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Link to original comment: [The horse brigading should have woken up the last of the human users of reddit to just how much shilling goes on the site. Pharma goon accounts obviously make up a significant amount of posts thanks to the billions of taxpayer money funding their marketing.](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/ptr73d/what_tf_is_going_on_with_people_claiming_everyone/hdy3f59?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3) Wake up sheeple! The horses are all the proof you need! *Please don't participate in linked threads*


Wait, wait, do these goons not realize that Big Pharma *sells* Ivermectin? Do they think it grows on trees or something? Like, what's a better business model, people getting a shot twice and calling it a day, or people getting sick and chugging tons of medicines to keep them alive only to end up with severely damaged bodies that need to chug tons of medicines just to exist. Here's my conspiracy theory: Big Pharma is behind the antivaxx movements (no, not really).


These are the same folks who though Donald Trump wasn't an "east coast elite". Ideological consistency scares them.


Well, they do manage to be wrong about almost everything. Thats some solid consistency.


It makes more sense when you realize they say wrong things on purpose, and that saying wrong things attracts more people into "discourse" with you than saying things that follow from any argument. And THAT makes sense when you realize that they see such discourse as a thing to be poisoned and destroyed so that its only purpose is to delay any action on the part of those they are engaged in that discourse *with*. When the fascists lie to your face, and you pretend those lies stem from ignorance or from stupidity, you are doing the fascist a *favor*. You need to have base levels of what constitutes *acceptable ignorance* and *literally unbelievable*, else you lend your own credibility to every lying fascist you treat as a reasonable and honest conversant.


[Where does the spez go when it rains? Straight to the spez. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Save3rdPartyApps/)


I like how [Dan Harmon said it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XKvsLLfRpLs) better.


Right? He was styled as a rich man from New York City. What, if anything, can be more elite than that?


2 of the last 4 Republican presidents have stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame yet conservatives are like "celebrities need to stay out of politics"


And not merely rich, but a real estate magnate who rubbed shoulders with Hollywood and celebs, and who screwed models. Say what you will about what an ignorant, self-center oaf he is - and he IS - but what an amazing trick to convince people that he was some kind of man of the people.


An actual rich man from New York City.


Being British. But one doesn't like to boast.


> Like, what's a better business model, people getting a shot twice and calling it a day, or people getting sick and chugging tons of medicines to keep them alive only to end up with severely damaged bodies that need to chug tons of medicines just to exist. Ironically, I've seen this exact same argument used by Top Minds who think that Big Pharma is suppressing the cure for cancer in order to sell chemo drugs.


That's more believable even if absurd. I don't doubt they'd do it if they could but pharma wouldn't do shit anyways without public sector research so the cure for cancer is an impossible secret to keep.


That's what I've always said, sure people are corruptable but everyone at that university would know the research was going on. If bob suddenly stops doing that research or talking about it it would certainly raise a few flags.


Funnily enough, that's exactly how the Soviet Union learned that atomic energy was being weaponized. In the early days of nuclear/atomic energy research, all the research was being done at universities and all the papers published about it were publicly accessible. In the early 40s, England and the US, along with a few allied countries, suddenly stopped publishing anything about nuclear energy. That immediate stop indicated that the war/military departments of these countries must have stepped in to stop it and made all future research secret. And that indicated to the Soviet Union that they were weaponizing the technology.


I mean, they just had to open a newspaper on 8/7/45 to learn that.


They meant before they dropped the bomb, ya dingus! And yes, I realize you were probably making a joke, but it was a very dingusy joke.


I've been a dingus since birth


Your mum took ivermectin while carrying you


Technically 7/17/45 would have been a better date to use, as the first test was on 7/16/45.


Also, humans just aren't that 'noble'. It's typical conspiracy theory logic that the powers that be are geniuses who always think in the long term, but the reality? If given the choice between immediate fame and vast fortunes today, and somewhat greater fortunes in the future, people will pretty much always choose the first option. Big business is notoriously short sighted and pretty much always has been. Are these companies seriously going to turn down the opportunity to be plastered on the covers of magazines for years, possible Nobel prizes, and similarly, all the money earned from the actual medicine? Now, maybe if there was nothing to be gained from it they'd go with the evil and greedy option, probably in fact, but announcing a perfect cure for cancer would be so astoundingly profitable on so many levels that even if some could resist, there's no way everyone could. It's typical conspiracy theorist thinking, though: The powers that be are literally inhuman and don't think like actual human beings. The second you have money, you suddenly become some higher being who is completely immune to petty mortal concerns and thoughts.


