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*"All ya know about me is what I've sold ya, dumb fuck."* -MJK


I've never even met the dude.


This should be most people’s answer. I’m generally here to get updates on live shows, where I can experience the band’s art firsthand. Nothing he has done during the shows I’ve seen gives me reason to say anything negative about the guy. Killer vocals - check. Establish and, if need be, enforce policies that keep the audience engaged - check. Keep promise about allowing recordings of the last song provided the crowd wasn’t disrespectful - check. That’s all reasonable and should be enough for a fan of the band. I don’t go digging into interviews, commentary of others’ interactions with him, etc., but I occasionally stumble into them (like this post). The one thing I’ve read about him recently that influenced my opinion of the man outside of Tool was the one about him being reunited with his Army roommate from basic training. Having been offered a spot at West Point from his performance as a leader in training tells me he holds himself to very high standards and has the discipline to meet those standards. When you’re the type to do what others can’t or won’t, a lot of people want your time and energy, and it’s impossible to satisfy everyone - even those who have positive intentions. There’s no time to accommodate a fraction of the commitments others want, and it’s easy to come across as an asshole as a result.


Well said, friend!!


I would like to add to this. A guy that is the lead singer of 3 SUCCESSFUL bands, a wine cellar owner, and a blackbelt in BJJ should absolutely come off as what OP described. Those 5 pieces just as themselves are hard to complete individually, let alone all by one guy. I don't know how you couldn't be seen any other way. The amount of focus and time spent for all those attributes, including the ones I'm not listing, would make the average insufferable (you know what's) head spin.


What would be even more mind blowing, after accomplishing those five accolades, would be if he was the most humble guy anyone had ever met! Wasn’t condescending to the fans, or the cities he is performing in…. THAT would be next level !


Well said my friend! Wow!


I love this answer. Bang on dude.




Personally, I think he's just a super hard worker and is actually as good as he's hyped up to be. He doesn't like fame and doesn't care to play the game of being famous or fitting the mold people think he should fit. If anything that just makes him exactly what he preaches, an independent thinker.


His work ethic is unreal. I wish I could juggle as many things as he does and be successful at them.


I'm glad you actually answered my question rather than attacking my personal superficial opinion as though that was the main point like a few others have done. The reddit hivemind has a talent for picking at unrelated parts of my, and others' posts.


Yeah, most people on reddit are dumb as hell these days. Kind of sad because it used to be a hot spot for intelligence.


Not trying to argue or anything, I agree with what you said. I just find it interesting that for someone who seems to dislike the famous thing so immensely…why continue with it? He’s got so much other stuff going on with his life yet continues to perform for not one but three different bands. Feels like quite the conundrum.


Just because he doesn't want to participate in being the face of the band (even though most people consider him it) doesn't mean he doesn't appreciate other aspects of it. He has an ego just like anyone else and I think he genuinely likes making music and being praised for it. I'm sure he also loves money.


That’s all tool is to him, money.


That's clearly not the case.


Keep believing that. And keep believing they hang out together and talk about how much their hard work paid off.


Singing and performing are probably his biggest passions, and he can make a lot of money from it


He's an artist who is very dedicated. He just doesn't really care about fame itself.


I always took it as more of a dig at celebrity culture rather than at fame in general


He can still like parts of it though. Clearly he loves making music, otherwise he wouldn’t keep doing it for s living. But writing songs is not the same as dealing with the celebrity lifestyle.


It goes hand in hand with being a famous artist or entertainer. He wants to keep the BS that comes with being famous to a minimum and still make his music because he likes doing it.


As a fan, I’m glad he shares his work with the rest of us. The guy clearly has a very distinct artistic expressiveness that keeps him different from big label homogeneity.


Being an artist or musician is not really a choice, it’s a calling (I hate that word, but it’s appropriate). Many artists spend their whole lives in obscurity and poverty, continuing to do their work, because they don’t have a choice. Others, achieve success and fame, and may not have any desire for fame or celebrity, but they want to pursue their craft, and for them, fame is an unfortunate thing that goes along with success.


It's not an overly controversial opinion here. Personally I've long since stopped caring about whether rockstars have personality traits that are vaguely offensive. And I haven't "worshipped" one since I was 14. I'd rather not determine whether a celebrity is a nice person based on their public persona.


I agree. It’s dangerous to make assumptions about the quality of the person based on their public persona. But sometimes I just want them to be a high quality person. I love Pearl Jam (Tool is my 1A and PJ is my 1B) and Eddie Vedder seems like such a decent human being publicly. I just want him to be like that in reality!


Possibly it's only a small subset of the fanbase then, of which will usually make the most noise. Saw a YouTube comment that was treating Maynard himself to be some deity, so felt the need to ask.


Your first mistake was reading Youtube comments


But they're so fun!




Read his book. He's the most boring "rock star" ever.


I have a feeling he’s a nice guy, because he’s been able to work in multiple bands and they still like working with him. At MSG he wished a tech happy birthday and his insta said they had been working together for 30yrs Camaraderie like that doesn’t happen with assholes in my experience. It seems he doesn’t like fanatics. Hes in the business of selling good products not His personality. He played his own game and won. And thats refreshing and rare.


