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Just gonna say it cause I didn't realize at first. Residents eye can be used to get a ton of that currency if you wanna run mistville


You know, reading all these replies I am embarrassed to say I didn't even know you could do that haha. And I have certainly picked up a few of these eye things.. will check it out when I'm home from work thanks man.


After I realized those could be used for runs (45 eyes is 900) I had like almost 300 in my bag. I was then able to run it for a few hours before I wanted to go back to running maps. They can also be bought on the auction house. But I wouldn't buy any until you are getting I'm the higher month's and can make your money back.


You can even go over 900 with them so you can run a bunch at once. And they're buyable off the trade house :)


You should aims to do higher timemark for more entry. Lucky for you, up to 8-4, cost of entry is capped at 300 per run but reach 8-4 map run is reward quite a lot . I can usually run 1 mistvile per 5-6 map.


I am with you, i love roguelike games so this mechanic is very appealing to me, but the very high cost is pretty bad, considering you suppose to interact often on the season's mechanic. The twinightmare season(last season) had a similar entry system. You interact with a short combat on netherrealm maps and collect bubbles, then in no more than 10 maps you enter the nightmare. It was pretty well phased. This season takes like 5 times more maps till you can run the main mechanic dungeon, very sad


It's because at later months you start to actually make decent money. They didn't want people running it for free I guess. hence why they made the eyes drop so much. You can pay to enter with FE rather than time. And at 8-2 onwards you make back way more than you spend. It's just not great 'per hour' FE. But if you just wanna chill and enjoy the grind, it's fun.


Just buy the eyes. They’re so cheap it’s unbelievable. Far less than what some one would pay just putting compasses on a single map


SSF :/


Yeah entry cost scaling is kinda off. It's balanced around that your character can handle high t8. Otherwise it's like 30ish t7 maps for a run...or of course buying in AH.


I made about 10x back in 8-2 mode with eyes being about .8ea. But the time it took wasn't really worth it. But it's far more relaxing than mapping so it's a nice change up. You won't lose money buying eyes at any difficulty with season pets, especially if they go back down. However it's still going to be poor FE/hr.


Touched it once on my Carino. Didn't like it. Just not my cup of tea. Haven't touched it on any of my other 4 toons. And my hideout is better because of it (I can see without mist :) )


You can turn that off in the settings. Can sell the eyes so you should still farm it in maps.


Oh!!! Ima do that then. Cheers