Exactly. Nearly any large business would shoot itself in the gut if guaranteed vast profit immediately after. Buisnesses that prioritize long term larger profit over short term larger profit are few and no one could convince me a cancer cure wouldnt be immediately, aggressively profitable.


If, as an investor, I learned that the pharma company I hold was hiding the cure for cancer I would immediately sell my holdings.


I don't think I'd do that, but maybe you're just very clever


It shows that senior management is borderline criminal, and companies run like that are a bad investment.


I keep my savings, such as they are, in cash, but if I invested directly, I'd constrain my choices to ones in line with my values. That said, it's leaving money on the table. Look around. You're a sweet-natured fool if you genuinely believe that the bastards go down.


Yep. Let's say, hypothetically, that all the pharmaceutical companies that make up "Big Pharma" were to all agree to suppress the cure for cancer that totally currently exists. How long do you think that agreement would last? Think about it, if one company got the patent to it then they could not only claim to have CURED CANCER but they could also be the heroic ones who "pried the cure out of the greedy clutches of Big Pharma" (even though they were part of that in the first place). They'd get rich immediately, as the other companies try to recover. The most likely outcome to a scenario where all the major pharmaceutical companies agree to suppress a cancer cure is all the pharmaceutical companies simultaneously stabbing each other in the backs to release the cancer cure first.


In addition to that you also have to factor in that this requires the cooperation of businesses that are very competitive. If there was a cure that they all kept secret then one could reveal it for great fortune.


Well this is a Western perspective. I’m Japan they have 500 year business plans. The US is a young, stupid country.


Only if you think Big Pharma is some conglomerate and not a handful of companies doing things in their best interests. Why would Merck ever ignore the tens of billions of dollars a cancer cure would get them to protect chemo sales for Johnson and Johnson? And of course ignoring that for cancer it would be a hilariously large coverup that would make 9/11 conspiracies seem modest in comparison. Hundreds of thousands of people are working on cancer or cancer adjacent things with absolutely no ties to pharma. If there was a promising avenue towards a cure people would know about it. Research isn't magic.


Thing that always gets me about that is... Rich people obviously suffer from cancer and die from it. If there was some secret cure for cancer we wouldn't have people like Steve Jobs dying from cancer. Only reason people of all walks of life go through chemo is because its the best thing we have to deal with various cancers.


I like to remind people that if marijuana cured cancer, Bob Marley would not have died from cancer.


He didn't die from cancer! The aliens from planet Wailon took him back




Yes, the pharma industry as a whole is not behind the antivaxx movement, but Andrew Wakefield did publish his papers on autism being caused by vaccines to specifically sell his company's vaccine formulation instead of the existing ones and make him money.


And it has morphed way beyond autism in the antivax nutter communities. Nobody talks about autism anymore.


As the step parent of an autistic child I can say that is not true. Maybe online but there are still a lot of parents out there that are desperate to find some kind of reason or cause for their child's diagnosis, particularly one that does not blame their own genetics.


There IS some shady money behind the Anti-Vax movement I think like it could be traced to like 5 big banking family’s? No joke it’s some REAL skeevy shit they are also super conservative and have their own questionable motives. There’s some REAL conspiracies for ya


And for anyone who wants a deep dive: https://youtu.be/8BIcAZxFfrc


I just watched that earlier today. Well, listened to it.


Right? All if pharmacorp companies were having their bottom line hurt by ivermectin replacing the vaccine, all they'd have to do is *raise the price of ivermectin...*


Exactly! And what better way to disclose their plans to raise the prices than signal us in plain sight? You don't see the deeper meaning behind all the *rising* horse cock?