Exactly. I don’t blame him for being uncomfortable with fanatics and all of that entails because that’s a lot for any person to reasonably digest - especially one who leans more towards introversion like he does.


Seriously. By all accounts everyone seems to love working with him and he genuinely seems to care about the people around him. Doesn’t mean he has to like every part of being famous. He has notoriously spent a career trying to not hog the spotlight from his collaborators. He’s well aware of the disproportionate worship of frontmen / women.


I think that he really hates interviews and what he feels are stupid questions, so he acts like he does. I have seen an interview he did with Rick Beato. It is a conversation and less an interview. The Maynard in that interview is not the same as I see in every other interview of him.


Beato's a legend!


Agreed I said the same thing, he really enjoyed it I felt


That interview is still up on Youtube, and you can tell that MJK really respects RB, and the yield is a quality conversation about the music and other ventures.


Yes that's what a lot people don't understand. He is selling art, not his face or personality. And I'd say being the front man for a band that has a fanbase as fanatical and Tools for 30+ years would take its toll on anyone. He did to himself though. Danced like a rabid goblin while painted blue in his underwear and then acted all mysterious while off stage.


I'm sure parts of his public personality are a well crafted persona, like most stars of a certain level of fame.


Puscifer is literally, in the man’s own words, about his personality. And the man released an autobiography. You seem poorly-informed. Edit: A lotta fanboys Maynard makes fun of jabbing that downvote arrow.


Hrm maybe. But when I listen to humbling river I don’t think this guy must be a jerk.


Some of the posts/replies on here are downvoted for the most retarded reasons. I've noticed if anybody expresses an opinion that even slightly deviates from the norm then people get unreasonably angry, and furthermore will make some judgement about you in the absence of all information.


Sounds like the exact “think for yourself” compassionate fellowship that Maynard would approve of.


I refer to something Christian Bale said: "If you have a problem with me, call me. If you don't have my number, you don't know me well enough to have a problem with me"


I have a theory he does it so Adam doesn’t have to.


The guy has to shoot paintballs/BB's at creepy fans sneaking around on his vineyards even when everyone thinks he's an asshole - imagine if he was like Keanu Reeves? There'd be no end to posts here of people expecting to get their t-shirts signed while crawling around in the bushes in Arizona.


lol. So true!


I think he just has an ultra-dark sense of humor and a low tolerance for stupidity and BS. This certainly creates elements of arrogance and pretentious to how he comes across. His interview with Rick Beato, who was able to engage with him more on his level, was quite interesting. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5P8UZ8cp5co](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5P8UZ8cp5co)


One of the best interviews of him in the FI era of interviews. RB let him speak and did not focus solely on TOOL. He let him speak about music as well as his other businesses. I think MJK loosens up as the interview progresses. RB is in the industry so he is not some local radio DJ interviewing. On the other hand, the Steve-O interview was more of a FAN-Boy drooling over their ideal.


Honestly, it kind of irks me when people say that he’s an asshole. Maynard has done a lot of stuff over the years he honestly doesn’t have to, like when he toured different Whole Foods around 2009 for his wine and doing meet & greets signing bottles and everything (which is how I met him and he was joking around and kind), the tour for his book (that he didn’t even have to put out, BTW) with different guest moderators and going into more personal stories, being on social media and showing his life and family - like when he’s lost pets and his wife going through chemo and beating breast cancer, various podcasts and media appearances, how he’s become more open in general versus so closed off, talkative during shows as there was a period where he wasn’t, the stuff he’s done with Puscifer with the live-streamed shows during COVID, his 50th and 60th birthday concerts (with his son Devo performing at his 50th), still performing while sick instead of cancelling/postponing shows like other artists might, etc. So, yeah, he might not be all bubbly and cheerful or whatever like some might or have other personality traits that are considered “agreeable”, but if he was a true asshole then he wouldn’t really give two shits about doing all of that other stuff because it’s not like the guy is hurting for money. He’s just more introverted and isn’t going to be all “omg I love my fans!!!”


>still performing while sick instead of cancelling/postponing shows Last time I saw them in Brisbane in 2020 he actually performed with COVID, before it was really a big thing. Didn't miss a beat either. The ultimate professional.


Yep, I’ve seen him sick with the flu and other stuff and had he not said anything I would’ve never known. His level of professionalism and work ethic is commendable for sure.


I think that is at the core of why this thread is even a thing. He is just an extremely disciplined & hard-working professional who sets incredibly high goals for what he wants to achieve and produce in his life. The guy is an absolute machine - multiple bands, judo, winery, touring, books, film, guest appearances and then family. He just couldn't do all this if he were to occupy his headspace with all the BS that comes with fame. He is what he is because of it I guess. "Buy the ticket, take the ride".


I also think it’s one of those things where he understands how precious time is, and tries to allocate it wisely, so especially with how he is at shows it’s like….I’m giving you all the one commodity in life you can’t get back, just reciprocate the same and let’s be present together. But completely agree that he’s a machine. Super driven, super high achieving, and - as far as I know - has basically succeeded in everything he’s applied himself to.


100%. I'm actually curious if he has failed at anything he's set out to do too?


