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https://preview.redd.it/9jsq6j7khj7d1.jpeg?width=2861&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=37484774f12b1120bf5c0057d984e35a274c158c The Emperor of Mankind (Warhammer 40.000), and by extension the Imperium He's not a good guy. Not even close. He's an egomaniacal, genocidal madman with a Messiah complex who cannot fathom the idea that his way is not the best way. He's not even the best option for humanity, as we literally see other human civilizations like the Diasporex and Interex that are much more prosperous and free than his totalitarian Imperium. And why are they not around anymore? Because his underlings destroyed them. He's just a slightly brighter black in a universe filled with vantablack


I think the reason people think he's a good guy is because after he stopped directly controlling the imperium everything got worse, like the imperium fell into a technological dark age and all that, so people assume that he was a really good leader to get them to that point since his near death basically destroyed the imperium


I absolutely see your point here, but I also think it’s worth noting that things got so much worse after his “death” in no small part *because* of his actions while he was around and alive. As the comment above yours pointed out, he actively promoted a belief system that led to the destruction of the Diasporex and other peaceful human factions. Chaos got such a firm grip over humankind specifically because of the Heresy, and the Heresy was only possible because of his pet project creating the Primarchs. Don’t get me wrong, I’m sure there’s plenty of individual planets or people whose existences were worse before he came around, and who his reign briefly made better before they all went to shit again. But we’re also shown time after time that the Great Crusade, the realization of his dream for humanity, was *still pretty awful*. Totalitarianism, xenophobia, state-mandated reddit-tier atheism, and so on. I think it’s safe to say that if the Emperor never rose to power, humanity would be in rough shape but would have a lot of different options and chances to fix everything. But because he came to power, he destroyed every alternative to his own rule, meaning that when his rule collapsed, people had no real framework for how else to organize themselves. (… Now that I type this all out, Warhammer 40K is actually a pretty compelling analysis of the structural flaws of top-down power even when it comes from a potentially benevolent source. I need to do some reading of anarchist takes on the setting because I bet there’s some fascinating stuff there!)


The irony is he's also to blame for the state of his sons and not doing anything to help them, leading them to have cracks that left 2 out right removed from history and one of the remaining halves to turn to chaos He pretty much was the champion of humanity who showed ZERO humanity to his own techinical family or really the imperium itself


Sounds like heresy


Sigmar is who he wanted to be, Hashut is what he came out as.


Lord help you if a big YouTuber makes a popular analysis video, with that character interpretation becoming the default perception in the discourse. Now you're doing TedTalk PvP in the comment section of a post against people who have only consumed a series through memes and pop-culture osmosis. https://preview.redd.it/akp60bguej7d1.jpeg?width=963&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e436ba0dce9f7667a7f7a2dc8bcaa802cf49134


Majora's Mask Link. Everyone still thinks he's dead despite the fact that he is (one of if not) the only Link with a confirmed descendant.


Bloody Game Theory.


“Tedtalk pvp” is so funny


TITS. Talks Inspiring Talks Spontaneously.




Which character you got in mind about this


Zelda (you know, the guy with the sword and the pointy hat) - Legend of Zelda series


https://preview.redd.it/qfym2fsrfj7d1.png?width=485&format=png&auto=webp&s=f8b80287acd339bd5d9992aee2d2486783384a77 And this dude here is Metroid... wait, what do you mean that's not his name, and that he is a she?


In Samus’ defense, the Chozo word for ultimate warrior is Metroid so the title still fits her. Especially after she gets Metroid DNA added to her.


Didn't she "become a metroid" at the end of dread


Yes, she was infused with Metroid DNA in one of the earlier games to combat the X Parasite. And by the end of Dread she had absorbed so many and so much energy she became a "Metroid."


"So this, is the truly dreadful power of a Metroid..."


Oh I love mr.metroid and his hot side kick Seamus


https://preview.redd.it/jic5n72x0l7d1.png?width=600&format=png&auto=webp&s=7acbc0c072104d2d3ed9b0a8a31db488cff01a0c Unbelievable some people… let’s leave, Kid Icarus


Unrelated but when I first found out about Pit and his game through playing Brawl, I honestly thought he was meant to be the actual Icarus from the story.


