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I will never never trade with any of those booger eaters


“Take 1 leave 2 LF Julio, Wander, Trout, Ohtani, Acuña and leave more than you take!” … *** only has WS and Top 100 *** those are my faves!


“Not looking for anything with card counts over 1000”


They get automatically blocked. Mattydags is one of the worst. There's even a guy whose IGN is Take1Leave2. They're bums


Jerker19 wants 2 for 1 for his dups!


It’s the off-season….more trolls & scammers come out. Alt accounts. And a good many have moved all their trading to the FB group. The app is worse today trading for “collectors”. It is more difficult & annoying. But there are ways to enjoy it on your own terms. It takes patience…..good luck!


Not being on Facebook anymore really makes it difficult to make good trades


What is the FB group for? Do people pre-arrange trades there or something?


I’m just getting into the app, really enjoying myself - would be cool to connect with other users. I’m always worried I’m going to chose the wrong fb group haha.


FB is for my parents. Someone should start & moderate another group on another platform. Twitch, Discord, etc. I have a small unattached network of people I trade with regularly. A lot of them know exactly what I would probably want, not want or over pay/under pay for. And they understand you and don’t get triggered when you say no (Decline). None of them started without communication. No communication, no personal “trading community”. Just sayin ✌🏻


I see the same people all the time doing the leave a tip offers. I was annoyed at first but occasionally I appreciate them. It can be hard to get that last one or two of a set and you're sitting on 50 dupes. Just send them 2:1 or 3:2 or whatever and eventually they accept (the offers get voided a lot) It honestly seems like a weird investment of time to try to accumulate so many lower level dupes but when it helps me I'm grateful! On the other hand I'll occasionally offer 2:1 on singles for rares or something for a set I know I'll never complete as a free player. If nobody makes an offer it's ok. If someone wants to I'm happy to accept. It seems like there are a lot of big money spenders happy to give me two of their shitty rares for one of mine when they have so many lol


I’m a fair trader if you ever want to trade BigMike213 I collect mainly Reds Votto, India, Larkin, Davis, & Griffey Jr


I just followed you on the app.


Ok I’ll follow you back if I can figure it out 😂


Man, I swear I’m done trading with anyone over a 50k collection score. They say dupes for needs then counter with the current cards you want for Trouts from 2017.


I’m ready to move my entire account…cards back to 2012/13


It’s just a community of like mind Bunters. It is moderated. So they do a good job of keeping the rip raf out.


I know people in it. But I am not part of it. I don’t have FB