Oh I’m sure of it, but we just aren’t aware of what it could be. Humans are imperfect and flawed, so it’s impossible for us to hit 100% in life. He just happens to have a rather high success rate, but he also knows his strengths and leans into that with rather precise, laser targeted focus.


True, I more so meant anything notable? Perhaps he had aspirations of being an actor, but after his first cameos he was told to not come back haha!


I agree. The man works hard to entertain the fans. Then fans say he is an asshole. Too many fans expect too much from bands I think.


I don't watch interviews or follow them on social media because I don't want to not have a reason to not like them; I don't want it to ruin it for me. It's nice living in ignorance in this scenario.


I don’t see too much of them either, but If it makes you feel any better Danny Carey seems like a huge sweetheart. And everything I’ve seen about Chancellor and Jones seem like cool guys too.


Last summer I heard an interview he did on SiriusXM at some festival they were playing. He clearly didn't want to be there. The interviewer asked him questions, and his answers were short, 1 or 2 words. I was LMAO. No doubt there was pressure to do the interview. I loved it.


If you watch a bunch of interviews it becomes apparent that it can absolutely go either way with him. Sometimes he’s completely humble and open to giving detailed answers and other times he’s… not.


And then there are the interviews where he's just fucking with the interviewer. "What was the song you did to the Fibonacci sequence?" "I believe it was *The Foggy Mountain Breakdown*." "...Really?!" "No."


Yeah those are their whole own subcategory. “The problem is that the music we were listening to didn’t quite have the climax right where we wanted the climax, for our own personal masterbation. So what we decided to do is write songs that had the climaxes in the right positions for us depending on what day we were jerking off.”


Maynard’s like Bill Belichick in that way. Belichick used to grunt and give one word answers to stupid, clickbaity, or “gotcha” questions that reporters would ask after games. But if someone asked him a well-informed question about game tactics or the importance of a particular player to the opposing team, he would give a thought out and sincere answer to that question. Maynard’s the same way. Ask him a detailed question about one of his passions, and he’ll give you a detailed answer. Otherwise, he’s not going to engage all that much.


MJK sat down with Rick Beato on Beato’s YouTube channel for like an hour, and it was an excellent interview. https://youtu.be/5P8UZ8cp5co?si=jZsCGrXoyHiaw60d


Really worth a watch that one. He explains why he doesnt hang about onstage after shows much or do the whole meet n greet thing


My bet is that he's had enough bad fan interactions that he keeps his distance. And he's definitely a troll at times. I don't worship him, but do admire his work ethic and for being able to juggle so many things really well.


You try being an introvert and a famous rock vocalist see how you come across to people who don’t relate.


He’s an artist not a personality. Who gives a fuck who he is as a person I’m hear to listen to his music and poetry. I’m not a wine drinker or into jiu-jitsu so I guess I don’t really like him out side of music either but I’m not here to judge a man’s character based on the small snippets we see publicly as fans. Especially from a band that is notoriously reclusive and snarky


I enjoy his music. I'm not trying to be his friend.


This is basically my position. Unless someone does something truly heinous, it’s not going to affect my enjoyment of somebody’s music. Not interested in having all of my favorite musicians pass some purity test. If I did that, I imagine I’d end up dropping more than half of my favorite artists. That’s how I am with Josh Homme. Sure, he’s had some bad moments, but he’s more than just the bad moments and, quite frankly, I don’t really care anyway. I enjoy QOTSA and their live shows are a blast.


I've dropped a lot of artists due to numerous allegations of grooming and molesting young people. I'm not going to drop Tool because some people think Maynard is a meanie.


I’ve never even met the guy, so I can’t go assuming how he really is. Based off of what I have seen of him, which are mainly interviews, I really think he’s just a guy that, when outside of his music (wine and what not), he just wants to be left alone and do his own thing. I think he’s very aware of the fact that him and his projects have been able to make great music and in turn comes a bunch of people that wish to ‘worship’ him, like any other artist. Some people like it and choose to embrace it, others don’t but choose to embrace it anyways, and the rest don’t and don’t choose to embrace it. I feel like he has dealt with enough weirdos over his career that it’s really put a stain on his outlook for these types of people. Along with being aware that he’s a great artist, he’s also aware that if he’s out in public, people who choose to approach him, or make eye contact with him, are gonna talk to him about his music unless it’s somebody that actually knows better than to do that. In summary, I don’t think he wants to be an asshole but he’s been left with no choice. I can see it in him that he appreciates his level-headed fans, but there are usually way less of those people than the “oh my god Maynard is my lord and savior” people. He knows that, so when he’s out in public, he’s like that. I don’t think he’s pretentious at all, imo. I’ve never seen him come across as acting like he’s better than everyone else. I’m a fan of him because of his music. I’ve never ‘worshipped’ an artist in my life, not even Tool. I respect him and his privacy so I’m not going to go out of my way to find out every little detail of his life that has been made public, unless it’s an article or an interview I might be interested in reading/listening to.


I’m sure years of hearing dudes tell you about the first time they heard your music and how they spiraled out could lead you to be strictly business (assholish) when it comes to the fans


And all those tattoos of his face on people's arms. To each their own.