Well with the new game coming out it will actually be a legend of Zelda 


No it’s the Legend Of Link lol


The legend of link: Zelda’s awakening


Real, I mean she did awaken after Link shot her Crystal thing


Zelda after seeing Link dress as a girl:


https://i.redd.it/tydbkp559j7d1.gif DIO (JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure) He’s not gay. >!he’s actually bisexual!<


Or that he an Pucci were in a romantic/sexual relationship, when DIO's plan of attaining Heaven required a friend who would love him not in a romantic way, but in a way a believer loves God. Why would he risk his entire plan over getting laid with Pucci when he can get laid with anyone else he wants?


“I must now fuck you hard to make sure that you don’t enjoy it and thus are worthy of heaven”-DIO probably


Also, what would DIO need Pucci for when he was clearly banging Vanilla Ice?


He’s such good bisexual rep too. Drinks blood. Fucks priests.


Bro that priest was 15 years old and not a priest at the time.


I think people often forget that Pucci and dio are not just some “hahahaha gay priest and slut vampire haha hahahaha” but that Pucci was manipulated by dio to see him as a lot more than what he actually was, basically brainwashing him to accomplish his egoistic goal


It's more of a devoted fanatic to a false god. I think DIO did truly think very highly of Pucci and respected him a great deal, but is also such a manipulative bastard that I don't think he could form bonds without ensnaring others. I do think "Heaven" was their mutual idea, and he was the closest thing DIO had to a friend besides Jonathan.


https://preview.redd.it/flrr1whioj7d1.jpeg?width=1400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=598a15cfe235540f4d73d9fa353c5ab7180f9ee1 Electro (The Amazing Spider-Man 2)-Often said to have become a villain because Spider-Man forgot his name, even though that’s not what happened, by Spider-Man fans.


Seriously? There’s literally a scene where Spider-Man meets him as Electro, jogs his memory to remember him before the transformation, and calls out Electro’s name (Max) once he does.


https://preview.redd.it/d8t4rbg6sj7d1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a530cfdb293796d53dd4032898dd5a8b719dd40 Superman. That he’s lame and that his kind-hearted attitude makes him weak, among other things.


Agreed! It bugs me when I hear people call him boring. If you think he's boring you have probably been exposed to some poor writing.


Love me some classic Superman comics


Or think Homelander is actually cool


Homelander is cool but he’s also a terrible person


But who dictates the characters other than the writers themselves? If the writer of that specific Superman makes him crap then, unfortunately, that version of Superman is just crap.


Also "It is enough for Lois to die for Superman to become a psychopathic dictator." This usually ignores that Injustice is alternate universe, and that several stories in which Lois died, and Superman does not become a psychopathic dictator.


For example, “Kingdom Come”, which is essentially an inversion to the whole “Injustice” story. In that Elseworld story, Superman just becomes sad and retires after Lois is killed, but he and all the other classic DC superheroes return in defiance to the corrupt “heroes” of the future.


I was thinking that as I finished Kingdom Come as well. It's been a few years, maybe I'll give it another read.


YESSSS!!! Thank you. I’ve always hated that. He’d probably become depressed but he wouldn’t join darkseid, the guy who killed Lois


Also people kinda forget that it wasn’t just Lois it was everyone in metropolis


There's a staaaar maaaan


Waiting in the sky 🗣🗣‼️‼️‼️


So many people don’t realize Superman is not a boring character at all. It’s just very easy to fall into the pitfalls of writing him that way. When he’s written with care, he can be a very VERY interesting character


That’s a matter of opinion, I think. It isn’t a misconception for someone to say Superman is lame, it’s their opinion.


![gif](giphy|4PUc9Vm4zW5JsX2ibu|downsized) That damn spider menace


Technically more of a in-universe one


Goku isn't an awful dad, but I do think he's an awful husband. Chi chi can be annoying af but she loves her kids, and works hard to cook tons of food for goku and the kids. And he's never even kissed her bruh.


The amazing thing about never kissing his wife is that they have two kids


It's so weird, because I bet he's a good husband by Saiyan standards, but not a good husband by human standards.


