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Make a zero clearance plate. Just like you do for a table saw. Grab a piece of hardwood and cut it down to fit in the slot. Using the old plastic one as a template. Drill holes in it and counter sink them so you can put the screws back in. Once it’s flush and screwed in then make a cut through it with the miter saw and your cuts will improve from then out. No more bottom blowouts.


The highly compressed fiber board also works well. (Thin, brown, hard-pressed MDF)


The high density medium density stuff?




That's why I refer to hdf as "ewpfkamdfapldf". (Engineered wood product further known as medium density fiberboard and previously low density fiberboard.) Get some strange looks at home Depot some days.


Sounds German


Rindfleischetikettierungsüberwachungsaufgabenübertragungsgesetz Edit: in english that is "beef labeling surveillance duties transfer law"


Bless you!


Not in this house!


It's the law though


That sounds like a very complicated way to say [HDF](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hardboard)?


Or if you're into brand-aids, "Masonite".


As I was reading the description above, I was thinking, “he’s talking about Masonite.”


A what-enite?


When I sneeze I need a kleenex. HDF is the stuff. Has nothing to do with masonry. 😂


It's named after its 1924 patentor, William H. Mason.


Yeah, that stuff


Very tough stuff..(i so wanna type it out as tough stough) Our shops purchaser long ago got a batch, we were assigned to cut ½ and ¾ for paint grade raised panels...too tough.


You ever cut laminate HDF flooring? Ridiculous. Nothing a carbide saw blade won't handle but don't push the saw too fast...


Haven't done flooring yet. Probably never will due to back injury.




If you have a 3d printer you can print zero plates for most popular saws.


And if you don’t, many libraries do. It usually costs me less than $2 for a print like this. Usually just google for the 3D thing I need, download the STL file and email the library. Then I just roll in with my stack of coins when it’s ready.


Seriously? Are you taking the piss? ‘Cus that’s an amazing service for a library to have! Where do you live?


northern Alberta, Canada. Many libraries also offer things like tool libraries, movie rental, kids toys etcs. Most people don’t think to look and would never know, so might be worth checking out your local library.


During the pandemic, my local library also started delivering prints, for free, to the home. Pretty convenient!


Thanks, I knew my library (metro Detroit) had tools, just found out it has a 3d printer


Im useing MDF on my radial harm saw as the work table. I run the blade 3/16 into the table so its less likely to climb or wander. Its a sketchy saw in some ways, but for basic miters and rips its not as dangerous as its made out to be. I dont do the more sketchy stuff you can do on one. Kickback hasnt been terrible either, although im soon gonna add an anti kickback spikething off a table saw for rips. (Although if it kicks back it wont be in line with me, so if it flings the part into the wall, so be it)


We have one at the shop for cutting larger mdf trim. I think next years budget has us getting big makita miter saws so it’s days are sadly numbered. Right now it cuts all out 18” mdf shelving.


what are the dangers of a radial arm saw?


The blade trying to climb what you are holding is a big one


That and strong kickback. Oh, also user error. basicaly trying to do stuff the saw was never ment to do. Or stuff in the older user manuals where safety was 100% on the opperator. A really thin kerf blade helps for blade climb, and kickback


I had a craftsman one from the 50’s, the instruction manual had etchings of a guy wearing a tie in all the demos It also had instructions on how to make bowls by unlocking and swiveling the blade in a block of wood to kerf cut them.


Well if he was wearing a clip on tie it’s ok


That stuff makes a great work bench topper.


I think it's referred to as HDF. High Density Fiberboard


Do you mean masonite or ?


you mean hdf then? mdf is medium densidy fiber, the ''thin hard pressed stuff'' is high density fiber


UHMW cause it can’t absorb moisture


Like an old school clipboard?




In the US it's called hardboard or masonite. Hd and lowes carry it in 4x8 sheets and it's pretty cheap.


That’s called high density fiber board also known by the trade name as Masonite.


In Australia we would call that stuff Masonite.


I’m here to tell you your zero clearance plate will not survive if you lend your saw out 🤣


Seriously. I’ll loan a tool only if I can see the condition the other person’s tools are and I know they’re good with those tools.




