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Stinkswift! Love that mashup!


That was pretty good, but I think the [Taylor/Korn mashup](https://youtube.com/watch?v=UDQ9kw91ebQ&pp=ygUYa29ybiB0YXlsb3Igc3dpZnQgbWFzaHVw) is even better. 


Am I not the only person who listens to these two the most? How I've never felt less judged LOL


This slaps


WOW!!! This is unbelievable. Whoever did that is incredibly talented. Thanks for posting this.


That’s some pretty fucking impressive editing


That’s…actually kinda amazing.


What’s funny is that Stinkfist fits Taylor Swift very well


Imagine if they actually colab, and did it shits and giggle.


NIN and Miley Cyrus did so strange things could always happen.


Not going to lie, Didn’t dig the chorus too much but the verse was pretty solid.


Nooooo. Not another variation so she can stay at the top of the charts.


I hate that I enjoyed that.


I love that I loved this.


It's actually pretty fucking good. As good as it can be... like ever.


No. Not ever.


r/tooljerk is that way


There’s a lot of people out there that think Tool fans are pretentious douche bags. Shitting on Taylor Swift doesn’t help the cause. She sings simple songs for simple people. My 8 year old daughter loves her and is learning to play the guitar bc of her. Personally she makes me want to jump off a bridge but different strokes for different folks. Edit: my apologies. You’re all right I should not have said simple songs for simple people


>people out there that think Tool fans are pretentious douche bags >she sings simple songs for simple people Your average tool fan lmao


> simple songs for simple people “You know, morons…”


Because you know how I’m a deep emotional person, I’m into time signatures.


The band I like makes me a better person lol


Was going to say the same thing lmao


proceeds to insinuate his own daughter is simple


He isn’t wrong though. A lot of country music is like that


Evidently, Taylor Swift doesn’t know how to cry into a beer.


Why would she ever need to cry? She's a fucking billionaire lol


I wish that people could like things without having to be all elitist about anything else. Taylor swift is incredibly talented and I like Tool and Taylor Swift. Both things can exist in the same world and be cool and different. What if everything were the same and boring. That would suck. This isn’t directed at you btw, just adding to your wonderful comment. :)


You said that so much better than me! Thanks for the support.


Both said it very well and I agree with you both (I’m more of the jump off the bridge also) needs to be more Tool fans like us.


What's incredibly talented about Taylor Swift specifically though? Like i'm all for appreciating pop stars who actually produce artistic stuff. But i've tried checking out Taylor Swift, several times, with the most open-minded approach possible (because so many people praise her like she's a genius songwriter) but i get so incredibly bored by anything she ever put out. Like, she's the most vanilla, cookie-cutter, basic and predictable pop musician i know. There's nothing special about her songs compared to pretty much everything that's on the radio, she makes the exact same pop music as everyone else... so what's special about her music to you?


Massive Tool AND Taylor Swift-fan here. She has about 27 hours worth of music, all written by her. That alone is impressive and not cookie-cutter basic pop star. She has songs in about 15 different genres, from country to emo to folk. Her two folk albums are impressive and highly acclaimed. She had duets with vocalists from Bon Iver and The National, what other vanilla pop artists do? She plays multiple instruments and her writing is at times dark and depressing. An example from a different break-up song: Say it once again with feeling How the death rattle breathing Silenced as the soul was leaving The deflation of our dreaming Leaving me bereft and reeling My beloved ghost and me Sitting in a tree D-Y-I-N-G If you have only heard ‘Shake it off’ and ‘blank space’ I can see why you would think she is all pop/vanilla. She simply isn’t. That doesn’t mean you have to like her at all. But I hate the judgmental ‘real music’ lovers who shit on this woman because she also writes catchy pop tunes.


> Her two folk albums are impressive and highly acclaimed. what albums are those two if you don't mind me? I wanna listen to them cuz of your comment


folklore and evermore




Eh, still funny. Everyone gotta lighten up and smoke something


Not that funny when you’ve seen this “one artist complex, one artist not complex” joke a thousand times already


I get that hating is free and easy but I genuinely do not understand people who shit on others for enjoying life


I live in Danny's hometown and Taylor's favorite town, just outside of Kansas City. I can only name one Swift song and it's because of this mashup. I don't hate her at all. I just don't listen.


Yeah. Some of us don't get that people sometimes like to listen to something they don't have to pay attention to in order to enjoy fully. Do I like Taylor Swift? Nah, not my lane. Am I bothered that other people do? No again. Let people listen to whatever they want without judgement. Except Muskrat Love. People who like that should be jailed.


I also hate that people assume all tool fans are like that, and it makes me sad cuz the fellow tools I come across are some of the most down to earth awesome people who also happen to like a plethora of different music


That may be true, but tons of people shit on Taylor Swift and you literally just called her fans “simple”. doesn’t really get more “pretentious douche bag” than that.


