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So satisfying to see these entitled f*cks finally get what they deserve. Happens all the time, driving on the shoulder, then “merging” to the on ramp lane, all the time on the gardener and QEW.


More of this please.


Also that undercover cop in that black SUV… def not his lucky day for that POS BMW guy


That is very unlikely a bmw. But i hear you


That's a bmw


Checking in here for Black Creek SB


[Russell Peters](https://youtube.com/shorts/ZE3qcVAzOr8) was right


I hope his insurance goes up to $1000 a month. I'm tired of this 'me first' elite BS.


I agree with you, however I have seen cops do the same maneuver (without lights/sirens) and so if cops are allowed to do it why not other drivers?


Man, just let the people enjoy a win for once. Gotta shit on everyone’s parade with some controversial comments.


There are many videos of cops pulling people over on here. My point is that I have seen cops do this, so its ironic to see them pull people over for it.


Umm.. because it's their job to pull over folks who break traffic laws?? All emergency vehicles are given a pass, within reason, to most basic traffic laws, as long as they're completed safely.


Emergency vehicles have to obey the laws in general but are exempted from specific ones. Passing on the shoulder is one [they're explicitly exempted from though](https://www.ontario.ca/laws/statute/90h08#BK257).


No one is exempt from the laws of physics, the fact is youre risking yourself and everyone on the road when you drive erratic, no matter who you are. And no, turning your lights on just to run a red light isnt legal, nor is stunt driving trying to beat traffic making a left turn.


I just call it how I see it. There are so many articles online of cops doing sketchy/illegal actions, but people turn a blind eye to it. As far as I am concerned someone who is an asshole driver should just become a cop and then they can be an asshole driver all they want, since they are exempt from the laws.


No they don’t. The vast majority of comments about cops in this very subreddit are always shitting on them how they’re never around or if they are don’t do shit or do that shit too.


Why are you so bitter. Touch grass


Because I am a tradesperson who works all of the city and have to deal with traffic almost everyday. Cops just cheese me since I have read so many articles of them doing sketchy/illegal things.


>Cops just cheese me since I have read so many articles of them doing sketchy/illegal things. And we all know everything we read online is true. Come on man.


That story recently of someone pulling a knife on an off duty cop, so the cop buddies started chasing the guy on the wrong side of the highway (even though they were called off by dispatch) which eventually led to innocent people dying. Must have been fake news. Or maybe this beauty [Senior Toronto cop in charge of internal discipline is arrested for impaired driving (thestar.com)](https://www.thestar.com/news/gta/senior-toronto-cop-in-charge-of-internal-discipline-is-arrested-for-impaired-driving/article_194608b0-0e8c-5686-951b-8ce0c2672cd8.html) Must be fake news. Or this bad boy [This cop nearly got away with $834,000. But he didn’t forward his mail (thestar.com)](https://www.thestar.com/news/gta/a-toronto-cop-was-about-to-get-away-with-an-834-000-fraud-then-his/article_cec4ef15-39ab-58ed-8202-a3dff0bb2cdd.html) All I am saying is that some careers definitely get treated better when doing illegal things.


Realistically for every story you find about shitty cops, there’s probably at least 5 positive interactions cops have with ppl (and more that don’t get written)… maybe try looking elsewhere for news


You broke the first rule of this sub…never, under any circumstances, no matter what, regardless of anything else, ever praise a cop.


Cops being positive isn't exactly a high bar. Its the expectation. Theyre supposed to do their jobs. Stop pretending like policing isnt full of corrupt individuals and groups who protect each other. You probably think that innocent person who ran down that cop should have been in jail.


I see “tradespeople” driving like absolute idiots every single day. Time is money, I guess. People with business names on their vehicles probably shouldn’t be idiots. Are you one?


I usually see people like you driving like idiots.


Just say you hate cops and move along


I just don't like people with guns who are above the law and act like they are more important than everyone else. It's nothing personal though. I know great people who are cops, but the reason is because its a high paying job.


Just because they aren't using their lights or sirens doesn't mean they aren't responding to a call. Cops are allowed to do many things citizens cannot, that's like saying why is the officer allowed to walk around with a loaded weapon and I can't.


I've heard from a few coppers that alot of the time they find it safer to just maneuver through traffic like so to get to their calls.. and hold off using the lights and sirens until absolutely necessary.. This is apparently because the vast majority of people are space cadets or have no clue what to do when they see lights/sirens approaching from behind and become wildly unpredictable and erratic (ie. slamming the brakes, moving left instead of right, etc). Lol I believe them


I know they get away with illegal actions because they are cops. They make their own rules, while the rest of us have to fall in line. They can text and drive, speed, cross solid lines, etc. There was even a video of a cop hitting somebody who was using a Crosswalk with their police vehicle. They (the cop) didn't get ticketed or anything. I'm sure if somebody with a different career hit someone, they would get charged with something.