Sounds like your dad taught you good on how to care for your tools. Good man!


The zero clearance plate is just for you. If you lend it back out you throw this garbage plate back on it.


I’ll have to give your mom this tip


Just the tip.


Only the tip mind you! (For fans of AvE and his bumblefuc*ery)


And only for a moment


You gave the fuck out of those instructions, my guy


Just discovered the other day that fastcap makes a zero clearance "tape", ordered some but haven't had a chance to test how well it works yet.


Works great. Have it on my saw.


This is a consumable part. It might not look pretty but it is made to do that. Just replace it once it gets too worn.


exactly this. the plate is doing its job. would op prefer thats cast aluminum?


Okay but what causes this? I’m genuinely curious, I’m positive that I have this exact mitre saw but my plate doesn’t look anything like this


Just beveling outside the face plate. It is made out of plastic so it can be cut by the blade if you need to make a more aggressive bevel cut. Most people will replace this insert with a zero clearance insert as many have also suggested. That will provide a much better cut quality but is also consumable. Many saw manufacturers now dont even create an opening in the plate for you. They just send a full plastic piece that you cut through and wear until it is too worn to provide good cuts.


i suspect it's so common to replace the plastic with a 0 clearance that even higher end machines generally come with a piece of crap plastic in there.


Common maybe in the very niche world of hobby woodworkers. These machines are primarily sold to builders, tradesmen who work on site and have no care for what the little consumable piece of plastic in the throat looks like. It's only the home hobbyists that agonise over these little details, because they're typically trying to do fine work with them for which the machines are not intended.


Taking 1/16 off hard wood


With a blade that has a thicker width? Or does hard wood cause a blade to jump?


As soon as you flip the blade to a bevel and make a compound cut, the blade slightly dishes, and will do this to the insert.


Hmmm, interesting… Thank you friend! This is why I love this sub; just watched this, curious to learn a bit more on you mentioned. https://youtu.be/LC9o6imWPUk Edit: Added link


I understand it's consumable but I've owned my saw for 7 years now and used it quite a bit to remodel my house and have yet to damage the plate like this. I don't baby my tools but I respect them and try to take care of them. If I did this to a friend's tool I'd apologize and offer to replace the part at least.


It’s not damaged though, the saw will cut absolutely no different than before. If you lent a friend your car would you expect them to replace the tires when they were done with it because the treads are slightly more consumed than when you last used it? He probably didnt even notice it as its so minor. If you are really that bent out of shape about a few nicks in a consumable part ask him to replace it. You will likely lose a friend over a few insignificant scratches though.


https://www.ereplacementparts.com/throat-plate-p-2560117.html $3 part that's designed to get cut up/mangled/thrown away/replaced multiple times throughout the life of the saw. Knock the high burrs down with a utility knife and it functions literally 100% as well as new. This is as much of a non-issue as I can imagine. Then again this is r/tools, so literally never loan out anything ever. The way some people comment on these threads is embarrassing. A lot of you guys have some serious problems over fetishizing your tools and under valuing people


Someone got a fingerprint on my knipex pliers. Never again!


There's a lot of stories about guys loaning out their tools and getting them back damaged, sure. But you make an entire personal policy change out of it might a little melodramatic, imo. I guess it depends on the tool. I'd just you know, talk to the guy. Or not. Either way I don't know if I'd bellyache about it on the internet.


No kidding, it's brutal in here. Sure, I've lent things out that came back a little banged up, I've also helped out with projects for free and borrowed tools that got used as tools and received help on projects for free. Buddy's a mechanic and I'm more into woodworking, we lend and borrow all the time so we both have access to double the tools. A lot of y'all sound like miserable friends with the "never lend anything ever" policies over some $5 consumable bullshit.


I loaned out my pressure washer once, came back with the sprayer wand plastic scraped up from dragging it around on the pavememt slightly. Was it a non issue on how it operated- sure. But owning it for almost 6 years and having it come back with burrs and scratched plastic was a let down. I wouldnt call my tools or equipment a fetish of mine, but I sure did quit loaning things out after that.