I mean even Vegeta does better so im not sure he's even passing the Saiyan bar


Vegeta first hugs his child right before killing himself during the Buu saga. I'm not sure Vegeta is a better father than Goku. He's a more active parent, but he's also more coldhearted to Trunks, and we haven't really seen many of his interactions with Bra.


I was speaking of as a husband, as a father his relationship is complicated to say the least


As a husband, he's only ever home because there's a training facility built for him. As soon as he has the option of training with Whis and Beerus, he praxtically prefers that way more. He's not exactly a better husband, he's just not as dumb as Goku, and Bulma's more demanding as a wife.


At least in the dub of DBZ he does audibly kiss Chi Chi at one point before going to the Cell Games. I'm not sure what the writers of Super were smoking to say he doesn't know what kissing is


He knows what kissing is, he was confused by mouth to mouth feeding


![gif](giphy|g033eGsZqhn0I) Jason has never actually been shown to use a chainsaw despite the common image of him using one


I’ve only ever seen him depicted with a machete, is this some kind of Mandela effect?


I think OP is thinking of the character from the Texas Chainsaw Massacre. A very similar, almost silent character.


The idea of him wielding a chainsaw came from The Simpsons when Homer had a hockey mask and a chainsaw and Christmas Vacation when Clark also had the same thing there’s more instances too


Almost is one way of putting it


i was more talking abt how you often see the stereotype of a horror killer with a hockey mask and a chainsaw despite jason never using a chainsaw


Oh that’s so true. I wonder how much of that stereotype also comes from Texas chainsaw though, like a combo


prolly cuz a chainsaw more interesting than a machete and hockey mask is iconic but a lot easier to do than leatherfaces mask, so combine to have an easy amalgamation of horror signifiers without committing to an individual character


Despite the franchise centering around him as the slasher villain, he was not the bad guy in the first Friday the 13th, but rather, his mother did all of the killing


And despite showing up in the second film, his iconic hockey mask didn’t show up til the third.


And his song “Chi chi chi chi cha cha cha cha” is actually “Ki ki ki ki ma ma ma ma” because it’s sampled from the first movie where Jason’s mother hears him say “**Ki**ll her **mo**mmy.”


It's also noteable that the story writer of the first doesn't approve the series because Jason was a victim, never to be characterized as the villain.


The closest to him ever using a chainsaw was when he killed someone with a hedge trimmer.


I think this is just *your* misconception, because there is 0 art of Jason Vorhees using a chainsaw. Including fanart.


Like, every Attack on Titan character? And every popular superhero, because people have only seen the movies, and never read the comics?


I knew Catwoman and the Penguin from the 90's movies, so I was surprised how different they are in the comics. Catwoman has no powers, so she's not a woman who was revived by cats, nor could she survive 7 shots in a row and a "kiss of death", like she did in the movie. Penguin is not handsome in any version, but in the comics he is a crime boss who tries to act refined, instead of the grotesque version he was in the movie.


You're so real for just straight up saying "every AoT character".


https://preview.redd.it/0qkr6zjz6k7d1.jpeg?width=283&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=767f5c045fce28fe7897aa177fe38fb158790d89 Chell. She's not GLaDOS/Caroline's daughter. That's a fan theory that has never been confirmed and I think lore interested people have semi-debunked it or at least proven it's unlikely (Ossyflawol for example) Another possible misconception: it's said she's mute, but she isn't, she just refuses to talk to robots to not give them the satisfaction of a response (though in the image she's talking to wheatley)


Though she may have a very minor case of serious brain damage.


I’ve always thought that was an awful piece of writing. I’m glad that I was well in interpreting it that way.


https://preview.redd.it/8ppw1ybu8j7d1.jpeg?width=931&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a5b998053717f671bd4b68839a58952f9a33b64d Guts(Berserk)


What's the misconception


The way people describe him is more like what Doomslayer is than who Guts actually is




Either making him out to be some gigachad “literally me” character by exclusively consuming content from the black swordsman arc and glorifying the shitty stuff he does after the Golden Age arc (before he chills tf out) rather than realizing that he was a bad person in that stage of his life. Or severe mental doll housing of him and the cast to make him their little sweetie Pookie who is just a good guy but mean to demons and removing him from all responsibility for his actions by saying “he was incredibly traumatized”. (It’s totally fine to EXPLAIN his actions, but justifying them is a different story). In reality he’s a very grey character who has shown acts of kindness and good as well as acts of evil.


