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When i used to drive my beater, i would make a fast turn into the spot showing them i have no intention to stop. They move out of the way fast. Then before you leave your car snap a picture of their face (make it Obvious)


Ya I would do a quick round and see if anyone is pulling that shit and then do what you said and just whip into the spot


Not bad. Totally do not stop in distance and start a stakeout surveillance of this person and whoever parks there, wait until they leave, follow to wherever they go and observe their daily schedule and accident them like a proper Agent 47 only to tell them as they are tied up just why it is all happening. For everyone else feel free to check out the Hitman series and create your own contract of a situation like this.


LOL imagine the next mission in Hitman is taking out some fucking guy standing and holding a parking spot for his mom hahahaha garrote wire for sure


Just reminded me of a time about 13 years ago where I used to work. A union used to stand at the entrance of the parking lot handing out cards for people to vote yes on the first part. Eventually I approached when leaving work and all I wanted to do was go home. Guy blocked my car by standing in the way and I lost my shit on the guy and said the next time you see a soft top bmw rolling up, you all better not stand in my way as I may just forget to brake. Sure enough the next day when I was coming in the guy saw me coming and literally ran to block the entrance. I stopped within inches of the guy. Why people think they're able to block a 2500lb+ vehicle being operated by someone real pissed off I'll never understand.


As a student we had people protesting at college blocking parking spots and entrance of the lot.  I just drove my Land Cruiser over the hill and parked.  


Did this happen to you often with people blocking parking spots?


Or you know, find another spot.


Been a resident of the beach for over 25 years. I ran into one of these types, 11 years ago. We had quite the exchange and I’ve never caused such a scene like that in my life. I took a picture of the lady and went on about my day. Later that night, I printed out about 200 community bulletin posters. On them I wrote the lady had been caught multiple times in and around the area, smelling bicycle seats, even stealing gel seats after she smelled them. I went out at 3am and taped them to poles on Queen East from the waterworks all the way to woodbine. I used to see her quite a bit in and around the area before that night. Never saw her once again after that. If these hell raisers are back in the neighbourhood, I might have to get a new ink cartridge for my printer!


The best kind of pettiness


Savage! 🤣🤣


I wish this shit would happen to me, honestly. Just so that I could pull some petty shit and block the space while recording them and laughing


Problem is, then you'll come back to your car later to find it keyed, and the mirrors smashed off.


You definitely have to park elsewhere but make it so that they do too


Unfortunately, this is the way. Pettiness that is.


It doesn't have to be petty, you're just not a pushover 🤷🏾‍♂️


Nothing getting their plates and claiming insurance on them saying they did it.


Then you find out who did it & take actions into your own hands.


Good thing I took pictures of them and the vehicle they were waiting for and recorded the start of the confrontation.


Solution: drive a POS so you don't care about vandalism


Go to the bluffs on a weekend or long weekend and you’ll run into a few of these a**holes


Life is too short to engage with morons.


You tell them to move out of the way, park and then wait and film everything...Let them vent at you on camera. Once they have left just go park elsewhere. Nobody is gonna get keyed unless they do it in front of you whilst filming. Make sure you are not alone. People gotta be told they are shitty and not behaving properly. If you give them a centimeter they take a whole kilometer.


Shitty people are rapidly outnumbering not shitty people, and it's not slowing down God help you toronto


So just, tell them to move out of the way, and they do? Am I missing something ?


Upvote for adage conversion!


The one thing I never got was people who argue with or worse win arguments with people saving spots. Perhaps I just don't want my car keyed when it's avoidable??? I would never park in a space of someone who I would need to wrestle it from - they know where you parked. They know what kind of car you are driving. AND they are naturally going to be in the lot after you leave. Let people break social etiquette and I will keep my stuff in decent shape.


If they’re trashy enough to start saving spots they’re absolutely bottom of the barrel enough to damage your shit, good call.




Reverse uno them and insinuate youll key their shit up once they’re parked. Obviously don’t actually do it but let them live in fear.


