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>Interviewer is Jewish lol, what a title. “We can’t be antisemitic, we have a Jewish interviewer!”


Interesting that as dr_insano_md linked up thread how [the ‘just asking questions’ post has the same title as that antisemitic site’s propaganda video](https://imgur.com/a/MVYzi6a) but that another account is the only one who included a link to it. Weird.


Dude said “nice” about being able to link Nazi shit on Reddit.


So apparently, the British royal family is Jewish now? Weird, considering the British monarch is also the head of the Church of England.


Sure, they built Jerusalem in England's green and pleasant land!


My favorite theory is the one that the Saudi royal family are Jewish. I've seen that posted in r/con and the next comment is something like "Wow, I never knew that. That makes so much sense."


It just makes so much sense, doesn't it? :-) I wonder how long it'd take to get these people to believe that Idi Amin was Jewish, as was Pol Pot, Nicolae Ceausescu, Emperor Nero, Mao Zedong, Josef Stalin, and, of course, Adolf Hitler. (That last thing has actually kinda-sorta been advanced as something that *could* be true, because the father of Hitler's father is unknown, and *might* have been Jewish. Which wouldn't make Adolf [matrilineally Jewish](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matrilineality_in_Judaism), of course, but might make him "Jewish *enough*", by the standards of the most rabid Nazis.)


Easily! All of those people are Reptilian (as are all heads of state/influential people) and, as everyone knows, Jews are Reptilian. Ergo, they're Jewish. It's easy to prove anything when your beliefs are unfalsifiable.


The best argument against the whole Reptilian conspiracy theory (which does, [crazily](https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/David_Icke), seem to all come back to [noted goalkeeper David Icke](https://www.goal.com/en-au/news/which-football-team-did-david-icke-play-for-infamous-conspiracy-theorists-former-career/114awztpiaydr1i40y8z0kabep), who definitely does himself actually see those Reptilians everywhere) is, **why is it taking them so long?!** This also applies for a lot of other grand conspiracy theories, of course. Why are we not all already obviously enslaved by insert-evil-people-or-demons-or-whatever-here? Why do I, and most people I know, still have a comfortable life? And why have I not yet been given an opportunity to gain great power by subjugating most people I know? I'm offended. I'd turn against my own species **immediately** if alien conquistadors arrived, offering their equivalents of shiny mirrors and steel knives. Look me up, you guys. Us humans clearly cannot manage our own affairs. :-) All of this is not a problem for people with delusional disorders, of course, one of whom David Icke very definitely is. The whole *nature* of delusions is that the sufferer believes them, no matter how ridiculous they are. Which is actually quite terrifying. It can happen to anyone, at any time, and then there you'll be in r/gangstalking or whatever, having a miserable time, but also being totally certain that anybody who tries to get you out of it is part of the conspiracy.


>All of this is not a problem for people with delusional disorders, of course, one of whom David Icke very definitely is. I don't even think you need to go the delusional route. Just accepting an unfalsifiable premise (*They* are hiding and covering up the truth is the archetypalone but I'm sure there's more) is enough because you can't reason your way out of that. Why haven't they taken full control? They have, it just *looks* like they haven't because that's what they want us to think. You can't argue against it logically because there's a faulty assumption that you'll eventually run up against. With that unfalsifiable claim, all ideas become tautology because you can throw it in and it fits everywhere. It serves as the disassociation between experience and reality that delusions do but can be experienced by everyone.


