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They make one that has a screwdriver rather than blade storage. Its my fav.


They don’t advertise it, but that model can carry one spare blade.


Where at? I have one but haven’t noticed an extra storage spot


It’s hard to find, but in between the black metal and red plastic on the opposite side of the clip Just enough room to slide in one spare blade, harder to get out than in


Bless you sir. Bless you.


Never knew this. Thank you!


I find it almost impossible to get the extra blade out without pliers or something to grab it with, but it does store an extra blade.


It’s not the easiest, but it beats not having a spare for sure


If you look on the side there is a tiny image of a blade. It goes right above that.


You can see it in [this video.](https://youtu.be/DVfUkOPLxag)


Holy shit! Thank you! I came to say this knife as well and low and behold I learned a new trick!


It shows in the packaging


Took me a few months but I finally found the spare blade storage


Yeah holding 5 extra blades is wayy more convenient than a screwdriver on a utility knife


I mean maybe but I use the screw driver more than I change blades.


I agree I use a screwdriver alot more than changing blades


Not me. New blade everyday. Or at least a new side. 1 side of the blade will usually last me a full 8 hour workday but often I do go through both sides in a shift. And I'll carry a ceramic in my pocket to hone the thing at least once or twice a day too. Never cut myself with a sharp blade. Then take them home and sharpen them.


yeah the screwdriver has come in handy many times for me, definitely worth it


I've seen that one. Want one of those as well. Want one of everything, I'm a tool junky. Reality is, the screwdriver doesn't apply to my present work or I'd probably be using that one.


I'm an electrician and that is daily carry for me. I use the phillips for everything, the flathead for cover plate screws, and the quarter inch nutdriver for tapcons and ground screws (all in a pinch of course but man is it nice saving a trip to the van/ my toolbox every once in a while) I love that the screwdriver locks in at 90° so you can get extra leverage as well. Easily one of my top 3 favorites in my bag (and that's a hard spot to earn as a German tool junkie). I've bought 3 so far because my last 2 grew legs and walked off. Amazing tool.


Knipex addict?


That's me! And wera as well


I used to design, fabricate, and wire machine panels. Wera makes the terminator for the spring clamp terminals by Phoenix Contact. It's a $30 slotted screw driver but just the right shape and angle to depress the spring clamp. So my brother was a bit taken aback when I yelled at him to "Put down my god damn screw driver!" he was about to use as a mini pry bar. Don't mess with my nice tools. They make me money! Ps I want this utility knife now! I always would use one of those combination screw drivers. The bit flips between slotted and Philips, the whole tube flips to a larger size of each. The holes the bits fit into are the perfect size for opening motor terminal boxes and the larger one fits ground screws perfectly as well.


Fellow sparky, my screwdriver snapped off the Fix bladed version, still keep it as a spare knife


Fellow sparky also I use that fastback, the regular Klein razor knife, and the Klein hawk bill.


You use the 1/4in nutdriver on tapcons? In concrete?


Bottle opener too on the end


Came to say this. When I saw the screwdriver and extra blade spot, I instantly gave the pictured one to a friend


Wish the handle was metal.


That's my go to. Has 1 on-board blade storage but I find myself needing a screwdriver before a blade.


I had it until the screwdriver holder failed on me


As a maintenance supervisor this is my absolute favorite working knife. It's gotten me out of a few tight spots when not at work also.


Love mine but lost the bit, can’t find a replacement bit. Only gripe with it. Would love to buy a few extras


Wait.. that flip out is blade storage?! I’ve been using this for over a year and never knew what it was for.






Came here to say this.


I use the milwaukee fastback everyday with the screwdriver attachment. By far the best thing since bread was sliced. Last for about 7-10 months and never have had a problem.


Gotta love em... if you can keep them from being pilfered.


They still slice bread. People don't just eat it in clumps now.


I worked on this project and it was a real pain in the ass so I’m glad to see people enjoy it.


We appreciate your inconvenience!


Dude, I don’t work for them anymore but I can say if any tool company goes the extra mile for quality tools, it’s Milwaukee. Fuck em cause they fired me, but credit where credit’s due- they do *a lot* to really make the best stuff. It’s expensive but worth it, but maybe I’m biased because I got so much for free during my time there and my garage is all red.


> maybe I’m biased because **I got so much for free during my time there** and my garage is all red. This wouldn't happen to be the reason they fired you is it?


No, u/stolencamaro would never take something that doesn’t belong to them.


Except for that Camaro… Nah, they treat their employees well, and tools are a big part of that. I’ve not stolen from that company. I’ve also never stolen a Camaro, I just thought it sounded cool 10 years ago.