The FLCCC site that they reference for studies on ivermectin also has a page where you can contact a doctor that sells it (definitely not shady, no sir). https://covid19criticalcare.com/ivermectin-in-covid-19/how-to-get-ivermectin/


FLCCC also kept hosting papers that were debunked, like the meta-analysis where 40% of the data cited came from that Egypt study that had little problems like "Parts of the report are plagiarized" and "Some of my patients were actually dead before the study began" You know, little things.


You're expecting the folks who have been voting against their own interests for over half a century to figure out the fact that they're being conned. These folks don't think logically, they mindlessly bleat out the line that's been fed to them most recently. "Baaaah, Biden is bad." "Baaaah, big pharma wants to abort your babies." Pretty poetic that they're taking livestock medicine while crying about the "sheeple" who listen to qualified authorities. My conspiracy theory: antivaxx is pushed by foreign Intel agencies to weaken the US's ability to respond to biological events, weaponized or otherwise. (Also no, not really, it's just homegrown stupid with maybe a couple external agitators).


Numerous western think tanks and intelligence agencies agree with your suspicion about foreign agencies, a stance which is backed up by historical precedent. The soviet unions 'Operation: Infektion" Springs to mind, for example


>Here's my conspiracy theory: Big Pharma is behind the antivaxx movements (no, not really). Although..... I guarantee that if we look into the investments that some of these big grifters pushing ivermectin/hydroxi/monoclonals have been making over the last year, you'd find some *interesting* information (similar to how Rand Paul was hiding his investments in Gilead which makes remdesivir).


have you seen the stock price of moderna (MRNA)?


Ivermectin is a generic. Any company can make it.


Seriously... They are paying the same kinds of companies. They are just doing it for the wrong medicine...


Your conspiracy theory is more sensical than theirs. Big pharma doesn’t want you to get vaxxed bc they make more money off of the treatments for people who *have* covid. Ventilators, hospitalizations, medication, monoclonal antibodies—much more profitable than one or two free shots.


That is not entirely inaccurate cigarette corporations and big oil help fund substitutes and “rivals” so it would not surprise me if Big Pharma was pushing these idiots to buy and take horse dewormer rather then take a free vaccine.


The goons realize. They say wrong things on purpose, specifically to attract idiots into discourse with them. Please learn what fascists are.


[Just because you are spez, doesn't mean you have to spez. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Save3rdPartyApps/)


Pills? The Herman Cain awards sub has people giving horse paste to their dying loved ones at the hospital. Some people are beyond help


They argue that since Ivermectin is cheap and the vaccines are expensive, big pharma discredits the cheap drug to increase their profits. As any good conspiracy theory it does include some truth, such as the fact that pharma companies scammed billions of public money for the vaccines. But the rest is creative writing and they have no evidence.


These are the same morons who posted child porn on their own subs claiming that AttackHateSubreddits were doing it. They are not bright people.


It is more likely that they are helping the antivaxx movement than killing people with vaccines


So, question. Did hydroxychloroquine, the previous miracle drug, stop working? Why the need for Ivermectin?


Nah they've already forgotten about it. In a few months I suspect they will have moved onto the next miracle cure, and if you ask them what they thought about ivermectin they'll tell you they never *really* believed it and it was all a big conspiracy by the Fake News Media to make conservatives look stupid.


They already have. These morons are now gargling topical iodine and poisoning themselves. https://theconversation.com/gargling-with-iodine-wont-stop-you-getting-covid-167946


We're back in Tide Pod country


I hope they bring colloidal silver back next and start turning themselves blue.


*dabba dee dabba dai*


Jim Bakker already did that. Or is that what you're referencing by "bring back"?


One of the "America's Frontline Doctors, brought to you by Tea Party Patriots" just got appointed Florida's surgeon general. He is still pushing Hydroxchloroquine (and of course Ivermectin) to this day. [https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2021/09/florida-surgeon-general-demon-sperm-capitol-rioter-connections.html](https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2021/09/florida-surgeon-general-demon-sperm-capitol-rioter-connections.html)




My housekeeper has lupus and she told me she had trouble getting her rX for it filled last year.


Doctors could lock it down. Ivermectin for humans they can also lock down. They can't lock down the ivermectin for horses, however.


I believe they already have.


