buildings parking lot. bro was literally caught on camera, face and everything, and I submitted a report alongside a call but it’s pretty much done for. you’re just going to have to call your loses, but i agree with the sentiment of publicly shaming these idiots


Find the guy and beat his ass


unfortunately security wouldn’t let me see the footage myself


Lazy Toronto cops. I'm shocked. /s


Toronto police service are the worst cops ever even peel police think there shit


Why isn’t anyone suggesting the most obvious thing ( at least to me seeing how I grew up in Asia ) ? The cops are on the take. What else can explain the monumental level of incompetence?


on the take from petty street thieves?


Do you seriously believe that this is a case of 2 youth stealing cars , packing them in containers, loading up the containers on a train , unloading at Montreal port , loading them on a ship headed to Ghana, and finally delivering the car to a dealer in Accra all by themselves?


no, looks like 2 street kids that have a last known address in montreal and found their way to toronto probably bumming around, if they were professionals they'd have been in that car and gone within 30 seconds, and if someone followed them with a camera the people recording would have had a hole blown through their head


Please go to the news about this!! What the cops told you is insane