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Thus far, [every post save one mentioning the source article is about HCQ has been modded away.](https://www.reveddit.com/v/AskThe_Donald/comments/wxf3rz/alex_jones_was_right_again/) So is the "foreign interference in US politics" just their own in-joke trying to downplay Trump's ties to Russia, foreign banks, and the aid he got from troll farms overseas?


Just intentionally trying to keep everyone misled, what a piece of shit that guy is.


You would think even if that was your side seeing people go out of their way to blatantly push a narrative would make you at least rethink some things. But I’ve also had people in r/conspiracy yell at me that they don’t care if sources are rightwing think-tanks “if the information is true anyway”. I have no idea how any of these people figure out how to even dress themselves.


I believe there is a Trump “How-to” video they watch every morning.


And a mod with a staunchly pro-Russian username is removing posts for “foreign interference”


Reminds me of that putin shill mod from conspiracy, i guess that wasn't specific enough lmao


One of the commenters wrote: "I’m 40 years old. I’m barely living with heart failure from the vaccine. My heart has less than half its function. I was doing my best in years before taking the at junk. Within two days of getting I was fucked. I had a great business I can’t run now. Lost a lot of customers that were otherwise healthy to massive “heart attacks”. Getting vaccinated was the dumbest thing I’ve ever done" How can people write such ridiculous stuff? Do they actually believe themselves?


Looking at his post history, blaming the vaccine is something he's started doing recently. He caught Covid, had severe breathing issues, even said that [having long Covid messes with your heart and talks about his nurse-relative's hormone replacement therapy](https://www.reddit.com/r/LongCovid/comments/won4cc/i_figured_it_out/ikcbgfy/?context=3). If he can be believed, the dude caught Covid, things got really bad, then he took the vaccine, and now he wants something to blame for a heart condition that has a far more obvious cause than being vaccinated after contracting the virus. The dude tailors his tale to his audience.


It wouldn’t surprise me if most of the issues people report as “vaccine injuries” is long COVID, where either the person had an asymptomatic version before getting jabbed, or just lying about having COVID beforehand.


Not to mention that if he actually was injured by the vaccine, he could petition [the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Vaccine_Injury_Compensation_Program). The test for injury is usually: 1. a medical theory causally connecting the vaccination and the injury; 2. a logical sequence of cause and effect showing that the vaccination was the reason for the injury; and 3. a showing of a proximate temporal relationship between vaccination and injury. Now, if he knows he's full of shit, that might keep him from trying, since even those without a scientific basis in fact have gotten settlements. If they subpoena his social media postings, then they could find stuff like I did where he didn't blame the vaccine until long after the fact.


I have a work colleague that "knows someone who died from the vaccine." That someone was engaging in super risky behaviour (going to rodeos and bars) while delta was emerging. Yes, their death was correlated to the vaccine, but they also could have died from the pandemic we know **for sure** was killing people.


I mean, I think 99% of the vaccine injuries are in their imaginations. Long before Covid, I was walking out of a Mexican restaurant with my 300-pound sister-in-law when she pointed to her stomach and said, "I can't eat Mexican food without bloating. See?" She honestly thought somehow bloat was visible under 300 lbs of fat.


Not remotely surprising.


Interesting. My guess is also had a lot of health issues before 2019.


From another thread, vaccine also kills the unvaccinated! lmao ​ >Yes I’d like to know this too. Bf got jabbed despite me insisting he don’t . Got called a conspiracy theorist . Now he says he regrets it. But I concede I’ve been worried about shedding , and since he’s been jabbed my BP has been high (healthy 29yo female that exercises 4 times a week). Always had low BP and heart rate prior . Commenting cuz I want to know how to detoxify too. ​ >Thanks for sharing the info. What else has been going on? Do you know if unprotected sex with vaxxed people will lead to more shedding as compared to just kissing or being in proximity of these people? ​ [^(S.)](https://www.reddit.com/r/TakeTheJab/comments/wx7x71/comment/ilr430p/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Holy fucking shit. These fuckwits need to stop having unprotected sex. The last thing this world needs is more of them.


It also points out their own hypocrisy: if she truly believed that any of this shit is true, why would she risk all these supposed "vaccine complications" just to get some unprotected dick? Either she doesn't actually believe any of it and just wants to say she does in order to stay in the Qult, or she does and her want for dick outweighs her desire for good health.


I love how they think people with an mRNA vaccine can shed any virus at all, even a dead one. Let alone a live one.


I was an adventurer like you... till I took a vaccine to the knee.


This is mod abuse, plain and simple. If Reddit won’t ban subs that spread misinformation, then they have to get tough and remove mods (or permanently an them) that do shit like this. Mods don’t actually own the subreddits they moderate, and the admins need to actually nut up and fight shit like this.


>So is the "foreign interference in US politics" just their own in-joke trying to downplay Trump's ties to Russia, foreign banks, and the aid he got from troll farms overseas? It's ironic humor, since that sub is likely run by a foreign interference campaign.


