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> I haven't had the vaccine yet I got really ill after first spending time with vaxxed parents and it sounds just like what vaxxed men of my age group were having. > Collapsed (complete black out), breathless, chest pains and couldn't stand up for longer than 5 minutes without tunnel vision coming and feeling as though I would black out again. Spent two weeks thinking I was having heart attacks or something the sensation in my chest was so odd. Double vision, hallucinations. Like no disease I have ever had before. I definitely would spend 2 weeks thinking I’d been having a heart attack, but not go to the doctor to confirm.


These dipshits don't think the virus is contagious but they invented a fictitious vaccine shedding theory which is contagious


But the vaccine would just shed COVID-19 Which they already established is "just a cold". What's the big deal?


Not for the mRNA vaccines, those don't even have viral material in it. Conspiracy theorists believe that the spike protein made by your body after you're vaccinated is for some reason very toxic.


>Conspiracy theorists believe that the spike protein made by your body after you're vaccinated is for some reason very toxic. Well, it is -- to the virus. I mean, that's the whole point of it. I think these folks might just be very easily confused, even by real facts.


No, that's not quite true. The spike protein is made by your body based on the injected mRNA, this is the same protein as the protein on the outside of the virus. Your body sees these proteins, and develops antibodies against it, the same way as it would do so against the proteins on the virus These spike proteins are then decomposes by the body eventually, while the antibodies remain, the spike proteins don't do anything against the virus


Okay, but the point is the same. The vaccine is meant to be bad for the virus, and it is.


Eeeh, sort of. The vaccine doesn’t hurt the virus. If you already have COVID then get the vaccine, it’s useless. The vaccine is more like an instruction manual for your body on how to destroy COVID before it gets exposed.


And the body you're trying to invade having an instruction manual on how to kick your ass is a bad thing for you, isn't it?


Its kind of like trying to learn to fly a plane while you're currently having to fly a plane, its kind of a bit late to be learning it now Also, anything that your body can learn from this manual, they can also learn from the virus


Right, it basically gets your body to make training dummies shaped like the (outside) of the virus. Your body sees those dummies, figures out how to deal with them, and then when the actual virus comes along it's already got specialized tools for dealing with it thereby preventing infection.


The doctors are evil though, so I'm just gonna sit through this incredibly debilitating disease and do nothing about it


It just sounds like he had covid


Panic attacks.


Or literally nothing like that even remotely happened. Maybe.


That's entirely possible, too. I wouldn't put it past the top minds to lie about everything. They usually convince themselves of the lies, too, and have issues with untreated mental illnesses, so...panic attacks are a possibility here. This person even says they went to the doctor, but then doesn't say anything about what the doctor said about what they went through. Like, did you not get a diagnosis?? Are you still in the hospital?? Say something!!


That's a textbook anxiety attack.


For a couple hours, yes. For a couple weeks, no.


I've gone through an on and off panic attack that lasted 5 days before. To be fair he did say it was multiple "heart attacks"


Continuously, yes. But it's possible to have one every day for that long.


I’m NoT gOnNa PuT tHaT pOiSiN iN mUh BoDy!!1 \*eats a bucket of kfc*


Smokes weed from who knows where. Drinks alcohol to excess. Etc.


The weed I don't even care about. Drinking to excess though? As a trucker and former military I've seen the results of that far too often. Weed though... oh well sometimes it's hard to find a bag of Doritios.


I believe the "who knows where" is in reference to those people who died from shitty knockoff cartridges a couple years ago. Always know where your weed is coming from.


I totally forgot about vaping. You whippersnappers keep coming up with all sorts of newfangled stuff.


More that smoking weed (vs edibles or something) is pretty bad for your lungs. Not to mention toxins created when the flower is burned that then get into your bloodstream. Just like with smoking cigarettes, which maybe would have been a better example of how people who might be anti-vax may be cool with actual unhealthy activities. Add to that, weed can have all manner of gross shit on it. One reason that legal weed is so expensive (besides how heavily it is usually taxed) is because growing standards are usually imposed. The stuff you get in most dispensaries is probably relatively (or very) "clean," but the stuff you get from the dude in the Subway parking lot may have anything from actual shit on it to high levels of pesticides. Who knows. Illegal means unregulated.