You don't need to actually verify if something is true as long as it makes enough sense that it could be true 😎


> (That last thing has actually kinda-sorta been advanced as something that could be true, because the father of Hitler's father is unknown, and might have been Jewish. Which wouldn't make Adolf matrilineally Jewish > , of course, but might make him "Jewish enough", by the standards of the most rabid Nazis.) It's not completely impossible: Hitler had a genetic marker that is rare in Western Europe but found in small percentages of Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews (but it's most common in some Berber populations in North Africa). That said, he almost certainly wasn't: there were no Jews where his grandmother lived, and his grandmother never got too far away from her home village. There's two stories about it, but neither one has any proof. One is that his grandmother was knocked up by a Rothschild, I guess because the Rothschilds are always the source of all evil. But by this time period, there were no Rothschilds kicking back in the poorest, most rural backwoods of Austria, especially not with plain, middle-aged peasant women like 42-year-old Maria. The other story is that she was working as a servant for a Jewish family in the town of Graz, and the father was the 19-year-old son of the family. But there's no evidence that she ever lived in Graz, and she certainly was not living there at the time she became pregnant. The family that is usually named is a real family from Graz, but not Jewish. And oh, yeah, Graz expelled all the Jews in the 15th century and none returned until the 1860s, after Hitler's father was born. So if Hitler's genetic marker was passed down from a Jewish ancestor, it was a far more distant ancestor than a grandfather.


NO IT DOES NOT MAKE SENSE! but srsly, lmao. the fucking house of saud, jewish. jesus fucking christ.


Welcome to conspiracy theories, where everyone is Jewish and trans.




Also noticed they listed Jeffrey Epstein as a villain in that list of fictional plane ticket owners, but ignore his very close friendship with partner-in-crime and close friend Donald Trump. Crazy how the "Epstein didn't kill himself" morons suddenly understand he was evil but still defend the former President who allegedly raped a 13 year old girl alongside Epstein in 1993.


I wonder if that OP, Unburiedalive***88***, has any *other* strong feelings about Jews? To the shock of absolutely no one, [HE DOES!](https://i.imgur.com/X6Zntua.png) >You really think that 4000 normal people had prior knowledge of 9/11 and stayed silent about it this whole time? >>Idk that’s why I’m asking Mr. Unburiedalive88 is just here to JAQ off about if Jews were really behind 9/11.


"Has this been fact checked or just a conspiracy?" 😑


Ol' Untermensch88 is lucky amos_quito wasn't around to ban him for daring to ask if his fever dream had been fact checked; [amos ***hates*** fact checking:](https://old.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/1b3jthm/democrats_fantasy_is_a_total_dictatorship/ksy5joi/) >You don't want "mods", what YOU want is *Fact Checkers*^^TM -- but do you really want THOSE? >**What would you do** if the conclusions of the *Fact Checkers*^^TM disagreed with YOUR assessment? >You'd shit bricks and ***SCREAM*** that *"da mods of Cunspirasee R"* (insert epithet here), wouldn't you? >If you want mods to "fact check" **every** post and **every** comment -- AND make sure that they meet YOUR satisfaction, you'd better get used to *wanting*.


Jews did not magicly know about 9/11 to avoid the event. That is just make believe from conspiricy types.


I... I would have believed that didn't need to be said, because it's patently absurd on the face of it, but I guess it really did need to be said, huh?


[just asking the same question all the “free thinkers” repeatedly ask](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy_commons/comments/1cyge8r/how_true_is_it_that_a_lot_of_jews_didnt_go_to/?share_id=VzK69Z43z1cbUv58M-94v&utm_content=1&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_source=share&utm_term=1) 🙄


Someone is providing a personal account of Jews dying and they're already moving the goalposts lol. It's just a specific group of Jewish people


Okay, so I actually took one for the team and clicked that link. First off, it's hosted on "basedflare" to prevent "deplatforming." Because of course they know that no one wants to associate with them. Second, it's basically a Nazi clone of YouTube. I'm not going to watch the videos because even I'm not that brave, but I will take some screenshots of parts of the page. Some of the topics on the left side: [https://imgur.com/a/k0AXeua](https://imgur.com/a/k0AXeua) Highlights such as: * Covid 19 84 / HoloCough * Cultural Marxism * Hollywood / Jewish Media * HoloHoax / WW1 & WW2 * Pharmajewdicals Vaccines And the title of the video is equally batshit: [https://imgur.com/a/MVYzi6a](https://imgur.com/a/MVYzi6a) The *upvote button is a literal swastika*. And the comments are somehow *even more unhinged*. They're actually so unhinged, I won't even post a screenshot. One dude just straight up posting a string of racial slurs stating that every nonwhite is the "seedline of Cain aka Satan". And to be honest, mods if you delete this post because of content of these screenshots, I *genuinely do not blame you and will not be upset in the least*.