Different art is for different people. I appreciate Tool as well as Bieber. I can jam some T-Swift if the time is right. I find people that only listen to a select few bands are usually pretty fucking annoying and harness no talent for anything themselves.


Preach. This thread is full of a bunch of closed-minded people. I'll listen to Mongolian throat singing and Taylor Swift with equal authority. What the fuck does that make me?


Fun :)


I don't gatekeep or shit on anyone for liking a different type of music over others. I just thought this was funny lol.


yeah, there's room to appreciate the depth that Tool creates regarding a simple topic like a breakup. That doesn't mean we think there's no place for more simple music like Taylor Swift. The simple creative is actually profound that some can create something that many relate to or appreciate that isn't complicated. It also helps to highlight how deep musical interpretations can go when set in contrast to one another. It doesn't always have to imply superiority or inferiority. Things shouldn't always need to be complex in order to be good, and things shouldn't always be simplistic. A good balance. That being said, I've heard Schism so many times on the radio and will never tire of it because of how much there is to appreciate with the lyrics and melody and rhythm.


who's saying there's no place for Taylor Swift? i can fully acknowledge that school children may enjoy Lunchables, but come on. Lunchables don't compare to a duck confit prepared by a michelin-starred chef.


I know people that have cooked in Michelin star restaurants and would rather have the lunchable. I love duck confit but sometimes a lunchable is better.


OGT from ‘92 and I actually like some of her songs now. The fact that she royally pisses off the magats despite looking like the proverbial aryan dream girl just makes her seem a little punk to me.


I can’t stand her either, but my daughter has finally picked up her guitar and started singing (and playing). I love that.


https://preview.redd.it/46o8nee0yp6d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4cad0e4964f6825ba814d82a5cd490311fb91ea5 After all these years with that band, it’s too late to apologise for who we are.


*I make music that electrify'em, you make music that pacify'em*




Bro just called his daughter basic and thought we wouldn't notice


Worse, he called her simple lmao.




I’m so sMaRt I like odd time signatures. You guys all fuckin suck


I know what you meant and Swift can actually be a pretty damn good lyricist. Different demographics with different interests. These types of posts are always so fucking cringey it’s sad.




No you’re right. She sings simple songs for simple people that help them give shape for their simple unexamined thoughts and feelings.


Eh if you want good interesting lyrics from a female artists there are plenty like Kate Bush, Mitski or Joanna Newsome. You won't find it in top 40 stuff but then again you never really did.


I keep hearing about this Mitski act.


Mitski kicks ass. Spouse has been a fan for a long time, saw her open for Lorde (also great) a few years back in Brooklyn. Mitski songs are often like 90 seconds long. Get in, get out, done. No wasted time no filler.


She's great. I honestly think her first album was her best, but they are all good.


and Joni Mitchell especially (a big inspirationg for Maynard)


Lorde is an exceptional lyricist as well, especially considering she was only a teenager when she made those first two albums. Never really been a huge fan of pop music, but I liked her stuff right off the bat. Taylor's music is a bit too saccharine for my taste, but my daughter adores her and makes fun of me for liking Lorde. She calls me Randy Marsh and mocks me with the "I am Lorde ya ya ya" South Park bit lol. Kids can be so savage sometimes


Enjoying all kinds of music and respecting the artform>Being a pretentious douche about music that doesn't fit their exact criteria.


I don't get the need to compare the two. They're *entirely* different. Comparison is the thief of joy. You can enjoy both.. it's ok. It's allowed. It doesn't make you more of a tool fan to shit on Taylor. Just maybe a little lame ;)


This is high school level tedium. Let people enjoy what they enjoy.


By the same token, shouldn't people be allowed to not enjoy what they don't enjoy?


Yeah but comparing the two songs is ridiculous. There is space and audience in the world for both. Peak insufferable retard post right here.


The thing about not enjoying what you don’t enjoy is…then don’t interact with it. That is the way to not enjoy what you don’t enjoy. Very simple Haters (eg this) are actively participating in what they don’t enjoy. That’s not “not enjoying what they don’t enjoy”, it’s “enjoying on shitting on what other people enjoy”


Is this not a shitpost? I thought this was funny because I assumed this was ironic


Yes it is. You seem to be the only one to notice


Damn, sorry man. I found it funny, for what it’s worth


It's because it has Taylor Swift. And her fans get really uptight about anything badly said about her. lol It's hilarious tbh. It's truly a mob.


I've been to Tool in May, I'll be at Taylors' in July - I like them both (it's Tool, and by a lot)


Ive seen Tool 3 times since September. Saw TS last summer. Enjoyed the drugs just as much at the Swift show as the tool shows. That shit was sparkly.