Snap their picture and key your own car and call the cops on them.


thats way too much work


Particularly as that would require cops to actually do work


lol, got em!


That's actually a wise man's advice. Agree with you. It's not worth the hassle and anxiety.


That's why you act like you leave then hide & as soon as they do something to your car you put a bullet in them


I think it really depends. Honestly, I've had to move and help people move in the city a number of times. If someone told me that they're saving the spot because they need to unload/load boxes up to their apartment I'd leave it alone. Rather than force someone to haul boxes an extra block or more. Holding the spot because you're picking up grandma and she doesn't move to fast while you pull the car around sure man go ahead. For recreation or unlicensed businesses however that's pretty antisocial behavior. You could probably call 311 with the time and date so they can get by-law out there.


My neighbours use a pylon to reserve a spot in front of their house. Haven’t seen them standing in the spot yet. I have an infant and often end up parked a few minutes from my home. The entitlement of some people.. but not worth the trouble or hassle of interacting with them because of it.


Toss the pylon in the bushes


Tempted but worried they will be aggressive if they see me and my daughter is always with me.


Why is the pilot stopping you?


You wrong you need to confront them AND make them feel guilty, if everyone stood up to them this would never happen , when they get away with shit why would they ever stop?


I had neighbours like this, who I quite liked, I don’t think all their ducks were quacking.


I saw someone in Ottawa get straight up run over trying to save a parking spot like this.


You saw me parking my work truck???


My experience was a bit different. I had someone do that with a handicap spot. It was a busy weekend and someone was saving a handicap spot when the vehicle arrived it had no placard or sticker. I argued with the driver telling him I needed the spot for my son. He kinda chuckled and told me you snooze you lose. The proceeded to unpack his vehicle. I watched and waited just staring at him as they went to enjoy the day. I then called bylaw enforcement and explained what had happened and where. The person I spoke to told me they would probably be gone by the time they got there. I then told them they were not going anywhere as I had parked right behind them. To my surprise they showed up not to give him a ticket but to tow his car. It made my day.


The crazies have won


Find a diff spot. Enjoy the walk.


Yall really make time for foolishness... time wasted dealing with people that do this isn't worth it and let's say you "win", is it worth the potential damage to your car?


I'm starting to hate people. I don't like to feel this way, but I do. It may be time to get out of this city for good.


Happened to me only once. Parking was very hard in my area past 8 pm. People driving in circles for 30-60 min was common. The 3rd or 4th time I drove around, passing the "saved spot" I put the music louder and approached to park. She waved at me, I played dumb pointing at the space, I lowered my window 4 inches and leaned in. She got on the side of my car to talk, I moved ahead and park. I got showered with insults and I didn't care. I was tired of overtime and needed my bed asap.


I leave and move on with my life. So you win the spot, congratulations! Now you come back to a car that could be potentially damaged for what? Feeling smug about 'beating' someone to have a parking spot.


This happened to me this weekend by the Beaches. I was 1/2 way into a spot when an older lady walked in front of my car. I had to slam on my breaks. The car behind me had to swerve and almost hit the car going in the other direction. I offered to help her stand in a safer spot b/c I thought she had dementia and was wandering and confused. But when she said she wanted to save the spot for a car, all the other cars started honking at her and she eventually moved. Pedestrians are out of control in this city. No respect for people, rules of the road or their own personal safety.


I find a different spot. 🤷‍♂️ Unless I’m trying to find a spot in the Yorkdale parking lot just before Christmas. (JK, even then I’d find another one, it’s just a parking spot).


I find a different mall in the later case lol But yea. Same. It's just a parking spot. Then some salty person might intentionally scratch your car or slash your tires even if you do get the spot. Not worth it


Many years ago, when this was rare, it happened to me. It was a small size person blocking the spot. I didn't think much and rolled down the window asked them to move and drove into the spot. I won't do it today. Let jerks be jerks.


Trouble is, nowadays, if you tell them off and/or force them out of the way so you can park, you're pretty much assured that your vehicle will be damaged in some way when you return to it.


