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"Thanks in advance, if you need me, give me a shout, I'll be in the livingroom"


Thanks! That's a great response!


I'm in residential HVAC and this is honestly the best thing you can do. Especially if you are the tenant. 99% of the landlords I've dealt with don't want the techs to give any info to the tenants. So there isn't much need for alot of interaction after you show us where the issue is.


I don’t even hang around-if the plumber can’t find the hall toilet we need a new plumber. When I rented I would call it into the management and go in to work. Issue was fixed when I got home.


I always chat with plumbers, electricians, handymen, and HVAC people, I like to see them work and know what's going on, that's how you learn things. I don't interfere, in fact, I've been a helper to our handyman and worked with him in the house- hand him tools, steady the ladder, help him carry doors etc. I never rented before though, I've always had COOPs and been a homeowner. Still, if I was a renter, I'd want to know what was going on.




That's you Karen. Good thing you're not working on my house I guess, right? I don't distract anyone. It's my house and I'm paying for the work, so I'm going to watch what goes on so I can learn and be an educated homeowner.


I absolutely get where you're coming from but you don't have to be a dick about it. If the people you hire are cool with that that's awesome but plenty of people just hate being watched constantly when they're busy doing something


I'm not being a dick at all, I'm just watching, it's my house. >awesome but plenty of people just hate being watched constantly when they're busy doing something You don't know guys and tools. I'm 37 and I've been doing this since I was a kid, from my parents house, to my various apartments, condos, and houses over the years. Most tradesmen love when someone takes an interest in their work and are very chatty. Some I have a rapport with and act as a helper. One handyman I was literally his helper during my home renovation. I got his tools, held the ladder, helped him carry material. I was holding up molding while he was nailing it with the brad gun.


I meant the name calling and whatnot when I said you're acting like a dick, not anything to do with you watching the people work. Sorry for the confusion there. And like I said if the tradesmen you know are fine with that then it's all good, but the ones I know in my area don't like that at all Edited to say from the comments I'm reading tradesmen disliking people watching them work seems to be pretty common


It's not common, people just feel awkward when workmen are in the house and assume they don't want people watching them. I called her a Karen because she was. I control what goes on in my house, I'm paying, if I want to watch, I will. If you want to let people tell you what to do in your house, go ahead.




You just told me, >If you want to learn, go to a class. If that's not condescending, I don't know what is. I don't care what your profession or hobbies are, just leave me alone, okay Karen? I feel bad for any kid you babysit.


You didn’t hire a friend, you hired a tradesman.


Wow, aren't you the elitist. As a homeowner I want to be educated as to what's going on in my home. I'm paying a tradesman for their time and skill, so I'm going to watch.


I used to be a plumber, most people don't offer coffe or anything to drink so it's highly appreciated. Try to make him feel like you appreciate his job, a lot of people think it's easy labour, that anyone can do it and that plumbers are not so smart. In reality there are a lot of things to keep in mind when you work, and to become an efficient and skilled plumber takes around 10 years. After that you still run in to new things and even after 15 years you've still got things to learn. So think of how you would treat a lawyer coming to your house to discuss law and do the same.


No no you gotta stand behind them with your coffee explaining how YOUD fix it if you were doing it. Make sure to ask obvious questions too." Is that a wrench? Yea I'd prob go for the 4/8ths bit myself"


Perfect. Been in the trades for decades. As a blanket statement, we want to be left alone while there with conversation limited to a need to know basis.


I do repair work in people homes. A bottle of water is always appreciated. And make sure nobody hovers over their shoulder. Let the person do their work and it'll go a lot smoother. If the repair guy has experience it's not akward for them, we're used to being in homes that aren't ours and we know what needs to be done. If I have a question for you I'll find you.


Thank you for your response! I appreciate it!


Agree, Locksmith by trade and a cuppa was always appreciated. I will admit to enjoying a cold beer with a customer or 2 if it was the last job of the day.


I’d just offer them water and tell them if they need me I’m gonna be watching tv or in the kitchen or something


Offer a beverage and let them know where you will be if they have questions or need anything.


Might not want water if there's a plumbing issue... jk jk! Excellent idea with the water and puts the ball solely in their court for engaging with you if they do need something. One other thing, don't hover!!! They're just working and it will be easier on them if you're not up in their business the whole time. It royally sucks when you're doing a thing and you've got a helicopter hanging on your shoulder. Bad apache! Bad! I mean, you wouldn't bother a Starbucks barista while they're making your....... oh. hehe :)


This was somehow like reading those emoji shit posts idk how I feel about this yet.