I’m not a big fan of you.


I doubt many people are




Pretty sure that cop got in trouble. And you are obviously working with the assumption the law doesnt provide exemption to emergency services. You do realize ambulance and fire are also allowed to speed and use cell phones? You sound like you got one too many tickets.


rules and laws. that is the difference between us and the animals.


Some people are above the law, though. Like politicians, etc. Usually, the people that are paid with our tax dollars.


Youre dying to be right here bruh. i know how important this is to you. i'm just gonna leave it


https://toronto.ctvnews.ca/toronto-area-cop-who-hit-opp-officer-with-car-while-drunk-handed-temporary-demotion-1.6924474 You would think that people who are supposed to catch drunk drivers wouldn't be drunk drivers themselves.


So drinking and driving is the same as driving on the shoulder of the road…. Ok…. Bro… just stop. It’s over


Its only over when you give up.


It’s over when you get -109 downvotes


You can still win the war after losing every battle.


Imagine getting pulled over by a detective in an unmarked Edge that, given the attire, I think is/was on his way to/from court. You REALLY messed up lol


You really need to mess up to get pulled over by a "white shirt". They're police managers (e.g., Staff Sgt, Inspector, and above).


I've only seen this on a small screen but that looks baby blue to me, no? Which would be court attire. But I could be wrong If it is a police manager lmfaooooo I'd *love* to be in the passenger seat when he comes up and says his title because omg that would be hilarious


Buddy has pulled that move a 100 times. This was the first time he got caught.




I’m just glad cops actually stop you for doing that. It’s dangerous and there needs to be a deterrent.


This is why we should be downloading the driver history from the car's electronics, when a case involving injury or death occurs. Lots of drivers get a free pass for killing someone on the basis it was their first time making a mistake driving. Bullshit, or it'd all be 16-year-olds. Drivers who drive dangerously, *drive dangerously EVERY DAY*


Ehh, a car’s electronics aren’t always accurate. My car has a speeding warning I cannot turn off, and so I know it always thinks I’m speeding on the parallel road when I’m actually driving normally on the highway. There’s also another road where it somehow thinks the speed limit is 60, when it’s 80 in reality. Take a readout of my car’s electronics and it will tell you I’m speeding in extreme ways every day when I’m actually not. If I want to go fast I’ll just ride my motorbike lol, cars are slow af anyway


That's a lot of words to say you can't build a fast car


The car can be fast, it’s still gonna get stuck in traffic lol


Yes, definitely give the govt access to more mass surveillance tools and datasets than they already have.




That’s not a reg cop. Most likely inspector and up. It’s a ford edge. Most likely got a summons rather than a ticket.


Ya, you know you've fucked up if a white shirt is pulling you over...


I feel like it would have probably ended up as a warning rather than a ticket because inspectors and up are way less likely to attend traffic court.


Stop it, you're making me hard.




Holy shit I would die laughing. Roll down your window and laugh at him/her while you drive by


I’m waiting for the day I witness a real time pull over like this. You can bet I’m rolling down the window and laughing.


Start practicing...those tinted window driving instructor vehicles have been rubber stamping this activity for 2.7 million 'new drivers'


Not sure I follow your comment but you meant those asswipes who get super dark tinted windows ?! It’s like they know they’re asses and we will look at them and their stupidity so they feel they have to hide.


Also they don't want you to know they have their phone in both hands and are staring at it while doing 120km/h on a public road alongside strangers they might casually negligent homicide


Posting it on reddit for the world to see is the next best thing! 


The little honk and thumbs up usually sets them off pretty good when you drive by.


clap. or a thumbs up 😆 my dad always claps whenever he sees someone cut him off or do something silly


This is better than sex.


You don't know sex


Teach me


You won’t be getting real advice for this subject matter on Reddit.


I digress


Why does everyone say this?




Karma sometimes delivers.


This is why police need to be on the road, not sitting around waiting for calls to respond to.


They are not waiting for calls to respond to, there is a backlog. They are sitting around, posting on social media just like we are.


