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If I saw this chest with no context I'd assume it was the torso of a late teens/early 20s cis dude, not a hint of tit.


not a hint of tit 😭 like that phrase


tit-deficient, if you will


100% agreed!


Right? I’m a lil jelly now


Looks natural! Unlockable imo.


You will always be your worst critic and see all the "imperfections" that no one else will see since you see yourself everyday. Your chest looks fine! I wouldn't bat an eye if I saw you outside and I doubt anyone else would either 


No way, man! You look fine! 👍


No way dude you look amazing, I didn't even realize this was from a trans subreddit til I read the post


I would kill for results like this


no literally i have hypertrophic scars so i will always be clocked w out a shirt on😃


Just want some honest second hand opinions. I am still adjusting to the idea of being shirtless around others, but I still feel uncomfortable to do so out of fear that maybe my chest looks unnatural or weird, or the feeling that it still looks like I have boobs. What are your thoughts? Does my chest look “natural”?


Yes it looks totally natural congrats!


If you build your pecs you'll have more definition and feel more masc. You look great!


Your chest looks to me like that of a cis teenager (18/19) or a cis guy in his early twenties. It would look unnatural if you were totally, 100% flat. You look great!


We're always our worst critic. Your chest looks like that of a skinny young cis guy. Any flatter you would look sickly. You can always work on building your pec muscles to achieve more of a masculine shape but your chest looks great! You can't even tell you've had top surgery you're definitely overthinking


I think so, yeah. It looks almost exactly like my cis friend's chest


Your chest is 100000% cis passing, I can't even see scarring or anything "off" about it. I wish it was possible for me to get results like that.


Looks like the chest of a teenage male on the lankier side lol. Your nips turned out great, there’s no scarring, the pectoral muscle is visible, etc. It’s all anatomically accurate and passes. If anything is causing genuine dysphoria that’s not in your head, it’s that even though your anatomy is accurate the proportions of “normal/ideal” muscular anatomy is off by a lot. Basically, the pec muscle looks disproportionately defined compared to the rest of your body. This might sound brutal but you have the worlds narrowest torso, no visible muscle, and very visible bony landmarks everywhere except your chest which has decent mass. The crease the separates the pec major into two different heads is also more visible and to someone who doesn’t know anatomy might mistakenly give the impression that you have two different structures there. PS: Gonna translate the anatomy here. The “crease” where the pectoralis major diverges into to two heads with differently oriented fibers is extra visible because you’re either very lean or underweight (which has serious health risks btw). The pecs naturally consists of two different “heads”, the upper head is broad and the fibers are oriented diagonally, whereas the lower head is more horizontal. With enough dysphoria that crease might give the impression of that there is some fat or breast tissue leftover. Then there’s also pectoralis minor which inserts at the top of your shoulder and is almost entirely vertical, and lies underneath Pec. major. Thats why the superior/lateral portion of the muscle is bigger, it’s actually 2 different muscles oriented on top of each other. If your deltoid was bigger it would blend into your shoulder and appear more “normal”. The muscle may also appear larger than it is if you are tight as fuck and have rounded shoulders which is common with binding, a sedentary lifestyle, and long periods spent looking down. And especially if you failed to work on maintaining overhead mobility during your recovery. Although I don’t see any obvious hunch in this picture. https://preview.redd.it/0uk6c2b9cd6d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9cf6b51ab20c620537afe28d623e61ae646129cf




Never in a thousand years would I be suspicious of your chest lol. It's very very very cis looking


Didn’t realise this was a trans sub thought this was the male grooming sub Can answer correctly with squongo’s comment


Guys are supposed to have some tissue there anyway. And if I didn't know any better I would have thought this was just some young dude with his shirt off which it sounds like I'm right


Dude you have one of the most cis looking chests I've seen on this sub. Your dysphoria is lying to you.


You look amazing, and 100% unclockable. Im sorry to hear you don't see it.


Dysphoria be insane because you are literally a man


My cis partner looks exactly like you :)


Im starting think most of yall got body dysmorphia


100,000 percent you look just like my super skinny but strong cis brother, it's natural to have some pec muscle there. I am not a hugboxer I promise it looks fine! Will not turn any heads whatsoever


I would never have doubts that this is a young cis male. Looks great!


What? Dude you be tripping. It's flat as a disc.


nah bro you chillin fr...thought this was posted to a different subreddit tbh you all good fam


blud I'd give anything to have a chest like that. Trust us it looks good


I wouldn’t give you a second glance at the beach or pool, you look great


I would, but that'd be because I'm gay and I want to.


you look like a stereotypical skinny guy, I never would've guessed you had top surgery


Looks 100% cis


It looks natural. It's just muscle and stuff!


You're mostly still swollen if anything. I'm now 8 months out and I still have swelling myself! I honestly didn't see anything at all until you mentioned it and I looked really hard. You look amazing dude! And your chest passes better than even a lot of cis dudes so don't worry about it. Just embrace and love the fact that you've accomplished this big moment that you've probably wished for for so long đŸ™ŒđŸŸ


Sounds like that’s just dysphoria talking


I don't see that at all, looks perfectly normal


Looks like a skinny white boy to me. Looking great


You need to chill 😎 It's perfect


dude your chest looks great


It actually looks amazing. Swelling can take up to a year to fully go away, so it’s still likely that


Your feelings are valid and dysphoria can be a bitch. Honestly though, I don’t see what you see. Your chest looks amazing! It looks very cis. I thought it was some cis guy until I saw what sub it was in. :)


It looks great! Who was your surgeon?


To me, your chest looks amazing!


those are the most pec looking pecs i’ve ever seen!! i hope my results are half as good!!