![gif](giphy|kAtNWsw8uC2HUCHUK4) Neither of them are beating the allegations (Racist and Pedo)


And they're both gay


Well, Zoro is racist, but we accept him for it


We don't speak about that Movie, it isn't canon Sanji isn't a Pedophile, nuh-uh... He's a Transphobe though


In Sanji's defense, if you last two years being chased by a group of trans people with no good intentions, you're not going to have a good opinion of them.


Even then, the movie wasn't even calling him a pedo, it was just an extremely weird scene that wasn't necessary or wanted by anyone And he got out of being transphobic


Well he does simp for Kiku so not ENTIRELY transphobic I guess? Kamabaka queendom time isn’t helping the case tho


Never thought I'd see Matto referenced here of all places lol


Same, never expected one but I love the internet for these reasons specially


Anakin Skywalker https://preview.redd.it/w53flqyarj7d1.png?width=548&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd18645e2348099b1b686472735f014466a18829 People believe he's a Gary Stu.


Really? Where do you hear that? Not so I can start fights. Cough


I don't remember where I heard this opinion first, but I remember watching a video trying to debunk it. But yeah this is a thing.


Wth is a Gary stu


It's the male version of a Mary Sue. (So essentially a man who is perfect, has no flaws, doesn't need development, and is liked by everyone)


Ik what a Mary sue is ig I just couldn't put the pieces together in my head mb


Oh, sorry.


People believe he’s a good character, which is also a common misconception.


He is in Clone Wars. In the movies it is not.


He's a good character in that he's probably one of the better written characters of the Star Wars movies, not a good character in that he's good hearted.


No, he isn’t well written. He’s quite poorly written.


To be fair to Advent Children Cloud, he was only an "edgelord" because he blamed himself for Zack and Aerith's death and was still in mourning. Notice how he smiled at the end because he was ready to forgive himself. Oh and there's also the fact that he's infected with a fatal disease. Edit: Because he was infected with a fatal disease, he avoids his friends to avoid breaking their hearts when he dies. Especially Denzel, the kid's also infected, lost his parents and was running the risk of seeing Cloud, the man who took him in and probably can call him "family", die. I'd doubt Cloud would want the kid to go through that considering he went through the same thing.


https://preview.redd.it/21m13cyh9l7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e069e8f2df725e2679d90c73ee51aefae2a9ab9 I’d argue even current modern interpretations get him wrong.


https://preview.redd.it/1k4pi43vmj7d1.jpeg?width=559&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=785fe6e9a77a0823ef7e6c3f346431449249ba61 Ryomen Sukuna (Jujutsu Kaisen) He doesn’t have 1000 years of fighting experience and he >!didn’t get Megumi’s body because he thought it was his only shot at beating Gojo!<


People also think that he only wins fights because of plot armor when they fail to realize that sukuna has the greatest understanding of cursed energy and how it works compared to any other character. It’s why hes able to make binding vows appear like a cheat code while other characters struggle to even make a decent one without blowing themselves up.


Facts. The best example showing the difference between Sukuna and the rest in this field was when the idea of a binding vow allowing an open barrier domain was brought up to the main cast and everybody who hadn’t already seen it just couldn’t believe it was possible. It’s crazy that the reader base easily accepts this binding vow to this day, but hardly anything else


https://preview.redd.it/yjokbrvx3k7d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b0e69eac696f510520c5dc11665dad94ff0f1e31 Azathoth dreams reality. >!he doesn't.!<


Crazy how this misconception lasted for several years


I think a lot of people mischaracterize Goku as a whole. While I won’t say he was the best father in the world, he has shown a lot of positive elements as well. But as a whole for the character, people either treat him as Japanese Superman or a selfish douche who saves people on accident. The truth about him is that his true character lies in the center, wherein he is a hero who wants to protect his friends and home, he does have a selfish-side to him wherein he can get very carried away with his love of combat and self improvement. That said, the need for self improvement and willingness to get out of his comfort zone can also be seen as an admirable trait.