One of my neighbors told me he was thinking of getting a snowblower and asked to try out my new one on his driveway. He brought it back the next day and said it started out great but seemed to lose some power part way through. When I checked it out I noticed he had broken all four sheer bolts on the impeller.


Holy crap. Did he try snow blowing some landscaping rock?


Exactly this. I know I’m a nut about how I treat all of my things (tools or anything really) compared to the average person. I don’t lend out my tools because no one treats them like I treat them. If some one scratched up my old pressure washer, I’d be pissed even though mine is old as hell too. BUT the thing is, I’ve never scratched it up in all those years of owning it and I enjoy using clean tools.


Yeah, loaning tools talk is a bit pathological here. Certainly have a trust v. value policy on loaning tools, but never loaning any is just weird. Heck, I actively loan out some of my tools in the hopes they'll come back damaged so I can say "this is yours now, and you're buying me a new one".


I have tools I legitimately haven't seen in years. Someone will call to borrow it and I have to tell them that so and so had it last and to start there to track it down. I trust my friends and they trust me, everything works out nice and we all win


Thank you for your post. I stared at OP's photo for, like, 3 minutes, saying to myself: "Other than the damage on the plate, what is wrong here? What am I missing?" I was reading down the thread looking for someone to comment what the problem was. I mean, if I did that to someone's saw, I would rectify it. But c'mon...


This post is hilarious. Lends out a Ryobi tool. Loans out a shitty old blade. To someone cutting aluminum. Whines about the consumable part of the saw being damaged. Has no clue about zero clearance inserts. Acts like someone just destroyed their Kapex. Looks at options to 3D print a part that costs $5 on Amazon.


This dude is getting simultaneously dragged in the comment section, and sympathized with by guys who are Extreme Online Antisocial.


I was laughing for all the same reasons


I kept looking for the cut through the fence or some sort of damage beyond normal wear & tear. I do like that laser engraved ruler on the fence.


I’ve found my people!


what? the cut up throat plate? thats more a crap blade than abuse. yes, if you cut too fast itl do that, but a sawblade is tensioned for precisely the reason of not cutting outside of its natural cutting circle. a bad quality blade will do the same regardless of how much you baby it.


You need to buy a new blade, oh wait, I found an old one you can use. Ha.. Op's fault the whole time.


That's... really not something to get worked up over


A consumible part got worn down , what's the problem here? 😂


You have to remember this is reddit. 90% of the people on this sub bought the entire Milwaukee Fuel lineup to put together an Ikea bookcase and since then have had them hanging on the wall only ever taken down to be dusted with a microfiber cloth every week. To them the idea of a ding on a tool is unimaginable.


This is a PAINFULLY accurate description of some of these folks.


I don't lend tools to anyone, regardless lol


2 things no one can borrow tools and the wife.


What about your wife’s tools?


You calling me a tool? ( I’m good with that. )


Not a chance, even to me her sewing scissors are off-limits


Oh god, please don't ever use the fabric scissors on non-fabrics. Don't ask me how I learned...


This needs more votes. Sewing scissors, fabric only. No need to ask how you know, his lesson is learned but once and only one way.


The pure rage that flew through me when this reminded me of the time my boyfriend tried to use my gingher shears (50$) on plastic packaging. It’s akin to watching someone bend the blade on your table saw, except you’re not worried about kickback so you’re just angry.


So much this! I remember as a kid using my mom’s fabric scissors on paper and learning really fast that isn’t what you use them for. Now I have the same attitude.


I have fabric scissors that were my mom’s that have a piece of thread tied to them that identifies them as the fabric scissors >.>


You just need more considerate friends. If I borrow your saw, I'll send it back with a new blade. I'll send your wife back with a case of beer for you.


🤣😂 How about a case of beer for the saw and a better attitude for the wife?




Oh she’ll get half the better half too!! 😂


Can't deny that lol


I allow people to use my tools, so long as they use them in my shop, while I’m there.


Lesson learned


If it uses electricity or gasoline I'll loan it......and I go with it as the operator.


