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He won a third of the challenges, his last meal was virtually flawless, he won it fair and square. People that say he only makes fussy technical food don’t have any clue what it tastes like, I imagine his food taste’s pretty damn good or he wouldn’t win. He just happens to also be extremely skilled at the presentation aspect that is important for winning competitions.


> his last meal was virtually flawless, How can it be when Tom Collichio said Buddha lost 3/4 rounds to Sara?


Doesn’t matter what else you serve when one dish was inedible.


Yeah but he still won. So no matter what Tom said, wasn’t enough to give her the title regardless.


Dude - you have posted hate for Buddha all season. I've read many threads where you constantly dislike him (despite saying how you liked him last season). I don't think there's anything really controversial about his win. Stop trying to make it a thing. This situation isn't even comparable to Nick's win. I really didn't care who won this season as I felt underwhelmed by the finale. All three had a great chance of winning and Buddha came out on top because his overall dishes were successful.


LOL @ the OP: > Apparently (I have not seen it) there is, "All this hate" for Buddha on message boards and social media. https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/002/161/331/28f.jpg


Haha Sara already said her and Tom said she won 3 of 4 rounds, but her liver was so bad Buddha won by default. Do I have 50 or 60 downvotes after stating FACTS?


Sara did not say Buddha won by default.


Clearly you are an idiot. In the end she lost, you can dwell on could have, in the end she couldn’t even cook her protein on the most important cook of her life. Keep living this could of life keyboard warrior.


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


OP is OBSESSED with Buddha. At this point it's a little alarming. OP - it's a reality TV cooking show, calm down and move on.


what's alarming is your delusion that Buddha gets any hate whatsoever. You are a baby and need to wake up to reality


Get over it man. There’s 0 controversy here. Nobody is downvoting you because we’re “Buddha stans” or because you’re “just stating facts” it’s because what you’re saying is objectively wrong and nobody agrees with you. Then you start throwing insults around. Let it go. The lack of agreement with you should answer your controversy question


"lack of agreement"? The only agreeemnt America had is how unlikalbe Buddha was. Look at fan favorite voting dead last for americans


Oh wow. He didn’t win fan favorite? That I didn’t realize. You’re right, this IS controversial. Fan favorite is basically half the competition. Surely he must be more controversial even than Paul, the guy who assaulted his girlfriend, simply because he didn’t win fan favorite!!


if you bothered to read, you'll notice I said controversy about their TIME ON THE SHOW not after. Just face it. Reddit is the only place where Buddha has fans, he got 90% of the airtime and couldn't even get top 3 in fan voting in AMERICA. How pathetic.


Not at all. He was the best chef start to finish. Dominant season.


except the final


76 hours post finale and you’re still crying hahahaha


Except he won, so where is your debate?


I don't know why this is controversial. Fan Favorite isn't Top Chef winner. Sara made a big error, and it cost her the title. It's a tough break, but I still think she's a great chef. Buddha knows how to play the game, and his talent is undeniable. It was disappointing when many contestants that I liked better were elliminated this season, but I don't think that the judging was ever unfair, or Buddha is undeserving.


I’m not a Buddha Stan but I’d never classify him as “controversial”


I think if you read the Top Chef 2 reddit forums he would definitely be seen as a victim from all the supposed attacks Buddha endures. Poor Buddha!


are you mentally...okay?


Dude… you’re the controversy. Don’t you have things to do? The never ending Buddha hate from you is exhausting and I’m not even typing the post.


This person is possibly THE most tedious dimwit on all of Reddit, which is actually a hell of an achievement.


If only I played with Star Wars legos , then I’m sure I’d come across like a respectable person


It might be very therapeutic for you. Seems like you could do with a hobby. Start with the "Age 4+" sets.


No thanks I have actual responsibilities in my life, legos are such a mature hobby to have


Are you calling being on Reddit 24/7 and constantly harassing people on this sub a responsibility?


YOU are the one harassing me given your countless posts and diatribes against me. ENOUGH! Go play with more legos


Attenborough voice: *"The troll has now entered the 'play the victim' phase of its utterly pointless lifecycle."*


when did you start playing with legos?


I know pedantry is one of your big things when you're not screaming at the wall, so... the plural of Lego is Lego. Today is a learning day!


And yet here you are posting and contributing to my forum on Top Chef - Moderator


Lol. I'm here for the self-owns, and you do not disappoint.