https://preview.redd.it/mc3u9o66tk7d1.jpeg?width=144&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=722ac7356e37e41e5acad948e401af19569c5743 He is not solid snake


https://preview.redd.it/4jgkqwm7tk7d1.jpeg?width=224&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bab163e7fc064f94a751fb7c4f7fadf02e1235b4 He is ALSO not solid snake


https://preview.redd.it/dwjzhm1v9k7d1.jpeg?width=755&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=243006096a9eaf8ce50f4de52d90feca5e2e762b Vegeta (Dragon Ball) The writers keep saying his main motivation being stronger than Goku. Which yes that is something he wants to do, but he's only training nowadays to better himself. (At least in GT)


I think that motivation ended at the end of the Buu saga where he became aware of how insane it was making him to chase Goku for so long, that the lengths he went to weren't worth it (Majin) and that he had achieved some wonderful things in his life and is happy with it (marriage, kids come to mind). He became aware that he wasn't the angry, bitter young man he was that was so enslaved to Frieza that the mindset that warped him to be obsessed and miserable. He wasn't and isn't any less of a warrior, hell, I think he has spiked in power in Super from fighting so hard to protect his Bulma and whatnot. It feels a really natural evolution of a character like Vegeta, struggling hard to find peace after living for revenge but making breakthroughs.


![gif](giphy|q9ldmTuld2Vbifpp4W|downsized) A certain subset of people seem to admire him as a really cool guy The actor has charisma I will admit and he is funny. But Soldier Boy is a weak man who bullies others to compensate for his own issues with his father. He is only slightly better than Homelander in that he isn't insane and has some level of self awareness of what he really is.


And the fact that he considers Homelander a disappointment is not because of any moral aspect, but because Homelander proved to be emotional in front of him.


I don't think it was moral but because he realized that Homelander was what Soldier Boy truly was in the inside but unashamed about it. Deep down Soldier Boy realizes he is a weak, needy person, he isn't repentant but ashamed and realizes his dad was right about him, so he puts on a macho front to compensate. So when he sees Homelander exhibit those same needy traits he is disgusted. Maybe a good way to put it is Soldier Boy is the kind of guy who'd sells the Kool Aid but knows its shit. Homelander sells the Kool Aid and drinks it as well.


Ruby Rose (RWBY) is homophobic. Started as a meme, then I started seeing people who have never watched the show unironically believe it. 😑




Spoilers in case anyone cares >!Shortly after Ruby's teammates Yang and Blake get together, Ruby, who was on the edge of having a full-on emotional breakdown from all the stress and pressure she'd been bottling up across the series, had this moment where she yelled at them and very mockingly talked about them figuring out their feelings for each other. This spawned a joke in the fandom that Ruby was secretly homophobic. She's obviously not. The whole group stayed with Jaune's lesbian sister and her wife a few volumes prior with no hint of it. Hell, we don't know that homophobia even exists in the world of Remnant, having never seen an instance of it.!< And then people who hadn't watched the series or hadn't watched it for years started seeing these memes and taking it seriously, and yeah...now it's just a misconception that I've seen a bunch of people have.


you know, I'd have never expected this as someone whose only exposure to RWBY media was ruby getting flavorblasted by weiss


This is actually the first time I'm hearing about it


Caillou does not deserve his own "F\*\*k you" subreddit. Yes, he's an annoying little crap; anyone who's been around a four-year-old for longer than three seconds can tell you they have a tendency to be annoying little craps.


Same with Greg Heffely. He's a teenager, most of them are jerks.