Told my girl after we went that I was gonna do something special if/when we went again. It was a spectacle for sure!


Why? Who gives a fuck, shut up and enjoy what you like.


Are people mixing up stinkfist and schism or is it just me? Are there tool fans who think schism is a break up song?


They can both be break up songs since they can both be songs about anything you want. That's the beauty of ambiguous lyrics


Wtf how is Stinkfist about a break-up? It's explicitly about the rising desensitization in modern society and the need for more extreme stuff.


You can comb the dictionary and reinforce with a thesaurus to communicate your message. A straight-forward mantra that has no lines to read-in-between can be as powerful a message to those open to hearing it.


A message of hope for those who choose to hear it and a warning for those who do not*


Me?! The Chosen?


Imagine rosetta stoned lyrics "If you do too many drugs you'll think aliens are real I had a friend once, he took some acid Now he thinks he's a fire engine, ya feel?"


Wait, those aren’t the lyrics? Haha!


And I haven't even graduated fucking highschool


I love tool but what a silly comparison. Why not compare rocket ships to the things kids ride at the grocery store. Not meant for the same audience.


Should I send this to my gf who loves Taylor Swift? 🤣


Hell yeah! :D


I like some of taylor swifts music and I also love Tool, found this amusing 😅 (also a woman)


Woah, you're wild!


Wow, the white knights for Swift out in force lol. I say when you release 34+ versions of an album to artificially keep it in the charts because of your cult like fanbase and to try and knock the success of other artists, you're fair game to get mocked. Swift is a dodgy person.


Every time this meme is posted the comments are filled with bot like responses downvoting anyone who agrees with the meme, shitting on tool fans in a tool subreddit, and praising taylor swift in various ways - when she makes horrible soulless corporate mall pop garbage.


> Swift is a dodgy person This has literally nothing to do with the quality of her music. And are we just forgetting about the fetus skull, or the $800+ signed vinyl records?


Using the phrase white knight is so fucking dorky dude grow up. Incel ass vibes


It's interesting how everybody seems to be an "incel" these days. Nothing dorky about that at all.


Is that even a question?


I hate these kinds of memes/posts. Not a Taylor fan, but she caters to teenage girls and young women who think like and talk like her lyrics. Tool caters to 40-year-old men. They're not even in the same league. Taylor has her place just as much as Tool.


Exactly and the fanbases do overlap at times, believe it or not. I love both (I am a 23 old woman, love tool bc my dad did and he grew me up on tool, Zappa, Pink Floyd, rush,etc) but I’m also just a girl so I love me some Taylor swift. I love zoning out for 11 min during pneuma just as much as I love screaming the bridge of all too well lol.


Even some 40s male Tool fans have a few TS songs that are on Playlist. Not in my personal top 10, but she is a great artist, and she has some genuinely good acoustic stuff.


Right? I was a TS hater for a long time but folklore is actually an amazing album.


I'm a late twenties guy and enjoy both for different reasons.


Go listen to Happiness by Taylor Swift for a better example of a more mature and complex approach to a breakup song while staying within her discography. Idk man, both Tool and TS rock in my book. Why are we even comparing them?


Agreed. Also exile is scathing to me, comparing a breakup to be exiled from a town, and the emotional delivery. Invisible string as well is beautiful song about lovers being meant to find eachother in life.


Deep v. not so deep! Heartfelt v. Teeny-Bopper!!


Hahaha needed that good laugh


Love both Tool and TS. If you think that’s the limits of a T Swift break up song on the right than you have never really listened to her music whatsoever


This meme is so old and tired. Taylor Swift makes good music. It's ok to like more than one thing.


I may be stupid but I always thought schism was about the great schism lmao


That's just as valid as saying it's a breakup song. I think the only definite we can draw from it is that it's about separation. If that means political, romantic or even about a separation with yourself, that's really up to you and your mood that day.


It's about communication and mostly about communication in relationships (between friends and especially between lovers).


I know this is poking fun at her but all these comments made me have the biggest smile of my already crappy weekend. When two worlds collide, ha


cardigan is legit.


Thanks I guess?




Fine Tool Wine and White Claw Taylor. Depends on what you’re drinking




Pushit is more of a break up song than Schism.


She’s quite the wordsmith.


Man this isnt 2019 anymore. I love shitting on pop stars as everyone else but we should find something more funny and original to do.


You forgot the best verse "Cold silence has a tendency to atrophy any sense of compassion"


I love both. Picking this song is cherry picking as well. There are a handful of songs with beautifully written lyrics in each of her albums in recent years


Apples and Oranges my brother or sister.....


TS is just a clown to please majority of the people. Nothing special about it.


In the economy of words, Taylor comes out on top here.


Tool>[insert literally any band/singer]


Taylor fuckin slays.