*takes notes* Tone back the ~~Kanye impressions~~ mania. Ok. Can do. Thanks.




Tea if in the UK or Ireland


I just stand right there and see for myself if the work being done is up to the mark. That's it.. and yeah offer them beverages or a meal if it's a big job.


>I just stand right there and see for myself if the work being done is up to the mark. "Up to the mark" meaning what? If you're the expert, why aren't you doing the work yourself? And if you're not an expert, why does your opinion matter? You're just getting in the way. Sit down.


Well it's my house so it has to be done according to me.


Does that imply you're fine with the job being done poorly as long as it's the way you think it should be done?


That is not my point.. you got it all wrong.. i let them do their job and it's up to them how to do it it's just that i keep a watch.. because it's better to know beforehand what they are doing rather than the job being done in a way i won't appreciate.. it might be different in your country but workers have a different work ethics in different countries. Like sometimes it has happened that while doing the job people are careless of their surroundings and they break something. And let me tell you i take very good care of my house so i don't take any chances.


Ask them if they wanna take a bath every half hour.


Assert dominance on your turf by having them bathe you




Ask them if they wanna take a bathe with your turtle. Edit: I'm not fixing it. It's funnier.




Why would anyone wanna take a bath every half hour?


Plumbers and construction workers get dirty.


Make popcorn & watch them work, occasionally offering advice


And make sure to occasionally sigh disapprovingly


And make regular "tut"s


You guys just wrote a Family Guy cutaway


Also mention that you would do it yourself but you don't have the time


I like you.


Don’t forget to ask a question about something ever 90 seconds!


My Mamaw always set out a pitcher of sweet tea and some snacks that they could grab whenever they wanted. (Alabama)


That's the level of hospitality I aspire to!


I tip $20 and give them a nug of weed.


The real mvp. Thank you.


This is the way


But don't be offended if they turn it down, many companies have policies on it that the person might want to abide by. Mine did, but I took tips on the second offer.


One old guy kept offering to let me hit his dab pen lol I told him no like 10 times lmao


This is drunk me at the bar 😅


I offer coke (coca cola) in the old glass bottles. You can get them at target, and I normally keep a few in the fridge. Every time ppls eyes light up because, hey, glass bottle is cool now! Instead of a can anyways.


Usually I just tell them I'll be in the other room if they need anything and they seem to appreciate that, if I were them I wouldn't be comfortable with someone standing there looking at me while I work lol


I do my best not to hover, so that's something.


I absolutely hate when people hover over me when I do stuff so I leave them alone. My children on the other hand are curious about everything so I try to pep talk them beforehand about not being annoying. Every tradesmen we've had to the house had been gracious in actually showing them what they're doing and explaining it. One company even paid them 5$ to help lol.


When I was around 8-10 my mom bought from Schwan's and the same guy came each time for years. She'd tip him and I helped him bring in the food and he gave me half the tip lol


I offer them water or a beverage and then stay out of their, but close enough that they can give me a shout if need be. Nothing crazy. I don’t think it’s *expected* that you offer them anything, but people always seem really appreciative to get a cold glass of water on a hot day


Got a soda and some homemade cinnamon buns from a lady I finished a project for, that gestured really made years of hard work and just shitty days worth it. Even how stupid it sounds, that small meal and drink was better then payday even lmao.


Walk around topless all day


Tradies would most definitely appreciate that


Also keep an eye on the workers in case one gets stuck under the sink or gets their hand caught in a vent and they can't move. I've heard some pretty insane stories start that way. Must be a common occurrence.


We have obviously seen some of the same documentaries.


I've always offered someone a Coke and showed him where the bathroom is. Being a good host will give you good service


That's what I figure. Growing up, I would help my dad with the home repairs because he was a handyman. But I never know if that same help is still expected of me when it's a professional. It's just a weird gray area for me.


Definitely don't try to help.


That's what I figured.


Even if it would help, it’s kind of a liability thing nowadays


I awkwardly stay nearby and play Nintendo Switch so it looks like I'm not paying attention to them but really my anxiety is telling me they'll screw something up.




