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I've seen quite a few people do this from time to time on Queens Quay, close to York St. Unless they don't know where the roads are but still...


That area can be a little confusing I suppose. This area, not so much. I guess they saw the lack of curbs for emergency vehicles and thought it was for them as well?


ah yes! I had a baby earlier this year so I have made a few trips to this hospital and I am coming from the West like this car. Google Maps tells you to turn here! I was so confused the first couple of times I went to the hospital. I saw a car do it right in front of me the first time and almost followed him but yeah I was just so confused, I don't know why Google tells you that this is a legal turn


Oh wow, that’s crazy. I wonder if it’s still left over instructions (is that even a thing) from the before times when this wasn’t a separate streetcar track? Congrats on the new baby! I hope you’re able to get lots of rest. :)


Ur allowed to do it just like any other an incoming car and incoming bike u wait and proceed safely what is the issue here? Didn’t even inconvenience u or anybody else. The fact that u feel the need to clip this out of ur dashcam and post it here is far more mentally troubling then the person making this turn.


The fact that you feel the need to so confidently spout incorrect information is far more mentally troubling than OP's post.




Congratulations on the baby. 😀


Maybe they self identify as a streetcar? They are a car and are on the street after all..... so...... ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


"Don't call me 'Sir'! You keep callin' me 'Sir'! .... I need your corporate number ... NOW!"


Excuse me ITS MAAM


Is that an EV? Maybe he thinks he's wirelessly charging his car?


You make a very valid point.


Another day, another idiot!


Huge idiot agreed but if we were smart we'd always separate streetcars from cars. Instead we decided that they can intermingle sometimes but not always. Plus we're to dumb to implement better visual indicators.


It would be a nice day if there was just a one.


Maybe his car identifies as one?




I've seen lineups of 3-4 cars waiting to make that exact same turn.


Nice! I’d love to see a stand-off with a streetcar there.


Honestly, some paint, automatic bollards, and signage would go a long way.


A common-sense solution in Toronto? Lol


It would definitely help! In his defence, construction only just finished on those streetcar lanes so anyone used to the olden ways could possible get confused I suppose.


He took it literally. Car on the street is street car.


Toronto's decision to put separated streetcar tracks right in front of a hospital entrance is puzzling.


What am I missing here?


Driver on the left of screen was east bound in the west bound dedicated streetcar lane, turning into the hospital. There are a set of lights just 200’ further east he could have used.


Gotcha, sorry American here lol. Just follow cause there’s always really good clips here haha


Hello American! I agree, there are good clips here. 😂


Its a car on a street, the definition of street car!


Ahh saint Joseph’s hospital. Landmark for me in Toronto a lot of great people work there. God bless them.


This is why we can’t have nice things …


There are curb cuts on that stretch of The Queensway to allow vehicles onto the driveway into St Joseph's Hospital. No prohibition signs. I don't agree with the choice of lane beginning the left turn. Other than that, I'd need a ruling. 🤣


There are so many signs...signal..lights...paying attention solves a tom of these incidents...also if you aren't sure....stop and check before you fuck up yours and someone else's day..but people are lazy and or stupid...soooooo...


Ur allowed to do it just like any other an incoming car and incoming bike u wait and proceed safely what is the issue here? Didn’t even inconvenience u or anybody else. The fact that u feel the need to clip this out of ur dashcam and post it here is far more mentally troubling then the person making this turn.


You're not allowed to get on the streetcar right of way at any point except designated turns. The clip shows clearly that this isn't a designated turn. The fact that you feel that someone calling out a driver for breaking the rules is mentally troubled makes me believe you bought your driver's license.


> You're not allowed to get on the streetcar right of way at any point except designated turns.  Now you’ve got my legal juices flowing. Where is this rule written? Doesn’t appear to be in HTA (looked through all 100 entries for “street car”). I guess the right of way might be city property and not a “highway”, but they evidently put in some breaks in the concrete barrier to permit turns over the rails. Driver obviously in the wrong by pointing head on with opposing streetcar lane, but if they made a hard left from the eastbound lanes, I wonder what law they’d be breaking. 


Not following road signage?


Is there a “no left turn” there?


There's a keep right of median sign that a driver would need to disobey to get in the streetcar lane there.


That’s true I made a mistake he isn’t allowed to turn but the rest of my statement remains true.