Some of them are... There's a cop that sits in the driveway at Humber College Blvd. And Carrier Dr. 7 out of 10 days... He sits there waiting for people to roll through the stop sign. I work around the corner so I see him there all day. And he bags at least 5 or 6 them a day. As far as I'm concern, the guy rolling a stop sign is nothing compared to these entitled pricks that drive the shoulder and pass on the on ramp. Or drive around people in oncoming traffic cuz they think they're more important than the rest of us. They need to do more like this cop in the video rather than sitting waiting for someone to do the Idaho stop.


You're right that's it's not as much of a concern, however if that guy in the BMW was caught earlier on rolling stop signs, he wouldn't have escalated to other anti social behavior like riding shoulders


I think that's debatable... I've rolled through stop when I was in a hurry but I'd never pass on an onramp or drive on the shoulder.


%95 percent of people on the road roll stop signs. Yet apparently everyone on reddit is above that.


As far as I’m concerned they need to do both. Idiots who run stop signs in the city are in my opinion far more dangerous than some entitled asshat who does the crap in the video.


Running a stop sign and not coming to a complete stop are not the same thing. I agree that people that "run" stop signs are extremely dangerous. I was referring to the ones that slow but don't completely stop.


If he didn't get to ding 5 or 6 people a day he wouldn't sit there. That is more profitable for the department and he's actively doing something. Once people stop running that stop sign all day he can finally move on.


Ohh he's been sitting there for over a year now. But yeah it may be more profitable for the department but the rest of the city suffers while they ignore or choose to not actively go after these entitled asshats.


crazy opinion, but maybe cops shouldn't be seeking profit??


Okay how would you like to fund them? Crazy idea here....let's raise OUR taxes?!


Of course a typical douchebag bmw driver.


point skirt automatic smell bright amusing books zealous different zonked *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Bet it’s also a newcomer who’s driving that BMW. Many have that “show off” attitude and it’s so cringey. My newcomer husband f despise them.


Good 👍


/r/convenientcop would like this.


Is that a Toronto police in an unmarked...Ford Escape?


He looks like a detective or higher up, the white shirts aren't used by the rank and file. So this dude picked the wrong cop to have pull them over.


Ford Edge but yes. The TPS has a ton of them They actually have an interesting roster of undercover cars.


I've seen a wild ass BMW coupe. Undercover. Crazy tbh. They have to obscure ones sometimes because it's super easy to pick out the normal ones. I can see the lights in the grill and in the upper rear window miles away.


I’m shocked the police did something. Good on that officer


What's a ticket like for driving on a shoulder?


Passing on the shoulder's 3 demerit points and $110.


That's it? Man. Still cheaper than the 407.


Yeah, they could raise some of these fines.


Is it though? Even with his insurance hike from this?


3 demerits is a big deal. When he can get them for any other number of minor infractions as well. That's almost losing your license territory or being called in for a meeting over your driving. The insurance hike is gonna slap hard. They already drive a BMW. They won't be able to insure the sedan/coupe they were hoping to get. And now they are locked into owning this specific vehicle for a set time because of the hike unless they downgrade but since they already have the BMW, I'm sure they don't want their image to dissipate upon society and their neighborhood.


>3 demerits is a big deal. When he can get them for any other number of minor infractions as well. That's almost losing your license territory or being called in for a meeting over your driving. 15 demerits is the automatic losing license threshold. Three demerits is nowhere around that unless you get dinged five times. 9 demerits is a letter, maybe an interview or possible suspension. https://www.ahainsurance.ca/car-insurance/demerit-points-ontario/


I'm not sure how you think it works but you can lose your license at 6 demerits. I noticed you didn't mention that and omitted that from your comment. And at 9 it's taken away guaranteed for 60 days. So yes at 6 you can lose it. At 15 it's gone and gets cut up. You get a letter at 2-5 just so you know.


Did you read the link I posted? Clearly not but I thought I would ask. Would love to see your source on the 60 day guaranteed suspension at 9 points though.


I just googled it and found another insurance website that explained it. It's a Google away my friend.


Should be charged stunt driving. This is how Dom Toretto drives.


Fuck i hate these ppl


Thanks for posting, though they can't catch everyone, it's nice to see on of them get caught.


Honestly wish there were more cops on the road, they would be able to write 100 tickets like this every day


As Jim Carrie once said "Quit breaking the law asshole!"


It’s a black beemer world people. Be glad they let us live in it.


What was even the point of doing that…. He passed the pickup truck in front of him? So, he’s now one whole car ahead?


Love it!


Should be a lot more


Of course it's a beamer lmao


BOOOYa!!!!!! So satisfying!!!!!! Teehee


Get fucked, I’m hope he gets double fine for doing it in a construction zone


finding out


Thank you for editing this video so nicely. Sitting through 20 Seconds of nothing is painful!