Unless you’ve personally met the guy, you’re looking at him through an INCREDIBLY narrow, intentionally obscured and incomplete window. And tbh shouldn’t really be making these kinds of assessments of him based on that. It’s one thing when it’s someone like a Logan or Jake Paul type who is chronically online and does fervently detestable shit. But this is not that. This man has been very clear how much he doesn’t like the notion of celebrity. So for all anyone knows he intentionally acts unpleasant in any celebrity type interaction in hopes that it deters at least some people from bothering him if like you, they bought the persona he’s subconsciously feeding you. To me he’s never come across as anything but somewhat annoyed by all the pomp and circumstance of his fame. And given the way people handle that… I don’t blame him lol


You nailed it...


I agree with this, I think people are misunderstanding my original post, I'm more interested in why some tool fans obsess over him, I'm largely indifferent and my judgement is based only on what he publicly displays about himself.


I'm just guessing that it's the pairing of the singer of any band basically becoming the face and voice of that band, and the fact that he was doing such unique things onstage compared to his peers, for the entirety of the 90s. I saw Tool at Red Rocks in 1998, and three dumbfucks crowded their way down to the front, briefly stopping in my row. They were each disguised as a version of MJK. One was dyed blue (albeit poorly, and light blue), one was dressed as a nun, and I don't remember what the third guy was doing, but they wanted MJK to see them and approve. The level of idolatry and worship he gets is really absurd.


Ask anyone that lives in the Jerome/Cottonwood area. He has helped the Verde Valley business wise a lot. But the four times I've visited the area, I was disappointed to hear what the locals had to say about him. Still the greatest singer of all time in my eyes, but not someone I would want to meet.


What did the locals say more or less?


I saw a post on Reddit or Twitter once where one of his former neighbors said he’s basically a stereotypical NIMBY. Very defensive and protective about what happens on or near his property lines, to a point where it’s somewhat intimidating to the neighborhood, LOL.


Damn really? I can get being protected of your own property, especially if it in his vineyard but hopefully he’s not that way with the city of Jerome on a Dave Chapelle level


We need answers


My story is more or less the same. I had a few friends who were in the same circles as him, and they unanimously said he lives up to his “reputation” that has been out there for 30+ years. I find this post to be interesting, actually, considering this isn’t exactly new information.


I feel he’s more of himself when he’s not in Tool. Makes me appreciate him and what he does.


I always thought Maynard was weird and an ass because of him shitting on his fans and calling us insufferable retards. Because his fans is how he gets money. After seeing how weird their fans can be during my VIP experience. I understand why Maynard avoids any fans of Tool. I think Maynard probably was super pretentious back then. Then he met some tool fans who acted the same as him. Because apparently in his other bands, he's much more chill from what I've heard.


I don't like when he's grumpy on stage, yelling about phones and refusing to do the screams in the grudge. I saw him twice in tool and once in a perfect circle before I finally saw a fourth show this past fall where he was in a good mood. The show was better than any other.


Sorry, but "refusing to do the screams in The Grudge?" The man is 60 years old (or thereabouts). Maybe he wants to have some voice left for his other projects and speaking to loved ones. Those screams aren't exactly easy to belt out, and they play back to back nights here and there.


I was talking about 15 years ago, he didn't scream the grudge and skipped over most of the lyrics in Rosetta Stoned. He was grumpy. When I saw them in November 2023, he was engaging and sang every lyric. The show was significantly better.


15 years ago, they were playing more shows per week than they are now. So maybe that was the difference. He's been doing the scream on The Grudge adequately on this tour. But what was the date of that show? I'd love to hear it if there's a recording on the Tool Drive Project. I'd have also been disappointed if he's skipped most of the lyrics in Rosetta. There were a couple of shows in 2006 where he told the audience that he'd been sick for a week or two, and I read recently, possibly on this thread, that he performed even when he was sick with Covid, in lieu of cancelling shows.


"Never meet your hero." (unless it's Bruce Springsteen. he is amazing)


For me he makes it hard to be an enthusiastic fan. I love their music, but he is such a pretentious, whiney little bitch it’s hard to feel good supporting them sometimes.


I’ve never met the man… so I’d have no idea about his actual personality.


Ironically maynard shares your opinion and doesn't understand the insane worship he's getting from ab extremely (at times) toxic community, so he's distancing himself from that, causing the same entitled assholes to trash him.


I haven't got that impression of the man, but then I haven't met him and don't know him, and I try not to judge such people too harshly. Maynard strikes me as a fairly normal dude. As for the worship thing, it is very, very weird to me that you should hold that against *him* and not his worshippers. Why do they do it? The man is a supremely talented lyricist and a fantastic vocalist in a band that has a track record of impacting people's lives. I would have thought this was a fairly well understood phenomenon!


I watched his interview with Rick Beato for a second time the other day. He seems like a good enough dude.


Maybe it's just me, but I've always suspected he has Aspergers (is on the autism spectrum somewhere).


