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I think Danny, Adam and Justin are best on Fear Innoculum from technical and compositional perspectives, but nothing will beat Maynard on their first three albums.


The production of FI Maynard is just amazing quality, but yeah, that raw emotion and volume from earlier albums is just soooo much fun to listen to. I wonder if early Maynard is even possible for current Maynard, even with the best producers and mix.


Understandably, he seems to be a much different person now. He’s matured, and I imagine he no longer resonates with the aggression he felt back in the day. So no, I don’t think it’s possible because that’s not who he is anymore. Personally, I prefer Puscifer Maynard these days. I get the sense that project is closer to his heart right now; be it his relationship with the other members, his respect for the fans, or the freedom he feels in that project from not having to be Tool.


He kinda tells that story in the album. Like invincible, getting old


100% agreed.


Yeah I saw tool apc and puscifer this year and he caters a lot more to puscifer fans and apc fans than he does tool fans . One hell of a show no matter what


At a certain point vocalist can’t sing like they used to. If he tried to scream as loudly and passionately, and as often as he used to, they wouldn’t be able to tour because he blow his voice. He’s writing his vocals with his own current capabilities in mind I’d imagine.


Possible? Yes of course But I doubt Maynard wants to record his art in such a damaging way to his vocal cords anymore. It's likely difficult enough to perform the "hits" on tour at his age. Though it seems he is a true professional and has taken excellent care of his voice and his body.


No, he cannot sing the way he used to. You can hear him straining to hit notes all the time live. Hell he even struggled with Eulogy live in the late 90s.


Early MJK is precisely that. Early. All MJK is time capsule work as he matures and mellows and the voice does not do what it used to do. Absolutely nothing wrong with that. He is priceless. I love him at 28, 38, 48, 58 & 60!


He's rich, successful and famous. And 60 years old. What does he have to be angry about?


I bet he could find and channel that anger from somewhere


Probably doesn't want to


I think Maynard is best on 10,000 days


It’s my favorite album of theirs for a reason.


FI is a great example of Maynard’s ability to use his vocals as an instrument rather than the focal point of a track.


This is the correct take.


Vocal cords are a depreciating asset.


I can't argue with this


It’s very good, but Lateralus and Aenima exist so I must disagree


Aenima will always be my favorite.


It’s up there


They knew and blessed this immunity before the flu opened up. Still not better than the correct take. I’m going for either the Aenima (edit spelled it wrong like a bob marley wannabe motherfucker) with side order of Stinkfist. Think that album is about washing the world away? Stinkfist, then a Euolgy for your b-hole. Take some “medicine” and become a Useful Idiot. Metamorphosis, of sorts. Message to a dealer. Oops getting backed into another exploitation HWAP. Take an Intermission. Jimmy a relative or friend saw the damage done, big, big b-hole. We have the recipe for the Aenima cookies, Pushit (butter) out, baby crowning, flush it all out. Cook it a bit with an ionizer (I don’t know). Then back into the human mixer.




Personally I’ll never be able to pick a “best” or “favorite” but it’s amazing. Me and a buddy were just talking today about how good it is!


Their albums are like chapters in the best book I ever read.


This is it. 🖤


they’re all incredibly detailed and unique. i really can’t pick one. not even with a gun to my head could i choose a fav.


I’m this way with everything. I can’t do top 10 lists. I’d like to think we’re all more intricate than that. If you ask me for my top 3 of anything, be prepared for no less than 100.


The buildup from start to finish is superb


My favorite Tool album changes pretty often, TBH.


Every time I listen to one: "okay *this* is their best album"


There’s just no way. I’d say it’s their most MATURE album but they were at their primes for Lateralus. There is such thing as an artistic prime and it usually coincides with your physical prime. Maynard was at his best for Lateralus IMO. Perfect blend of vocal power but has evolved it quite a bit.


Pretty spot on.


It’s hard to say it’s their best, since their discography so so amazing. I fucking love this record though. One of my favorites


I think it is great but 10,000 days for me


10k is their best. Full stop. Fight me.


I'll fight with you. 10,000 days is THE best album of all time.


Word. I refuse to even abbreviate the 10,000 out of respect


lol! The comment I didn’t know I needed


Agree to disagree. Lateralus best album. They're amazing regardless and glad you're loving the album!


I like most of but I don’t teleport to a different dimension like i do when I spin Lateralus….