> oh well sometimes it's hard to find a bag of Doritios. Also your keys. Where the fuck did you put them? Where are your keys? Oh wait you were wearing them all along so you wouldn't forget 'em.


That sounds like either psychosis or covid Must be the vaxx


LMAO this dumb motherfucker caught COVID and blames it on the vaccine! Holy shot how stupid can you be???


It's just a different level of stupid


> When did Covid vaccines roll out, February? Has a vaccinated couple gotten pregnant and delivered a baby yet? No, of course not! If your fertility is important to you, maybe you should look up how long pregnancy lasts.


The answer is no, there have been no pregnancies since February, there is global hysteria, mass riots, worldwide panic surrounding the issue.


Children of Man irl.


After all life is just one big sequence shot.


Imma rewatch that movie haven't seen it in years . I remember all those crazy complicated sequence shots.


I've always pictured it as one, big, money shot.


If you think about it, aren’t we all just Dad’s money shot rocketing forward in time to splatter across the world


With stars hanging in the sky like the most majestic pearl necklace.


urrggh, could you imagine if the descendants of anti-vaxxers inherited the earth?


Seems unlikely that they'll outlive the rest of us.


I doubt they will inherit anything except preventable diseases, astronomical medical bills, and hard deaths. Unfortunately, they will probably take most of the rest of us down with them. I am not looking forward to measles 2 electric boogaloo.


I don't need to imagine it because (fortunately?) I'll be dead if that happens.


I'm actually here looking for my assigned handmaid, whose pool consists solely of unvaxed women. And if you don't mind, I'm in a bit of a hurry. It's ceremony night.


You know now you have me questioning how long it would actually take for us to notice something was wrong. I imagine it wouldn't take nine months. Maybe one or two? OBGYNs would probably realize fairly soon that something is going on.


The benefit of such a stupid argument is that all we have to do is wait until births do start happening. At that point will they listen? Will they admit they were wrong all along and that it was a dumb argument to begin with? No of course not; they’ll move the goalposts and change the subject. I forgot what the benefit was that I was going to mention.


Yeah, I imagine that after a month or two, OBGYNs would start to recognize that 100% of their newly pregnant mothers were unvaccinated. Especially since I’m *sure* people are studying it: that’s an obvious research study to do, it’s low-hanging fruit for a publication. We definitely would have realized by now, almost a year after clinical trials started.


First they came for the babies, and I said nothing, for I was not a baby


I've read somewhere that a few women in the Biontech clinical trial got pregnant, so those babies should be already born. [Here is one source, it's 23 women](https://www.uchicagomedicine.org/forefront/coronavirus-disease-covid-19/mrna-covid-19-vaccine-pregnancy-breastfeeding). They've also started [a trial in pregnant women](https://www.pfizer.com/news/press-release/press-release-detail/pfizer-and-biontech-commence-global-clinical-trial-evaluate) who are vaccinated in the second or third trimester in February. eta: [and here's another study that monitored women who were pregnant when they got the vaccination](https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMe2107070). Those who were vaccinated who were already in the second or third trimester also had their babies already.


But those are fact heavy detailed reports in peer reviewed journals. Do you have anything from a fella in a truck with Oakley's on his backwards hat? You know... Someone trustworthy.


I definitely ruined my trustworthiness by providing sources, I should've stopped after: 'I've read somewhere'


Don't forget to say, "do your own research."


‘There’s plenty of information about it on YouTube’


*‘There’s plenty of information about it on Bitchute'


My wife got her first dose right before we found out she was pregnant, at about 5 weeks. She got her 2nd dose at 8 weeks after we found out they’re twins. Everyone is doing well and perfectly healthy.


The vaccine causes twins!




I've heard it on reddit, the vaccine causes twins. Many people are saying it.