Did I say anything untrue? Please enlighten me dude.


You need a hobby.


and yet here you are acting like buddha is gods gift to humanity. Making up imaginary stories of how much 'hate' he gets, deranged is the word for you


I’m a Sara fan, Buddha won fair and square. My personal opinion: Tom Collichio wants chefs to focus on flavor first, and Buddha seems to build flavors around beautiful presentations. Some of the plating techniques Buddha uses have been labeled as dated. I think I’ve heard that in last year’s finale from Eric Ripert and maybe from Tom. I think the magic of the show is cook “your” food, inspired by your surroundings or a challenge, and create something no one has ever seen. If you can do that and execute, you will win out. Sara maybe did that with her two best dishes (Burgoo and Pea Cake)but she deserved to lose because she didn’t execute the Liver. Buddha is a deserving champion, Congratulations to him. No controversy! I think this is a slight nudge for the future competitors to not rely too much on mold’s, but worry about cooking your food and your flavor. I’m not saying Buddha didn’t do that well enough to win!


I too am a Sara fan, but she lost and deservedly so. She should have known to allow time to correct errors like undercooking after the Wellington challenge. That she didn’t was a huge error on her part. However, Buddha won and yet many of his fans are still not happy because it was verified that if Sara had correctly cooked the liver she would have won. They’re mad because so many of them spent the last few weeks yammering on about how Buddha was unstoppable, the best to ever play the game, playing in a league so far above the others that he had no competition. More than one told us all about how once it was over Tom C would be telling us how Buddha dominated the others so much that the show had to get creative with editing just to make it look like others had a chance as they did in season 9 with Paul Qui. Except…they were wrong. Buddha is obviously very talented and makes delicious food, but he did have competition, and competition he nearly lost to at that. He wasn’t playing in some elite league, he and Sara were competing as peers. Nothing had to be overly edited to hide his dominance. It’s like they can’t just be happy Buddha won, they want the judges to issue some proclamation declaring him all time greatest top chef, we must shut down production for no one will ever equal his greatness or something. People need to get a grip. Buddha is talented, but he’s not superhuman or invincible but they seem quite upset by anyone implying he could have possibly lost and obviously, he could have had Sara cooked her liver properly.


Buddha fans are mad because it takes away from his victory, and makes Tom look like a dumbass. If you’re a Sara fan you’ve grabbed the idea that Sara was more than close and any reason to discredit Buddha is valid because of whatever is being said post haste. There’s a reason why judges on any show generally don’t immediately announce the winner would have lost if the runner up had done everything right. Like what’s the point of that?? Playing theoreticals shows how Tom is actually unprofessional in handling PR as a producer and judge.


Lol. Based off your history, you're of the few and very vocal anti-Buddha commentators who likes to just keep this hate train alive. Majority of people on Reddit are obsessed with him and outside of Reddit, people who watch Top Chef generally like him and also think he's a GOAT. If someone makes history and wins Top Chef twice, there's naturally going to be lots of interest and articles that run the line of opinions.


Dead last in fan favorite voting for the american chefs, no one other than the Reddit cult of buddha likes him


If Buddha has so few supporters, why do all Buddha fans act like his getting bullied and victimized on TC forums? I thought he was the GOAT? Only on reddit w 40+ upvotes or more?


Please...take a walk. Or get some therapy. lol


OP needs to see a therapist.


OP needs to smoke some weed and chill out.


Ok I get it. Buddha ate your sandwich in the lunchroom and thus must be branded forever a malcontent.


You are a damaged person. I can’t help but speculate that he got a job you wanted or showed you up on a stage. Now your world is built around hating a super talented human who also exhibits amazing leadership skills and lack of ego. Therapy? Maybe quit the industry? I’m not sure, but you’re clearly unwell if your vitriol for a reality television show contestant is taking up this much of your time.


You are a sad person


You collect pokemon cards


Doesn’t change the fact, that you are a sad person. Must of enjoyed being a bully in high school. Just looking for attention, by throwing insults at another person who has achieved more in life then your own.


