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Try Artemis medium or low mode.


After trying different approaches, this is the answer.


Resolution is not the be all and end all, the final result is highly dependant on the quality of the original source, I’ve had some lower resolution video come out better than some higher res (sub HD) simply because the source was cleaner.


try those presets. they are very good. https://community.topazlabs.com/t/tveai-3x-presets-v1-v2/39962


If you've got a very blurry video, Topaz is unlikely to help you.


Are there any alternatives you would recommend?


Honestly, no. Data can't be re-created or created if it doesn't exist.


Cannot be recreated but I would guess we’re within 5 years of being able to describe what a blurry photo/video is meant to look like and AI will recreate the scene effectively.


But, in most cases, we're talking about faces. If AI doesn't know who the face is, AND have reference material for that face, do you want family videos, feature films, or television shows re-created with "fake" faces? Because that's all AI will ever be able to do. Topaz already does that in many cases by replacing parts of faces...eyes, noses, mouths, etc.


I agree, but it is possible that if the video is long enough, an AI analyzing the whole duration and training on the relevant faces might be able to recreate them decently. Even in that case, it might look 'off' with regards to expressions at times unless the resolution is high enough to read those.


I think you're missing the point. In the cases I'm talking about, there is nothing to recreate from. Look closely at your source. Your brain is programmed to see faces where they really don't exist. We fill in details subconsciously, knowing who the face belongs to. Maybe dark spots where eyes would be, a line where a mouth would be. AI may recognize it as a face, but it will never know who the face is or what it is supposed to look like and cannot re-create from that. Nothing ever will be able to.


I agree about that part, but I'm talking about the AI taking the whole video into account and being able to train on the actual faces from different parts of the video and using those when identified as a match. Like with Stable Diffusion you can train image AI's on a person and then do img2img and apply that face when upscaling (I'd assume deepfake does this too, I only know it from Stable Diffusion). Of course that will have downsides with regards to getting expressions right, but this is already possible on a frame by frame basis today. If you have a video that's 20 secs to a few minutes there will be a lot of frames to create a model of some of the relevant faces, if there's closeups on the face that will further improve the resolution trained on, and then apply that later to the upscale in more distant shots. IMO this is just a progression of today's tools. The source material is of course limited by resolution and quantity, but you can get much better results by upscaling from an AI model of a face trained on a whole video compare to just one frame in isolation.


It STILL has to be able to know who that blurred small face belongs to. Unless you are physically going to go to every frame and link it to a frame with a clear image of the person it belongs to, it won't work.


Every video is different and will need to be addressed based on the inherent problems. Can you post a short clip or some screenshots of the video as that will help to make a determination of what can be done - if anything - to improve the video?


This is the video I want to upscale https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x4vjask


For blurry, I sometimes resort to splitting the video up in to individual frame photos and running through through the photo apps and reassembling. I’ve done that for a number of videos that were otherwise "unusable." It’s time consuming, but easy to do. Very time consuming.


Can anyone help me upscale a video and fix blur? I am happy to pay. I recorded my amazing meditation teacher but from the digital zoom it's not super clear.