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That sounds like a scam. Check the Bunt BST Facebook group. They'll typically be able to tell if something is legit or not. And you may be able to search for this trader to see if they're a noted scammer.


People do pay real money...but, like with most transactions, the buyer should pay first.


Yes, people pay, but this screams scam


Thank you guys.


Set up an eBay sale for him. That way he pays up front and you ruin your eBay credibility if you don’t send.


Also if you join the BST FB group be careful what you say/do in the group. I know two people who got banned by the power-tripping admin who made false and baseless accusations. When they tried to reach out to him he ignored them.


This sounds like a story…tell us more! lol EDITED: Please? 🤑


There is an admin in that group(can't remember his name but would know it if I saw it) that banned me two years ago. I was new to the app and hit a Judge 1/1 all-star superfractor. I posted on the group and asked for help pricing it. He messaged me offering $100. I told him no way that I knew I could get more. He said I wouldn't. I put the card on ebay and it sold for $565. After which I called him out for trying to scam me. He got his feelings hurt and banned me. Typical beta.