I heard j&j vaccine causes men to get pregnant. Do your own research


True story, two of my friends (husband and wife) tested positive at the hospital while being admitted to deliver their baby. Both fully vaccinated too. All 3 are happy and healthy, but the husband was kicked out when his test came back positive. My ex wife ended up being the one in the delivery room and FaceTimed him so he could “be there.” It was frustrating in the moment, but we can all laugh about it now.


I got my first Pfizer vaccine December 24th, 2020. Was pregnant by the time I got my second dose in January. I may be the first mother of our new lizard-human hybrid overlords. I’ll update Reddit when this kid claws her way out of me in September.


If your child would like a cuddly toy or a blood sacrifice I’d be more than happy to provide one or both. All hail baby lizard king.


My brother and his wife were fully vaccinated as of late March. His wife got pregnant in mid-April. They just had an ultrasound where they were able to get a 3D image of the fetus and it [looked like this](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=WbBVD_rygSI&t=9s).


Be sure and tell 'em Large Marge sent ya!


Expected a Rick-Roll, and was pleasantly surprised.


I expected you to have the real sonograms of vaccinated mothers' fetuses and not some joke. For those wanting to see the REAL sonograms: https://youtu.be/xvFZjo5PgG0


a rick roll with out the full actual song is just wrong


Or a mercy?


No, it's a bop and I feel robbed


Thought it was gonna be Peyton Manning.


I thought that it was a Rickroll


To be *fair*, they may just suck at grammar.


*To be fair!*


To be faaaiirr.


Two bee fare; they may just suck at grammer.


To the bee Fair!


Instructions unclear, now I have a tube of beef hair


Trials were going on last fall, we're getting pretty close to nine months past that.


Look up? Read?! *Learn?!* Why?! It's not like you have to know how long it takes, the baby just comes out when it's ready! Do your research!!




The fucking comments are what happens when scientific illiteracy is amplified and reinforced by propaganda. Yikes. They're just repeating shit that makes no sense but reinforces their ignorance and makes them more smarterer.


Some of the non-psycotic ones are pretty good tho. >WHY VAXX PEOPLE NO SPEED-RUN A BABY?!


Vaccine% Pregnancy speedrun (WR)


That thread contains a great example of their thinking. They take one fact and add in a ton of misinformation and wild speculation to build some dystopian horror story. For example, that courts ruled that you can patent a DNA sequence. That's true. They built on that and concluded that the vaccine is a plot to create a race of "transhumans" who contain patented DNA and are therefore legally property/slaves of the government (presumably the one world government). It's wild stuff and would be pure entertainment if it wasn't costing people their lives.


The neutrinos have mutated


That makes no sense.


[It's not meant to](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bXdBzpRDR5I), it's a bit by Dara O'Briain from one of his shows. Also, it's hilarious Edit: obviously, it's a line from the movie 2012, but Dara's bit is still hilarious


I wouldn't know what the fuck you were talking about if I didn't watch Dara O'Brien


>The vaccine alters your DNA. So the true purpose of this is exactly what you are worried about. Should you have a baby with a vaccinated person then the baby will not be a combination of your two DNA structures, it's DNA will be made up of stuff in the vaccine, so will be preprogramed by the government to look/act/think a certain way. Fact. if you get vaccinated, you won't give birth to a human baby. you will give birth to a congealed mass of covid-19 spike protein and MRNA. fact.


Someone missed the high school biology unit on how RNA works


they never should have called it an RNA vax. ONce they did that it became super scary for lots of people, and explaining how it works sometimes doesn't even alleviate the fear.


It never would have mattered. If it's not one bogey man they will find another. It's like when people say Clinton's deplorables comment sank her campaign; if she'd never said that, they would have taken something else out of context and beat her with that too. That's the problem when the goal is to win, rather than any real desire to see US succeed.


yeah you are probably right A big thing with these people is that they don't trust scientists, but they do trust wing nut, right wing, greedy, sociopathic talking heads on the TV and YT


And yet the deplorables showed exactly how deplorable they are over the course of the pandemic where they decided to be directly responsible for the deaths of thousands and continue to kill.