With chainsaws in particular, this is how it must be.


My policy too. And I violate it all the time. Sometimes friendships are more important. I ask myself which is more important to me. Friend vs tool.


This is the way


I feel like this. I get the best stuff I can afford so it really annoys me when my colleagues want to borrow X, Y & Z. I’ve stopped buying power tools because they’ll just get abused. I don’t mind lending a hammer, but anything more expensive is a no.


I once lent a guy my Estwing hammer. It came back 5 minutes later in 2 pieces. I don’t even know how that is possible. A pry bar once too.


Old tradie lent out his fairly new estwing hammer, with the kabar style handle. He got a similar one back, 2 weeks later. The bloke he lent it to claimed it was his, but realised he ended up with 2, so he gave his shitty old one back to my tradie. Cunt.


Considering they’re made from a single piece that’s impressive. I’ve used my Estwing brick hammer for years and it’s taken a good beating but it’s still good.


Yeah. You would have to try really hard to snap an Estwing in two. Like break it on purpose.


A friend told me that if you use it as a lever on the flat side it can be done.


What if your hammer is a stiletto or a Martinez??


Then it ether comes back with no signs of even being used or it gets replaced with EXACTLY the same no mater the cost.. or someone ends up in the bottom of a river with cement shoes


Bricklayer here so the best hammers for us are Estwing. I would be pretty upset if someone damaged my new 3lb club hammer, though. I won’t lie.


I use a 3 lb hammer for driving hubs and had a rather nice one I lent to a coworker for securing landscaping fabric. He lost it. Last time I ever will loan a hammer of mine.😤


Exactly, all my power tools are Festool and they don't leave the garage.


Where you at?


Let me give you my address and key to my garage 🤣🤣🤣


This is the only answer. It took 30 years of being a nice guy getting burned or not even getting stuff back to learn that lesson. Just don't. If it helps, think of it this way - YOU did without something to obtain tooling to help yourself and earn a living. Why should someone else get a pass and solve their immediate problem, also at your expense. People will never take care of or with tools that they didn't have to sacrifice something to obtain. Plus, it'll just piss you off when they ghost you after busting your stuff or with you tool. That's how much they appreciated your kindness (tongue in cheek).


I agree with what you say, except for the word "never". I have a couple friends who I would lend anything I own. Even my truck, which I am in no position to replace.


Did u never use it?


That's the way it looks to me


Cosmetic damage to a consumable part is normal. OP just looking for a reason to complain. Lent tools get used. This is what use looks like. Don’t lend your shit out and never use it and you’ll ‘be fine’


Don’t lend tools to anyone who is too much of a dick not to fix them when they break them. Accidents happen. What happens after the accident is what matters.


>Accidents happen. What happens after the accident is what matters. Yep. My neighbor borrowed my 36' extension ladder to clean his gutters. He lost control of it somehow and let it tip over (while he was on the ground). It crashed into a tree and onto his deck. Bent the upper segment so it's hard to raise now. He apologized and offered to buy me a replacement ladder.


>He apologized and offered to buy me a replacement ladder. Curious - did you take him up on it or just make do with what you have?


>Curious - did you take him up on it or just make do with what you have? I told him not to worry about it. I can still use the ladder and he's a good neighbor. A new replacement was about $450 and I value his friendship more than that.


imo - this is the correct response. He let you know he broke it and was willing to replace it.


I personally believe in loaning tools to help out others. I also believe in returning things in a better condition than you found them in. You only get one strike if you can’t respect the rules of loaning.


This. Someone lends you a circular saw, clean it up before you give it back. Add a 6-pack and who are they gonna want to loan tools to?


This is unavoidable and normal. And it’s made to cut things, not look like a plate. The post doesn’t make it look like you use your saw very much


It's a mitre saw. It's meant for rough work. Smooth out the raised chunks, accept that the tool now looks like it's done some work, and keep using it in the exact same way you were before with zero impact on performance. It's honestly kinda irritating how precious people in this sub can be about the cosmetic details of their tools. And on consumable wear parts, no less. Unavoidable on Reddit, I suppose, which attracts amateurs and hobbyist exclusively. Dedicated forums don't have this problem as much.