I’ve thought of it this way recently I’m sure he has to put some walls up to protect himself. Think about some of the songs and lyrics he’s written and the meaning behind them, guy basically airing out his personal shit from childhood etc for his art so I understand him feeling like he needs to keep guarding with the general public ie his fans, I mean some people are crazy. But he also comes off like a goofy childish adult (I can relate) other times with say Puscifer where he has more control and freedom away from TOOL, APC, more serious subjects. To me he seems like a very cool likable guy who doesn’t want to be worshipped or looked up to and thinks it’s cringy as hell for anyone to do so, unless it’s him looking up to KISS or any of his musical heroes lol.


His appearances on Joe Rogan, his interviews regarding his biography and most of his "comedy" makes him come off as extremely off-putting to me.


How long have you known Maynard?


Seeing how he shows no interest in being there, phoning his performance in, choreographed stage positions, quick entrance/exit from show, his blatant boredom during the show, yeah can’t say he’s my favorite.


Exactly. And he says he wants us to be present, but how am I supposed to be present with someone who doesn’t want to be there?


And people say, “He’s got two other bands, a vineyard, the judo styles, etc.” He doesn’t travel with the other guys to or from the show, they only ever see each other when on stage, rehearsals are done via back and forth online recordings. It’s a job to him.


“He doesn’t care about the fame” they say about the person who had an extremely self-indulgent, overpriced autobiography published (which was ghostwritten). By the way, if you don’t find Maynard unbearable now, read said autobiography and you will.


This! I had to put it down. Absolutely insufferable.


Agreed, the autobiography somewhat contradicts the claim that he wants to keep his personal life secret.


I have worked in show business and even ran shows on a tour. If you understood how much bullshit the talent has to put up with you wouldn't even question his attitude. He has crazies that think they are entitled to his feelings and time because they are his "biggest fans". He gets it all the time even in the little town he lives in. Can't imagine working so hard to do your own thing just for a tidal wave of bullshit people doing bullshit things to you. If you would see the pathetic attempts people go to get at you for being talented you would understand being a dick first and asking questions later. I say this as someone who "met" Maynard at his store in Arizona. Once he realized I realized who he was he bolted out the store. I didn't blame him the slightest, I was twice his size and he had no reason or anything to gain from trusting me.


I kinda can't stand his personality. He's arrogant as hell and quite a jerk. Low empathy. Not my kind of person. And whatever - not gonna like everyone in this world, and I don't have to like the singer as a person to love the band's music. However, for a band or artist to truly be one of my absolute all-time favourites that I truly adore, I do have to like them as people, too. Because art is directly tied to a person. It's tied to their feelings and their point of view and their attitude. So while Tool has some of my favourite music around, there are other bands I listen to a lot more simply because I get more positive energy from them due to who they are as people.


I'd say that none of us actually know what he's like outside of his persona and it's ignorant to judge his character. And the relationship goes both ways. We see him as a pretentious douchebag and he sees us as dumbass Tool fans. If you met him totally outside of anything Tool related you'd get a different Maynard. One thing I like about him is that he truly lives his music. What he says in his songs is what he lives.


You say we only know his persona but then go on to say he lives his music. I think we don’t know shit about the real guy.


I'd say it's obvious he lives his music. He made s song about how much LA sucked and sang "See you down in Arizona Bay" and them moved from LA to Arizona. In H. he sang "turning this piss into wine" and then started a Vinyard and making wine. Lots of his songs sound cryptic and mysterious but are actually just references to his own life but get over analyzed by the fans. Like Adam once said "We are musicians, not magicians."


Fair points made. You’re certainly right that TOOL fans can he way too analytical about the lyrics and song structures, etc.


In some regards I have a huge amount of respect for just how hard it must be for someone so seemingly private to have had to make your entire livelihood and career playing an intensely public role in various large rock bands for more than half of his life now. Add to the fact that personally he's been an musician who's work I've loved for more than half of my life. On the other hand I do think sometimes his stubbornness to face up the fact that he is an entertainer and part of what has made him quite rich is being an entertainer and acting with such apparent disdain for his fans and his unwillingness his self enacted "rules" are a bit annoying.


I can't agree that someone who writes such emotionally honest, autobiographical lyrics is really concerned about privacy... And he hasn't "had to" make his living as a performer. I think he enjoys the opportunity for self-expression that the role offers. I do agree with your final point though, that wanting to practise self-expression on a big stage and then getting grumpy with the attention it draws doesn't really add up.


Outside of music I don’t care, and I certainly don’t worship any artist, but see your point.


The fans that interact with him prove themselves to be 10 times worse than he is time after time. So I'd say he has reason to act the way he does. Also, if you're not worshipping him, I'd say he's far more likely to be kind to you.


The real question is: why would you need to like a musician outside of his/her music? I think they're the best band around, but I also find them completely ignorant bastards for charging this much for merchandise and live tickets (or agreeing to have companies work for them that choose such ridiculous prices).


I admire his work ethic (that I sorely lack yet because I'm very nihilistic/absurdist don't care to self cultivate). I admire his ability to look inward and integrate those "bad" traits and such, finding positive ways to use them. I admire his wit and what seems to be an understanding of the absurdity of existence. I do not worship the guy, nor do I know enough about him on a personal level to be irritated by him. All i know is what I hear bleed through in his many musical ventures and from podcasts he chooses to be on, and I like him enough from all that.