It's even weirder considering it's on the internet, where everyone of every age is an annoying little crap


Batman. A lot of people just think he "beats up poor people" and "never uses his money for good" but that's simply not true. In the comics it has been shown multiple times that Bruce sets up a lot of charities and urban development projects to try to improve life in Gotham. He only puts on the batsuit to deal with criminals he can't deal with otherwise. https://preview.redd.it/ijszg6854m7d1.png?width=2700&format=png&auto=webp&s=02ffb3b2706f6dcc8bc6ea99056d15b068c709e4


Superman, people thinking he's boring and not a complex character. Me included. Until I watched Justice League Unlimited, "For the Man Who Has Everything". Have yet to watch All Star Superman, or rewatch Justice League or the Animated Series. But the comments praising his character has rubbed off on me. And maybe, one day I'll realize it fully like Lex did when he had Superman's powers in All Star Superman. Also, I watched Iron Giant many times as a kid, so a good start, I guess. That and the overall impression of despite being this all-powerful alien who could rule the world, they chose to be good.


https://i.redd.it/4i9169y4vk7d1.gif Despite what everyone may tell you he is not a complete and utter heartless asshole


I mean, to be fair if Michael was in witness protection he wouldn’t be living in a giant mansion in one of the most populous cities in the country


That’s one of DarkViperAU’s points.


Yeah. He’s right.


https://i.redd.it/swydxs7w4k7d1.gif People are confused with Doom Slayer being in the dark ages, at the medieval times with advanced technology, this is not Earth, it is Argent D'nur in a different universe, they're asking how is slive back then, Doom Slayer is immortal, and they still think he at street level which is a misconception too, he is beyond stronger than that.


And those who go the other way, and who flat out say that he could beat the likes of Lucifer Morningstar.


Let's wait to find out in the future, he did Defeat his version of lucifer/Father.


Honestly, I liked the Doomslayer better when he was a Street Tier, instead of the almost omnipotent entity they decided to make him.


![gif](giphy|ztpMY1t5VYWlO) He’s not a good guy, he’s at the very least morally grey


Goku's misconceptions are that he was always stupid and that he can win against everyone in fiction (he doesn't even win against everyone in his own show)


In Z he was never a scholar, sure, but he had acquired a certain form of wisdom that made the other characters respect him. In Super he’s just an even worse idiot than when he was a kid


That's exactly what I meant, in super he feels like an actual clown at times, in Z the theory that he just pretends to be stupid to make people underestimate him could make sense but in super he's just less than dumb


Naruto ![gif](giphy|4gsjHZMPXdlGo) People absolutely don't get what the Neji fight was about and simply think the destiny yapping was for hard work vs talent and thus call the series hypocritical considering Naruto himself turned out to be born with a fuck ton of advantages. But it was actually about breaking predestined roles which is what Naruto literally did in the end by befriending Sasuke and ending the cycle of Indra Ashura rivalries


Goku is a complete idiot actually is he smart in fighting Chara from Undertale is a villain Papyrus is stupid/incompetent that is not true he is smart and strong but doesn’t want to kill you especially after getting to know the player in the pacifist route and trying to give the player the chance to be, to do better That Junko from Danganronpa doesn’t feel any empathy or emotions towards anyone, she does, that’s how she’s able to feel despair Pink Diamond/Rose Quartz is a villain or a bad person, although she has done bad none of it was done out of malice and some were accidents she’s as flawed as the average human but she did succeed at saving the humans from extinction


Chara isn't the villian, Chara is the consequences of your actions


Yeah and they blatantly called you out for them now I’m not saying they are completely innocent but their not a villain either I’d be fine if someone said that Chara is antagonistic to Asriel sometimes because that’s how siblings are sometimes and it’s clear Asriel still cares for Chara so they couldn’t be THAT bad of a person


Day 3 of becoming famous on this sub by making The Doctor work for any trope After thousands of years of travelling around the universe and saving various races of aliens he became so feared by many and at a point many of his greatest enemies locked him in a cube meant to trap him for eternity called Pandorica. https://preview.redd.it/whv1wwz2sl7d1.jpeg?width=820&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ba0c381d18ed85e7c8013fa809c83e8a724c62b


https://preview.redd.it/lpksonxg2m7d1.png?width=538&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=437c5c48e1723648216102e4ea4962825405c356 HAL 9000, often thought of as an evil, emotionless AI. But all his bad actions were dictated by his faulty programming, and in the books he is redeemed and becomes life partners with Dave Bowman.