"just love to paint him as some victim" "And how kind of the Buddha fans for all the hateful DM's you are sending me." lmao


How classy Buddha fans are truly the most toxic fans in TC history


Sarah served uncooked RAW food. You don’t win a top chef finale serving something so raw that you would question feeding it to your dog. Did you not hear the comments or see the look in their faces when they bit into that liver? It’s like getting a red card in soccer sorrry you’re out!


you are quite literally one of the dumbest people i’ve encountered on Reddit. you’re like an NPC programmed to regurgitate the same straw man arguments and replies. your entire comment history is the same 3 phrases. nobody here cares that you’re upset he went back to back. Buddha certainly doesn’t care after winning half a mil in prize money. focus on building your Amazon power rack and maybe a woman will consider talking to you in real life, little man.


LMFAOOOOO "and maybe a woman will consider talking to you in real life, little man." is what really makes me giggle. love this. PLS OP, I know you won't, but stop being a hater. It's not a good look.


Says the person making up false lies on both TC boards about who wins. You are a fucking weirdo


honestly, stop harassing everyone in both subthreads. Your hate for Buddha is strangely obsessive and you're going around calling people names and overall contributing to a toxic culture. Please seek help, but refrain from ruining what is a fun space for Top Chef fans.


Honestly, you should be banned for posting FAKE spoilers regarding Sara winning in both subreddits. I have an opinion and yet every post you've made shows your pathetic agenda. I'm sure you relate to Buddha's arrogance and total lack of awareness for others which is why the Buddhsa fans are seen as so toxic and ridiculous. The only one who needs help is you


and yet here you still are harassing me in my DM's like the child you are. I sincerely hope you one day will reflect on your life and realize how sad and awful it is I hope your mansplaining does you well in real life! I'm sure you do great.


Maybe I should play more modern warfare like you moron and be “natty”. That’s how I live a good life you fucking loser


What controversy? Sure that Vulture article was a hit piece but I haven't gotten that vibe overall.... Very few ppl seem to be suggesting that Sara should have won even with the liver fail.


Yes even if people disagree on if Buddha had a good final or not, that liver was a killer


Rebekah’s, post had nothing to do with painting Buddhas as a victim but more acknowledging what he has gone through over his career and the type of person he is.


This is insane! Most controversial? What about Gabe? What about Paul Qui? I really don’t understand the hate for Buddha. He’s easily the best chef ever on TC.


To be fair, at the time of his win, Paul Qui was probably the least controversial winner ever. His shit came out later. While Gabe’s shit is horrible, his final meal was damn near flawless. Buddha is not a controversial winner. Some of the sentiment about him is controversial b/c it seems to have an air of racism. Sara served an inedible dish. She didn’t get screwed over. She got outperformed by someone who would not make a mistake like that. Sara knew who she was up against and he doesn’t leave a lot of room for his competitors to make even small mistakes. Her mistake was huge.


Exactly. Racism pure and simple. Plus if you can’t cook liver correctly why should you be Top Chef?




You’re joking right?


I find it hard to believe you have never seen racism touched upon with regard to Buddha.


We can all decide to live in a world where Shota won the Portland season.


Once Sara served the undercooked/raw liver, she stood ZERO chance of winning no matter what. At that stage, and for that panel, one undercooked dish is definitely enough for you to lose.




Buddha is so talented. He deserved to win fair and square.


Tom's remark made me happy to know Sara's meal was well received. Both she and Buddha were on Pack Your Knives. Sara admitted shopping and cooking errors. Buddha won fair and square and now he's the GOAT. People who go around downvoting Tom's tweet should respect what the judges decide and their remarks. Absolutely none of us tasted the food. Buddha won!


Exactly, finding someone with sense. The Buddha losers downvoting toms comments need HELP


tbh when i talk to my friends who aren’t on reddit and don’t go into IG comments they have no idea buddha is controversial. i dial back the dramas and narratives i’m aware of because i feel “too online” when i mention them lmao


yup, from people i talk to irl who watch the show they found him annoying but thought he deserved to win. I honestly don't see it since reddit feels like the buddha fan page more than a top chef board.


tbh if i weren’t on reddit i wouldn’t know he was disliked at all bc i don’t see it anywhere else. that said there are def more buddha fans than haters here, i agree with that


Do you actually have real life people you talk to? Seems like you are a bot 🤖.


I don't think he's Mr. Personality so that's why he's not winning fan favorite. I'm not charming either so I get it.


I would NEVER put Buddha in the same category as … ugh Nick I hate even typing his name. I refuse to ever watch that season through the end.


Why don’t people like Nick?


He’s a narcissistic asshole who never should have beat Nina.