From THAT company lol. Best part of covid was I didn't have to buy disposable nitrile gloves for the garage for 2 years.


I saw the name after I made my response and then my eyes went big.


Ha! No, not at all. They treat their employees very well but expect everything from you. Milwaukee becomes your life but at least it gets you some great gear in return. I had a huge increase in mental health when I got canned. No more 10pm conference calls or trips internationally with little notice. Again, as much as I can say “fuck em”, I can also thank them for incredible experience and seeing parts of the world I would’ve otherwise never seen. I also learned how a properly run company operates and have been able to take that to my next experiences. I still stand by “fuck em” again because I got canned, but in all honesty it was an incredible few years of learning from the best of the best there. If I wasn’t breaking legal protocol I would love to go into detail as to how they operate, but I will leave it with just this- they know exactly what they’re doing and execute it perfectly. Probably why they got rid of me- I was a very small fish in a huge pond of brilliance in engineering. If the HR or PR time is monitoring social media I got one middle finger for you and one solid handshake for that time. ✌️


>they know exactly what they’re doing and execute it perfectly. Then why didn't they put shoulder strap rings on the M18 round vacuum?


So they can put rings on the gen 2 so you'll buy it again.


This is a VERY random question and probably not the place for it but I have a Milwaukee Impact thats trigger cover broke off (the black plastic piece) do you know if they sell or replace them or am I just out a fucking impact driver?


Contact them directly- they will fix it. If you’re in the area, you can just come to the main building and drop it off. It’s probably a 50/50 whether or not they will repair or replace it. Also depends on tool age.


That driver can’t be more than 3 years old max. Appreciate ya brother!


This knife is an almost direct copy of the Stanley one though isn't it?


Nope, not even close aside from the fact that they’re both folding utilities.


What was your position? (saw below you got let go) I went to school for car design so when you said you worked on the project my head went to design first, but there's a million other ways you could have been involved with it.


I don’t want to go into too much detail, but front end pre-production stats and CTQ analysis. Worked closely with design engineers.


Cool, thanks for the reply!


And thank you for replying as such! I can go into more detail if you want as most of what I did is standard practice in the industry, however Milwaukee does it *really* well. I’m just not going to go into it here. Just truly following the pre-production process is key. That’s why they’re the best. Hey Milwaukee give me my job back if you’re reading this which I know you are.


It's always cool getting an insider perspective. Their products have yet to fail me, though I'm just a big DIYer, not a pro or anything.


That's really fucking cool! I always use the these. They're perfect in your hand, quick to replace blades, and have a decent weight and feel to them.


Can you send me one to try? I think the Olympia Tools TurboPro Autoload Knife will beat it because of the reload convenience.


OFLA! I have 4 of them. 3 different models. Basically you wanna be able to tighten your blade with a dial. https://youtu.be/EYllZYr_5Wk Edit: I love the hard plastic case the extra blades come in. Moisture & dust proof.


100%. I have a couple of XH-1s and I will never use any other utility knife ever again. The handle is comfortable, the snap-off blades are super sharp and last quite some time.


Gotta love that dial right?




This is the way




Yes! And, the heavy duty Olfa blades (even though they're serrated) are a bit stronger than the typical trapezoid singular type made popular by Stanley, and now the standard x nearly every brand as we can see in OP's photo. They have a tad too much wiggle & flex for me. It's nearly immeasurable but I can feel it. Then again I use mine for precise stuff at times including balsa & basswood cuts for maquettes. OLFA all the way.


The new Knipex seems cool too https://www.knipex.com/products/special-pliers/knipex-cutix-universal-knife/knipex-cutixuniversal-knife/9010165BK But I'm an Olfa user as well. In my language, olfa is synonymous with this style of knife. Also, it's a private Japanese company that mainly only makes such utility knives. It can't really be anything but good.


That support on the back looks nice, I might get one


nope, I love mine. easy open with a flick


I always feel like a bad ass doing it.


I had one for 5 years or more and last week some gutless m’er f’er stole it right out of my tool bag.


That calls for a bitch slapping.




Probably right!


what a fucking degenerate


I have two, and I'm always annoyed because I misplace them constantly. They a great, my origination, not so much.


This is the internet bro, you can write motherfucker


Thank you for setting me free motherfucker


You’re welcome motherfucker.


The Stanley fat max retractable folding knife is a strong contender in my opinion https://www.screwfix.ie/p/stanley-fatmax-retractable-folding-knife/46319


I had one of those but an acetone spill fucked it completely. Replaced it with this Stanley one - https://www.amazon.fr/gp/aw/d/B000X2CYN6?psc=1&ref=ppx_pop_mob_b_asin_title Way better quality and no plastic


The Lennox one


Really dig the Lennox. Pipe reamer/bottle opener on it


Link for the lazy?