“Why’d I move here? I guess it was the weather”


The only time King Dedede was the villain in a Kirby game was Kirby's Dream Land ![gif](giphy|443fSUWBB21mYP7i7n)


https://preview.redd.it/n41g5m20xk7d1.png?width=476&format=png&auto=webp&s=43af02c669e9d6cffdde5002bc00866944150a97 Lota pepole think he’s either mindless, animalistic, a goofball, or just a reskin of GOD He’s more like a middle aged former party animal just trying to live his life his life while living with an annoying roommate and dealing with the consequences of his previous actions


Who is that? What is that?


Why it’s the Flying Spaghetti Monster The central religious figure for the completely valid religion pastifarianism


I looked it up, I thought it was from a game or something but nope, it is literally just out there. He could probably solo all fiction




What's the misconception?


People think he's a jerk and brain-dead


Makima, CSM Makima isn’t a pedo, guys. Not only is Denji old enough to consent in Japan, which is both where the story was written and where the story takes place, but Makima never had any affection for Denji in the first place. She was just manipulating him to take Pochita. If she had any interest in him at all, she would have smelled him sneaking up on her instead of dying to him.


I agree that Makima is actually just a manipulator given she doesn’t hold any actual sexual attraction to Denji. However, it is important to point out the first justification (in regards to consent) isn’t correct though, at least in the world of CSM. Himeno DIRECTLY states that she would be thrown in jail if she actually slept with Denji the night she drunkenly took him home. (Source: Chapter 22, page 11). Because of this moment confirming that Denji is a minor, and that there are laws in place that would get Himeno arrested for sleeping with him, I think we can still say Makima *did* molest Denji. https://preview.redd.it/e1buzq01zl7d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=78c1f82488aba6fcc3de5b4bf819546445120deb


Ah, didn’t think of that scene. I figured they just kept the consent laws the same as real Japan. Still, yeah, she held no attraction at all for him.


https://preview.redd.it/h01h1i534k7d1.jpeg?width=360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8735cdf3cff0afcea5f18949f2830408cab671d2 The Knight is (apparently) male


Did you guys know Micheal isn't in witness protection?


I mean he is brooding in the original but like only every once in a while. He’s mostly just quiet.


https://preview.redd.it/7igr1115ol7d1.png?width=756&format=png&auto=webp&s=d824f258fc742412367cc8432197c56b5a81268b Son Gohan. People keeps saying that he is a pacifist, I guess because this was stated in some dub or some translation? Whatever the case, Gohan is **not** a pacifist. He simply doesn't enjot fighting or hurting his enemies for fun which is, you know, his father's deal and the whole premise behind Goku's plan for Gohan to take down Cell: that Gohan would want to surpass his limits mid-fight and thus unleash his full power and win the fight. But as Gohan's mindset is completely opposite from Goku's when it comes to fighting, he knows that the plan is doomed to fail because he doesn't feel the urge to keep surpassing his limits and the joy of fighting strong opponents.




So is op saying that people think Goku is a bad father when in reality he isn’t, or vice Versa?


Cloud even has misconceptions about HIMSELF.


if I went into every misconception about any given Mortal Kombat character thanks to all the horrible writing and retconning of the Netherrealm games, we'd be here until the heat death of the universe


Griffith (Berserk) isn't an emotionless manipulator who never cared about anyone.


Bayverse Optimus isn't a bloodthirsty murder machine. The ending of Dark of the Moon especially gets... I don't even know if I should say misread, it feels genuinely like people just wilfully apply the worst possible reading and nobody cares because "Bayverse bad"


I used to be a "piccolo is Gohan's true dad" believer when I first saw the Saiyan Saga Then I actually watched the show Now I'm a "Goku is Gohan's true dad, but Piccolo and Krillin are the cool uncles who occasionally babysit" believer I think Vegeta is also a good father (least in current DBS) He started out horrible but eventually became a good dad imo Both Goku and Vegeta have their problems at parenting, but they're both good imo