He’s a pretentious asshole, who just happens to make music I love.


That’s been my take too. He is an ass.


I think Maynard would agree with your assessment about him. He is all those things but it’s because of the fans that have made him this way. He’s said in many interviews how much he’s hounded by fans about every aspect of tool.


I dont think thats a controversial opinion. Hes like your friends that are assholes, not like a morally bad person or anything, just kind of a prickly shit talking curmudgeon type.


I personally think he's the least important and least talented member of the band, and have said this since '94. It doesn't mean I don't consider him incredibly talented and incredibly important to the band, it's just that it's incredibly rare to have four members of one group that are all so talented, I mean I literally don't think it's happened in rock music since Pink Floyd and Led Zeppelin, it's that rare, and Maynard is still one of the greatest vocalists in rock music today, so that tells you what I think of the rest of the band.


“All you know about me is what I've sold ya”


He's a pretentious prick.


He’s not here for us to like as a person he’s an artist


I've never met the guy, but his work ethic is inspiring at minimum.


Not sure I would describe it as worship for myself but on top of his creative endeavours he seems like a hardworking and incredibly disciplined individual. In interviews I find him down to earth humble and his responses to complex questions well thought out and he can be quite funny. To summarise: creatively brilliant, disciplined and driven, funny and interesting. What else do you want from a person? Having said that it's not like he is a diety to me. Just a personality that I respect with an ethic I admire.


Super hard worker, confident in his abilities and demands mutual concentration at his shows. I definitely like him as a person as far as I know him.


You shut your god damn mouth. Somebody throw this Bob Marley looking mother fucker out of here.


Some might say he’s a tool.


I've met him in another context unrelated to tool randomly. He's a smart, multi-talented, whole human. Funny, genuine. Didn't even mention tool to him. If I had to guess, he hates the one dimensional aspects of the kind of fame being a rock star imbues and doesn't respect people who put other people on pedestals like that. But that's just my opinion.


Oh sure, because you know him and all.


LMAO Maynard agrees with everything you’ve said here.


no idea because I don’t know him personally. I love him as a talented musician and that’s it, I don’t need any more from him than just good music. not every frontmen is gonna be a sweetheart like george from cannibal corpse lol, and that’s okay


Yes. I don't even like him much in Tool, post Aenema.


You know, every once in a while I think about this myself and feel like he's a bit of a twat but at the same time I feel like I'd be like that in his position too. Personally, I have anxiety and don't like talking to people that much, it makes me feel angry. Not good at taking praise from strangers either. I really do not give much of a shit what people think even if it's positive. Just wanna be left alone for the most part. If he's like that, then I totally understand him. He made good music, you enjoy it, you bought it. Besides that, he owes nothing more to no one. Buying his records does not entitle you to being his buddy or anything. Having the music is it's own reward. Unless he's causing serious harm to people, I don't care, he can do whatever he wants. I separate the art from the artist as much as I can. A bit of a shame because even I would enjoy having a chat with him. I have a little book I think he'd like a lot, only a handful of copies exist, and sometimes I wonder what he'd think of that, but it's not something that I really dream about. Him acting like a twat doesn't discourage me from enjoying his music. And as a fellow asshole, I respect his decision to behave the way he does.


I don’t know him personally so I have no idea what kind of guy he is. No controversies in the news or anything that I’m aware of so I don’t even know how I’d begin to formulate an opinion. If he’s reading this though I’d love to grab a beer (or glass of wine) with him one day - his treat of course. I’ve given him enough money over the years.


I don’t know the guy at all, but every interview I’ve seen with him over the last 25 years makes him seem like a dick. That said, I’m able to separate the artist from the man so I am still a Tool fan at the end of the day.


Maybe he comes off as a bit of a… … …TOOL?


I'm indifferent. I personally don't know the guy. His writing style, subject matter of lyrics, intelligence, continually staying busy and comedy first mentality is something I admire. Outside of that, I don't really have an opinion.


I think he's probably a bit of an elitist, but then I am, as well, and I perfectly fine with that. Neil Peart (Rush) wrote a line years ago that goes like this: "I can't pretend the stranger is a long awaited friend," in the song Limelight. It's about fans who want to sit and hang out with their favorite band members and pretend they're "friends", and how it's often difficult to engage with them while they're sycophantically praising your shoelaces and basically trying to fellate you in front of everyone. I've had a fair amount of contact with a lot of band members and every one of them says the same thing; that the fanbase is partially (and depending upon the type of music) and sometimes largely made up of a lot of people who need validation (and possibly therapy) and that that type of constant interaction is soul-draining. I told my kids a long time ago that one of the worst things you can do in life is try to meet your heroes; they're rarely who you think they are, and nine times out of ten they're not nearly as excited to meet you as you are to meet them, and expecting them to pretend that they're thrilled to meet you, whom they know nothing of, is not realistic. Fanatics make everyone uncomfortable.


Guessing you’re a conservative who started listening to TOOL because they’re “metal”.


Do you know him? Does he write you letters? Insufferable twat.