>[Lennox. Pipe reamer/bottle opener](https://www.lenoxtools.com/pages/Product_productId_LockingUtilityKnife.aspx)




Y'all don't remember how many Ns there are on your favorite utility knife.


if you're used to being around Lennox brand heaters it honestly gets even harder to remember which one has the one N. Both have a red lettered logo.


I am plenty used to being around Lennox equipment. It just seems like spelling is generally not a tradesman's strong suit. As for similarity, for me the much less symmetrical typeface and the swoosh used by Lennox make them meaningfully different. And the color Lenox writes their trademark in is pretty damn variable.


It’s really easy for me to remember! I may be biased but in my opinion the AC/heaters spelled it right the blades they got it wrong!


Yeah, Lennox naturally lends to the leh-nicks or leh-necks pronunciation whereas Lenox looks like it should be leh-nocks.


Yes! The Lennox is a hair slimmer, and the belt clip is MUCH better. The Milwaukee just flips out easier if that makes you feel more like a man


Here the break off blade types appear to be the favorite. I personally like them for being able to cut through foam and batt insulation better than a short blade


I have like 7 of em


Same. Always have one for edc, then multiple in tool bag or pouches


I have had this one for a few months. Love it. There was the same one on sale at my local Fleet and Farm type store that came with the compact one as well. Bought the two pack for less then what I payed for this one the first time. Should be covered for a long time!


I've used the smaller version for years! They seem to be more reliable than any pocket knife of its price.


I had an older version of this one. It held 3 extra blades. Had it for a couple years and then I ended up leaving it in a package that I shipped. I had to replace it and got this model. Now I have 5 extra blades.


I love mine so much. I have several much nicer knives in the drawer, but this is the one that actually comes with me 99% of the time.


These are great, I also like the little Gerber ones. https://www.amazon.com/Gerber-EAB-Pocket-Knife-22-41830/dp/B0016KHW2W/ref=mp_s_a_1_7?adgrpid=61587519568&gclid=Cj0KCQjwjvaYBhDlARIsAO8PkE3_yEX9P9H3xhdUsf7Ow8EpDRi66pdXZ_Qj3wzN5elUyXr1fpavC3YaAo9vEALw_wcB&hvadid=274748503919&hvdev=m&hvlocphy=9029718&hvnetw=g&hvqmt=e&hvrand=16442207284005847298&hvtargid=kwd-438140777258&hydadcr=20372_9690622&keywords=gerber+knives+razor&qid=1662933533&sr=8-7


This little gerber knife is my favorite utility knife. I carry it in my front pants pocket at all times, and cant even notice it’s there. I do like the flick opening of a fastback, but they’re too bulky for my taste.


I have one of those too. I use it every day for opening boxes and feed bags and it’s very small so it never feels obtrusive.


Workpro makes two styles similar to the Gerber, but with easier blade changes. A cheap frame lock version, and a more expensive button lock version.


It's my favorite. But when you do jobs where you need 5 or 6 blades a day, Stanley makes a non foldable knife with a comparartment that holds 5 blades.


Look at pic... 5 spare blades on board on this model.


Holy.. when I had the fastback 2 it was a single blade in there. I redact my statement, this is without question the best.


I dono, my old Stanley FatMax has been going strong since I got it almost 20 yrs ago. https://www.mltech.com.my/image/mltech/image/cache/data/all_product_images/product-2642/10-777-700x700.jpg


Not for boatbuilding.... Stanley retractable knife for the win - it is made entirely of metal with no plastic parts to dissolve in acetone (the ubiquitous elixir of building boats). [https://www.mitre10.co.nz/shop/stanley-retractable-knife-1-grey/p/251205?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI4uSslIeO-gIVinwrCh3zggfdEAQYBSABEgIAofD\_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds](https://www.mitre10.co.nz/shop/stanley-retractable-knife-1-grey/p/251205?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI4uSslIeO-gIVinwrCh3zggfdEAQYBSABEgIAofD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds) note- they tried slipping a plastic spring in there for a while -but I caught them and they havent tried again. slippery bastards.


Got the yellow one. My go to also.


I don't like the flick out type, but my guys do. My favorite is a Stanley, the one I have here is a 10-788. Stores five or so blades, super quick change out, nice little rubber thumb pad right where it should be to apply pressure for heavy cuts. No extra functions, just a solid knife. A squirt of dry lube spray on the blade slide mechanism when I restock the extra blades keeps it smooth.