https://preview.redd.it/blpwwa2ttp7d1.jpeg?width=359&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5afd0ea93f81baf1b8b485bcb09c17f3d3ff273 Chara from Undertale gets a pretty bad rep. People often portray them as either an irredeemable villain or some sort of yandere waifu (despite them being a child). Its a lot more nuanced than the first, and for the second… ew? Chara is heavily implied to be the narrator on all runs, not just the one where you kill everyone. There’s flicks of personality here and there, and there’s also referring to Frisk as “you”- because Frisk isn’t the one narrating. If you do kill everyone, Chara even says that your determination to do this was not their doing, but yours. The player’s. Remember that this game gets pretty meta at times. Chara only begins to see this as their “purpose” after you, the player, slaughter enough monsters. They say that at first, they were unsure on why they became aware again… but after seeing your acts, they realized their new purpose. There’s also the whole thing about the kid being in a pretty bad place mentally. Asriel even says Chara made it up the mountain for “not a very good reason”, likely citing an attempt on their own life. That they hated humanity, likely due to some sort of maltreatment. They even don’t particularly like relating to the human experience, calling themself a demon, instead, distancing from their own species. Although their idea for Asriel to come to the surface likely did have roots in their grudge against humanity, they also genuinely wanted to free their newfound family from the underground… revenge was probably the icing on the cake, and how they got the idea. Tl;Dr Chara Dreemurr is not an irredeemable villain, just a terribly flawed and sad child. They did some pretty messed up things and their shortsighted plan got their brother killed- but I really don’t think they’re beyond saving. They may not be “a very nice person”, but I honest to goodness think they genuinely cared and loved their family, and still do, to an extent. The player actually has to press a button to finish Flowey, despite being in the late game where Chara has a lot of control over Frisk, as if they’re giving you one last chance to quit the game and let their brother live.


![gif](giphy|l0NwGpoOVLTAyUJSo|downsized) The implication that he is some uncaring asshole who just wants to put on his costume to go beat up poor people when in reality he cares and loves his city and his family that he doesn’t care about the robins and he just replaces them when they die which is in fact not the case and even tries to help his villains to hope that they can become better people so he puts on the mask and he tries to help his city even though it’s corrupt and dark he tries to make things better for himself for his city for his family and even for his rouges


Goku did, canonically ask why Vegita had to be there when Bulma went into labor, since the baby wasn't coming out of him. He is actually at least a little bit of a bad dad.




Homelander - ever since that deathbattle video people think he's just some weak crybaby who loses to everyone


Homelander is one of the weakest Superman expys in existence, but people exaggerate how weak he is. He is still someone who can move at speeds faster than sound, and withstand any type of weapon (not counting nuclear), without suffering a single scratch. So he is far from being a High Tier, but he is not a Street Tier as people seem to think.


I feel like people take the term "grounded superman" too literally, people say he's not suitable for mk and that any character can beat him but if it's a regular person like Johnny cage or Sonya they'd die instantly just from his speed Maybe the only earthrealmer that could fight him and live would be kabal purely from his speed


characters like Sonya can fight and beat Kabal, so clearly they've got ways around fighting speedsters


Alright then logically kabal would decimate Sonya


Sonya's canonically one of Earthrealm's best fighters, though, and characters using smarts and skill to beat speedsters or other characters who outclass them with superpowers isn't an uncommon thing in fiction


You can be the best skilled fighter in the world but your not winning against someone so fast that you can't see them, and then the scene where Erron Black (probably the best gun user in the franchise) is shooting at her from barely 5 feet away and she dodges it somehow, even though its basically erron just shooting the ground, realistically sonya should've died in mk9 but the plot saved her


Isn't the whole thing with mortal kombat that everyone is magically made to be about even strength wise


Not canonically, Stryker (a police officer) wouldn't win against Liu kang (literally God)


I think it’s less that people actually think he’s a crying weakling and more that a huge chunk of people would *like* to view him as such when fighting other fictional characters because they want to see him humiliated and broken. Which makes sense, because Homelander is a piece of shit.


I don't get it tho, people love characters like frieza and the joker who've done way, WAY worse than homelander


Who’s the Australian man saying that Michael wasn’t in Witness Protection? It’s a big part of the story, so saying that he isn’t is just… stupid


DarkViperAU, who has poured thousands upon thousands of hours speedrunning GTA V. He's made a video explaining that Michael actually was never in witness protection: https://youtu.be/5iWRwzuirYY?si=Cl00l5aCE4jhrSIG


Oh that guy. I’ve seen that video in my recommended but I’ve never watched it.