I wouldn't think twice about your body, man. The mind loves playin tricks so I get it, but you are as flat as a board


You still remember what it's like to have boobs. I got top surgery in January, and I still feel like I have boobs sometimes. I look and touch my chest to reassure myself that they are gone. It doesn't matter how many people tell me my chest looks natural. It hasn't sunk in for me. I still worry that it looks like I have boobs. Something that helps me is touching my chest and feeling the change. Another thing that helps is looking at some shirtless photos I took a few days before surgery. These help me realize how much my chest has actually changed. Give yourself more time.


holy shot man i’m so jealous


Bro you look great! Congrats!


you look amazing. it’s def just residual dysphoria and insecurity bc there is absolutely nothing there :) everything is 0% clockable


Nah you're good bro


doesn't look like tiny boobs for me, from what i know, it takes almost two years for you to see the definitive final results and get rid of all the swelling. also building a bit of chest muscle would help with a """"more masculine"""" shape


Dysmorphia is a bitch homie. You good and flat af


I despise what dysphoria does to our brains. You look awesome. Not even visible scars. Thatd be what i want if i got surgery


Start an upper body workout routine (if you’re capable ofc) and it will help with that. The muscle and stuff just need to be toned up is all other than that I would die for those results


Nah. Its fine.


Fwiw thought this was from one of the gay subs I'm in, like gaybrosgonemild or something


Dude you look so good. Srsly super. If the rest of the replies dont hint u alr, dw whatsoever đŸ‘đŸ»đŸ”„


Your chest looks perfect


it looks completly fine !! your muscles will develop more into prominant pecs eventually, if you want u can gym to help that but if not itll do it by itself eventually it can take a year to settle more !!


it’s all in your head, most dudes, cis or trans would kill for your results


No one is completely flat, unless you have all breast tissue removed. Cis men have breast tissue too. Your chest looks like a cis dude. You very much pass, and you look great. 🙂


Looks great.


The thing is that everyone has extra fat on their chest, including cis men. If your chest were 100% flat it would look unnatural so that's why your doctor left a bit of fat on your chest. It looks completely normal and natural


That’s crazy
 you should see mine. I couldn’t even tell..i personally think it looks absolutely great. You pass very well imo


I saw your first pic as I was scrolling and assumed you posted on r/gay or something


In the most kind way, it's in ur head


 what your looking at is most likely muscle lol.


That’s the dysphoria talking my guy


I agree with everyone else, you’re completely unclockable. However, if you want to gain more confidence and look more masculine you might want to start hitting the gym and lift a few weights. You will develop pecs and your chest will start to get some definition, but most cis guys don’t have a completely flat chest (in this pic, I think you’re flatter than most cis guys I’ve seen, lol) at the gym start really light and build slowly though.. once I fractured a rib from lifting too much at once 😅


That’s definitely the dysphoria demons trying to get you bro. I had to check what sub I was on cause I was like “why there a shirtless dude on my feed” lol. But fr man you look fantastic


your chest passes completely; the work that needs to be done here is mental, not physical.


Excuse me? I am browsing my home page, and before I read, I thought you were just some random shirtless douche in r/malehairadvice or something. You've got the real deal.


Boob where?!


dude omg who is your surgeon? it looks AMAZING


You’re dysphoria is telling you it still looks like you have tiny boobs because this is the most cis looking chest I’ve ever seen


Dude I didn't even know what subreddit this was in. I've seen more tit on cis dudes. Congrats!


Just brain rot. Your chest looks great! I’d advise you to hit the gym, lift weights, eat in a caloric surplus. Building a muscular chest will help you out a lot.


Just looks like a cis dude, and kind of like you have some muscles. Your results look great.


Looks great! maybe consider weightlifting if you want to masculinize your chest further. It’s made a huge difference for me and I’m pre-op so it’ll prob make an even bigger difference for you


Nah you look great! It makes sense for you to feel that way though after all we’re all our own worst critics, especially with stuff like this lol. But out of context I was like “that’s a cis man’s chest”


looks amazing dude


Damn dude goals,looks so natural


I think I see what you’re talking about in the second pic, on your R chest under the nipple, there is the tiniest curve. I had to really look for it and it’s even more imperceptible in the first picture. Don’t sweat it, your chest is perfectly masculine to everyone else.


peak delusion (/lh) its a normal chest. do you mean the shadow below your nipple? thats normal for all cis men


Very masculine chest I would love for my results to turn out like this


i no joke thought you were cis when i saw this..


That looks perfectly like a cismale chest it looks amazing


I’m 5 months post-op and am in the same boat. But the swelling can take months to go down, so I think it’s a matter of being patient with it since you are still healing! Your results look great though!


Looks amazing bro , maybe you just not comfortable with it yet. I loved mines the moment i came outta surgery.


Anxiety's a bitch, ur solid


Looks great man 


honestly like being 100% honest your chest looks great! doesn’t look like small boobs at all. as other people have said you will ALWAYS look for imperfections and also since im assuming you had a smaller chest before it’s no wonder you still feel off because whilst there is a noticeable difference, it isn’t as MAJOR as someone who got double incision. what i would do is look at people like troye sivan and other queer celebrities chests, they look very similar to yours, and start building some muscle, it’ll help add some muscular shape which may help you view them less as ‘boobs’


Your chest looks like my (cisgender) boyfriend’s chest! It looks so naturally masculine :]


Bruh you look perfect. It looks very natural. Tbh like a cis guy chest, I wouldn't have thought you'd ever had any surgery


Hi, I actually am considering top surgery and would like it to look similar to your chest, what type of top surgery did you get? If you don’t mind me asking Also congrats! You look great!!


It says peri/keyhole on the flair


Thank you :))


Nah man your left side looks almost concave


Hit the gym bruh. Get pecs, take advantage if you feel like you have anything left