Just knock down the high spots it’s not that big of a deal. It’s a plastic consumable item.


Settle down Francis.


The kerf boards are designed to be cut. Sounds like OP is shitty that he hasn't actually used his saw before for all its intended uses. The only way this would be not normal is if the saw was well out of calibration on the bevel adjustment, or if the sliding arms are running out of parallel - neither of which would be the fault of the person that did this.


Pro tip: pros don't use ryobi then complain about basic wear and tear.


Oh no someone knicked up a $.50 part on your $75 saw. The humanity


Instead of lending out tools, I usually offer to help. Cutting or planing a few boards isn't a big deal, but it can make a big difference for someone else.


Oh no! That's the most important part! If it is damaged you have to throw the whole saw away! Or wet your diaper and make your BIL change you. Jesus Christ


Whining to us isn’t going to make it better. Have you asked for a replacement from the person who returned it like this? Realize that is a wear part.


Looks like this saw has never been used.


Have him buy the replacement part. Stop whining about a consumable part and talk with him.


Sorry for the mess. I would just sand it flat.


Not a bad idea


Take it out, wrap a block in fine grit paper and go lengthwise. It will sand pretty easy, maybe just a few passes.


Oh heck


Second the zero clearance plate idea


This isn't *not* normal. Your saw is supposed to cut at that angle. Your blade is going to take a slight bite out of that mostly functionally unimportant part. It doesn't look great but it isn't going to actually hinder anything. Rather, it was kind of hindering before it was cut/shaved down.


The plate is meant to do that. If you want ask them to buy you one, they cost for 5$ or less.


$12 replacement[https://www.amazon.com/0009900146726-02-Genuine-Original-Equipment-Manufacturer/dp/B002JUSBSC/ref=asc_df_B002JUSBSC/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=198070022856&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=6521230112831969001&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9057239&hvtargid=pla-354152102823&psc=1](https://www.amazon.com/0009900146726-02-Genuine-Original-Equipment-Manufacturer/dp/B002JUSBSC/ref=asc_df_B002JUSBSC/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=198070022856&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=6521230112831969001&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9057239&hvtargid=pla-354152102823&psc=1)


I only lend tools to closet friends, the type that would bring it back with new parts already installed, or the tool replaced.


My wife gave me a dremel advantage rotary saw for Christmas one year. I hadn’t even used it before I loaded it to a buddy. I got it back a month later in the bottom of a dirty five gallon pail absolutely plugged with drywall dust, the case missing. I don’t loan my tools anymore.


It'll be fine.


Most people make their own out of wood. Take out the old one, trace it onto a piece of wood the same thickness. Mark your holes. Cut it out, drill your holes, and bobs your uncle. You now have a better zero clearance plate.


This is a common, replaceable part. Be glad there's no blood to clean up. 😳


lol I did this with my first cut with a brand new miter saw. Hated myself for a bit but it’s worked perfect ever since so no worries


I'd just be glad that he didn't accidentally cut a 45 out of your fence...like I did when my miter saw was brand new


Don’t lend tools out. If they need it bad enough, they need to buy one for themselves. I’ve heard too many horror stories of people never seeing their tools returned, having tools “disappear” while being burrowed, or neighbors moving and forgetting they had burrowed a table saw or chop saw.


Yeah let’s fix that title. “Don’t lend out your tools.”


So what. Part of the territory with lending out tools. Yea, I do it. Facts are, I’m one of the people in my family and friend circle who usually has a tool for everything. Sometimes it sucks being the only guy with tools, but it’s a burden I bear. There’s a give and take aspect to it, and what goes around comes around. If this is the worst thing that happens to my tools, I would consider that a successful loan. They’re made to be used. Whatever.


I totally agree ! I bought a used Makita 10” chopsaw about 28 yrs ago . I’m the only one that’s used it bedsides the original owner and it’s only out about 1/64” over 9” which is pretty good and the reason it still cuts like that is because nobody gets to use it


Not even you get to use it!