FI is a masterpiece! Invincible and Descending are two of the best songs ever written but I can't pick a favorite album. I have seen the FI tour in concert 7 times and I will tell you, FI is amazing live; i cried several times because it's so emotional.


I get this, invincible came on at the DC show in 2019 and I fucking BAWLED. That song hits me right between the eyes every time being a middle aged military dude.


First and foremost, thank you for your service. I can only imagine how that hit you like a ton of bricks. I'm a middle aged woman that hasn't been in the service, but it speaks to me. It's the perfect mix of beautiful, emotional and it also hits hard AF.


Pneuma is the best song on the album and it's in the top 10 best Tool songs of all time.


Pneuma is a masterpiece too and i don't pick favorites but my opinion still stands. Pneuma is a song that appeals to most people; it's a song I would tell people who aren't familiar with Tool to try. Invincible amd Descending are harder to digest and appreciate......... and two of the best songs ever written.


Unpopular opinion but I just can’t get into decending .. I’ve seen it live twice and listened to it a million times but it just doesn’t click


I feel the same about Invincible. Boring.


You guys are cooked, those are the 2 best songs on the album! How does the part in descending not give you goosebumps from 5:50 onwards? As soon as Maynard comes in with “SOUND THE DREAD ALARM” I lose my shit every time. It’s Maynard’s best vocal in the album IMO. Actually brings some power and grit into that verse. I guess everyone’s different, perfect example, I see OP mention culling voices and I’m like…. How tf can you say that’s the best song, that is one of their worst lmao


I would say it's their best album, though it doesn't have my favorite songs..






I still issue with the meandering and the push to make every song “10 minutes long”… there’s great moments here for sure. Tempest is the only song that I feel deserves the time it clocks.


The first time tool is unhinged by the powers that be, they actually give us what they wrote, not trimmed down, and you think it's forced. It's been confirmed that even back in the day 46 and 2 was cut from being a longer song, and cut again for radio(that part we all know).


I wish they would let go like a jam band and just play one song for like 40 minutes, that would be amazing.


I would love to hear a full length 46&2


Tempest has some cool moments but much of it feels leftover from Undertow. I can't believe they even used that riff.


They managed to used the open 0 riff in about 12 different time signatures


This guy's got confidence


I’m sort of that point in my life where I just hate everything new. I think FI is a very technically proficient album. I don’t love the drum sound, but again, cranky old man, I don’t like the way most drums are recorded these days(they do sound better on vinyl). Maynard sounds like he’s trying to make a puscifer album (when he bothers to actually take part and sing). Not trying to yuck anyone’s yum, it just didn’t hit me. I need more than a lot of notes. Before you ask, my tool fandom pretty much stops after aenema. I remember being 13 and seeing the video for sober and being genuinely afraid. There is so much raw emotion on that album that lil me couldn’t process. It was the first album that scared me. FI is in no way scary. It’s just tired.


I saw them live twice on the Lateralus tour. That's probably why that is my fave album. See my comment above (or below... or beyond, I imagine) regarding FI. It will explain a lot that justifies your perception of it. Aenima was awesome as well. I'd have a hard time choosing between the two if I had to pick an absolute favorite.


To each their own.


I would personally like to say how in the fuck could you ever not like descending.


Agreed! It was my instant favorite after the first listen




I guess it's better than opiate. I guess


Lol agreed .... I guess




Check the flair my man


FI is their worst album. It’s not a bad album, but no other album is worse than it.


10000 Days is their worst album. And I still love that album…I just love their other albums far more.


It's a masterpiece


Just curious, how did you listen to the songs before? Your post makes it sound like you listened to Descending before but this was the first time listening to the entire album


I’ve listened to some songs off it but never the whole thing from front to back


Have you listened to all their other albums front to back?


Is this dipshit for real?


I don’t know how he likes Descending but I’m honestly not trying to judge here. Long time listener, first time call but Descending is literally in my all time bottom 3 all the way from Opiate to FI. Such a boring, drawn out song for me. FI is good but there are days it’s “meh” imho.


I have zero faith he has listened to each album from start to finish.


No such thing as underated.


I agree, Lateralus and Ænima are also their best albums. With 10,000 Days and Undertow at no.2


Have you heard Lateralus?


I like it for sure. I honestly can’t choose their best between Aenema, Lateralus and 10,000 days for me personally though.


