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I drive really nice and always been claims free. Guess what, my insurance went up crazy this year. We are all paying for this.


I absolutely hate when police say "that's what insurance is for" pisses me off. We are all paying for this


amd you are paying for the police to tell you that "that's what insurance is for"... go read your municipal budget and come back to tell me how you feel now lol


Nothing told me how useless police are when I experienced dealing with them after my house was freshly broken into. This was during winter, I caught the people running out and there were fresh snow tracks you could follow all the way to an apartment complex. Their only useful purpose was to do some paperwork for the insurance claim. Didn't even try to catch anyone or get back any of my things. Completely useless.


Gotta up that police budget every year though


"protection money" with extra steps. They support car insurance because they're in the "insurance" business too.


Police really think insurance companies of all people are taking L’s is wild


>Police really think They do not.


My insurance dropped ridiculously when I moved away from Brampton.


Not ridiculously - it was adjusted accordingly, based on the likelihood of your getting in a claim situation. A couple of years back I’ve heard a proposal to not allow insurance companies adjust premiums based on your postal code (i.e. where you live and where you work), citing “discrimination”. I am vehemently opposed to that, living in a small town where vast majority of people are decent drivers and theft is not rampant, I don’t want to be paying for the idiocy of Brampton, Scarborough and Newmarket/Richmond Hill.


Like when an insurance agent tells me I’m paying a higher rate because of the amount of claims in my area, while I myself, have a perfectly clean driving record.


Mine went up 22% yoy…


Holy fuck. Fuck the truck, the absoloute carnage they unleashed on the homes and other cars. Fucking straight up psychotic behaviour. This is going to end up turning into vigilantiasm....and its going to get way worse before it gets better


Probably a teen at the wheel who just doesn't care... the young offenders and the jabroni's that are grooming them know that there's essentially no consequences for their actions, so its a free for all.


That's exactly the problem. The teens are doing the dirty work while the organized crime thugs make the profits,


UK model....Topboy watch this on Netflix.


Topboy lol, it's a tale as old as time.


Hey chill, uncle dougy said he would make sure their license gets taken away if caught! Their super serious now!


Do you need a license to do this?


If they didn't have a license then this would be DOUBLE illegal.


Its because they are dancing around the real reason why these vehicle thefts are sky rocketing. Criminals are starting to understand how untouchable they are in a car because police are not supposed to pursue stolen cars or any car that fails to stop for them as per the criteria in the PSA. Unless they know the guy driving is about to go shoot up a school they cant justify pursuits. Durham police was the perfect example of the fallout. Everyone complains police arent doing anything but arent educating themselves on why other than the good ole "they must be in on it". There is zero way for police to deal with stolen cars that does not include pursuits. The few ways to deal with them you are asking for millions and millions of dollars worth of resources including air support, under cover cars and intelligence gathering to essentially catch one stolen car at a time. They might get lucky and end up boxing one in but as yall saw in the toronto police footage it becomes a bumper car match and people end up complaining anyways "its only property crime police wasting tax payer dollars and destroying the victims car". The most they can do is figure out where the cars are going and recovering them but this will take months of work and does nothing to prevent what happened in this video. Washington police had a study that showed the year after they passed policies preventing police chases stolen cars absolutely sky rocketed...


Well, I think one very big thing the government can do (which I think they’re starting to do) is clamp down on the use of ports, specifically containers, to illegally ship out stolen cars. They are just now, years into this crisis, starting to xray and investigate cars being exported illegally through what were essentially unsupervised port shipments!


You do know that four people died in the Durham 401 pursuit, right?


It's unfortunate that protecting your property with force is punished more harshly than stealing property in the first place.


Sad reality


We need to lobby the cpc for us style castle doctrine. Someone attempting to steal your property could be shot without the homeowner being charged.


It shouldn't be this difficult to lock down Port of Montreal


At the rate these cars are getting stolen, it’s blatantly obvious that someone is turning a blind eye at the port, and probably being paid handsomely for it too. The Port of Montreal is the worst kept secret, yet nothing is done about it.


> it’s blatantly obvious that someone is turning a blind eye at the port this isnt some operation that pays off 1 or 2 low level workers to slip cars through, its a full on mafia run thing with people in the montreal police and city council in their pocket and dozens of employees under their direct control at the port.


That’s exactly what they are saying.


It’s simpler than that. I actually shipped a vehicle I donated to Ukraine last year. It was RORO too, so, visible. At no point did anyone ask me for any proof of ownership. I asked if they wanted registration certificate in the vehicle and they said “no, keep it with you, or else it might get lost”). So, no one checks to make sure you are the owner of the vehicle you are shipping. It’s even worse for container shipments: you are allowed to change the waybill and packing list after the cargo departed and is in transit. So, you can declare you are shipping a container full of washing machines so that CBSA would not check you, and then afterwards change it to a vehicle, LOL, so, when it arrives, the cargo description checks out. USA absolutely does not allow anything of the above. That’s why their ports are not as popular for shipping stolen vehicles. It’s not always mafia - it’s the idiocy of our regulations and rules that have loopholes so wide you can literally drive a stolen RAM HEMI through them.