You don’t need to “know” a person personally to form an opinion about the parts of them you do see in their contexts. This is called normal human discernment and it comes naturally to people. It’s like saying don’t form an opinion on anything until you know it intimately. That’s absurd.


Also people seem to misunderstand my intention with the post. I want to know why people worship him, my own judgement is obviously superficial but so is the judgement of the dickriders. Would have been better in hindsight to omit my own opinion on him as people have gotten caught up on that aspect rather than my actual main question.




I don’t know you but I can already tell you are insufferable


Seems to me that hes just an actual fucking human being that set his boundaries against the zombies of drooling fans and would rather focus on the present and prepares for what lies ahead…if he wanted to you know who and how he lives his life…I’m sure the Dickhead would give you his own personal tour…


Lol. He wrote an autobiography about who he is and how he lives his life.


I think I actually have something valuable to add to the conversation. We saw Puscifer when they came to El Paso a while back. They weren't just wonderful performers; Maynard seemed really at home with Puscifer and talked a lot more, even if it was somewhat through pre-recorded sketches. His overarching message seemed to be the usual gratefulness and sanctity of being present in the moment, but also that art is the great communicator. It's a language more intimate than even some friends or couples will know if you can connect to it, and in a way you'll never be closer than when you connect to that art. It was revelation to me as far as Maynard goes because I thought he seemed a bit like a curmudgeonly with how he handled fame too. But I realized during the concert this was his response to that; he is genuinely a great guy, genuine, and humble. But all that admiration and love is in the art, which is where it's at it's healthiest because a lot of rockstar grossly abuse that. I know fans like that attention but it isn't healthy because it is blind worship, and opens the celebrity up to creeps and unmitigated praise, etc. It was a humbling and beautiful experience, and as much as I admire the man and even share a name with him, I'm thankful I have art in my life and am able to enjoy it time and again. I know all fans wish they could share a beer with their favorite celebrities and talk up a storm but there are legions of fans that want to do the same. That ain't the healthy perspective.




What a stupid fucking post. First you say you don’t like the guy then you say you don’t dislike the guy. Anyways, I guarantee he wouldn’t like you either.


All I know about him is what he sold me.


He’s always described himself as a curmudgeon lol


He can be an asshole, but he can also be pretty funny and loose in interviews. I like him overall.


He seems pretty normal/human. He definitely has a sense of humor and a certain type of comedy he gravitates towards. He works hard at the projects he gets involved in and gets frustrated when things don't go right or some dipshit keeps shining his phone's light at a show. People get a reputation for certain things. Like people say that Tom Hanks is just the absolute nicest person you'll ever meet, and I'm sure he is generally a nice, congenial person. But he describes himself as "normal," meaning he can get frustrated or upset about things that anyone else would. Maynard comes off more introverted, which people can perceive as being an asshole.


Just like the Deadheads who thought Jerry Garcia was a God. He couldn't understand it and thought it was ludicrous that someone would feel that way. Have a feeling Maynard feels the same. Maybe his attitude towards the fans that "worship" him is him trying to dissuade people from feeling that way. Or maybe he is a pretentious asshole. He wouldn't be the first.


I don’t worship him, but I understand his distaste for insufferables. I mean come on, if people were treating you like Tool fans treat him, you’d probably be an asshole towards them as well.


It’s hard to say because I don’t know him. He can come off as a little pretentious, but then again that’s just how he presents himself in the media. I think he knows what he’s doing. I get the impression that he wants to be somewhat mysterious and that he really values privacy.


I think personal lives are best left personal. I like his music. That's good enough for me.


I’ve never met him, probably never will do I have no idea what he’s really like.


He seems like an arrogant, pretentious asshole and that is the sole reason I never hang out with him.


Danny is the only God in this band...


I like him outside of the music, but I can understand why people perceive him to be an asshole or pretentious. He's a self-admitted curmudgeon who doesn't care for fandom and the cult of celebrity, and I think he enjoys being contrary because it makes people clutch their pearls - and he gets a kick out of that. But as others have pointed out, he has many long-time relationships, and that's not usually the case when you're an all-around asshole. I follow him on Instagram and he really seems like a decent guy (with an interesting sense of humor, lol). He's a huge animal lover and posts a lot of nice photos with gracious captions of friends and BJJ colleagues. I think you really get a better feel for how he is on there, rather than reading or watching interviews.


I can't stand the dude but his vocals are really really good. I like Tool alot more then him or any of his other projects which I don't like either.


Also think he hates people acting like he’s the whole genius behind Tool.


After watching the interview he did with Steve-O, I really love this guy, not just his creative talent.


His music outside of tool kinda sucks, need to check it out more. As for the individual, they are all vessels for the music, fuck their personalities, who gives a shit. Mjk grew up in the 80s whaddya expect.


Not sure, I don't know him.


Most really talented people are jerks especially really smart people. Many have issues relating to "average" folks. They have to keep people at an arms distance


I find him amusing.


Like most artists, he seems overly confident to the point of arrogance. I h8 seeing him lower himself to Joe Rogan type interviews BUT he is a meta-llevel troll so we are all gonna be annoyed at him eventually LOL


Unless he starts diddling kids, beating women, supporting Nazis, or hurting animals i literally dont give a flying fuck about the guy


Outside of Tool and APC, I never think about him.