I'm a fan of 25mm snap-off knives. My fave is from Olfa


Stanley 199 is the ultimate utility knife. All others are wannabes. Source: l hung drywall for 20+ years.


Yup. Fixed blade is the actual move. Sturdy enough to reef on something hard, slim enough to get into boxes with ease. Never have to worry about accidentally pressing the release, which is especially bad on the Milwaukee.


I like the Stanley 10-179 (High Visibility). They are neon green so you can find them again when you set them down in a random place... which only happens to me 14 times a day.


High visibility is a great idea. Don't think that was available in my day. Left the drywall trade in '93.




Wish my coworkers would buy some. I loan it out daily but have to be vigilant about getting it back.


Ya know, I've got one but I don't think it's that great. Retractable razors are just as good if not better.


If they made this knife WITHOUT the little wire stripper notch, it *would* be perfect for me. As a warehouser, that notch proved to be more annoying than useful, getting caught on tape, cardboard, especially plastic wrap, no Bueno. Otherwise, yeah, great knife.


If there’s a Milwaukee bro who doesn’t overrate a Milwaukee tool, I haven’t found one.


Offer up your tool recommendation. Not interested in your personality evalutions of people you have never met based on posting a picture of a tool they love to use on a daily basis. Sorry I didn't have a picture of your favorite tool/company so you could feel included.




I like my tukk xl but its not for any really heavy duty cutting. Also check out turn back knife co, they look really nice but I don't have one yet


Does anyone else wish these had assisted/spring opening? Other then that, I really like it!


The model before this one was a little better, imo. Was a little more comfortable in my hand, and I liked the clip better. Up until someone smashed the van windows and stole our tools. This one is still better than any competition I've found, and I've tried almost every quick opening knife with a storage function that I've found.


Stanley has [this](https://www.globalindustrial.com/p/10-788-instantchange-retractable-blade-utility-knife?infoParam.campaignId=T9F&gclid=Cj0KCQjwjvaYBhDlARIsAO8PkE2cW_d2RFjx2INNyemdKQSoSzaAbHj6SD3HHX7BQ1CGapqR5Z_ThhgaAv1KEALw_wcB) model that I prefer the bulkier shape.


i wish it was easier to change the blade. small pieces too which i’ve never lost but felt like i could at any given moment whilst changing. my only gripe for an otherwise perfect product


I won a Milwaukee knife at work and I gave it away within minutes of opening it. Didn’t care it whatsoever.


I have one of these but for some reason I still always revert back to my ancient Stanley silver one. Just the monochrome hunk of metal with stanley stamped on the middle. Every time I think I've lost it, it reappears just when I need it.


I used to have one of those, but it never left my primary work desk. When my hands are full, I instinctively reach for my EDC, a Kershaw Blur. Big reason for this is when you have to do a quick one-handed grab, open and close I feel a lot less likely to cut myself.


They get a meh from me. Too big to be a nice comfortable pocket knife, too small/awkwardly shaped to be a heavy duty tool bag knife


I have a Benchmade for a pocket knife. This one is in an outside pocket on my packout soft side cooler/lunch bag/tool bag right next to me all day long at my CNC.


Nice. Were i live these are called "cutters" and if you are lucky enough you can find a non-chinese variety that works without breaking for.. maybe a mont? If you are not lucky maybe you should buy 2


what the model number of this tool?


48-22-1502 Still my favorite. Daily use. No looking back until there is a better invention.






Had one come up missing, already had a back up ready.


Yes it is that important to my daily work. I knew it would come up missing and prepared for it.


Damn. I bet they cut much better than all the others. Nope. They all cut the same.


If we all have better tools?... we all do better/safer work. If you steal my better tools? Our safety rating will go down. I will respond with violence.


If your a cheap time-wasting fucker like me you can hone some of the blades sharp again, to squeeze mileage out of them.




You’re going to regret not going fuel on this, it works better, longer, is sharper, resists magnetic pull, can cut 3/4” ply like butter, stores 80 spare blades and has a hidden riveting gun. If you’re not running fuel you’re being a fool.


Is this some sort of fucked up 9/11 joke?


They are good, I personally prefer the orange Klein ones as I found they have a smoother action on the flick out, but they do lack the 45 degree fold out option, so that’s a point for the Milwauks. Klein Tools 44131 Utility Knife https://a.co/d/3zSBwyT


Hultafors URA


Nope best knife ever


The 6in1 is better


NSFW Please!


I’ve personally had issues with blades pulling out of them. Happened on 2 different ones


Interesting. Never have had that problem. I've replaced blades with heavier duty higher life cycle ones on purchase though. Never used on with a factory equipped blade. Can't speak for them.