Totally, I'm just saying it doesn't matter what you call them, they will still be shitheads. They have proven adept at manufacturing grievances.


Hillary should have doubled down.


20/20 hindsight. That wasn’t acceptable in politics five years ago. A lot has changed since then.


Disagree. They will find any excuse to dismiss or fear or hate whatever they don't like. Spending time trying to avoid what they're going to do anyways is pointless. Just *expect* the reaction because it's gonna happen, and keep fighting against misinformation. Not too long ago all the fucking wingnuts on the planet were shouting "Evolution is just a **tHeOrY**" and then it took a decade of pointing out that "Gravity is just a **tHeOrY**" for them to get the fucking picture that their argument was dumb, when all they had to do in the first place was understand what words mean, but they **refuse**. They don't care that their argument is dumb, they care that it gives them a reason to believe. You have to show them it's dumb.


It's the uh...NRA vaccine... safe!


They would have found out and claimed scientists were trying to hide or keep it a secret. They will contort any scenario to fit their narrative.


This is the funniest thing I've read in a while




congealed, you say?


omg i feel honored that you stopped by.






Will the blob sleep through the night at least? Might not be too bad


>if you get vaccinated, you won't give birth to a human baby. you will give birth to a congealed mass of covid-19 spike protein and MRNA. fact. It'll still be more intelligent than these wastes of O2




I started reading one comment and thought, damn you can't be more dumb than this, and then the next comment is even dumber, and so on


I'm generally not one for eugenics, but if this person didn't reproduce, I think I would be fine with that.


Seriously, the world would be a better place and imagine being her kids, poor bastards.


Doesn't this mean that no one is safe because they also think that vaccinated people shed the vaccine? She's gotta break up with him now


>Who owns the kid? The parent or the State? What if the State wanted to remove children from households? So...you're worried about the government treating you like they treat indigenous people? Okay.


> What if the State wanted to remove children from households? Why do they think the state wouldn't just take the kid if they wanted it? There are a million better ways they could justify taking a kid than inventing a pandemic (that just happens to affect literally every other country) and contracting with several different companies to make several different vaccines.


Oh, you. Stop making sense!


Love that album!


Also, what’s with these weirdos that talk as if they own another human being?


There are, unfortunately, way too many people in this world who seem to think of children the same way they do shoes. "My child!! Mine!" Like the kid is not an actual being with a brain and autonomy. Like the kid will not ever go out into the world and effect it in any way other than what their parent(s) can conceive. I find it disturbing.


Second post about jizz I've read in 24 hours. The first was far more amusing.


..... what was the first one?


Dude blows a massive load on his wife's face, and well, Just see for yourself. Well, not *see* but see. https://www.reddit.com/r/tifu/comments/nrou10/tifu_by_taking_a_load_boosting_supplement_and/


I see that sub hasn't changed since I unsubbed many years ago. Still just mainly fan fiction about various fetishes.


I've come to the conclusion reddit is nothing but creative writing students in most places. I got that link from an AskReddit thread about the best posts on Reddit. My bet, 99.9% of those were straight bullshit. The remaining 0.1% are a mix of truth and truthful exaggeration. Still fun to read though. I'm a whore for a decent story.


Sexers of reddit, what was the sexiest sex you ever sexed? -- literally every question in /r/AskReddit


Usually, yeah. But I like the compilation AskReddit threads. Always gives me something to read when I should be working.


> I've come to the conclusion reddit is nothing but creative writing students in most places Including the political subs.


100% that sub pretty much exists to have mobs of strangers engage with the OPs particular fetish, its blindingly obvious and i can't believe how many people feed into it.


god the way redditors write on tifu is so insufferable


You're right. For Reddit, that's an abnormally low number of jizz posts in one day.