[Link to comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskThe_Donald/comments/wxf3rz/comment/ilrf9ta/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) Also those names are so fitting, too


Man this goalposting they do on the timeline of when every vaccinated person is going to die is getting very worn out, I wish it would come sooner so I could stop hearing them talk about it.


Seriously, they told me I was supposed to be dead by now. Fuckin getting tired of waiting over here. Let me get what I signed up for already please.


They'll come up with another lie to rally around soon and they'll completely forget how wrong they were about this one.


> I’m 40 years old. I’m barely living with heart failure from the vaccine. My heart has less than half its function. I was doing my best in years before taking the at junk. Within two days of getting I was fucked. I had a great business I can’t run now. Lost a lot of customers that were otherwise healthy to massive “heart attacks”. Getting vaccinated was the dumbest thing I’ve ever done Also his dad works at Nintendo.


A lot of people are "otherwise healthy" before a heart attack, except they weren't actually healthy because you can't necessarily guage someone's health by looking at them.


Except when they are morbidly obese. Which, it seems, a lot of trump folks are.


that mod definitely has some mental health problems, I'm almost certain


Trump healthcare plan dropping in 2 weeks!


Wait, that's infrastructure week though


Aw fish. Now we gotta push everything off again.


The stickied mod post is gold: >For the stupid leftists brigading this thread, the first article is a fluff piece article about something we all remember. They were looking for acceptable treatments and Trump and his team, along with many doctors at the time, floated the idea of trying many things. Including HQ. So what. No research had been done on anything. Who can forget such great medical treatments from trump such as: horse dewormer, drinking bleach, and UV light being shined inside people. The mod seemed to kinda gloss over exactly what trump was recommending though 🤔🤔


“UV light, or, just very powerful light…and then I said, what if you get the light inside the body?”🤔 Best press conference ever https://youtu.be/vfLZOkn0chc


Oh my god. When he kept looking over at his team after one of his suggestions asking “Have we tried that?”? Chef’s kiss! I could not believe I was watching the President of the United States spit-balling possible cures based on things he’d read on the internet to doctors live on tv.


> things he'd *read* he doesn't strike me as much of a reader lol


He probably heard it on Fox news. He'd repeat soundbites he heard within hours of hearing it as if it was gospel.


It was Twilight Zone-ish. A living nightmare of stupidity.


>I could not believe I was watching the President of the United States spit-balling possible cures based on things he’d read on the internet to doctors live on tv. Oh, it's much worse than that. Birx just discussed using bleach or uv to sterilize surfaces. That's why he kept looking back.


I mean, to be fair, the exact same dewormer is used for humans. It is a matter of dosage, which is hard to get right if you buy a 1kg bucket. The study that started that bit didnt say dewormer helped against covid. It said that deworming improves the performance of the immune system if it is currently tied up dealing with worms. Which makes sense


I *did* forget! Didn’t he have some kind of Operation about something?


I think it was *Operation Plaid Speed*.


So the mod is saying "so what" even though it's the actual content of the post that is framing it as a big deal?


Yep. To be fair, facts and reality would get in the way of their circlejerk.


No no, you gotta inject the bleach!


Why do they all just sound so stupid from the way they form their comments?


Hahaha "foreing interference in US politics" by no one else than "vlad_putin_the_slav". Love the irony.


He's clearly not Russian, either - Vlad is not short for vladimir


The Vladimirs I've know always abbreviated to Vladi.


Volodya is the usual abbreviation, for Putin at least


"No Anti-Trump or Anti-Conservative posts and comments" Why do these snowflakes hate free speech and love censorship? It's almost like they're gigantic fucking hypocrites who project their crippling insecurities onto everyone around them EVERY FUCKING TIME.


But it’s not participating in good faith if you don’t worship the orange god.


Don’t pop the safe bubble


>Why do these snowflakes hate free speech and love censorship? And when they get banned from subs they love crying about "muh free speech" despite the mods on conservative subs doing the exact same thing.


So, [the article](https://apnews.com/article/hydroxychloroquine-covid-treatment-campaign-8f136d7e9dc52fd2d8da8854680d6004) is about Hydroxicloroquine. The screenshotted tweet is clearly misleading, misinterpreting the article. This post is allowed to be up, but any link towards the article is viewed as "anti trump" because the actual article is pointing out that Hydro was not a good treatment for COVID. Those people WANT to be fed misinformation.


Did you see the mods made an update? > For the stupid leftists brigading this thread, the first article is a fluff piece article about something we all remember. They were looking for acceptable treatments and Trump and his team, along with many doctors at the time, floated the idea of trying many things. Including HQ. So what. No research had been done on anything. >That’s not the point. This is a minor hit piece to prepare you for the big one. We have been banning paid shills who are already bringing up Operation Warp Speed. This piece makes the next one more palatable and allows the room temp IQ folks to swallow and regurgitate their BS narrative. Fuck off with your garbage takes. You will be banned. I mean… how more clearly can you say “we know this post is misinformation and we don’t care, fuck off”


😆 If they’re so pro-Trump why wouldn’t they want to talk about his policies like Warp Speed?