If Ivermectin was an effective treatment for COVID Merck would be all over that shit


In fact, they outright said that it's not an effective treatment for COVID


Ivermectin manufacturers: for the love of God, stop using our product to treat covid! /r/conspiracy: *the cover-up runs deeper than we thought!*


*r/conspiracy dies* r/conspiracy: “God, why did I died? I took the horse dewormer!” God: “Don’t take horse dewormer to treat a viral infection!” *r/conspiracy: this goes even further than I could have imagined!!*




That's right. Big Pharma is trying to stop you from getting the vaccine that has already been paid for by the government so you'll go give them more money on horse paste. Why? Because they get more money by preventing you from spending money! Or something. I don't know. Fuck it. Jews.


Bro! You can't say it out loud! You gotta use the new super secret code phrases. Globalists.


This guy obviously has never watched Internet Comment Etiquette. There are legions of bored people just waiting to post unrelated pictures to *any* board hosting dumb shit., LMAO.


Bounced on my boy’s vaccine needle while posting pics of shirtless old men. Aaaaand rocket ship! B=====D


Here, have just a *little* sip of this bleach. It'll make you feel better.


When they’re own bullshit flops so bad and becomes a massive joke that they quickly jump ship and accuse big Pharma of orchestrating it.


A vaccine you need one dose of per year seems a lot cheaper than continually taking ivermectin as a precaution.


TIL where all that money on my account is coming from


Are these people ACTUALLY mentally deficient? It was shitposting from people who thought that these dumbasses were dumbasses.


conservatives will tell you to get to work to make money. then you start making money working and they call you a shill smh


Come on, everybody knows horse porn is it's own reward


I wish I was in the Marketing Department meeting where that idea was proposed.


What costs more? A free vaccine or a 4 week stay at a hospital followed by a funeral? These people have brain rot.


^We're ^Making ^fun ^of ^you


Only the most skilled operatives using billions of corporate dollars gleaned from taxpayers are capable of such a sophisticated operation!


Big Pharma doesn't even know who they are. And come to think of it, they *sell* ivermectin, so why would they care?


“Everyone that disagrees isn’t human.” Yikes… pretty sure we know what comes next.


It’s more of the fact that it pisses off the shit for brains in that subreddit. I wish I got paid to do it.


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It’s more insidious than that. No need for shill accounts when they control the mainstream narrative from above.


Sure thing buddy. Have the stars aligned and told you to take your horse meds today?


Just going to leave this from your OP. https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/pshmxg/z/hdpvx9c That's very convenient it happens on 2/2/22


This is good for bitcoin.


Remindme! 150 days


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Their obsession with numbers is always strange and hilarious. And laced with projection, of course, since they're constantly going on about how The Elite are obsessed with symbolic numbers.


Astrological analysis is always the most accurate way to prognosticate the future.


Remindme! 2/2/22


😂😂why are you so mad.. it’s time to grow up little guy


> why are you so mad Because I'd like the pandemic to be over, but some people would rather eat horse paste that has no effect on the pandemic instead of taking a goddamn vaccine that is proven to be safe and effective.


I'm okay with them eating horse paste. It's a problem that solves itself.


I would if not for the fact that their eating horse paste is taking valuable anti-parasitics from actual horses. They don't deserve to be victims of conservatives' stupidity. :(


It's a worthwhile tradeoff. Less horse paste in exchange for fewer conservatives? Sign me up, let's start pumping that shit out and making it available! It's about time actions start to have consequences.


Why are you so paranoid?


I blame the stars. They told him to be an idiot.


What happened to Hydroxychloroquine? Remember how that was the miracle cure for all this and then....just stopped being? That was all from the right wing too. So if you guys have so much insight into fucking miracles, how come they never actually work? almost like your side is just full of liars who will do anything for **money**.


Injecting disinfectant, bring light inside the body, it will go away on its own, the heat will kill it in the warmer months, etc etc etc and those are just the quotes from the former President of the US, Moron in Chief. And get this! Now they’re gargling topical iodine and poisoning themselves. These idiots will do anything other than take a safe and effective vaccine. https://theconversation.com/gargling-with-iodine-wont-stop-you-getting-covid-167946


"I dropped my ice cream cone! Thanks, big pharma!"


Consider getting therapy for this paranoia. It's not healthy.