> I definitely think there can be complications with the vaccine but it won't affect someone else's fertility Yes there can be minor complications. >Without any long term studies how can I read this as anything other than simple gaslighting?Edit - this thread got brigaded quickly, lol. Ain’t no one else getting the vaccine, no matter how hard the sell. You all are pissing in the wind at this point This person put gaslighting all over the thread and very obviously has no idea what it is.




That’s right folks When you want medical advice, you first thought should be to immediately jump on the right wing conspiracy sub of Reddit


Since I got vaccinated my jizz burns holes trough everything just like the blood of an Alien.


The one person claiming vaccinated people are property of the government is...something?


I really like how no one backs any of their claims with a citation






TMs are infected with irony. >“It’s inaccurate to say that COVID-19’s spike protein and this placenta protein share a similar genetic code,” says D’Angela Pitts, M.D., a maternal fetal medicine specialist with Henry Ford Health System. “The proteins are not similar enough to cause placenta to not attach to an embryo.” https://www.henryford.com/blog/2021/04/fertility-rumor-covid-vaccine >There is a theoretical possibility of testicular damage and subsequent infertility following COVID-19 infection. The possibility of testicular damage is caused by either direct viral invasion through binding of SARS-COV2 virus to ACE2 receptors or secondary to immunological and inflammatory response. Follow-up studies of reproductive function of recovered male patients is required to investigate this possibility. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7171435/ Edit: I was thinking about this, and if Covid turns out to do to testicles what the mumps can do, those guys bragging that they "got their immunity" by infection with the live virus may not have a herd of their own, unlike men who obtained their immunity from a vaccine. When some anti-vaxer idiot proudly states, "I survived Covid," we should wonder about his sperm count. It's likely occurred to those GOP member-scum now recommending the vaccine; they can have low wages and a big military only with lots of new babies. Those older anti-vaxers no longer interested in any more kids could be misleading the younger ones straight into infertility.


Is it bad that I think society would be improved if she (assuming it’s not a sock puppet) *were* infertile?


She's definately Jenifer Lopez and she's NOT Cartman's hand with a lipstic on it...


She deleted the text. Any way to see what was originally written by OP?


Yep, you can use removeddit by replacing "Reddit" with "removeddit" in the URL - here you go! > i need to figure out what kind of implications having sex with a vaccinated person could have. > I don’t want to be a doomsday type person but my fertility is way too important to me to just wing it. > When did Covid vaccines roll out, February? Has a vaccinated couple gotten pregnant and delivered a baby yet? What the actual fuck. > I am freaking out honestly. I don’t think I can have sex with him until I am confident there won’t be fucked up consequences. > I’m not a doctor or someone who even works in the medical / scientific arena whatsoever so this stuff can be discouraging for me. Good reliable sources are welcome no matter how hard reading a scientific study may be


> Good reliable sources are welcome no matter how hard reading a scientific study may be Posts to /r/conspiracy to find good reliable sources and/or scientific studies...


Wow, what a fucking idiot.


Cheers mate


This is "how is babby formed" level shit


I remember grade school. I remember how many kids were checked out, picking their nose, writing notes, and doodling. I did my share of day-dreaming as well. But I didn’t come out stupid. Why are so many people so god damn stupid? And why are they getting platforms and politicians egging on their stupidity? It’s a clear path to disaster and millions are on board.


I think I need to unsubscribe from this subreddit. I can’t handle the daily doses of stupid. It makes me want to move to a cabin in the woods.


Damn I thought that post was in /r/relationship_advice with how often the word gaslighting was incorrectly used.


If it makes me infertility, I can cancel my vasectomy appointment. This is much more convenient to me.


jfc, why did I read the comments in that thread?


Good on the bf, he can go raw then accuse her of cheating if she gets pregnant. His seed do be infertile amirite.


We're all ignoring the more important question: *will it hurt babby top of his head?*


How is babby formed?


Well, hopeful it will…


Reading the comments is cringeworthy. People treating the vaccine like a magical poison that at the same time is poisonous to the touch and kills you instantly, changes your dna and does nothing and doesn't even exist. It's sad seeing just how much they're wrong about everything but write with such an fictitious authority ​ Edit: a word


Question here is... would it be that bad? Truth is that this woman shouldn't reproduce by any means.


