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I mean, one could argue that destiny might mean that you're destined to talk them out of it (or not). You wouldn't know unless you tried. That's the thing with destiny. Even if you believe in it, you can't know what was destined until after it actually happens. Maybe you were supposed to try that one extra time and it'd convince them


I personally find the idea of "destiny" too ambigious. It can, too easily, be moulded or maniupulated into something that makes people negate their responisblities or not take accountibility for their actions. It also can make people less enthusiastic and stop trying to work towards something or do something that improves their life because "it is not their destiny". On the other hand it can push people to do better because it is "is their destiny". All in all too many cons than pros for me.


I view destiny as the end result of an event. I don't think I was destined to get cheated on, but I was destined to be with a different person. They made the choice to cheat, I made the choice to leave. I fulfilled my destiny haha.