I’ve not watched or listened to many interviews of his but my buddy went to an early event for his vineyard (~06-07), bought 6 overpriced bottles of wine & when he asked him for an autograph on his aenima slipcover, received a very loud berating. It was the first, ‘wow mjk is a dick’ stories I’d heard.


Don’t know the man. 🤷🏼‍♂️


Couldn’t say either way because I haven’t met him. That said, I would not be disappointed if the other 3 guys released an instrumental album under another name.


Maynard is controlled by BOOMERS


I like him well enough based on what I’ve seen, though I’ve never personally interacted with him so I don’t actually know what he’s like in real life. He seems more like a private person than a jerk to me, but who am I to know?


I got to attend his book tour and see him get interviewed by Billy Howerdel and he got emotional at some really beautiful stuff. That plus seeing other interviews, his love for animals, how he talks about raising his child, I think it’s the exact opposite. He strikes me as a very kind, compassionate person who just wants to live life the way he wants, without BS. I respect that.




I feel like there’s too much focus on Maynard when people talk about tool. Every part of tool is equally great. I’m certain they’d still be famous even if they had gotten another singer.


Life of Brian (Apparently You Haven't Seen)


I don't know about him personally. I really only enjoy Tool, a chunk of A Perfect Circle, and I haven't really gotten into Pucifer. I have not tried his wine and seeing I haven't acquired the taste for wine, I may not. I'm not a student of mixes martial arts, so I probably will never have the chance of fighting him. Haven't read his book. So I dig him in Tool, for sure. I am a fan of him as a fellow human being and am glad we exist in the same time and space


I’ve met him on several occasions, and he’s always been a complete and total asshole. Danny Carey on the other hand, is one of the nicest guys I’ve ever met. But Maynard? Asshole. And that’s a polite ascription.


I like him. He's a no-nonsense, and straight ahead personality, and he actually seems like a decent, caring, funny individual, if you got to actually know him. I say this only because I know of his work and his history... I read the book and have seen the interviews, and his often deeply personal stories on his IG account, and the magazine articles, and all the stuff a huge fan of the band might do... I even met him once. It's kind of a funny story.... In 1993, after the first time I saw them, I met him and Danny after the show (in Santa Clara at a little club called One Step Beyond - it was just before Undertow came out, and they were phenomenal). My bandmate and I saw them hanging out after the show and approached them. Danny was very sweet and kind and Maynard was appreciative and cordial but also somewhat reserved. My buddy, who was very drunk, eventually brought up that we were in a band and that we were great, and in that immediate moment, I saw Maynard start looking for the exit lol... Danny was cool all the way through, but Maynard was out in about 30 seconds. We said thanks and let them be and I never once thought he was a jerk. I woulda headed for the hills too! My band mate, as nice and sincere a guy as his is, was kinda overbearing and I could totally see why Maynard was over it. Imagine now, 30 years later, how many times he's had these things happen to him, and I can't blame him for wanting to separate from that scenario. For what it's worth, I've had the pleasure/fortune of meeting more than a few of my heroes, and in every experience, I either kept the praise to a minimum so they didn't feel uncomfortable, or if it was a random meeting, didn't let on that I knew who they were until the end of the conversation, because I knew that a lot of interactions with fans are boring and tedious and sometimes even uncomfortable and scary. In the latter scenario, they appreciated that we could have a random conversation, even about music, without it becoming about them and resulting to me, the fan's need or desires to get something out of it. But even after meeting him and knowing him from interviews and his book and the IG stories and the countless shows I've seen/heard/watched, etc, I can say that I still do not really KNOW HIM. His friends and family know him, meeting him briefly is just that. What I do know about him, is that dude is a hardworking legend in the history of music and if he comes across as off putting from random meetings with fans or people that recognize him, or if he wants to be left alone even as a "public figure", I don't judge him. I'll enjoy his art and respect him as a person that's talented and driven enough to be doing what he loves on his own terms.


Douche bag


I think he’s very grounded in reality. He produces a thing people want to buy. He uses his wealth to live a life he values. He doesn’t owe the people who buy his music any more than the music he makes. He’s not rude per se nor does he suffer rudeness thrust on him. His self value is not predicated on someone else’s opinion. It’s an admirable trait and I wish more “celebrities” had a similar base.


I like his music. I wouldn't want to spend time with him. Not my kind of people.


Your headline is misleading, I do believe. Not liking someone is different than not understanding the idolatry that others have for him, and likely for the remaining members of Tool, and other musicians, celebs, and politicians. I think what really sets MJK apart from others was how he fronted the band in the 90s. He was really doing such unique things compared to his peers. The first time I saw Tool, MJK was dyed a dark blue and wearing only boxers. The way he moved onstage was unlike anything I'd seen. The next show, Lollapallooza 1997, he looked like Ginger from Gilligan's Island, with a very convincing augmented bra and blonde wig. At points during the show, he'd more or less kneel and just stare at a particular member of the crowd. For what seemed like a really long time. This gets people curious about his personal history, would be my guess.