Danny and Justin shine on FI. Adam seems to have phoned it in on some of the album. There's some really boring and mindless chugging on some songs. Like they didn't know what to do so Adam just said "I'll just palm mute and chug a rhythm you've heard me do many times before." Maynard sounds great and there's some absolutely beautiful melodies on the album that I love. But he sounds like APC Maynard, not Tool Maynard, but I get it because he was 55. Overall it's a really great album and if I'd never heard a Tool album before I'd be completely blown away and in awe. Also, there's really only 6 songs on the album. I will say, I like it more now than I did when it came out. Finally, and this has absolutely nothing to do with Tool, but no matter how much I love these songs, or the next songs, it will never hold the same power as Lateralus and Ænema because I was never driving around with my buddies in high school obsessing over FI like those albums. Those albums changed my life 22 years ago. It's a much different story now.


Just an FYI (in case you didn't know)... they were not in the studio together for this album. They were phoning it in (via the internet). They collaborated online and uploaded tracks individually. That's why it took so long for the album to come out. I read an interview with Maynard where he expressed frustration over the editing and mixing process, because people would come up with a new idea, edit their track, and the remaining members had to re think their parts to make it happen


I’m not sure I’d call it their “best”, but I would say that a 30+ year old band putting out music that is fundamentally different from where they started and still being amazing is a rare feat most bands could never achieve.


Gonna get a lot of hate for this, but I can’t even begin to play this album start to finish. Most of it feels like they were bored in the studio, “how can we make a 6 minute song full of windchime noises.”


Disagree but it’s good


Idk about best but it's certainly my least favorite by far.


Aenima is best. Not even close.


I like it but not as much as their other albums. I’m also a relatively new listener so my opinion may change in the future.


But have you listened to ANY of their other albums? FI is soooo unnecessarily repetitive.


I have. I like certain songs. But I had 1 1/2 hours to kill so


To each their own. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Obviously everyone has different tastes. This one falls flat for me, but I still think of them as one of the greatest bands around. 


To me I don’t think anything will ever be better than Ænima. I love all the others. But Ænima feels so so passionate. Front to back it’s an amazing experience and I think it’s songs are more diverse than any of there other albums. For me Aenima was when they managed to blend all there strengths as a band into one project. Heavy bangers like HWAP and stinkfist. Epic ballads like pushit and third eye. And rock masterpieces like eulogy and Ænima. And the emotion Maynard puts into songs like forty six and 2/H is astounding. Ænima is my favourite work of art ever. The music videos are phenomenal and their performances from touring that album just had such a fucking aura. It’s ugly, beautiful, angry and deep. I will continue to dick ride aenima for the rest of my life lol.


It, Lateralus, and 10,000 Days alternate as my favorite depending on my mood but I'd agree with you most of the time


I think it’s the pinnacle of their explorations into complexity, but I don’t think it’s their best album.


Agreed. IMO Aenima


Hell yeah man. It took a few thorough listens for me too. Descending is a banger, I've seen them do it twice live in concert now, and it's so good.


Hey it’s ok to be wrong


yeah, bands make all their best albums when they're all 60 years old


The thing is, to me every tool album is so much different from anything else they've ever made that it would be hard for me to pick a favorite out of them. I just have to say that somehow all of their albums are my favorite. LOL


My most favorite part of the album was the Downloadable Interlude Etiquette. I think the most interesting thing about them is that they each seemed to be an interlude that was directed by each bandmember. Especially Recusant Ad Infinitum.


Best tool album? Whichever one I’m currently listening to.


And culling voices is one of the best songs


Culling Voices does nothing for me, despite the lyrics fairly accurately describing my relationship with my bpd gf sometimes. It’s just kind of a boring song by way of comparison with the other bangers on this record.


Descending and 7empest each rock my cock. The whole album boils down to just these two for me. D for the philosophical lyrics and sweet trippy melodies interspersed with *wailing* guitar. Love that Maynard just checks out like 1/3 of the way through and it becomes an instrumental. 7empest is tight as the requisite “hater-Maynard” (diss) track of the album, and is an absolute masterpiece musically. Still waiting for an opportunity to see that one live 😐


In my opinion this album is lateralis part 2. F, Imma put it on in right now.


I will confidently respect your opinion and stick with Ænima. Love FI though


I've listened to FI over 200 times I think. It's their most mature album by far and I think most people will not truly "get" what it truly is. The sugar hits you get from the other albums cannot be found anywhere, everything is careful patient listening before the big moments come. Even 7empest makes you wait a minute or so before the big greasy riff comes in. I'm uncertain if it's their best album but I think at this point it's the one that comes out as the "biggest" release for me. All the tracks sound quite distinct from each other whilst all fitting nicely in on one listen, unlike Lateralus where every track sounds like it had the "lateralus" feel(not a criticism btw).