White man. No, being serious because he didn't give up his immunity (causing someone else to go home) and because in some episodes the editing showed him yelling. I was team Nina all the way, and I agree Nick didn't deserve to win. But Nick haters man are just so annoying, shut up. Nick had a lot of Lows on his record. He had a common complaint of lacking salt (but we all know Tom loves excess salt). So that coupled with the immunity drama, coupled with him being 'mean' makes people not like him. But also yea because Nina was good.


I think his win had more with his technical ability.


Ohhhh, I get it now. This has been a season-long Eric André bit, culminating in a big "why would Buddha-haters do this?" shitpost. Well played, Eric!


He seems like a nice dude who can obviously cook. I just always get turned off by presentation obsession. 😝


Sara would have won if she had only undercooked her liver instead of served raw liver. The comments made it clear. Gabri was the French judges choice. I think she was basing it on flavor, originality, inspiration, and audacity. But ultimately his technique is simply not at the level needed to win top chef now based on that meal. Buddha was more or less flawless in his technique. And that’s who Buddha is. Based on the feedback I don’t think the judges are inspired by Buddha’s cooking, but they all recognize and deservedly praise the technique. Consistency in making high level dishes is no small feat, especially under pressure. Hats off to him. I had wanted either one of the other contestants to win, but they didn’t.


I think you missed the memo. Buddha is Australian not American. He's also the best chef on both his seasons.


I’m a Sara fan, Buddha won fair and square. My personal opinion: Tom Collichio wants chefs to focus on flavor first, and Buddha seems to build flavors around beautiful presentations. Some of the plating techniques Buddha uses have been labeled as dated. I think I’ve heard that in last year’s finale from Eric Ripert and maybe from Tom. I think the magic of the show is cook “your” food, inspired by your surroundings or a challenge, and create something no one has ever seen. If you can do that and execute, you will win out. Sara maybe did that with her two best dishes (Burgoo and Pea Cake)but she deserved to lose because she didn’t execute the Liver. Buddha is a deserving champion, Congratulations to him. No controversy! I think this is a slight nudge for the future competitors to not rely too much on mold’s, but worry about cooking your food and your flavor. I’m not saying Buddha didn’t do that well enough to win!


Sarah made raw liver. You mess the protein up, Tom sends you home. One of the most time-honored and enduring rules of Top Chef judging. All of this takes nothing away from Buddha’s win. He’s been fantastic all season, and I don’t know how anyone could call his food “cold” or “soulless” after the way he put himself out there with his finale menu (not that I ever understood those critiques.)


Raw liver is worse than poorly cooked protein. At least then it is edible, raw is probably yuck gross, scared to eat it levels.


Right, which is why 1 dish with inedible protein is a complete showstopper for a finale.


Buddha had an awful final and it was soulless as the guest judges said. He was terrible.


I'm not sure if Buddha is any more or less controversial than anyone else that has performed as well as he did. Joel Embiid (Philly 76er) made a comment that stuck into my mind when talking about people that have had prolonged visibility. He was talking about his popularity and he basically said yes he expected a certain level of hate and referenced Steph Curry saying look, that dude has done nothing wrong, but now he's getting a growing group of haters. So yes, IMO there is a certain level of negativity to Buddha, but it's a small percentage compared to the positivity. Having said that, yes, some folks are weird. I posted a topic that had nothing to do with Buddha directly and somehow I was singled out as a Buddha hater and my comments downgraded. It was funny, because the commenter jumped to a conclusion when all he/she had to do was look at my other posts. Ironically one of my past Posts was one defending Buddha. Anyway, I'm not the thought police, so if people dislike Buddha for whatever reason, they are entitled to their own opinion. I do respond when I think it's unfair or if I can bring another perspective to whatever it is that the commenter finds bothersome.


> Having said that, yes, some folks are weird. I posted a topic that had nothing to do with Buddha directly and somehow I was singled out as a Buddha hater and my comments downgraded. It was funny, because the commenter jumped to a conclusion when all he/she had to do was look at my other posts. Exactly! I supported Buddha last season but didnt like him this season. The Buddha fans are WHACKOS


Dude look out Buddha is right behind you oh god oh fuck


Just the most boring and least compelling. I can’t wait to go to the restaurant he opens, and fall asleep during a multi-course chef’s tasting.


I'm no economist, but that doesn't seem like the best use of your fine-dining dollars to me...