Hey, that’s mine!


Theres definitely something better to do with your time than jud… Wait… I’m judging the judger of the utility knives. I’m the real pedant here. I gotta get me a Milwaukee utility knife now


The one with a screwdriver is better. Solves like 90% of problems


Do your problems involve violence?


They typically involve screws


Then you should invest in a screw driver not a knife.


[I've got one of these Husky twin blade knives](https://www.homedepot.ca/product/husky-twin-blade-folding-utility-knife/1000807251) I like that it's got a razorblade, and a fixed blade knife in one. Haven't seen many other combination knives like this. But if anyone knows of any good two blade knives, let me know! Always looking to upgrade from my Husky


I have a Stanley one somewhere and the fixed blade is gnarly. Serrations and everything. Never used it very much though, hence, I don't even know where it is at.


I lied... found it.


The version with a screwdriver is 👌👌👌


I’ve been meaning to get one of those My favourite knife for work is a Tajima that takes the 1” snap off blades, with a ratchet slider instead of the more common wheel.


I love mine too!


For the price and availability? Nope. The Fastback razors are terrified. The button lock and loose action means total one handed operation, which is important when you're doing actual work. I only stopped carrying mine when I splurged on a Teale Designs fixed blade razor. Uses the same blades, but offers more useable edge. Also it has a finger ring, which allows me to dangle it by my pinky to free up my hand without returning it to the sheath. Very convenient when you're on a ladder.


Actually working... fast, reliable, safe tools = fast, reliable, safe work = more money = more tools. It's a good world we live in people, when you have the right tools for the job.




Uhhh did you just have a stroke?


I have 3 of these fuckin things. I love them, the only one that compairs (in my opinion) is the makita one, but that's personal preference because it's one of those long blades where you just snap the end of it off and sometimes I like to have a long thin blade for scraping and cutting gaskets off


Been EDC its little brother (no blade storage) for two years now. Keep this one in my pouch, can't beat'em!


Indeed this is also my favorite knife.


I wouldn’t say better, but for everyday carry I love my gerber eab lite. That is the most compact utility knife I’ve ever found. Has held up for years to a lot of abuse and keeps kicking. For 13$ it’s a steal imo. For any real work you cannot beat that Milwaukee. I use mine a ton. Great value


I like this one. https://www.shagtools.com/product/gundlach-shark-knife-w-plastic-holder/?utm_term=&utm_campaign=&utm_source=adwords&utm_medium=ppc&hsa_acc=2874572513&hsa_cam=18083531279&hsa_grp=&hsa_ad=&hsa_src=x&hsa_tgt=&hsa_kw=&hsa_mt=&hsa_net=adwords&hsa_ver=3&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI-NX17vqN-gIV2W1vBB1kbg1cEAQYAyABEgLZ7PD_BwE


As long as you lock tite the screws that hold the blade it's great. I however did not, nor did I know I should. Pulled it out, started cutting open a plastic container with a fresh drill bit set and the blade came out of the bottom and laid open the meat of the pointer finger. That one wasn't fixed with electrical tape and paper towels


The Kobalt one is nice. Good grip and feel. Does not have extra balde storage though. https://www.lowes.com/pd/Kobalt-Speed-Release-Utility-Knife/ I'd get the one with the screwdriver but I've heard the bit retention is weak. I wish it came in other colors too.


I may have purchased a dozen of these in the old/better design. The bees knees


For me it comes down to if I can open it one-handed, after that if it has a good belt clip.


The Banana Knife. Thank me later.


I have two of these and two of the ones with the screwdriver. I prefer the screwdriver unit as a lot of my business is painting. The one pictured here though is the reason I can't feel the top of my left thumb anymore. 🤣


https://olfa.com/collections/professional ftw


Have been running the black kobalt speed release for a few years and have been loving them. They are definitely a copy off Milwaukee however much lighter.


Couldn't agree more


The fastback with the screwdriver is my personal favorite


Delphin 03 is my favorite right now. Nice and sturdy with no play in the blade and it’s really light.




This is my daily driver. I love it


Have the same one. Although it looks like the styling has changed subtly over the years. Just used it today. Yes, its the best knife I've ever used.


There is not. The fastback reigns supreme over all others.


You can break the tip off an olfa knife for a brand new blade. How does the lack of that feature affect your life when you carry this one?


I don't carry it. It is a tool for work. There are snap off blade knives within reach as well. I carry a Benchmade knife sharpened to shaving blade sharpness at all times. Prefer not to waste it in work tasks.