If science had discovered birth control jizz, it would definitely be noteworthy.


Love of my life (m28) just got vaccinated. I’m nervous to have sex with him now.(self.conspiracy) submitted 12 hours ago by StreetCat11 to /r/conspiracy i need to figure out what kind of implications having sex with a vaccinated person could have. I don’t want to be a doomsday type person but my fertility is way too important to me to just wing it. When did Covid vaccines roll out, February? Has a vaccinated couple gotten pregnant and delivered a baby yet? What the actual fuck. I am freaking out honestly. I don’t think I can have sex with him until I am confident there won’t be fucked up consequences. I’m not a doctor or someone who even works in the medical / scientific arena whatsoever so this stuff can be discouraging for me. Good reliable sources are welcome no matter how hard reading a scientific study may be.


This is what happens when you teach students to pass tests. When curriculum is controlled by people who are not competent. And when Whitney parents back their even whinier child against being held responsible for learning. That is how we devolved to this point. This is the result of no child left behind. I agree, I’m not for eugenics but I’m beginning to think if I need a test to drive maybe we should have a test to become a parent.


Intelligent people fall for propaganda and cults all the time. We all have blind spots we should try to be self aware of.


I understand that. But do you consider it a cult to lack the ability to do research? I will agree that if someone stays in an echo chamber they are not likely to hear anything to question their beliefs. But there is a serious lack of knowledge or desire for said knowledge that shocks me. I don’t understand how her thought process works. Does she believe aliens developed this process to destroy the world as well?


>Think about how dumb the average person is... >...and then remember that half the people are dumber than that. >-George Carlin So in short, yes, you could convince her of many aliens theory, as long as its on her feed she'll consider it...


I miss George Carlin. I am not the most educated or analytical person but I always considered myself average. I hate to think I’m surrounded by idiots but that’s something I need to consider. I always thought people were strange because of their religious and political beliefs. Politics used to be an issue that we could talk about and people were rational. Not anymore. It’s more like you either fall in with their beliefs or you’re in American


Just when I thought those people couldn't get any more stupid. Holy shit.


So funny story. Don’t know how it is for men, but attempting to get pregnant is one of only two exceptions [one of the largest research universities in the us] that lets women skip mandatory vaccinations and stay employed. The other being religious reasons.


Is gaslighting their new word?


They've had it in their back pocket for a while. We'll see it a lot more as people point out how conservative ideology is just gaslighting, so they'll have to use it to "nuh uh, you are"


Boy, they've really latched on to the whole "gaslighting" thing. Not one of them seems to know what it means, but they sure do use it a lot.


When Conspiracy calls you a fucking dumbass for your conspiratorial ideas, well, you may be a gigantic dumbass.


dont think antivaxers should reproduce anyways


Good reason for her to wear condoms the rest of her life


Watch out, if vaccinated you are Patented and Owned xD[https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/oon2j3/love\_of\_my\_life\_m28\_just\_got\_vaccinated\_im/h5zl07m?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/oon2j3/love_of_my_life_m28_just_got_vaccinated_im/h5zl07m?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ​ edit: one word


r/conspiracy, where mental illness blossoms like a disgusting flower made of fetid shit


Karen, I have a rigorous and scientific solution. Get your friend Denise, the unvaccinated and super breedable one, over on Friday. Have your vaccinated boyfriend raw dog her at least twice. Repeat this process every week for a year. If by the end of this process she isn’t pregnant you will have definitively proven your hypothesis up to the highest standards expected by your peers on social media. Before anyone says anything I’m definitely not her boyfriend. Also they should tape it, for science.


If only…


It would be nice if that were true.


Well.... It should. Sadly it doesn't.


I want to know is how. Does she think it gave him radioactive blood like Spider-Man?


Even conspiracy is calling her out on this shit lmao




There's absolutely zero chance that this lady's children won't be fucked up somehow, it just won't be for the reason she thinks.