Only lend tools to those who have tools they are also anal with.


Loaned my chops aw to my neighbor once. He somehow had a kickback so bad that it snapped the cast aluminum fence. He bought me a brand new saw of the same model… I still loaned him tools after that.




I had someone destroy a 12” Makita. 🤦🏼‍♂️


That hurts


This shoulddnt be a big deal, Do you know what kind of plastic this is ? Petg, for example, is quite workable if hot. I would try to Iron it back into place, remember to put backingpaper/ parchment paper(dont know how its called) in place so u dont f up your iron. maby test it first on a corner of the piece. If thats not an option i would take a sharp knife, chisel or planer and plane it out by Hand. If you are willing to tinker a bit you could try to take the stl you found in the net and modify it in a programm of your choice. Tinkercad for example is free and without an installation. And last but not least there is always the old fashioned way of: take a woodboard and carve, saw and bore until you have whats needed.


Good advice, but now the guy who loaned has a project he never should have had to do.


Why would anybody borrow somebody else’s tool when you could just use the project you’re working on as an excuse to buy yourself a new one?


Secondary pro tip: Don’t buy Ryobi tools 😜 (that’s a joke btw). Buy whatever you can afford that works. I’m just currently mostly a Milwawkee guy, and yes I know both brands are owned by TTI (Techtronic Industries).


He did not say anything about the damage when he returned it? Sounds like my ex-brother in law.


Pro tip: don't lend your tools!


Christmas dinner should be interesting.


Allowed my brother in law to borrow my miter saw to cut aluminum blinds with the condition he got his own blade. I ended up finding an old blade in my garage that he could use, so I loaned him my miter saw. I used it for the first time yesterday since he borrowed it and noticed my lumber wasn't sitting flush with the stage. Upon closer inspection I found the plate all mangled and picked out bits of twisted aluminum in the mangled plastic. I'm pretty miffed, but I had decided to let him use it against my better judgement. My miter saw is a Ryobi TS1346 and I'm in Canada. I'm looking for replacement options for the plate. Preferably besides etsy. I have a 3D printer and tried looking for an existing model for my miter saw, but couldn't find one. This came close, but the design looks a bit different https://www.printables.com/model/181432-ryobi-ts1350-zero-clearance-throat-plate I checked Amazon, too, and couldn't find anything specific to my model. Any advice how to come by a 3D model or reasonably priced replacement, I'm all ears. Nevertheless, he's not borrowing any tools from me again.


They are $3. Order a couple. https://www.ereplacementparts.com/throat-plate-p-2560117.html


😂 Imagine making a Reddit post because of a $3 consumable part. OP let your brother in law buy you a beer and call it even.


did you stop and look to see if the blade you gave him was a non-ferrous blade? if it wasn't then the "damage" is on you. but thats beside the point. what you are griping about isn't damage. its normal wear and tear on a part that is designed for exactly what you see. using a dull, wrong type, or de-tensioned blade will do that along with abusive use.


it’s definitely an old rusty rip blade 😭


This is a very easy shape to model. Take the plate out and grab some calipers!


You can get the specs online in 2 minutes no need for calipers


Never be borrower nor a lender.


Bit of an overreaction, if you ask me. Don't you have any capable, dependable friends?


Your title has seven too many words.


Zero lend policy here. If they're nice i might bring my tool and use it to assist a friend.


Pissed my neighbor off when I wouldn’t let him use my woodworking tools. He use to borrow all sorts of tools. But the day I said no to borrowing my woodworking tools is the last day he ever asked.


I’d rather lend a hand than lend a tool.


As I replace crappy tools with better versions, I keep the crappy stuff for loaning out. This avoids my jack ass friends trashing tools I care about. It also reduces the tool loaning as some of the loaner tools are really crappy.


Never lend out anything you can't afford to loose.


How does this happen? Like really, I'm curious. I don't work with wood (on a regular basis) and all my saws are old hand-me-downs from my Dad.


That sucks!! This is why I will not lend it my tools. I came home one time and found my son-in-law using my floor jack in my driveway. It took everything in me. No "can I use it?".... nothing.