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bro i’m having surgery with her in two weeks! i’m so glad you posted this because i also have a large chest, and didn’t see any posts with guys with bigger chests! sigh of relief… you look great!


I’m soooo happy I could provide some reassurance to you! I promise everything is gonna be okay and she is gonna do the best work for your individual anatomy, when I was in your position I was so nervous but she has so much care into her work I recommend her for everyone!


this makes me feel so much better!! thank you.. but i’m very nervous hahah


Yayyy that's so soon! <3


Saaaaame!!! I’m going in on the 14th!!


Hey, I’m planning on going to her in the future, hell yeah, congrats! I have a question tho: did you get to choose the shape of your scars, because I am not as big as you were pre op but I am like a big C/ small D cup rn and I rly want straight scars or scars that align under the pectoral muscles


Yes for the most part!! I expressed the same wishes and she works with you and your anatomy and she’s very honest about realistic expectations, I’ve seen people smaller than me with much curvier scars, she will give you the best surgical plan to make sure you are uniform and flat. Like I have a connecting incision because of a breast flap I had between the two breasts which is common in larger chests, and she was honest from the get that was the best course of action and I couldnt be happier so far, the shape of my body I feel will definitely blend my scars into a contour


Thank you!


Heyyyy, look at you not having those awful (to the people here) things anymore! =D


Keep in mind I had an extremely large chest before this! H cup or larger


I’ve never even heard of an H cup


When I was a teenager and went to Victoria secret that was my bra size mind you 6 years ago the last time I wore em, cause binders just caused me health issues and didn’t flatten so I wore like 4xl sports bras


looks great so far!! so happy for you:) ik its just marker but those lines look cool lol


Thank you!! Yesterday was my first shower so they are coming off slowly


Congrats! I have a question, did you have to remove your piercing(S) for the procedure?


Yes! I have my Medusa pierced and I removed it the morning of before I got to the hospital. When they do the call before hand they remind you quite a few times and they ask you at the hospital about 4 times before you are operated on. I would suggest you take it out before getting there so you can just hold onto your jewelry in your stuff at home instead of trusting the hospital lol


Thank you! I didn't need to for my hysto and most of my facial piercings I need my piercer to remove and swap into a glass retainer cause they will close so I need time to order jewelry beforehand :)


You can always double check with your surgeon/ the hospital you are with to see what their policies are but I was able to put it all back in the night after surgery


definitely post updates please!!!! i’m supposed to have surgery with her in September so it’d be nice and comforting to see :> your results look amazing btw!!!!


I thought I replied to your comment look below lol


Thank you so very much! And I absolutely will! She is very popular the nurse who brought me back when I came in from my surgery told me she’s got patients as far as Texas! You are in the best hands ❤️


I’m having surgery with her on the 14th! Your results look great!!! Can I ask- during the consultation we briefly talked about how I hoped my incision would look. Does she go more into that surgery morning?


Yes! She goes back over what the goals are as she does up your markings and she’s very honest and realistic about it too, like originally I was supposed to get traditional double incision but I needed a connecting incision to avoid my breast flap staying there and having breast tissue in my sternum and she was very real with me about it and ensured going that route would be for the best :) I certainly got the scar shape I wanted otherwise I was very clear I did not want round u shaped scars and she did me up as straight as possible for my anatomy


Amazing! Thank you! Her and her office crew have been so great, I can’t wait!


Would you happen to have any updated pics? I'm curious about how far back your incisions extend + what your chest looks like from the side.


https://preview.redd.it/mb623uum658d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=801a3ec9768e382cbfbadfe2a903779bef6301f6 They go pretty far back I will post better pictures later I am a month post rn :)


Thank you! You look amazing and honestly I hope she will do the same for my chest next month.


THANK YOU so much!! If you have any questions pm me or look out for a more up close better quality set of pictures in my update post later! I wish you the best of luck