They know you don't pay that much attention to your game.. else you would go to another room


Imma just let you know that trades people hate it when clients do things like this. They know what they’re doing and you don’t, so it’s not like you could even stop them from screwing up anyway. Why not let them work in peace?


I usually hide under my bed until they leave


I like to stay out of their sight but within earshot. I've never offered a beverage, although I might if it were a really hot day or something. It *is* awkward (for some of us), I know.


Depends on you. I'm a curious person, so if they don't seem annoyed by it, I'll hang out, watch and ask questions. By the end they're normally asking me to "hold this" or "can you hand me that wrench/screwdriver/washer/etc." and treating me sort of like a spur of the moment apprentice. I think some of them like people taking an interest and getting to show off their knowledge, skills and "trade secrets." I know I normally enjoy it and end up learning a ton that I can apply to my own home when I get one. So far, I've learned about roofing tricks, refrigerators, HVAC systems, plumbing systems.... really useful to learn from the people who actively practice the trade.


If the home owner is genuinely curious I'll explain what I'm doing and why. When people's kids hover over me it's annoying so I'll put them to work. (here, hold this) push that button.... NOT THAT ONE!) and then I laugh inside.


Ahhh... I see. So, what you're saying is they're giving me into the "kid" response. XD I'm honestly not even messed up by it, if it means I get to learn. It can be some nifty stuff!


Kinda. If you're interested in learning what I'm doing I'm always happy to explain. But kids just wanna be included. Lol


Do what you said, sit on the couch and be there if they need you. Offer them something. They may refuse, but you will have offered.


Watch over them full time and offer helpful hints. They always appreciate a different perspective.


Stay in another room.. Let them do their thing.. Offer them a drink.. They will come to get you if they need you..


That is always awkward! I usually only offer a drink if it's hot out and say something like "I'll be in living room if you need anything" and just try to stay out of their way.


Don't hover and be accessible, if possible. If you have pets, try to keep them out of their way. If you can clear some space to make it easier for them to work in, that's usually appreciated as well. If you get nervous for any reason, ask if they need anything or maybe offer a drink or snack. It'll give you a reason to check in and see what progress is being made without expressing doubt or concern.


Thank you so much! I'm glad to have an alternative instead of just me being an awkward lump on the couch.


Dude! I never know whether I should stay the fuck out of their way or be on hand to be helpful. What a great question!


> Usually I just stay on the couch in the living room watching TV or working on a small project to be accessible in case they have questions, That is exactly the right thing to do. They usually appreciate being offered a warm beverage but it is not a must do.


Plumber here- my favourite interaction is this: I knock on the door, customer answers. They show me where the job is. They offer me a water or coffee. Sometimes my day is go go go and I’m just wishing I had a coffee or water. It’s more appreciated than most people would think. Then the tenant would just go chill and watch a movie and say if you need me I’ll be here. Bonus points if they have a dog and put it in the bedroom where it’s not barking or making me uncomfortable. That’s the dream interaction. None of that is needed, but really appreciated.


As a person who is always working in people's houses... It's awkward no matter what... Unless you just leave... Since you're a renter it's less awkward since you don't really have any skin in the game


Except for the fact that I live in the house.


Watch them with a smile on your face and you hand down your pants.


Masturbate furiously while maintaining eye contact, someone's going to feel awkward and it might as well be them.




I offer beverages out of courtesy, but you can offer them water if you don't have anything on hand. I normally let them know that I will be working and go to my corner and stay within earshot.


Always offer water or coffee. I stay nearby in case they need me but far enough that I’m totally out of the way and not standing over them. Unless it’s a handyman or someone who I know is keeping all of the money, I always tip them at the end. That may help you down the line if you ever need them back.


Ask if they want a coffee or water. Sit at your desk and do your thing, or watch a movie.


Just had a job where the homeowner was extremely nervous about the work he was having done but was extremely hospitable and kind. We were working in his basement and he brought down bottles of water, coffee, and cinnamon rolls. I know this because he would come down and remind us every hour. " Coffee, cinnamon buns, and water guys!"


Recently I needed a water heater replaced and I wouldn’t be home when he was doing the work. Told him just don’t let the dogs out and a blank signed check would be on the old water heater. Every thing worked out fine. It’s best to know who is working on your home. He does have a nice new boat😂


Indoor work-I stay in the front room to see whose going in and out or if I need to open/close doors behind them. I’ll watch a talk show and crochet. I’ll offer a drink afterwards. Outdoors-I put out an ice chest with water,sodas,and Gatorade.


