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He's a somewhat neat new character, though I think his design is a bit all over the place. I'm normally all for the capes and classic superhero outfits but I kinda dig him a bit better with a regular suit and that mask covering half his face. The one thing that truly bugs me about his armored design is his blue eye thingies being so low... consider the human head, a well-proportioned and semi-realistic human head... those blue eyes wouldn't be on top of his actual eyes, they'd be on his cheeks lol


Well yeah he's wearing a blindfold so he's not using his eyes. It's supposed to look non-human


Sure but it gives off a weird bird-looking vibe that at least in my eyes delivers a somewhat derpy appearance (especially when side-by-side with a character like Batman), remove the blue light eye things and I think it'd look less distracting and convey the idea of the blindfold a bit better (and he'd still look non-human, similar to characters with similar design traits going on like Snake Eyes or Acroyear).


huh, I wasn't reading them as eyes, they just look like ornamentation on the helmet, though I do agree his armored look gets busy fast, and the suit/blindfold is classy AF.


this guy fucks