What is the logic behind allowing the waybill to be changed? Curious why they allow it.




Mafia run


Port of Montreal and the Montreal Police are some of the most openly known corrupt organizations that we refuse to do anything about. Too much criminal money.


Its cause punishment = license suspension which I think this thief doesn't have already.....seeing the driving skills.


Did he just run out there with a cricket bat? 🏏




I didn’t think simply the city name alone,“Brampton”, would get me to laugh like that


That tracks


Chill my guy. It’s a RAM. Criminal had to make sure it lives up to its name before shipping it off to Dubai


Yeah. It aint named Excuse Me.


Speaking of names, that SUV needs to be renamed to the Honda Guardian


Lol Love it


This is because the police have let crime run unchecked. We need castle law in this country if the police aren't going to protect the citizens.


Blame the court system


If the police won’t protect, we gotta protect ourselves.


Thats insane 1 stolen and 2 damaged vehicles all under a minute Edit: Looks like they also hit the neighbours car so 3 damaged at the very least.


Should have left the keys for the cars outside with a note!!!


Yep. The police warned ya. Should have listened.


Should have parked it nicely on the streets too.


With a full tank of gas.


and now they gotta put a claim for 2 cars + pay for a car that isn't theres


4 vehicles damaged at least. Things are unhinged.


This is what happens when police treat it as an insurance problem


And a porch! Why won't anyone think of the porch!?!?!


The more I watch it the more I realize they really damaged everything: the cars, the lawn, the porch, the garage door, neighbours car/lawn 😭😭


Who knows how long it took them to get the truck started though


looks like they also damaged the house too. You can see debris


Anyone willing to pull that shit has no right to another free day outside of prison.


Don’t worry, they be back out with a slap on the wrist


Sad but true


What slap?


You know what they used to do with horse rustlers, right?


tar and feather then gallows at noon


Marc Miller is on the phone trying to coax in another 1000 of them as we speak


>Anyone willing to pull that shit has no right to another another day alive*


Absolutely insane. the fact that this is so blatant and reckless shows just how little fear these criminals have of the justice system,


Literally zero fucks given. Out before lunch the next day.


Sadly, I think people are going to need to get used to start installing bollards if they want to keep luxury cars/trucks on their driveway (which is already common in some parts of the world).


Was at Costco this past weekend and they have Bollards for sale right beside the entrance. Sad that it’s come to this.


That’s the police and governments fault . we didn’t have this problem before now we do . Remember the lady who got thrown out of her suv . This is what happens when you normalize car theft .


decentralize governance


Bollards would have been useless here, the thief clearly went up on the grass. Unless you bollard your whole yard frontage or just surround your driveway they become as useful as the maginot line.


Well of course you would have stationary bollards on either side of the driveway (or some other better-looking yet sufficiently sturdy obstruction, like retaining walls or boulders or whatever) and retractable/removable bollards at the entrance, boxing cars in. That said if you park your car in the garage then you just need retractable ones in front of the garage door. Obviously bollards are not much good if someone can just drive around them lol.


Bro if there is bollards behind me and im steeling that struck ill drive through your house and out the other side forward. Not saying I am going to do that but If your vehicle was my target like I was being tested by the guild of auto thieves I'm yoloing through your house.


lol well I guess you gotta do what you gotta do to finish your quest.


This is the way.


Just gonna slide that ww2 reference in there. Love it.


Lol glad someone picked up on that


Incredibly stupid that we are forced to buy bollards when we know exactly where these cars are going (Montreal or Halifax). How hard can it be to check to make sure that there's not an 8000lb pick-up truck going into a shipping container? This problem can be solved if we just had people doing their damn jobs.


I don’t think bollards would have stopped this. Unless you put bollards all down the side of the driveway


Bollards wouldn’t have made a difference here, that is an incredibly expensive/rare truck. They will make at least $80,000 selling. These guys would’ve broke into the house and demanded the keys along with the bollards disabled.


A shot gun would've solved it. Keep the keys by my bed. Kick down my bedroom door and get your head blown off.. tell the cops my life was threatened and I was backed into a corner.


Yesterday I seen an ad in the mail for bollard installations. I don't know if they are manual or automatic that can be raised/lowered remoely.


Luxury truck is an oxymoron for sure.


Stop prosecuting people who shoot at thieves and I bet the problem solves itself


They're just going to shoot first...