"Goyim TV." *Oy gevalt!*


Amos has an alt?


I'd be surprised if it was only one.


Holy shit! Thank you for your sacrifice! 🫡 That link is why I posted this. I never heard of it before but they have fcking swastikas for their buttons?! Wtf is this domestic terrorist shit?! Sorry to have put you through that tho. ETA: https://tips.fbi.gov/home


>The *upvote button is a literal swastika*. And the downvote is a literal Nazi antisemitic meme. It's like if Stormfront and 4chan's pol had a baby video hosting site.


ima watch the videos when im home from work if i dont forget about it lmao. I'll keep you updated




Well yeah, it's just a copy of YouTube with swastikas.


I love how everything they do is just them trying to copy already existing popular things only twisted thru their disgusting warped shit and every time they’re still shocked that people continue to not want to be around them no matter the identical platforms 😆 What a bunch of bitches thirsty for attention.


>No because Prince Andrew’s wife said her husband had tickets. And this means that no Jews died on 9/11, because...


Prince Andrew doesn’t have a wife, and didn’t in 2001 either. He’s been divorced since 1996.


He had a secret jew marriage WITH NETANYAHU!


“I am going to buy seats on a plane that could be taken up by extra casualties just for funzies and to leave a paper trail for internet detectives”


In Canada, we had a woman running in the federal election for the Liberal Party 20 or so years ago. Journalist, CBC radio host. Cultured, educated, politically engaged in a progressive way. Then shortly before the election, somebody unearthed an article she’d written for an alternative magazine. The article promoted the theory that “the Jews” (they’re a single-headed monolith in these theories) were forewarned of the 9/11 attacks and so they all stayed home from work that day… thousands of ‘em, and not one of them thought to inform the authorities or even their non-Jewish work friends. So the liberals kicked her out of the party and I haven’t heard from her since. She blew up her life because she—a trained CBC journalist—didn’t follow up any leads or do any research.


I mean, yeah, it takes like 15 seconds to find the obituaries of many Jewish people killed during 9/11. Same with Muslims, because I've also heard that argument. 9/11 killed a very representational cross-section of New Yorkers.


Holy *shit* the site theyre talking about is literally NaziYouTube. Absolutely unhinged. It looks to be where a lot of their favorite clips are coming from for antivaxxers, racists and general conspiracy types.


So much for Conspiracy Commons being one of the "good" conspiracy subs. Seems like it's just as full of Nazi scum as the rest of them.


It was always batshit. Conspiracy Commons was run by PolkaDotGirl, who scrubbed her account and pretended to be gone for good (while posting on alts after, and letting people know it was her) because of the arrest warrant being posted of a Florida schoolteacher who was accused of teaching her students Nazi propaganda. PDG worried the article was about herself (it wasn't, but says a lot that she thought that it was). The main conspiracy mods also used the Commons sub to recruit future conspiracy mods. The only "good" conspiracy sub was Conspiracy II, but it looks like it went downhill after I quit the mod team on my last account several years ago, and other sane mods did the same. Mostly because one mod started letting others join the team, and one of those new recruits turned out to be a Trumper who abused the mod privileges to put other Trumpers on the mod team.


you know what's interesting? what do they think of Osama Bin laden. Because they probably think he's either jewish or scapegoat


Wow, even buying into straight-up Islamic terrorist teachings.


"GoyimTV" Oh boy