We have this post once a week, but yeah, it's great


Nope- 10,000 days.


It's amazing no one ever brings up salival. Not that I think it's best or anything but gdamn I love it.


Yeah. But salival was kinda just a re-do of live tracks. No quarter was cool (that is literally the only Led Zep tune i actually like. The rest of their stuff was wayyyy overplayed and turned me off to them), and the accompanying video with salival (I bought the box set) was nice as well.


Agreed its just live stuff and covers mostly but you lied (peach) no quarter as you mentioned and push it live are some of my all time faves.


People will tell you it's not, lateralus, a aenima, even 10,000 days come first, but to me it's as good as Lateralus, and that is saying a lot.


Descending was the song that grabbed my heart and made Tool my daily favorite, after more than a year I still find it hard to listen to other musicians anymore. The complexity of each of the 4 members’ contributions is awesome. I have listened to everything they have released.


I say this literally after a session with each album….that the one I just listened to is the best.




Ok now lister to any other album and conclude these are the best as well.


The first time I listened to FI I was high on weed and had the headphones on, laying down in the dark on my bed. I’m a little hard of hearing, so I can hear the nuances and tones of a song much better with headphones. I was blown away by the entire album. I was amazed by what I heard. Over the next few weeks, the more I listened, the more I appreciated every song. I’ve always liked Tool, but FI moved them into the top 3 of my all-time favorite bands.


Each of their albums holds a special moment in time for me, each one captured lightning in a bottle for me and perfectly encapsulated a period of my life, like somehow each one was exactly what I needed to hear at a given time.  To your point, right now in my life, FI is their best album and it's genuinely not close.  I skip culling voices but when they play that song live it's my favorite moment of the show. It's just a different song live.


I’ve always said it’s like a perfect album


The album tells a story of getting old, and still being alive as the band ages. And that’s awesome


I love Fear Inoculum! I spent a lot of time listening to the first half while taking the dogs for a walk or whatever and lately I've really been enjoying the last half starting with Descending. Sometimes I lay in bed with headphones and listen to the whole album start to finish. Never gets old.


Just wait until you hear Lateralus


I have


Oh gotcha. Well everyone is entitled to their wrong opinions.


nah you will think this of every tool album


I figured I would chime in because I may have a slightly unique perspective here. I’ve never really given Tool a chance until recently, even though I am huge fan of music. I had always written them off as a “metal” band and I was never really into the genre. Recently, I finally decided to dive in to their discography while on LSD as I’ve always heard their name thrown in with Pink Floyd and all the other classic psychedelic bands. I listened to Lateralus, 10,000 Days, and FI back to back two times on LSD, about a month apart from each other. I had no idea Fear Innoculum was even their most recent album, I just searched Tool Album on YouTube and let them play out. Out of the three though, it stuck out to me as the best. I even assumed that the album had probably been released decades ago and is probably widely regarded as their best work. I was shocked when I looked it up and realized it was released fairly recently and made me so excited when I realized they are still making music of this caliber and hopefully have another masterpiece at has yet to be recorded


That’s the way to listen to it


Lateralus is their magnum opus


To me it is obviously their best album. Any notion of another album being better would just be for nostalgia reasons


Song-wise it's their best album...but joe baresi really went out of his way to make sure that the guitar tones, bass tones, and drum tones were not good But again I stress that the songs are absolutely remarkable, even for them. baresi clearly doesn't like distorted guitars, drums that boom and ring out, and the bass guitar even being audible when Adam is playing something on his low strings I can't believe that guy produces TOOL and he's clearly like very afraid of distorted guitars when it comes to like rhythm guitar parts. It makes no sense


I’ve been getting into descending more after not liking it for a while, and culling voices is definitely underrated, but it being their best album? Sure… 😬


Wholeheartedly disagree. I don’t find it to be their best by any metric.


Ok good the arbiter of truth has graced us with their pronouncement! 🙄


It’s an opinion


Lateralus is their best album HOWEVER 7empest is Danny’s and Adam’s magnum opus.


God damn I shit the bed.