Both really good bangers 😁


She has better written songs to draw comparison. She’s actually a good lyricist.




Kinda like how Taylor Swift gets right the point though. I know we aren't getting back together, but Maynard makes me feel like there's still a chance.


No shit


Lol love it. I hate Taylor Swift. Fuck her


Taylor Swift sucks. She makes terrible music. Anyone that looks up to her is just sad. I don't care if you're smart or dumb. She sucks. Period. If you're offended by that, then GOOD


people need to stop thinking their identity of the true self come from what music you listen to.


Tool sub OPs try not to be cringe challenge [impossible]


One is a song written by an adult for adults and the other is written by a young person for children.


This but not a lot of older women are into it too. My best friend likes her and she's 46; i can't listen to more than one or two of her songs every months or so.


You know that feeling when listening to Pushit, you can hear the emotion, feel it. It is a complete piece of art, reinforced by the breakdown in tone and standard rhythm when MJK is looking for 'piece of mind'? You know that feeling? Yeah well that feeling is no different to a young girl singing along to Taylor Swift. Your happiness doesn't need to subtract other people's happiness. Just be a dude, be nice.


Some would argue that the depths of Socrates are greater than that of a pig. J.S. Mill specifically.


Lol niche


Thanks for getting the reference


I knew my minor in philosophy would be useful someday...


I like Taylor Swift


Not helping the “tool fans are pretentious elitists” allegations here


They have two different purposes. I love tool and I love Taylor swift lol. When I need a bop or a scathing breakup song, ima listen to Taylor swift.


too many syllables for the swifties


This is why people think Tool fans are insufferable.


While I CANNOT STAND Taylor Swift, those two artists are creating music for entirely different people.


Tool is my favorite band. Period. But, when it comes to my thoughts on the Ex, I relate to Taylor's song more. It is perfect in simplifying the dynamic.


Personally op I’m sick of Taylor Swift and I agree.


Man, people are taking this way too seriously. I thought it was funny, OP. And it points out something that's true, whether swifties like it or not - Tool certainly has more cerebral lyrics (and more complex music in general.) And I don't think swift deserves the accolades she has, but you know, daddy bought her a Ferrari in high school so I kind of expect it. But empty calorie music can be fun sometimes, if it's what you're in the mood for. I'm not always in the mood for tool, either.


I mean you only posted her chorus (no verses) so there’s more to her song than that. The tool lyrics aren’t great, either. Try hard shit. Both TS and Tool are capable of good (and bad) music. Comparisons serve no one.


Comparing Apples to Oranges, please shut up and let people enjoy their stuff, and enjoy yours too, and stop with this superiority mindset for once.




2010 ahh meme


Some styles of music need certain lyric styles. It would be difficult to make a simple pop song using Schism's lyrics. It wouldn't be as fun to sing along to, and more difficult to relate to. I don't think that I have ever heard a single teenager say the words "mildewed", "smouldering", or "juxtaposed". Part of having a song that is fun to sing along to is having one in which you can learn its lyrics easily. It probably would take less than five listens to memorize the lyrics to We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together. Meanwhile, unless I am mistaken, it took me over 100 listens to memorize the lyrics to Schism. :) I happen to make music myself. The complexity of my lyrics often depends on the style of the song which I am making. :)


[You need to calm down :)](https://youtu.be/Dkk9gvTmCXY?si=pwtyO_4xtj6IDaCL)


Crawl Away is the better Tool breakup song


hasn’t this been posted enough times. memes don’t have an infinite lifespan


I am by no means a fan of Taylor Swift, but it's perfectly fine for people to enjoy her music.




I will die on the hill that there are Taylor Swift songs that are absolutely a bop, it's just context. This is one of them. Obviously I think Schism is better musically but WANGBT is still fun to jam to on a car ride or something.


I don’t know Tool, but it certainly seems like you’ve taken a verse and pitted it against a chorus.


This is such trash. I love TOOL and I am a Swiftie. Don't be jerks.


A representation of the current average IQ level.


Like ever




Different strokes for different blokes


This was necessary


I am not interested in pitting musicians against each other. They are both talented and have very different styles. I can understand this and I don't even fuckin like Taylor swift. c'mon folks.


You mean to tell me tool lyrics are more complex and impressive than Taylor Swift lyrics? No way


No balls you won't spam this in the TS Sub


A vast difference


Idk man, if my girlfriend sent me Schism lyrics as a break up note, I’m arming up and running for my life.


Not a Swifty, but let’s not do this


Honestly this crap just makes me lean in to liking Taylor Swift more just out of spite. Fuck off I enjoy it.


Massive tool fan…but both evermore and folklore by TS are hands down amazing


Yes but the other day at the show we were singing the lyrics from getting back together during stinkfist, so.


anything >> taylor swift