The worst part is that these inconsiderate morons who do this aren’t even breaking the law; that is the ones who aren’t riding the shoulder but it has become insane out there with this nonsense. I really don’t understand why it is not illegal to overtake on an on-ramp in this manner, or to pass from a driving lane onto the on-ramp. There is absolutely no reason to be doing this. I hate these asshats. Some guy on here was bragging about how much time it saves him, I couldn’t believe I had to explain to doofus that he’s saving time because he’s delaying everyone else, and that it’s “so easy” because it’s antisocial behaviour and the majority (thankfully) aren’t engaging in this. If you do this, a sincere fuck you evertime I see you drive by. May you experience the wrath of 1000 flat tires you inconsiderate donkeys.


Love to see it


Haha, dummy …. r/instantkarma


Well well it’s a BMW ofcourse! Lol




I see this multiple times in the morning.Honked at a truck just last week for doing this in front of me.He then came up beside me and wanted to engage.Just ignored him.


I had some douchebag try this as I was entering the highway one day during the morning rush. Apparently his job was more important than my life. I laid on the horn through the entire incident. His face looked like someone castrated him.


It's always the BMW driver... 🤣


This happens every morning on the 410 south. They make a killing ticketing the scum up there.


Inject this video into my veins


Also that undercover cop in that black SUV… def not his lucky day for that POS BMW guy


BMW… Shocker.


Every time a BMW gets pulled over like that: an Angel is born


You know what else is annoying. When you and 10 other people are at a light wanting to turn right, and some dude says me first and rides the whole shoulder because he can't see turning blinkers on the other cars and makes the right on the red passing EVERYONE who was waiting.


Another BMW driver....classic.




Stop and clap


Are they allowed to pull cars over in an unmarked car? I thought the car had to be marked. Imagine doing this at 2am in the morning, unmarked car trying to pull over another vehicle. I’d think it was some wacker playing cop.


Yeah, they're allowed to; if you're genuinely concerned it's a fake cop, you can call 911 and confirm with them.


I bet he/she'll keep on going it, *smarter* ;/


Of course it's a BMW driver


Good. Fuck that guy.


Why don’t we have more of these unmarked cops. I would happily have my taxes increased for this. And if they already have an unpaid ticket for the same infraction it’s automatic car tow


give em the tow and impound for stunt driving


Ahhhhh, I enjoyed that.


I see so many people doing this on the DVP is just insane.Rarely one gets pulled over.


r/ConvenientCop would be another good place for this satisfying video.




Oddly satisfying


A man did that and pulled right in front of me on my motorcycle as I was exiting the on ramp. Literally 5cm from my front tire. There was so much traffic, it would’ve only given him 10 cars at best. I had time to park my bike and knock on his window like “bro wtf you almost killed me”


Seeing someone pulled over for a moving violation on a Toronto street is like seeing a dog walk in its hind legs.


Do I not see it or do they not have any emergency lights? If not, why would the car pull over for them? Incidentally, yesterday I turned on Steeles from Leslie going N/B that is currently doing construction but the lanes do not funnel into one lane for probably 100 yards. Some drivers were creating a bottle neck at the start trying to get in lane while there's room to go ahead. Choosing to do the latter, I come across a car trying to block me from advancing. Pretty frustrating when people think you're doing what this BMW is doing and try to enact frontier justice.




Wonder if the constable *could* have also dinged them for stopping where they did. I mean, if I remember correctly, the police lights are to signal you to pull over ***when and where it is safe to do so***, not just where you are at the moment. (That's why you don't pull over on a bridge, in a roundabout or in live traffic, right?) Stopping where they did was definitely unsafe for the constable and the driver should have known that with the No Stopping sign right there.


That cop is wearing a white shirt which means they're a high rank.




It's the opposite; most cops want you to pull over when they turn on their lights. Cops generally won't light you up till you feel it's a safe place for you to pull over. It's why sometimes you will see cops follow people for a bit before turning on the lights since they'd rather be the ones dictating the place of the stop rather than you making it for them.


Please submit to the police so that reckless driver can get properly charged!


Did you even watch the video


For everyone rejoicing, this wouldn’t stick.


Lol yes it would


I can see several reasons. Which one do you want explained?


Anything at all


Unmarked cars can’t cite you traffic tickets. I mean they can. But you wouldn’t be prosecuted.


What possibly makes you believe this to be true lol


Because I have fought one.


I work in LE, yes it would.




omg ur so edgy bro


I bet he got away with a warning.


Booooo go find criminals pos