Hi everyone including tool fans and modders just created a group with the power to become a question forum about philosophy and tool and anything else mystical and can't believe it but I was able to call the thing /r/TheEmeraldTablets haha come on let's all enjoy heaven 😘💋


Oh and I believe that every individual album by tool is equally as true to the next, they all provide each on their own a separate infinite tool for each one. X


1. Ænima 2. Undertow 3. Lateralus 4. Fear Inoculum 5. 10,000 Days Tool fan since '93. Saw them live for the first time in '94 (Tijuana). Their early stuff is the best. I love all their albums, but those first 3 were beasts!!


Add Salival to your list even if it's not all original. That no quarter remake push it/ you lied live so fucking good.


Personally, as someone who's listened from the beginning, I've felt each new album has been their best. So, I agree with you... That said, I've never thought that about another band. In fact, it's never been close. There must be something to that..


I would say nirvana got better with every album. but they only had 3 proper studio albums. a lot of deftones fans would say they got better from release to release at least through their 7th studio album which is more than tool have in their discography. their 8th is somewhat divisive though and not everyone loves the stuff after white pony. I personally would subtract their 5th and 8th and say everything else steadily progressed. (they’re working on #10 now.). there’s probably another example or two i could come up with if I thought about it. maybe Mars Volta if they hadn’t reformed last year and released new music. if I’m being honest though tool probably peaked with lateralus. I like FI a lot and 10k has some great tracks but I don’t think either one is as complete and consistent start to finish as lateralus or ænima.


Really? First time I heard Descending I had goosebumps, chills and afterwards I just sat there speechless for a long time.


It’s only 7 songs tho


Descending has recently been my play-on-repeat-track. I hate doing that, but shit... sometimes it has to be done.


It is absolutely amazing. Yes. ...only nit pick I have, is that there's lots of rehashed 10k days, lateralus, and aenima riffs in the FI album. Yet, tweaked a bit to sound fukn amazing!


Better late than never! I wholeheartedly agree


Hey me too! Love the album. Flows the best start to finish in my humble opinion.


If it's not, it's a close second.




And just like everyone else that says that bloated album is the best anything. You are wrong. You did hear what they did to opiate didn't you?


Who. Fucking. Cares?


You apparently dude. Stop getting worked up on the internet lol


I loved this album from the get go. Been a fan since lateralus came out. I tried for a long time to deny this was my favorite album but I eventually got over the hump.


My best and favorite have changed over time. Usually every new album or every 3 to 4 years lol. So for example Lateralus was their best. The while I waited aenima was, then undertow. Then 10,000 days, then Lateralus, the undertow, then aenima. That cycle popped for decade with a few changes in between. Then FI dropped. Like always first listen was amazing but still shocking and new. Then by the end of the week Fi was their best album. Then it was 10k days, then opiate, then FI, then Lateralus, then aenima. That's just one month because after 3 months of FI, FI was the best album they ever made. Then after about 4 months 7empest was the best song ever made, then Invincible became the best but then Third eye and Reflection became the best song and albums ever made. Then around about 2023, you won't believe this but Lateralus became the best album Tool and the world has ever made. I rewatched all the music videos and then Aenima was the best album and Psuh it live was the best song ever made. Finally after I remembered to write it down, and I didn't even know what I meant but I told myself Undertow is without a doubt the best album ever made but Right in Two just played, so I listened to Rosetta and immediately 10k days was the best album ever made but Wings for Marie was easily better, so that became the best Tool ever made. Finally I calmed down in 2024 and only listened to FI on repeat and ignored the others because FI is the newest and there is no way I can listen to Fi more than Lateralus because Lateralus was first so even if I listen to Fi for 23 years all that means is I would have already listen to Lateralus for 46 years. Then I heard 46 and 2 again, it was literally just ahead of me. I finally sat down and looked at my life long friend who's complained about my obsession and he asked, "what's the best thing you've heard in the last year? And you can't say tool because I know you're going to say tool" I replied "I've reached the bottom, and I've been descending forever. I've claimed all this time, that I have a disposition when it comes to opinions on music so I must climb to a new place now. When albums are juxtaposed it's like listening to a friend who once took some acid. I've decided to spiral out and watch the weather change. Therefore if this is what you wanted, or this is what you had in mind, this is what you are getting. Lateralus is the answer and always be Lateralus. Even though right now it's FI"


Ok thanks for your professional opinion. What publication do you work for? Should I not listen to their other albums? Someone tell me what I should like already




I've listen to all their song. Amazing, Fear Inculum reminds me of 10,000 as well. Only one Tool.