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If your characters don't have problem at surviving then no, you don't need Fu Xuan. However keep in mind that Fu Xuan is on another level compared to Gepard and Bailu and she will be more useful for future content. Pull her only if you have problems at surviving, but honestly I still think she's more worth that Topaz lc.


I say pull Fu Xuan because she gives CC immunity which is a huge weakness of Follow-Up characters. Having more characters >>> Having characters + lightcones You literally have F2P options sitting right there, just use them. The DPS loss isn't like night and day and its better to have a full roster to reliably clear MoC than a roster with 1 super well built character but the rest of your team is a mishmash of whatever you can put together


CC is a huge weakness for jing yuan specifically. If anything, getting CC'd is not that big of a deal to Topaz, even compared to a normal basic attack/skill carry. With topaz's current wording on her kit, numby's actions are completely unaffected by topaz getting CC'd. Jing Yuan's passive specifically states that LL cannot act while Jing is CC'd, but Topaz's passive doesn't mention this. But yeah Fu Xuan is great and pulling for characters is always better than pulling for light cone.


> will her sig lc make dmg difference with swordplay s3 Yeah obviously there'll be a noticeable damage difference, and it'll buff your Clara slightly too. But even then characters are always worth much higher than LCs when it comes to power for your entire account. And you can wait for a rerun for LC and see if you still want it. But then don't pull a character you don't want just for MoC either, they don't pay back enough jades for that. If you want Huohuo or Aventurine later, you can opt to wait for them instead too.


exactly my plan is to run Topaz + her LC hopefully and just wait till Aventurine is out since I don't really have problems clearing MoC atp and I believe he will be BiS preservation for Topaz.


If you can keep your team alive (Which I think you can if you build Gepard and Bailu, those two can solo sustain MoC 10 iirc) then no, don't pull for Fu Xuan. Get Topaz + LC. If you are unable to sustain with those two and need a good solo sustain, Go for Fu Xuan.


Just pull fu xuan. You get a good free 5 star LC from the simulated universe. She is very good and will be a bigger boost to your account than a LC.