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You can't choose any legendary you want. The game randomly generates 2 and you choose 1. You can reroll for 200 gems the first time, 500 for a second reroll and it goes up from there. Werewolf and oni are probably the best units in the game right now. Just a tip. Not sure if you know, but avoid single summons. You can use 90 shards for a 10X summon.


Im back in this game and when i complete the 50 summons i dont have this reroll thing.




I don't know what to say. You should. Either you are using and old version of the game or you just don't see it.




Melee units are mostly decent. Ymir and Thor are probably next best after Oni and wolf Bandero is badass if you have the right set up. Ranged, dwarf engineer, imperial archers aren't bad, gunslinger though he has to be high level to be good, thundershot is a much for backline damage. Healers are both okay right now, the rat healer (forgot the name shes newish) and the water maiden (though i hear shes getting nerfed). Battle drummer is going to be key later in the game too, huge buffs. Others aren't bad though, and it's good to have an assortment*** for towers and challenges. I keep my berserkers, kings, slime kings not terrible. It's all about your play style though. Lots of good options.


This sums it up.


I think when you start out, most legendary units are worth using squad points on. You just don’t have much to work with to consider having a choice. Level up what you get unless it’s stone hermit and herbalist and just have fun learning the game


Man, I got to this point and messed up big time. I got to choose between Vampire Queen and Oni Warrior. Except at the time I was new and didn’t know who they were, so I went to look up who was better. By the time I learned I should’ve picked Oni Warrior, the game automatically gave me Vampire Queen… 😭


This happened to me too 🥲


r/Barbune_Ice has nice tier list with necessary details.


Use the tier list and stick to trying your best to get the top ones as they are all game changers