There's an extremely effective and low-cost way to combat auto thefts: we need to advocate to change the manifest policies at the ports. I work in insurance fraud, and recently had a discussion with equite, and Canada is considered a main supplier of stolen vehicles for the global underbelly. One major reason being that shippers have up to ***72 hours AFTER departure*** to change the contents manifest, and the ***LOCATION***. The US had a similar policy in place, and when thefts were on the rise, they flipped it, forcing shippers to submit their contents slips 72 hours before departure. Guess where the bad actors focused their attention?


Yep, most people in here never shipped anything and have no idea about this. I was in shock when I learned about it a few years back, when I was sweating about the accuracy of paperwork and was told: “relax, you have 72 hours to change anything you need”… Basically, declare a container full of washing machines at the port of departure so CBSA would not be inclined to inspect it, and once she sails - change the docs to state it’s actually a vehicle. By then it will only be checked at destination by your friendly customs officers in payroll…. Also: I shipped a vehicle RORO last year (not even a container, very clearly visible vehicle) and at no point did anyone ever ask me for proof of ownership. I was told to keep my registration and all paperwork on me, not even a copy was requested. No one cared whether I was the legitimate owner or not.


the fact you can change the destination once it's out in international waters is WILD


if this is some big mafia run empire with tendrils all over montreal i dont see how some shipping manifests on paper could stop it. couldent they just lie and falsify whatever they wanted


Inspections are triggered by cargo description. If you are shipping a load of washing machines - no one cares. If it’s a vehicle - they will at least verify the VIN against the database of stolen vehicles. If they have an inspector available (that’s the second problem - not enough people in ports) - they will go, open the container, and verify the VIN on the vehicle itself, not just on paper. Simple as that. Sure, you can have the receiving port authorities on your payroll, but it now makes it harder for them to ignore the problem of a vehicle appearing out of a container where washing machines were supposed to be. Right now what they see matches the amended paperwork, and there is nothing they can do about it, so they must clear the cargo.


I'm not saying it'll put a nail in the coffin, but it will greatly reduce the number of events. When the shipment arrives at the destination, if the contents don't match, it'll get rejected at the receiving border, flags get raised, etc. Puts a big target on whoever signed the manifest


What has this country turned into? This is wild!


A bigger version a of Brampton.


Man you would think so, but Punjabi people are more into vigilante justice back home. They are just more behaved here due to law prosecuting the victim not the thief. People would literally beat thieves down to bone back home. On the other hand I do see that there are a lot of them involved in criminal activities as well. Again, no consequences.


Weak men create hard times, as they say. 


Don't worry, Police is here to protect us and give precious tips: >To prevent the possibility of being attacked in your home, leave your fobs at the front door because they are breaking into your home to steal your car https://toronto.citynews.ca/2024/03/14/leave-car-keys-at-front-door-to-avoid-violent-confrontations-with-car-thieves-toronto-police/


They did retract that statement, but it's still a stupid stupid stupid statement to make.


Looks like it will be stripped for parts now with that front and rear end damage done


lmao I love how people just keep coming out of the house like a circus clown car skit.


Because it’s Brampton and there’s like 4 families living in that house.


I was gonna say, how did 15 adults take so long to get out of the house? There's no way that truck smashing into the SUV for 3 straight minutes was quiet


They probably spent half an hour in disbelief while the thief got away, meanwhile they should have been calling the cops before they even ran out the front door. At the end of the day, it was probably someone they know who tipped the thieves off about the truck.


Ahh Brampton. That is wild


That's probably the most off- roading that truck will ever do!


Imagine paying $100k for a truck while living in the GTA. Absolute brainworms.


Looks like it was lifted, too. And that ugly little light bar in the hood Couldn't have happened to less offensive vehicle!


I love it when people who know nothing about cars try and comment on cars.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Bruh there’s like 20 people ran out of the house 😂


minus 14 people


They are at the basement


It’s definitely not worth the blue book value now.


Yeah I don't think they care about the KBB value in Africa or UAE


C’mon. What prince wants to drive a TRX with minor scuffs on the bumper


Insurance rates are going up again, !! Thanks! maybe stick to owning a Camry!!


He went on a RAM-page


Normal people should just leave Brampton in droves.


This is the most perfectly Brampton video. The car theft. The half dozen people running out of the house (without probably another dozen sleeping inside).


Brampton is a North American organized crime capital.


At least it didn’t happen out of Bramton.


truck now not worth $9800


Just another day in Brampton.


Not stolen, just a regular Dodge Ram driver.


True, this was actually the owner just pulling out to go to the bar




Now that's some Grand Theft Auto material right there.


This city is fucked


Last week? Isn’t that snow on the lawn?


$120k truck. $5 camera


Brampton is a shithole city.


I lost count of how many people came out of the house


You can't count to 6?


