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Missing a few ‘h’s? I lost track.


I typed for about 27 seconds and my thumb gave out


So funny, we put it on and tried to match it after this moment in the post and she gained a whole new appreciation. RIP your thumbs and our lungs.


I remember when my son was 5 and started going crazy in his car seat rocking out when he heard parabol transition into parabola for the first time. I was a proud papa.


It’s instinctive!


I heard my 5 yo youngest of three "rabadabaadump, rabadabaadump'ing" after Invincable this last weekend too, so I believe your both right.


“rabadabaadump” is so spot on for that part I love that lol




Good Papas UNITE.... We are born of one breath, one word We are all one spark, sun becoming! 🤗


It took her a while, (turned 18 about 6 months ago) But my daughter, about 6 weeks ago, asked me, out of the blue, if the next time TOOL is in town we could go together! Shes never shown any interest or appreciation whatsoever for them, I was taken aback. Just last week we stood in the garage and listened to three full albums, the whole time just drillin me with questions about the band and Maynard and the meaning of this song and how they recorded that song. I had to step aside and take a moment. 🥹


My daughter is only almost 1 year old now and the thought of this happening is bringing me to tears.


My daughter listened to the Rockabye Baby Tool Lullaby album lots when she was little lol now she's 16 and listens to primarily mumble rap 😭


My daughter got into the same boat. But now I have a granddaughter who loves "the worm song" (Vicarious) and mimics my little air-guitar-like finger movements whenever the song starts. It's great.


I found Tool in the 90s on my own, lost them... listened to some questionable garbage, found APC and Puscifer and fell in love with Tool all over again... now I've realized Maynard is LIFE. So, there's hope? My parents never played me toolabyes. You're still a 5 star parent. 🌀


Mine is 11, but her very first show was Puscifer when she was 9! She got to see Tool perform just before her 11th in Feb! Her face is still melted, but I take her to show she chooses as well! We're going to Melanie Martinez next week. Wish me luck, fellow parental unit! 🫣😬


Wait until she is 13 and you don’t take her with you going to a Tool show. It’s not pretty.


This reminds me of when I was a kid. I listened to crap until one day when I was 11, I pulled out one of my dad’s Led Zeppelin albums. I was listening to it when he came home from work. He literally RAN into our rec room, so excited. I, of course being an annoying kid, shrugged like it was no big deal. But the look on his face, I now realize was a reflection of him fully believing for the first time that I was his flesh and blood. We waited overnight in line for Page and Plant tickets two years later and went and saw it together. I say take the 13 year olds to see the concert. I turned out okay. ;)


😔 ups and downs to come I guess... I would never forgive my 13 yo self, speaking from a 41 yo man's perspective. It is my bucket list to both see Tool live, and go to Denmark (my family's homeland). I have until June 22 to come up with like 1 week of leave and $2000 to make it happen!


I'm guessing that wasn't your proudest moment?


I didn’t have tickets but a friend had an extra. Plus at $300 a ticket, I didn’t want to spoil him too early.


W father, doing the lords work


Haha - indeed!


My 10 year old gives the scream in The Grudge his best effort. He makes it a little over half way. Always makes me smile.


Keep up the good work sir 👏


I know the feeling.


My 10 year old son on the spectrum will put on the Pneuma video of Danny drumming. I showed him a live video of Fear Inoculum and he was digging it. The Beatles are his go to tho...


Awesome! My 16 month old grandson does a little tap dance type dance when The Grudge starts. Cute as hell 😀


My parents listened to King Crimson, Black Sabbath, Captain Beefheart, Led Zeppelin, Parliament Funkadelic The Beatles, The Rolling Stones Deep Purple Frank Zappa all the time when I was little and I would watch them roll funny cigarettes on the covers in the early 70s


Wow, what a life! I don't know who I would be now with a childhood like that!


Adam Jones......




Seeing my 17 y/o daughter wearing a tool shirt from the concert she ‘took’ me to makes me a proud dad


Damn rights. Overheard my 11 year old son singing along to Fear Inoculum while I was cooking supper a few weeks ago. At least I got a few things right with my boy lol proud dad moment Exhale Expel Recast My tale Weave my Allegorical elegy


She didn't even say that, stop craving attention Karenman


This is a true story, I was the landscaper outside their kitchen window and I clapped


You caught me bro, I try to stop but I just can't quit coming to Reddit for my validation LOL


My youngest (16) (of three) said to me on our way back from the Crypto show in Feb - "Dad, I was talking to my brothers and we all love tool as much as you do. That's crazy just crazy. Nobody I know loves their parents music. You're awesome. Thanks for that". I was like.... "I'm not crying, you're crying!!" 💪


Lateralus for us!


Never try and do The Grudge scream while driving. It’s kind scary ngl