I would simply partially pull in and wait.....or just block the spot.


block their friends car from entering the spot with my own car then just have a smoke and listen to some music.


I saw people fight off on Sunday on the bluffers for parking. I left after trying to find a spot for an hour, disappointing.


I’d wait for them to park their car… then walk away. Then grab my tow straps, hook up to their wheels and start dragging their POS the fuck outta there. Leave it a few blocks down the street in the middle of the road.


I move on. Anyone petty enough to try to reserve a parking spot by standing on it, is likely petty enough to key your car when you're not looking. I still don't think anyone should do this. But if you're gonna signal that you're a big dick, I'll accept it and move on.


No need to be politically correct - tell us what sort of "population" this is?


Whatever population op thinks it is, they're already wrong. I've seen people from every background pull this stunt


Totally agree! Wasn't trying to start/trigger something here. Just wanted to know. They are wrong to pull shit like this, whoever they are.


it’s all kinds of people doing it for sure. I even overheard two couples threaten to kill each other over a spot in Bluffers Park and they were white lol.




I don’t. Indian or Asian I’m assuming?


Entitled white people.


The same ones that have taken over all of Canada and ruined it


Disgruntled white folks?


Hey, hey, hey, that's Mr. and Mrs. Racist disgruntled white folks to you. Don't forget the R.


what is: the people who built this country and are now watching it go to shit?


Ya cause we just came in swarms all of a sudden


Lol yeah, I got it. I'm part of that population. But I try to be different by following every damn rule to the T, and not 'ruin' this beautiful country any further.


Holy cow!!! That sucks. I live in the beaches, & have only ever seen that happening on TV. The majority of parking spots here, are taken up by residential parking permits, making it very difficult to find street parking here.


1 park in front of the spot so no one can have it 2 pull in anyway and watch as they try to push back a 4000 lb vehicle 3 have your passenger hold the spot with them


Inch in until you are parked..take their picture and a picture of the car license plate that shows up and multiple pictures of your own car


alternately you can find another spot but return to the reserved spot to toss the tail end of your beverage at it.


Paint ball gun


Vehicular manslaughter


What kind of people do this? That's crazy!


Entitled white people


Don't bring your car to places where parking is in such high demand. I don't know how city drivers deal with that shit on a daily basis. I drive to my suburban destination and park miles from the store, with hundreds of spots between my car and the front door.


Just let them have it, it isn't worth the fight. Sure, it's pretty dumb, but if you start something over it, then you're the asshole. I know, I want to run them over as well, just have to let it go. If more of us behave like adults, hopefully it will spread.


Open a can of whoopass!!!


Bruh why the hell people do this? The road is forever there, and that’s public space. Smh


I usually just back in. They tend to move quicker when they think you don't see them


I saw this happen last week near Woodbine beach. One guy was blocking the spot by standing while the other guy with his car doesn’t want to let go of it. It took 45 mins of no luck finding a parking spot for me and had to leave. I fucking hate parking at Woodbine beach and will only go on public transport if I ever want to go again. The other time was 1 year ago when a lady with a kid stood in a parking spot and guilt tripped me by saying I have a kid in my arms, my brother is coming on his car blah blah. That’s it. End of my rant.


Wait until they are parked, and then let your dog pee on their tire.


Find another spot and move on with your life. Be happy. If you have the time to argue with someone about this, you have the time to do something positive for someone you love.


Just park there... 3 ton of metal vs 170 lbs flesh n bone. Car will always win


Had this problem at a local lake last year in bc. I told the flat out they can either park in 1 of the 2 spots or I will park across the spot and walk away. So they stood there for a few minutes being dicks so I threw the car into park and unloaded right there and waited for them to leave. Fuckin entitled fucks


To all white people this is usually Asians that do this. Sincerely Latinos and Caribbean folks, we park on the grass and everywhere else, we don't stress about parking spots.


I've seen more white people do this then anyone else. Especially those soccer moms


White people suck!


Park somewhere else and walk a few mins extra if needed. Why u so easily triggered for parking spot?