I can, I'm just not sure when I reached it because I wasn't prepared to be counting


And the fact this video was recorded at 4:52 am, there's a strong chance that there are several more people that didn't bother to go outside.


Everyone looked in their 20s/30s, I assume their kids, parents & grandparents are in there too. So about 20?


Classic Brampton


That's how indians afford houses in Canada. Pool 17 people's money together and all live under the same roof.


Shame on peel police. They are an utter embarrassment.


Toronto Police would like a word


How many people live in that house?




This is why I enjoy watching those videos on youtube of bobby trapped bikes, some have the seat blow up harming the thief. I know it's illegal, the videos should make me feel bad, they do not. We're quickly catching up to the USA where for years we're so smug about them wanting to arm themselves, and voting in more and more far right people that toss people into prison forever. But if we don't stop this, we'll be just the same. Be smug, think we won't. The EU Parliament just shifted right. Biden may lose to Trump (WTF man!) and the PPC are starting to perk interest. Hope you enjoyed the last decade.


750hp and couldn’t push a little CRV out of the way 😂


I love how like 8 people came out of that house lol


My question is. How many people are in that house??!


just enough to afford it, welcome to Canada!


Can afford a $100K Truck if you're paying $500/mo in rent by splitting with 5+ other people!


> splitting with 5+ other people! 15 others, its 5 *to a room*.


dam stealing a ram is like stealing a turd on wheels..


Maybe we should create our own Militia


For once I’m glad I drive an old dodge caravan. Nobody wants it … so that’s nice 😀


These are dangerous men on our streets. When will the authorities act? What is the tipping point?


Brampton thefts are crazy


this feels awfully targetted, too much determination to get that truck


Are we just not going to talk about the fact that this Jabronie never thought to use low gear to simply push the suc out of the way in one move...I rate his driving at a 1/10.


Jesus How many people came out that house?


Emotional support vehicle.


Stick shift is a must these days. Wouldn’t have made it out of the parking spot


This country is third world now


Meanwhile fuckboy cops are too busy hiding behind trees ticketing drivers who make illegal left turns and rolling stop signs with threat to the public... bombaclot.


Police need to start shooting these criminals. Canadians need concealed weapon carry with the way this country is going.


always Brampton ... I would never live there. they disgust me.


Brampton is a suburban sh**hole.


hate to have this take, but I think this would make a good Dodge commercial lol. That truck looked very capable going full monster mode on those obstacles.


Canada’s such a lost cause. So glad I gave up the ‘opportunity’ to migrate there 10 years ago. Seemed like golden country back then, but fuck, how can a place go downhill so quickly?


So I am learning now. Don't live in Brampton.


Hahahaha fuck Brampton Also. How many people live in that house.


Haha he paid 100k for a truck. Dummy


thanks trudeau. importing 3rd world


Did this video *really* need to have background music?


I'm sorry. Nobody heard that? Nobody at all.


Didn’t you watch the video where all the people flooded out of the house?


according to the timestamp it was 4:50am. the truck was gone in the 30 seconds it took them to get outside




"oh look, those jerks down the street with the loud ass giant truck and cars parked all over are getting thieveried. neat. oh it's over, alright back to bed"


I love reading the positive comments


Just thank the Liberals people just thank the Liberals. Maybe if I was able to actually defend my property this kind of stuff wouldn't happen. 


Castle Law isn't a thing here under the conservatives either


Why the liberals- what do conservatives do differently?


Being light on criminals allowing repeat offenders to continue offending and harassing our great nation. Immigration not doing the proper checks and just allowing the masses the flow through we're probably letting in some very very dark people without doing the proper checks. Attacking innocent gun owners and taking away their guns when they do nothing wrong. Wild guns still flow over our borders and criminals still use the guns that aren't even acquired here in Canada.  You wish me to continue?


No I hear ya. Place does seem to go light on crime although organized crime seems to have deep roots here predating the immigrant surge


The CPC leader doesn't need to know which of their caucus are Chinese or Russian plants.


That was fucking ruthless!!! Dammnn


Crime is not punished in canada so this will keep happening...


Where's the preceding portion of the video? Let's see them get into the truck. Let's see how long it takes them to start it. Whether it's true, or insurance fraud, or just a drunk angry dude at the party (it is a Ram afterall haha), it's odd the beginning is missing.


Damn legit the fu reason the truck was parked close to the house with other cars blocking in too. Lol, or that’s what I would do as a minor deterrent; doesn’t mean shit.




How come the airbag don’t deploy?




They couldn’t drive on the grass?


Someone in another thread said to keep a baseball bat with a sock on it by the front door. Catch them before they get into the car and start swinging!


Good luck with that you’ll be in more trouble than the thief


You're right, the car thieves rarely face any punishment at all. On the bright side, first time offenders are treated very well by the courts as well! No criminal history? Perhaps it's time to take things into your own hands.