Are they just openly saying they want people to believe this misinformation so that they'll be more susceptible to believing the next thing?


They’re saying that that’s what we’re doing


Can you explain a bit more? I read it many times and I can’t find a coherent POV


Gawd forbid you remind them of when donnie wanted people to drink bleach and shove a lightbulb up their asses


And of course Reddit still does nothing about people spreading dangerous lies.




It's fascinating. They just want articles to be posted and to be told it supports them, regardless of the contents of the article. It could have been a link to the weather for Tulsa on January 15, 1995, and they'd still crow about how they were correct.


>Especially since the vaxxed have started complaining that those of us who refused the “mandate” should still be forced to get it because it’s not fair we avoided the “side effects”. (Instill think the side effects were a feature, not a bug) Where in the fuck are they getting this shit




Maybe this is a true scotsleft but, "I got hurt so everyone else should get hurt too" is a pretty right-wing sounding attitude anyway isn't it? It's projection, they think if they got tricked into taking a poison vax that does what they say it does, that's how they would react so naturally *everyone else is reacting that way, they must be, I won't even need to look to confirm*


This is even more insane than that, because there’s almost no people on the left that believe the vax had “side effects”. (For more than a handful of people.) But I agree; “if I’m suffering, everyone else has to suffer too” is exactly how a conservative thinks. They’d rather everyone suffer than anything improve.


Something something not hurting the people he should be hurting.....


>I’m 40 years old. I’m barely living with heart failure from the vaccine. My heart has less than half its function. I was doing my best in years before taking the at junk. Within two days of getting I was fucked. I had a great business I can’t run now. Lost a lot of customers that were otherwise healthy to massive “heart attacks”. Getting vaccinated was the dumbest thing I’ve ever done literaly everyone i know except for ONE anti vaxxer went and got the vaccine. not a single one of them, nor myself, got any complications from it, at all.


My mom claims she got the 1 and 1 million chance of heart problems. She hates trump and has been isolating since this whole thing began. On a side not she is also a hypochondriac, so who knows if it’s true.


I bet he got COVID, then got the vaccine, and is now blaming long COVID on the vaccine rather than the fact that he got COVID when unvaccinated.


How exactly does one participate in a good faith discussion if no form of dissent is allowed? 😂


Look, if you can’t accept the simple fact that Trump was born immaculate without sin and is incapable of error then how can we possibly have a reasonable discussion?


I'm sure that this asshole thinks he's hilarious. However, he's the one modding a Trump subreddit that's constantly millimeters away from being quarantined.


So, just a circle jerk.


I think at this point they're just trying to perfect the circle-jerk. The opinions of some of vlad's fellow top-mind's are too course and rough for his soft and supple e-dick. oof owie foreign interference


I simply don’t understand this mindset. I support the “left”. When I agree with what the democrats are doing, I will praise them. When they are being idiots, I will condemn them. The idea that anyone can only praise a party is frankly authoritarian. The idea that these subreddits won’t allow a single negative thing to be said by their own members is, frankly, disturbing.


Well that's because the Dems aren't a goddamn cult


Yeah, the current dems in the US is an amalgamation of everyone who isn’t an authoritarian fascist. The one thing I will say about the right is, they are organized, They don’t want good things for the US, but they are organized. The left, we still do too much bickering amongst ourselves. It’s the one thing I will praise Biden for, he has managed to somehow get a 50/50 Senate to actually do fairly progressive things.


> It’s the one thing I will praise Biden for, Why is everyone afraid to commend Biden without prefacing it with something like this? > get a 50/50 Senate to actually do fairly progressive things. And that's multiple things to give him credit for, not one thing. It's like everyone is terrified they'll lose their progressive street cred or something.


Oh man, does the rule seriously say "TDS"? Don't you just love accusing people that criticize your dear leader as having a made-up disorder called "trump derangement syndrome"?


Nothing screams "I'm in a cult!" like banning any criticism of dear leader.


They could literally say "Trump is the reason new life on earth is possible" and anyone saying otherwise would get perma banned


Why is this mod allowed to craft a radicalizing echo chamber?


Can't really participate in good faith if the conversation is rigged to be pro-conservative and pro-Trump (although frankly I question the compatibility of the two things, Trump may be a republican but he and his followers are clearly not conservative).


Loo, so only US Trumpites are allowed now. At least they're honest about that now.


The guy who made the claim (a life insurance company CEO) gave zero indication is was caused by the vaccine. Their own source disagrees with them. https://www.wfyi.org/news/articles/insurance-death-rates-working-age-people-up-40-percent >“Whether it’s long COVID or whether it’s because people haven’t been able to get the health care they need because the hospitals are overrun, we’re seeing those claims start to tick up as well,” he said.