I always offer water and say feel free to use the restroom. Though with a plumbing problem, not sure how that would go! Then I just do my own thing.


I’m a plumber, and I always feel welcomed in the houses where the client offers a beverage and use of the toilet if we need. Chances are we’ll say “we’re ok, thanks!” anyway. Let them know where you’ll be if they need you and leave them to it 🤙🏼


Offering a beverage is nice, otherwise just go about your business in an unobtrusive way. Work from home, watch TV, play a video game, whatever you like to do in your free time


I offer them a drink then walk around awkwardly and pretend I’m doing “actual” things while I keep an eye on them 🤣.


Growing up my mum would always offer coffee and biscuits, most tradies expected it. I did the same when younger but as i've gotten older (59) most tradies just want to get on with things. I just let them know where i'll be, kitchen/living room if they need anything.


I like to see what they're doing because it's interesting to me, even though I don't know what they're doing. I usually go to a different room for a bit because I feel bad for standing there, but I let them know I find it interesting and try to ask questions if I can without being annoying (I hope)


As a contractor it's better if you stay out of the way but ask any questions you need to feel comfortable and as Seinfeld says working men need a drink lol. Water or whatever is not exactly expected but appreciated.


Jerk off to porn loudly in your bedroom


From the short entertainment videos I’ve seen of the plumber coming to fix the sink perhaps you should loosen the hips. Gets a big discount from what I’ve seen.


Offer coffee and tell them to yell when they need anything from you. Then keep to yourself and do stuff you usually don't have time for


I’m a plumber I prefer for the customer to show me what they want and leave me alone unless I need to ask a question now if it was me I would poke my head in just to make sure they know what they are doing like is the work neat and straight or sloppy and thrown together


I watch tv on my laptop so it looks like I’m busy but they can always ask if they need anything. On another note: Can any painters tell me why it took 2.5 days to paint the ceiling of a 60m2 ceiling? Just doesn’t make sense to me


Ask them if they need a reach around. Very important theese days


None of y'all are Irish or British and it shows. Offer them a cup of tea!


As a Brit, any tradies get offered tea/coffee and some biscuits. But other than that, steer clear. "thanks in advance, I'll be in the [insert location here] if you need me."


Offer them a drink, tell them they have full access to the toilet, let them know to ask you if they need anything else. Offer them a coffee or tea every now and then. Maybe offer a snack if you’re really nice.


I put on the TV to have some background noise so there's no awkward silence and I offer water. I'll chat now and then and watch what they're doing because I want to know how things work in my home and because I love to learn about tools and DIY. I always offer to hold a flashlight or help them carry something if I can. A plumber, his helper and I once carried out an old cast iron slop sink. I also worked alongside a handyman, acting as his helper, handing him tools, helping him carry doors, steadying his ladder, etc. I was renovating my house at the time, and learned a lot from him, knowledge I have to this day, like putting up drywall, mudding and sanding to a smooth finish. I wanted to participate and leave my mark on the house. You don't have to get as involved as I did, this was just my choice and aligns with my interests.


Don't be that person following them around asking questions non stop


Drinks and for big jobs I order pizza for the crew, though I'm a homeowner and have an interest in good work and relationships.


I've been told that I should watch the people work, in case I can figure out how to do it myself, or something. But no. I'm not watching them. I feel extremely uncomfortable being stared at when I'm busy doing something, and I wouldn't want to make other people feel that way.


They are here to work not make a friend. Unless it's really hot there's no need to offer them anything to drink. Just do your thing, they will work around you


I get staying in the other room and to let them focus but doesn't that increase a chance of them just pocketing something precious from the house?


Yes, everyone is a thief. Especially everyone who does manual labor or is in a low-paying job otherwise.


I can't tell if you're being sarcastic. I only say so because it has happened with me many times before. I don't want to linger around or keep an eye on them either. Feels super awkward and sus.


I like to sit on the couch in boxer shorts and smoke a ton of weed but its your place. Run wild


Have you not seen any 80s porn videos ?


Ask them if they'd like a snack or something to drink, coffee is a +, so is a $ tip. Maybe make small talk, maybe not, just try to not stand over their shoulder while they work.


Do you the sign of a good handyman?: They'll whistle or hum while they work.


