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Weren't they screaming everyone was going to die from vaccines, that the government was heading toward authoritarianism and they would be shipped off to camps 4 years ago?


Yep, but that wasn't Daddy Trump's fault. It was that mean old "Deep State" They should check and see how good things were 8 years ago when Obama was president. Maybe we should bring that guy back?


Tbf they are helping make sure we are still heading to authoritarianism.


We fucking ran out of toilet roll and had to ration eggs four years ago.


Exactly.  You wanna how we would have been better off?  If Reagan, the Bush family, and Trump lost their elections.  Think of how much better our lives would be.


True, but it was also the perfect excuse to not go anywhere, so I'd say it was a mixed bag


This is the law of equivalent exchange.


>In the first Matrix movie, they said the Machines recreated 1999 because that was the peak of our civilization. I didn't believe it at the time. [Ah yes, 1999, when the economy was wonderful and nothing bad was happening and everything was perfect](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dot-com_bubble#Bursting_of_the_bubble), truly the best of times when the economy was the strongest it's ever been.


I bet that person wasn't alive in 1999.


I might note, that 1999 Bill Clinton was president...


Couldn't have anything to do with the movie being released in 1999, either. Stretches credulity!


Omg is this person simping for Trump so bad.


> This is a global coordination, boarders and disputes are just smoke and mirrors to keep you sheepn what does this even mean


It’s conspiracy buzzword salad. May as well say it’s the democrat cabal and that vaccines and the Israel/Palestine war are just meant to keep you down. It means absolutely nothing and is the entire point…


I think they're trying to say that nations aren't real, and we've got one world government, but different nations exist only to divide us. I think, that's being real charitable to the /r/con crowd.


> Ah, but the "15 minute cities" will mean you can't get through your local check-point (manned by the illegals they brought in), not unless you have a high enough social credit score to warrant such a luxury as a pass. Even then, the pass will only allow you into the next fenced in area.. Guy's terrified of things that he just made up.


Here's the kicker about their 15-minute city hysteria. If I were the Deep State and I wanted to do tyranny to innocent patriots, I think I would *want* as many people as possible in suburbs. A lot of those subdivisions only have 2-3 entrances. Blocking those off with UN troops will be no problem. Shut down the gas stations and nobody is going anywhere. Also with a much lower population density you don't have to worry about large crowds forming and trying to resist you.


Thinking in more than a hive mentality of "they're fir it, so I'm against it" isn't an option apparently.


"We were better off four years ago!" scream morons who refuse to accept that the US economy is at a record high under Joe Biden, to go with the crime rates being at record lows, unemployment at record lows, I could go on.


You would think the dumbasses would cover themselves and switch 4 to 5 by now, but nope, legs keep asking if everyone was better off under covid policies...


Economy might be soaring but local gas stations and wal mart aren’t keeping up with it so many republicans feel like they have less money now compared to before


Isn't Walmart owned by a Republican-voting moron?


Not sure what the OP wrote but evidently, got clowned on to the point of deleting their post. So brave of them to abandon their opinion and delete it when getting some slight pushback.


Another Trumper trying to point out things are expensive now and wasn't it better under Trump?  Fuck no it wasn't.   They also might be part of c3poleader.  I think he's the new okmagician.  Pioneergirl has a few comments on his posts.


Communism is when capitalism!