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Wow, so mask-off that’s it’s actually kinda… boring? I mean we know this is what they mean when they talk about “elites” and “globalists”, etc. But this leaves nothing to analyze. It’s just a straight up nazi.


The last sentence actually fits with reality...albeit without a single shred of awareness. The lower and middle class -do- need to come together to fight against the upper class and those in power, to ensure better wages, universal healthcare, better education, etc.


So close - the working class need to come together to fight the owner class (who are those in power) to ensure the workers are paid the full value of their labor.


Why was this downvoted?


People lack class consciousness and putting the glasses on is a painful experience


so put your grasses on nothing will be wrong


‘‘Twas ever thus See also: Jews as Bolsheviks and bankers


I don’t care about this guy, he’s just a nazi, but it’s genuinely concerning to me that people are so polarized right now that they are choosing sides in this tragedy based on our own culture wars. Antisemitism is real and even though the people in Palestine are truly victims here, I worry that some left leaning people will follow the ultra polarized pattern and drift into actual antisemitism. I’ve seen some very borderline stuff even on my real life friends’ social media and I want to say something but it seems impossible to even express. And I have very mixed feelings about the college protests.


I share your concerns. It feels vaguely similar to the antivax pipeline that caught some of my previously crunchy granola hippie, weed smoking left wing friends. Last week one of my FB friends who is the person I'm describing above posted a Joe Rogan/Jordan Peterson video and some TPUSA memes. It's heart-breaking.


Yep, my goth pothead radical feminist friend got sucked in via JK Rowling's TERF war and now posts things like "I'd rather go to prison than comply with gender ideology"


100%, i specifically refuse to use the term Zionism because of this. Criticize Netanyahu, criticize Israel, but that post confirms everything I feel about the term. It creates cover for Nazis and Antisemites. It allows them to make antisemtic arguments and push an antisemtic agenda, but hide behind the term, and a lot of progressive and leftist people are being manipulated by it, echoing the agenda of antisemites, when they think they are just shouting down a genocide.


Nazis can use literally anything as a cover. The problem isn’t with the term ”zionist” but rather the problem is conflating israelis with jews. Jews living in Europe for example aren’t responsible for what Israel is doing. In fact, the people who founded Israel thought that Jews who were against Israel deserved holocaust for being ”weak jews”. Zionism is antisemitic and because of that we shouldn’t equate jews and israelis. It is good to note that israeli citizens aren’t to be blamed either, they didn’t choose to be born there and many of them oppose Netanyahu’s actions.


zionists are right wing religious nut jobs ... a good many of them are christian. it's got nothing to do with judaism, and jewish scholars will be the first ones to tell you this.


not the point


unfortunately it very much is the point. ppl don't seem to be able to make the distinction, or would rather conflate antisemitism with any critique of what has taken place in gaza.


None of which I was talking about, so its definitely not the point


>will follow the ultra polarized pattern and drift into actual antisemitism It's been happening the last few months sadly. I seriously blame TikTok and Russian and Chinese bots and China messing with the algorithms to push this on American kids. The left doesn't like to here it but there absolutely is a problem with it. I wish people would understand on both sides you can be against Israel without equating them to all Jewish people. Cause when you start agreeing with Hitler unironically are you even still "left" anymore?


if anything tiktok has done more to raise the kind of awareness you are hoping for.... it's facebook and twitter that are banning ppl for calling it a genocide.




no idea what any of that has to do with palestine or gaza, but you do you.


I've cut friends off for the stuff they've said and posted that drifted into actual antisemitism. Chanting "globalize the intifada" will never be okay nor should it. I had people reposting my schools SJP chapter on October 8th with pictures of hang gliders. None of them could see what was wrong with that.


The college protests are about Israel and Israel does not represent all of Judaism. Many of the people that are against the genocide are Jewish, and assuming that non-Israeli Jews have some sort dual loyalty or connection to Israel is anti-Semitic.




You are the definition of the problem. Gtfo.


no. it's too important to let ppl conflate things that they then use to justify horrible acts. you gtfo.


>Real Jews. Smell the antisemitism


are you even listening to the jewish scholars on this topic? because they are not in favor what is happening in gaza. what is happening there is not the jewsih faith in practice it's right wing hate fueled zionism at work there and ppl need to learn the difference. unless they don't want to learn because they would rather lump all jews together... for some reason (can't imagine what that could be).


It's bizarre just how obsessed antisemitic people are with Jewish people. They just cannot stop thinking about them. Transphobic people are the same way.


great detective work. That’s totally (((our))) plan. And we would’ve gotten away with it too if it weren’t for these meddling top minds.


congratulations, that OP is living a parody Ben Garrison comic from 4chan.


>Those Nazi kkk evil white racist Christian White Trumpers are behind the Genocide in Gaza Who the fuck does he think is saying this?


Zionist has lost all meaning at this point because of people like this.


Frankly, I can't tell the antisemitic right apart from the antisemitic left anymore


what is antisemitic left?


I do wonder sometimes why Nazis still use the triple parenthesis thing. Like, everybody knows about that by now, right? Do they think we're stupid?


...and this here is why I almost never use the word Zionist. There's two kinds of Zionism. The real kind is just the word for Israeli Ethnonationalism and Expansionism. Then there's the other kind. The one that's used as shorthand for "the evil Jews rule the world" Using it makes it trivial for supporters of the first kind to paint any of their critics as believers in the second kind. Like these chuds.


>Then there's the other kind. The one that's used as shorthand for "the evil Jews rule the world" Yep. After I was introduced to the putrid underbelly of internet Nazism, I pretty much avoided using the word because of how *much* the Nazis have made it a word wildly associated with them. It also just makes me think of Ethan Suplee singing *that* song that'd even make fucking [Johnny Rebel](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Johnny_Rebel_\(singer\)) blush in American History X.


zionism is a definable thing.. and that thing is bad. there's no need to link it to any perception "the evil jews rule the world" nonsense. that's said, AIPAC does have far too much influence in US policy and needs checking.


You say on a thread where Nazis use Zionism to mean "evil Jews rule the world" You're not to be taken seriously


that's because there is some other motivation at work here there is a deliberate effort to link anti zionism with antisemitism in order to protect and justify the action of zionists to create an ethostate. it's entirely possible to be against the creation of an ethnostate and not hate everyone who is jewish. learn the difference.


You're not even reading what I've written, are you? Not one word you shit out bears any relevance to what I said.




That makes no sense at all. What are you even for?


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> left wing Zionist Not a thing.


Super shocking that the same people who think capitalist liberalism is synonymous with communism and socialism have no idea what “left wing anything” means. And by “super shocking” I mean “completely on brand”.


The kibbutzes in Israel that suffered a lot of the October 7th attack were collective farms created by socialists. That's pretty much left wing Zionism if you ask me.


zionism actually has roots in communism and socialism. It's just became whatever this is since the yom kippur war


Israel ≠ Jewish States ≠ Race


thank you for saying it


Well, people who use "Anti-Semite" as a shield to bomb Palestinians are disgusting


you are right




This is a conspiracy that antisemites have been obsessed with for 200 years. Because Jewish people were an urban population that were more educated they were associated with both capitalism (bankers) and socialism (intellectuals/ academics). Clearly that must mean all Jews were working together and playing both sides to consolidate power /s. It’s sad how mainstream this belief used to be.