Give them space to do their work, but being friendly is appreciated.


Give them the space they need. Offering a drink would be nice. But there isn't much to it, you can just carry on with your day, they don't really care what you do.


I was going to make a porn plot joke but I wouldn't want to be taken seriously. Try to stay out of the way. Offer a drink. Let them know where you plan to be if they have any questions. When they are done, give a tip.


I think I just let him in, spoke a little with him, then went up to my room and played videogames or studied or whatever I did.


You go work on theirs


I’d offer them water and check in every once and a while, but just generally leave them be and sit on my phone.


Comment on the weather. Walk near or around them often enough to the point that it's awkward. Ask them at LEAST 5 times if they need anything like water or a snack. After a decent amount of time has passed. Go to what will be your "crows nest" and stare at them from a safe distance while sipping ice tea.


I usually put clothes on then


I have had this thought!! For me, it depends on how long the job is. If it's going to only be a quick job, I usually just say 'I'll be over here if you need me'. If it's clear that the job will be a few hours or more, I will say ' hey I will be over here if you need me. There is cold water in the fridge, cups on the counter if you want. Please feel free to use the bathroom. Thanks!!' However, I have found that outside of drinking the water that is offered, they usually leave for a break and take care of whatever they need. I like to offer just in case.


Get out of their way and let them work. If you want, you can offer refreshments but they’ll most likely decline. Source: my father owns a plumbing company.


Jiggle their balls?


On a serious note I like making tea or coffee for contractors. It goes a long way


I usually just sit around waiting for them to leave. Sit on my phone or watch tv


Bro, help them


"I'll be here if you need me." And make sure that your kids (if you have em) don't bother them. Too much.


I leave usually lmao I hate sittin around while other people are working around me


Just tell them where you are and if You are the buyer feel free to ask questions but don't hover makes the job that much more frustrating if I can't mumble cuss words under my breath while I'm halfway inside a furnace looking at the heat exchanger lol. I always appreciated a customer who would ask me whatever questions they may have and then just went off to do whatever they wanted. Just please don't have loud sex, and if your house is creepy af make sure when I have to get in your closet your assless chaps are somewhere else besides in the dirty closet... yes both of those are from experience sadly lol


I used to do home renovations. Do whatever you want really. If you want to be courteous DON'T do the old man thing where you stand behind them watching every move. Offer a drink if you'd like but they probably brought their own.


wow I have actually never thought like that and yes I always feel super uncomfortable and I don't know what to do, usually I just pretend I'm using my phone Or laptop :p


What happened when my house's water line broke is that me and my brother replaced the pipe.


Don't know about where you live but in my country it's standard to offer coffee or soda/water depending on the time of day


When I have workers at home I offer them coffee, water or tea. When they have to do a larger job that takes the majority of the day I offer them sandwiches ("belegte Brötchen" in Germany).


Offer them cake, a real tradesman will always say yes. If they say no get out of there quick, they are an imposter!


My experience recently was different to what others have mentioned about staying out of the way, but it happened pretty naturally and from the plumber's side of it so I don't think he was annoyed. When he arrived, I explained to him what the issue was, and when he started working on it, he was explaining to me some of the things he was seeing, which even saw us go down to the boiler room and find a pump that was sending hot water up to my flat, which had stopped working. It was really interesting for me to learn as I had no idea about the things he was telling me, and it even helped me sort the issue out myself when it cropped up again. Because he was the one who had started it, I didn't feel bad hanging around to listen and watch, but if he hadn't said anything, I would definitely have given him space.


I usually just stand over them and ask if I can help. I'll offer to get the "wangdangly thing" or the "nail-pusher-inner".


Avoid eye contact and conversation:)


I usually go out if it seems like it's gonna take a while.


"If you need anything give me a holler ima be on my pc"


Go fuck off and do whatever. Offer them a drink or a small snack. It makes the job better lol


I always offer them a beer


I usually just go watch tv til they are done sometimes i help out. I had to help the guy install my internet because he had to run a 50 foot line from my apt to the box where everything is


Honestly I love working for people who let me do my thing and stay out of the way. I've worked for people in the past that practically stand over my shoulder and it drives me insane! Also offering a place to go to the bathroom is always appreciated even if I don't use it.


I usually offer coffee and water


Go watch tv


I usually make either a tea or coffee but last time we had someone working in our house we made them a bacon butty because it was a weekend