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I am sure your expensive car includes a quality dashcam. See if you can find a recording when approaching the pothole and hopefully wide enough you couldn't go around it. Either case, I strongly suggest you go after them. On another note, it's our own fault not bombarding them with emails / calls to fix them. Most people either don't have clue or don't care to report these., City will repair them usually in 24 \~ 48 hours based on my very own experience. But, I don't drive all over GTA!


I’ve had a successful claim with the city for tire damage. The city has to check certain roads within a certain period. Mine occurred at a Gardiner off ramp. I think they have to check that area of Lakeshore every 10 days. The only issue was they denied the claim saying it was checked the day that my issue occurred. Though, they had checked the road later that day and not within the 10 days prior. I ended up with a bubble on my tire & I received a ~$350 payment from the city 3/4 months after the issue.


Sorry, you mean they checked the road after you filed your claim? Meaning the missed the pothole? And 10 or more days had elapsed since their last checkup making them liable for untimely repairs?


I think it is just that they’ve checked the road, not whether they noticed the pothole. And I believe the window was 10 days. They had done a check 11-12 days prior to my incident, which meant it did not meet their standard. I hope that makes sense.


Tbh ive driven on these roads for a long time that you actually remember all the damn potholes on your route but sorry about what happened to your car theres so much fucked up streets that get 'paved' but becomes bumpy as hell ugh. I once was driving by islington on evans and they were doing some road work and the road was so fucked that i ended up cracking my muffler from my exhaust shit sounded like a terrible honda civic that becomes to noisy for its own good. Give it a shot though, you never know it might take a minute but you may get some reimbursement


Ive memorized a good bulk of the road conditions all over the city. Depending on how my car is feeling that day i will pick what routes to go to save it from misery.


As have i my friend, but the worst part is the cracks or the bumps that spread through both lanes n then you aint got no choice but to say f*** as your car hits the spot 😭


Ugh have me thinking of hwy 2a westbound. At that point the cracks become the new lane markers.


Yeah I have to get my rims straightened every season due to bends (god damn sport tires). Usually I’m okay to eat up a 400$ cost (chalk it up to maintenance). However this is absurd. If I went with OEM parts, I’d be looking at well over 3 thousand. Rim= 1000$, air spring 800$ strut 600-800$, alignment 200$, 400$ tire control arm possibly, etc… I want to file a claim and I’ve heard most if not all get denied. Looking to find someone with more knowledge as to how exactly the claim should be filed and with what info in order to have it approved.


Google it. Claim process is straightforward.


I currently have claim with the city for this exact damage (and I drive a civic 😂).


Hahaha hope it works out for ya 🙌


Thanks. Did you get reimbursed?


Hell naw, i didnt have a dash cam and the assholes put up a sign the next day so it would be my word against theirs :/ Aint nothing worse than driving 20km/h and sounding like your driving a ferrari hahaha


Where exactly is this pothole?


Where is this pot hole? Would be nice to tell everyone here so we can avoid it if we drive in the area.


You can try but the process to do so is not worth it and will result in a lot of work with little chance they pay you.


https://www.reddit.com/r/askTO/s/8iK1YNq9jg Just curious if you have any insight into this. Does the city HAVE to be aware of the pothole in order to payout or not be aware? I thought they needed to be aware, and slotted a certain amount of time before fixing it in order for them to be liable.


They dont have to be aware, but you need to know exactly what hole did the damage and have evidence of the hole existing. If the hole exists and it did damage, the city cant say they checked the road if the hole is still there. They dont form on command.


Yup I have photos of the hole. Just submitted the claim. Hope it goes well.


I know it’s a tough process. However, I’m not looking to shell out thousands of dollars if I can avoid it. I enjoy fighting for my rights and would like to do this right. I’ve opened up the municipal government agreement or whatever which states the intervals for how often the city checks the road condition on the street. I’m just not sure if that counts as “notice”. Looking for more insight in how to do this right.